How to sum sequence? - c++

How can I sum the following sequence:
⌊n/1⌋ + ⌊n/2⌋ + ⌊n/3⌋ + ... + ⌊n/n⌋
This is simply O(n) solution on C++:
#include <iostream>
int main()
int n;
unsigned long long res=0;
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
res+= n/i;
return 0;
Do you know any better solution than this? I mean O(1) or O(log(n)). Thank you for your time :) and solutions
Thank you for all your answers. If someone wants the solution O(sqrt(n)):
import math
def seq_sum(n):
sqrtn = int(math.sqrt(n))
return sum(n // k for k in range(1, sqrtn + 1)) * 2 - sqrtn ** 2
n = int(input())
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main()
int n;
int sqrtn = (int)(std::sqrt(n));
long long res2 = 0;
for (int i=1;i<=sqrtn;i++)
res2 +=2*(n/i);
res2 -= sqrtn*sqrtn;
return 0;

This is Dirichlet's divisor summatory function D(x). Using the following formula (source)
gives the following O(sqrt(n)) psuedo-code (that happens to be valid Python):
def seq_sum(n):
sqrtn = int(math.sqrt(n))
return sum(n // k for k in range(1, sqrtn + 1)) * 2 - sqrtn ** 2
The // operator in Python is integer, that is truncating, division.
math.sqrt() is used as an illustration. Strictly speaking, this should use an exact integer square root algorithm instead of floating-point maths.

Taken from the Wikipedia article on the Divisor summatory function,
where . That should provide an time solution.
EDIT: the integer square root problem can also be solved in square root or even logarithmic time too - just in case that isn't obvious.

The Polymath project sketches an algorithm for computing this function in time O(n^(1/3 + o(1))), see section 2.1 on pages 8-9 of:
The algorithm involves slicing the region into sufficiently thin intervals and estimating the value on each, where the intervals are chosen to be thin enough that the estimate will be exact when rounded to the nearest integer. So you compute up to some range directly (they suggest 100n^(1/3) but you could modify this with some care) and then do the rest in these thin slices.
See the OEIS entry for more information on this sequence.
Edit: I now see that Kerrek SB mentions this algorithm in the comments. In fairness, though, I added the comment to the OEIS 5 years ago so I don't feel bad for posting 'his' answer. :)
I should also mention that no O(1) algorithm is possible, since the answer is around n log n and hence even writing it out takes time > log n.

Let's divide all number {1, 2, 3, ..., n} into 2 groups: less than or equal to sqrt(n) and greater than sqrt(n). For the first group, we can compute the sum by simple iteration. For the second group, we can use the following observation: if a > sqrt(n), than n / a < sqrt(n). That's why we can iterate over the value of [n / i] = d (from 1 to sqrt(n)) and compute the number of such i that [n / i] = d. It can be found in O(1) for a fixed d using the fact that [n / i] = d means i * d <= n and i * (d + 1) > n, which gives [n / (d + 1)] < i <= [n / d].
The first and the second groups are processed in O(sqrt(n)), which gives O(sqrt(n)) time in total.

For large n, use the formula:
( is a transcendental number.)
See the Euler-Mascheroni constant article for more information.

You can notice that there is O(n^(1/2)) unique values in the set S = {⌊n/1⌋, ⌊n/2⌋, ..., ⌊n/(n-1)⌋, ⌊n/n⌋}. Therefore you can calculate the function in O(n^(1/2))
Also since this function is asymmetric, you can even calculate x2 faster by using this formula: D(n) = Σ(x=1->u)(⌊n/x⌋) - u^2 for u = ⌊n^(1/2)⌋
Even more complex but faster: using the method that Richard Sladkey described in this paper you can calculate the function in O(n^(1/3))


What's the time complexity of for (int i = 2; i < n; i = i*i)?

What would be the time complexity of the following loop?
for (int i = 2; i < n; i = i * i) {
While practicing runtime complexities, I came across this code and can't find the answer. I thought this would be sqrt(n), though it doesn't seem correct, since the loop has the sequence of 2, 4, 16, 256, ....
To understand the answer you must understand that: Inverse of Exponent is not SQRT, but log is.
This loop is multiplying i by itself(.i.e. exponential increment) and will stop only when i >= n, therefore the complexity would be O(log(n)) (log to the base 2 to be precise because i=2 at initialization)
To illustrate this:
In the above image, you can see that SQRT is giving correct number of steps only when i is a even power of 2. However log2 is giving accurate number of steps everytime.
Each time i is powered by 2. Hence, if A(n) shows the current value of i in the last step (which is n), it can be written in a recursive for like the following (suppose n is power of 2):
A(n) = A(n-1)^2
Now, you can expand it to find a pattern:
A(n) = A(n-2)^4 = A(n-3)^8 = ... = A(n-(n-1))^(2^(n-1)) = 2^(2^(n-1))
Hence, the loop iterates k step such that n = 2 ^ (2^ (k-1)). Therefore, this loop iterates Theta(log(log(n)).

Numbers of common distinct difference

Given two array A and B. Task to find the number of common distinct (difference of elements in two arrays).
Example :
so we get differenceSet for A
Number of common elements=Intersection :{differenceSetA,differenceSetB}={5}
Answer= 1
My approach O(N^2)
int commonDifference(vector<int> A,vector<int> B){
int n=A.size();
int m=B.size();
unordered_set<int> differenceSetA;
unordered_set<int> differenceSetB;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){
for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<m;j++){
int count=0;
for(auto &it:differenceSetA){
return count;
Please provide suggestions for optimizing the approach in O(N log N)
If n is the maximum range of a input array, then the set of all differences of a given array can be obtained in O(n logn), as explained in this SO post: find all differences in a array
Here is a brief recall of the method, with a few additional practical implementation details:
Create an array Posi of length 2*n = 2*range = 2*(Vmax - Vmin + 1), where elements whose index matches an element of the input are set to 1, other elements are set to 0. This can be created in O(m), where m is the size of the array.
For example, given in input array [1,4,5] of size m, we create an array [1,0,0,1,1].
Initialisation: Posi[i] = 0 for all i (i = 0 to 2*n)
Posi[A[i] - Vmin] = 1 (i = 0 to m)
Calculate the autocorrelation function of array Posi[]. This can be classically performed in three sub-steps
2.1 Calculate the FFT (size 2*n) of Posi[]array: Y[] = FFT(Posi)
2.2 Calculate the square amplitude of the result: Y2[k] = Y[k] * conj([Y[k])
2.3 Calculate the Inverse FFT of the result Diff[] = IFFT (Y2[])`
A few details are worth being mentioned here:
The reason why a size 2*n was selected, and not a size n, if that, is d is a valid difference, then -d is also a valid difference. The results corresponding to negative differences are available at positions i >= n
If you find more easy to perform FFT with a size a-power-of-two, than you can replace the size 2*n with a value n2k = 2^k, with n2k >= 2*n
The non-null differences correspond to non-null values in the array Diff[]:
`d` is a difference if `Diff[d] > 0`
Another important details is that a classical FFT is used (float calculations), then you encounter little errors. To take it into account, it is important to replace the IFFT output Diff[] with integer rounded values of the real part.
All that concerns one array only. As you want to calculate the number of common differences, then you have to:
calculate the arrays Diff_A[] and Diff_B[] for both sets A and B and then:
count = 0;
if (Diff_A[d] != 0) and (Diff_B[d] != 0) then count++;
A little Bonus
In order to avoid a plagiarism of the mentioned post, here is an additional explanation about the way to get the differences of one set, with the help of the FFT.
The input array A = {3, 6, 8} can mathematically be represented by the following z transform:
A(z) = z^3 + z^6 + z^8
Then the corresponding z-transform of the difference array is equal to the polynomial product:
D(z) = A(z) * A(z*) = (z^3 + z^6 + z^8) (z^(-3) + z^(-6) + z^(-8))
= z^(-5) + z^(-3) + z^(-2) + 3 + z^2 + z^3 + z^5
Then, we can note that A(z) is equal to a FFT of size N of the sequence [0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] by taking:
z = exp (-i * 2 PI/ N), with i = sqrt(-1)
Note that here we consider the classical FFT in C, the complex field.
It is certainly possible to perform calculation in a Galois field, and then no rounding errors, as it is done for example to implement "classical" multiplications (with z = 10) for a large number of digits. This seems over-skilled here.

Given an integer n, return the number of ways it can be represented as a sum of 1s and 2s

For example:
5 = 1+1+1+1+1
5 = 1+1+1+2
5 = 1+1+2+1
5 = 1+2+1+1
5 = 2+1+1+1
5 = 1+2+2
5 = 2+2+1
5 = 2+1+2
Can anyone give a hint for a pseudo code on how this can be done please.
Honestly have no clue how to even start.
Also this looks like an exponential problem can it be done in linear time?
Thank you.
In the example you have provided order of addends is important. (See the last two lines in your example). With this in mind, the answer seems to be related to Fibonacci numbers. Let's F(n) be the ways n can be written as 1s and 2s. Then the last addened is either 1 or 2. So F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2). These are the initial values:
F(1) = 1 (1 = 1)
F(2) = 2 (2 = 1 + 1, 2 = 2)
This is actually the (n+1)th Fibonacci number. Here's why:
Let's call f(n) the number of ways to represent n. If you have n, then you can represent it as (n-1)+1 or (n-2)+2. Thus the ways to represent it are the number of ways to represent it is f(n-1) + f(n-2). This is the same recurrence as the Fibonacci numbers. Furthermore, we see if n=1 then we have 1 way, and if n=2 then we have 2 ways. Thus the (n+1)th Fibonacci number is your answer. There are algorithms out there to compute enormous Fibonacci numbers very quickly.
If we want to know how many possible orderings there are in some set of size n without repetition (i.e., elements selected are removed from the available pool), the factorial of n (or n!) gives the answer:
double factorial(int n)
if (n <= 0)
return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
Note: This also has an iterative solution and can even be approximated using the gamma function:
std::round(std::tgamma(n + 1)); // where n >= 0
The problem set starts with all 1s. Each time the set changes, two 1s are replaced by one 2. We want to find the number of ways k items (the 2s) can be arranged in a set of size n. We can query the number of possible permutations by computing:
double permutation(int n, int k)
return factorial(n) / factorial(n - k);
However, this is not quite the result we want. The problem is, permutations consider ordering, e.g., the sequence 2,2,2 would count as six distinct variations.
These are essentially permutations which ignore ordering. Since the order no longer matters, many permutations are redundant. Redundancy per permutation can be found by computing k!. Dividing the number of permutations by this value gives the number of combinations:
Note: This is known as the binomial coefficient and should be read as "n choose k."
double combination(int n, int k)
return permutation(n, k) / factorial(k);
int solve(int n)
double result = 0;
if (n > 0) {
for ( int k = 0; k <= n; k += 1, n -= 1 )
result += combination(n, k);
return std::round(result);
This is a general solution. For example, if the problem were instead to find the number of ways an integer can be represented as a sum of 1s and 3s, we would only need to adjust the decrement of the set size (n-2) at each iteration.
Fibonacci numbers
The reason the solution using Fibonacci numbers works, has to do with their relation to the binomial coefficients. The binomial coefficients can be arranged to form Pascal's triangle, which when stored as a lower-triangular matrix, can be accessed using n and k as row/column indices to locate the element equal to combination(n,k).
The pattern of n and k as they change over the lifetime of solve, plot a diagonal when viewed as coordinates on a 2-D grid. The result of summing values along a diagonal of Pascal's triangle is a Fibonacci number. If the pattern changes (e.g., when finding sums of 1s and 3s), this will no longer be the case and this solution will fail.
Interestingly, Fibonacci numbers can be computed in constant time. Which means we can solve this problem in constant time simply by finding the (n+1)th Fibonacci number.
int fibonacci(int n)
constexpr double SQRT_5 = std::sqrt(5.0);
constexpr double GOLDEN_RATIO = (SQRT_5 + 1.0) / 2.0;
return std::round(std::pow(GOLDEN_RATIO, n) / SQRT_5);
int solve(int n)
if (n > 0)
return fibonacci(n + 1);
return 0;
As a final note, the numbers generated by both the factorial and fibonacci functions can be extremely large. Therefore, a large-maths library may be needed if n will be large.
Here is the code using backtracking which solves your problem. At each step, while remembering the numbers used to get the sum so far(using vectors here), first make a copy of them, first subtract 1 from n and add it to the copy then recur with n-1 and the copy of the vector with 1 added to it and print when n==0. then return and repeat the same for 2, which essentially is backtracking.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int n;
void print(vector<int> vect){
cout << n <<" = ";
for(int i=0;i<vect.size(); ++i){
cout <<"+" <<vect[i];
else cout << vect[i];
cout << endl;
void gen(int n, vector<int> vect){
for(int i=1;i<=2;++i){
std::vector<int> vect2(vect);
int main(){
vector<int> vect;
This problem can be easily visualized as follows:
Consider a frog, that is present in front of a stairway. It needs to reach the n-th stair, but he can only jump 1 or 2 steps on the stairway at a time. Find the number of ways in which he can reach the n-th stair?
Let T(n) denote the number of ways to reach the n-th stair.
So, T(1) = 1 and T(2) = 2(2 one-step jumps or 1 two-step jump, so 2 ways)
In order to reach the n-th stair, we already know the number of ways to reach the (n-1)th stair and the (n-2)th stair.
So, once can simple reach the n-th stair by a 1-step jump from (n-1)th stair or a 2-step jump from (n-2)th step...
Hence, T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2)
Hope it helps!!!

Calculate this factorial term in C++ with basic datatypes

I am solving a programming problem, and in the end the problem boils down to calculating following term:
I am given that the final answer will fit in 8 byte. I am using C++. How should I calculate this. I am able to come up with some tricks but nothing concrete and generalized.
I would not like to use external libraries.
Added conditions and result will be definitely 64 bit int.
If the result is guaranteed to be an integer, work with the factored representation.
By the theorem of Legendre, you can express all these factorials by the sequence of exponents of the primes in the range (2,n).
By deducting the exponents of the factorials in the denominator from those in the numerator, you will obtain exponents for the whole quotient. The computation will then reduce to a product of primes that will never overflow the 8 bytes.
For example,
25! = 2^22.3^10.5^6.7^3.11^
15! = 2^11.3^6.5^3.7^2.11.13
10! = 2^8.3^4.5^2.7
25!/(15!.10!) = 2^ = 3268760
The exponents of, say, 3 are found by
25/3 + 25/9 = 10
15/3 + 15/9 = 6
10/3 + 10/9 = 4
If all the input (not necessarily the output) is made of integers, you could try to count prime factors. You create an array of size sqrt(n) and fill it with the counts of each prime factor in n :
vector <int> v = vector <int> (sqrt(n)+1,0);
int m = 2;
while (m <=n) {
int i = 2;
int a = m;
while (a >1) {
while (a%i ==0) {
v[i] ++;
Then you iterate over the n_k (1 <= k <= m) and you decrease the count for each prime factor. This is pretty much the same code as above except that you replace the v[i]++ by v[i] --. Of course you need to call it with vector v previously obtained.
After that the vector v contains the list of count of prime factors in your expression and you just need to reconstruct the result as
int result = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < v.size(); v++) {
result *= pow(i,v[i]);
return result;
Note : you should use long long int instead of int above but I stick to int for simplicity
Edit : As mentioned in another answer, it would be better to use Legendre theorem to fill / unfill the vector v faster.
What you can do is to use the properties of the logarithm:
log(AB) = log(A) + log(B)
log(A/B) = log(A) - log(B)
X = e^(log(X))
So you can first compute the logarithm of your quantity, then exponentiate back:
log(N!/(n1!n2!...nk!)) = log(1) + ... + log(N) - [log(n1!) - ... log(nk!)]
then expand log(n1!) etc. so you end up writing everything in terms of logarithm of single numbers. Then take the exponential of your result to obtain the initial value of the factorial.
As #T.C. mentioned, this method may not be to accurate, although in typical scenarios you'll have many terms reduced. Alternatively, you expand each factorial into a list that stores the terms in its product, e.g. 6! will be stored in a list {1,2,3,4,5,6}. You do the same for the denominator terms. Then you start removing common elements. Finally, you can take gcd's and reduce everything to coprime factors, then compute the result.

Finding all paths down stairs?

I was given the following problem in an interview:
Given a staircase with N steps, you can go up with 1 or 2 steps each time. Output all possible way you go from bottom to top.
For example:
N = 3
Output :
1 1 1
1 2
2 1
When interviewing, I just said to use dynamic programming.
S(n) = S(n-1) +1 or S(n) = S(n-1) +2
However, during the interview, I didn't write very good code for this. How would you code up a solution to this problem?
Thanks indeed!
I won't write the code for you (since it's a great exercise), but this is a classic dynamic programming problem. You're on the right track with the recurrence; it's true that
S(0) = 1
Since if you're at the bottom of the stairs there's exactly one way to do this. We also have that
S(1) = 1
Because if you're one step high, your only option is to take a single step down, at which point you're at the bottom.
From there, the recurrence for the number of solutions is easy to find. If you think about it, any sequence of steps you take either ends with taking one small step as your last step or one large step as your last step. In the first case, each of the S(n - 1) solutions for n - 1 stairs can be extended into a solution by taking one more step, while in the second case each of the S(n - 2) solutions to the n - 2 stairs case can be extended into a solution by taking two steps. This gives the recurrence
S(n) = S(n - 2) + S(n - 1)
Notice that to evaluate S(n), you only need access to S(n - 2) and S(n - 1). This means that you could solve this with dynamic programming using the following logic:
Create an array S with n + 1 elements in it, indexed by 0, 1, 2, ..., n.
Set S[0] = S[1] = 1
For i from 2 to n, inclusive, set S[i] = S[i - 1] + S[i - 2].
Return S[n].
The runtime for this algorithm is a beautiful O(n) with O(n) memory usage.
However, it's possible to do much better than this. In particular, let's take a look at the first few terms of the sequence, which are
S(0) = 1
S(1) = 1
S(2) = 2
S(3) = 3
S(4) = 5
This looks a lot like the Fibonacci sequence, and in fact you might be able to see that
S(0) = F(1)
S(1) = F(2)
S(2) = F(3)
S(3) = F(4)
S(4) = F(5)
This suggests that, in general, S(n) = F(n + 1). We can actually prove this by induction on n as follows.
As our base cases, we have that
S(0) = 1 = F(1) = F(0 + 1)
S(1) = 1 = F(2) = F(1 + 1)
For the inductive step, we get that
S(n) = S(n - 2) + S(n - 1) = F(n - 1) + F(n) = F(n + 1)
And voila! We've gotten this series written in terms of Fibonacci numbers. This is great, because it's possible to compute the Fibonacci numbers in O(1) space and O(lg n) time. There are many ways to do this. One uses the fact that
F(n) = (1 / √(5)) (Φn + φn)
Here, Φ is the golden ratio, (1 + √5) / 2 (about 1.6), and φ is 1 - Φ, about -0.6. Because this second term drops to zero very quickly, you can get a the nth Fibonacci number by computing
(1 / √(5)) Φn
And rounding down. Moreover, you can compute Φn in O(lg n) time by repeated squaring. The idea is that we can use this cool recurrence:
x0 = 1
x2n = xn * xn
x2n + 1 = x * xn * xn
You can show using a quick inductive argument that this terminates in O(lg n) time, which means that you can solve this problem using O(1) space and O(lg n) time, which is substantially better than the DP solution.
Hope this helps!
You can generalize your recursive function to also take already made moves.
void steps(n, alreadyTakenSteps) {
if (n == 0) {
print already taken steps
if (n >= 1) {
steps(n - 1, alreadyTakenSteps.append(1));
if (n >= 2) {
steps(n - 2, alreadyTakenSteps.append(2));
It's not really the code, more of a pseudocode, but it should give you an idea.
Your solution sounds right.
If n = 1 return {1}
If n = 2 return {2, (1,1)}
Return S(n-1)x{1} U S(n-2)x{2}
(U is Union, x is Cartesian Product)
Memoizing this is trivial, and would make it O(Fib(n)).
Great answer by #templatetypedef - I did this problem as an exercise and arrived at the Fibonacci numbers on a different route:
The problem can basically be reduced to an application of Binomial coefficients which are handy for Combination problems: The number of combinations of n things taken k at a time (called n choose k) can be found by the equation
Given that and the problem at hand you can calculate a solution brute force (just doing the combination count). The number of "take 2 steps" must be zero at least and may be 50 at most, so the number of combinations is the sum of C(n,k) for 0 <= k <= 50 ( n= number of decisions to be made, k = number of 2's taken out of those n)
BigInteger combinationCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k <= 50; k++)
int n = 100 - k;
BigInteger result = Fact(n) / (Fact(k) * Fact(n - k));
combinationCount += result;
The sum of these binomial coefficients just happens to also have a different formula:
Actually, you can prove that the number of ways to climb is just the fibonacci sequence. Good explanation here:
Solving the problem, and solving it using a dynamic programming solution are potentially two different things.
In general, to solve a given problem, we need to solve different parts of the problem (subproblems), then combine the solutions of the subproblems to reach an overall solution. Often, many of these subproblems are really the same. The dynamic programming approach seeks to solve each subproblem only once, thus reducing the number of computations
This leads me to believe you want to look for a solution that is both Recursive, and uses the Memo Design Pattern. Recursion solves a problem by breaking it into sub-problems, and the Memo design pattern allows you to cache answers, thus avoiding re-calculation. (Note that there are probably cache implementations that aren't the Memo design pattern, and you could use one of those as well).
The first step I would take would be to solve some set of problems by hand, with varying or increasing sizes of N. This will give you a pattern to help you figure out a solution. Start with N = 1, through N = 5. (as others have stated, it may be a form of the fibbonacci sequence, but I would determine this for myself before calling the problem solved and understood).
From there, I would try to make a generalized solution that used recursion. Recursion solves a problem by breaking it into sub-problems.
From there, I would try to make a cache of previous problem inputs to the corresponding output, hence memoizing it, and making a solution that involved "Dynamic Programming".
I.e., maybe the inputs to one of your functions are 2, 5, and the correct result was 7. Make some function that looks this up from an existing list or dictionary (based on the input). It will look for a call that was made with the inputs 2, 5. If it doesn't find it, call the function to calculate it, then store it and return the answer (7). If it does find it, don't bother calculating it, and return the previously calculated answer.
Here is a simple solution to this question in very simple CSharp (I believe you can port this with almost no change to Java/C++).
I have added a little bit more of complexity to it (adding the possibility that you can also walk 3 steps). You can even generalize this code to "from 1 to k-steps" if desired with a while loop in the addition of steps (last if statement).
I have used a combination of both dynamic programming and recursion. The use of dynamic programming avoid the recalculation of each previous step; reducing the space and time complexity related to the call stack. It however adds some space complexity (O(maxSteps)) which I think is negligible compare to the gain.
/// <summary>
/// Given a staircase with N steps, you can go up with 1 or 2 or 3 steps each time.
/// Output all possible way you go from bottom to top
/// </summary>
public class NStepsHop
const int maxSteps = 500; // this is arbitrary
static long[] HistorySumSteps = new long[maxSteps];
public static long CountWays(int n)
if (n >= 0 && HistorySumSteps[n] != 0)
return HistorySumSteps[n];
long currentSteps = 0;
if (n < 0)
return 0;
else if (n == 0)
currentSteps = 1;
currentSteps = CountWays(n - 1) +
CountWays(n - 2) +
CountWays(n - 3);
HistorySumSteps[n] = currentSteps;
return currentSteps;
You can call it in the following manner
long result;
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(0); // result = 1
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(1); // result = 1
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(5); // result = 13
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(10); // result = 274
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(25); // result = 2555757
You can argue that the initial case when n = 0, it could 0, instead of 1. I decided to go for 1, however modifying this assumption is trivial.
the problem can be solved quite nicely using recursion:
void printSteps(int n)
char* output = new char[n+1];
generatePath(n, output, 0);
void generatePath(int n, char* out, int recLvl)
if (n==0)
out[recLvl] = '\0';
out[recLvl] = '1';
out[recLvl] = '2';
and in main:
void main()
return 0;
It's a weighted graph problem.
From 0 you can get to 1 only 1 way (0-1).
You can get to 2 two ways, from 0 and from 1 (0-2, 1-1).
You can get to 3 three ways, from 1 and from 2 (2 has two ways).
You can get to 4 five ways, from 2 and from 3 (2 has two ways and 3 has three ways).
You can get to 5 eight ways, ...
A recursive function should be able to handle this, working backwards from N.
Complete C-Sharp code for this
void PrintAllWays(int n, string str)
string str1 = str;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
if (n == 0)
if (n >= 1)
sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
PrintAllWays(n - 1, sb.Append("1").ToString());
if (n >= 2)
sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
PrintAllWays(n - 2, sb.Append("2").ToString());
Late C-based answer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define steps 60
static long long unsigned int MAP[steps + 1] = {1 , 1 , 2 , 0,};
static long long unsigned int countPossibilities(unsigned int n) {
if (!MAP[n]) {
MAP[n] = countPossibilities(n-1) + countPossibilities(n-2);
return MAP[n];
int main() {
Here is a C++ solution. This prints all possible paths for a given number of stairs.
// Utility function to print a Vector of Vectors
void printVecOfVec(vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecOfVec)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecOfVec.size(); i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vecOfVec[i].size(); j++)
cout << vecOfVec[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// Given a source vector and a number, it appends the number to each source vectors
// and puts the final values in the destination vector
void appendElementToVector(vector< vector <unsigned int> > src,
unsigned int num,
vector< vector <unsigned int> > &dest)
for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++)
// Ladder Problem
void ladderDynamic(int number)
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecNminusTwo = {{}};
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecNminusOne = {{1}};
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecResult;
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++)
// Empty the result vector to hold fresh set
// Append '2' to all N-2 ladder positions
appendElementToVector(vecNminusTwo, 2, vecResult);
// Append '1' to all N-1 ladder positions
appendElementToVector(vecNminusOne, 1, vecResult);
vecNminusTwo = vecNminusOne;
vecNminusOne = vecResult;
int main()
return 0;
may be I am wrong.. but it should be :
S(1) =0
S(2) =1
Here We are considering permutations so in that way
S(3) =3
S(4) =7