Specify order of slides in carousel? - sitecore

Is there a way to control the order of slides displayed to users in a carousel from the Experience Editor perspective? (or even the Content Editor)
Basically, based on the user that has been identified or not identified, I would like to display a different slide as the first slide of the carousel. All the other slides would still be present, just in a different, specified order.
Is there a way to accomplish this via rules or should I look at having to create separate datasources that have the different slide orders already specified?

Personalization can do three things:
vary a datasource for a rendering
vary a rendering (use another rendering basically)
hide a rendering.
I guess the question you need to answer is whether what you need can be accomplished by doing either one of these actions.
If you've used nested structures to represent your carousel (like we do in SCORE, you can see how it looks like here or here) it's not hard to show/hide certain panels based on personalization conditions and thus reorder the carousel. Depending on how exactly it looks on the published site you may only need to repoint datasources. Either way, it's personalization out of the box and your content structures working nicely together.
If you've used a (variation of a) MultiList field to represent a list of your panels with panels themselves being items somewhere in the shared content area it's not something personalization engine can change based on a condition. Changing a field value is, unfortunately, not on the menu. I am sure you can code around it thanks to Sitecore being so open and flexible but I am not sure you can make it seamless (e.g. variations preview in Page Editor).
Rendering parameters is also not something you can change but if yours are static and defined on the rendering definition item (as opposed to being supplied when component is bound to the placeholder and thus recorded inside the presentation details) you can get away with having two definition items for your carousel component (same code behind it) and picking the right one based on the personalization condition.
Hope it helps.


Kentico 10 - Use a repeater to display multiple page types

We are currently use the oob page types for Blog, News and Event. We have one page for each of these types that includes a repeater to show a list of the pages of that type. We would also like to have a page that includes a repeater that shows all blog, news and event pages in one spot, sorted by their created date.
I have seen some old comments (here, here) on devnet saying that although a repeater can render multiple page types, the fields rendered must be identical across each of those page types. The workarounds suggested are either to create the same fields in each page type, or to create a custom SQL query and use a query repeater to render the data. I've done this and it works just fine, but it was pretty cumbersome to create and will be difficult to maintain. (If we want to add other page types, for example.) Can anyone suggest a more out-of-the-box method available in Kentico 10?
I'm trying to accomplish this as Brenden described, but am running into trouble.
My page structure is as follows:
.RollupPage (CMS.MenuItem)
..BlogPosts (CMS.Blog)
...January 2017 (CMS.BlogMonth)
....blog post 1 (CMS.BlogPost)
...February 2017 (CMS.BlogMonth)
....blog post 2 (CMS.BlogPost)
..Events (CMS.MenuItem)
...Event1 (CMS.BookingEvent)
...Event2 (CMS.BookingEvent)
I've attempted to use a universal viewer, but failed to get it to return any data.
I configured it with:
Path: /RollupPage/%
Page types: CMS.BlogPost;CMS.BookingEvent
Hierarchical Transformation: CMS.MenuItem.HierTrans1
HierTrans1 has the following transformations:
CMS.BlogPost.Default (Item transformation for type CMS.BlogPost)
CMS.BookingEvent.EventCalendarItem (Item transformation for type CMS.BookingEvent)
These aren't customized at all; they are standard OOB transformations just so I can see it work.
When I view the RollupPage, the universal viewer displays nothing.
I attempted to use a Hierarchical Viewer with the same settings as I did with the Universal Viewer. It kind-of worked. It displayed my booking events but did not display any blog posts. Yet using the same blog post transformation (CMS.BlogPost.default) with hierarchical viewer whose Path was set to /RollupPage/BlogPosts/% displayed my blog posts correctly but, obviously, did not display my booking events.
The results I've gotten so far makes me think a) something about the way I've created my pages is stopping the universal viewer from traversing the whole tree and/or b) the hierarchical viewer either only goes a couple of levels deep, or maybe it is being blocked from traversing the tree too... No events are recorded when I edit or view these web parts.
Any idea what I may be doing wrong?
For this scenario use a universal viewer. Reason being is you can create a hierarchical transformation which will have different transformations for each of your unique page types. You most likely won't use the hierarchy at all but you can simply add 3 different item transformations for the different page types.
You can use the Hierarchical viewer or the Universal viewer, as Brenden Kehren mentioned, to achieve the goal you are describing.
When configuring the web part you must select all the Page types that are included in the hierarchy, in your case: CMS.MenuItem, CMS.Blog, CMS.BlogMonth, CMS.BlogPost and CMSBookingEvent.
Create a Hierarchical transformation to be used with your viewer and add an Item transformation for each of the items you wish to display. Also make sure the Level setting for each transformation is configured properly (-1 applies the transformation to all levels).
For Universal viewer it is necessary to check the property Load hierarchical data in the section Extended settings of the configuration.
As an additional note, you can leave the path property empty in case you are viewing the child documents of the current page.
For reference there is also an example on the Corporate Site example site in the content tree path Examples > Web Parts > Listings and viewers > Pages > Hierarchical viewer (or Universal viewer).
Hope this helps!
The other ways are this
Evaluate right fieldname by check object classname inside the transformation and assign appropriate value.
Dynamically assign transformation by checking the object classname

Sitecore personalisation - DropLink

Not fully used personalisaiton yet, so have what I hope is an easy question.
My page is setup where users can use a droplink to pick content for 3 "slots" on the homepage, from a "bucket" of available content items that can appear.
I want to use a "rule" to show different items in each slot, depending on if the rule is met or not, but I can't seem to work out where I set this.
Right now, my page editor view is broken (currently have an open ticket with Sitecore for work out why this is), so I am hoping this can be done from the content editor.
I have already ticked the "Show the Personalization Section" under Application Options.
This sounds like a conditional rendering rule that you're wanting to create. If that is the case, unless you want to apply the rule to ALL renderings (which I wouldn't recommend), you would create the rule under
System -> Marketing Center -> Personalization -> Rules. Here you can set up a conditional rendering rule that will check conditions and then do something. Since this is going to apply to presentation, the actions are limited. Mostly to presentation.
Now to apply that, you go to the layout details on the item or the standard values for the item template. When you click on the rendering (like you would to set a data source), it brings you to the edit screen and you should be able to scroll down to the Personalization section. If your rule is not in the list, then it's most likely in the wrong place. Anyway, if it's there, you simply put a check next to that box and it will now apply that rule when figuring out the layout details when the item is rendered.

Multiple item templates in Grid App

I'm developing a Windows Store application based on the Grid application template. Upon creating a new project, there is some sample data generated for the application. There are only three pages in the app: home, grouped items, and item details.
I'm wondering whether it's possible to have different templates for item details, and if so, how.
For instance, I have a group containing a list of smartphones and another group containing a list of printers. In the smartphones item details template, I'd probably have fields such as "Memory card", "Speakerphone", and "Operating system", whereas in the printers item details template I'd have fields such as "Speed", "Accepted cartridges", and "Paper sizes".
How should I go about adding item detail templates and using the correct one depending on which item is viewed? I've looked at http://babaandthepigman.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/datatemplateselector-winrt/ but that seems to be for XAML applications only. I'm not using XAML/VB/C++/C#, but JavaScript and HTML5.
To be clear the three pages in the grid project template are groupedItems (the "hub"), groupDetail (the "section"), and itemDetail (the "detail"). I actually wish they would have named those pages "hub", "section", and "detail".
If you're talking about having multiple item templates so that item tiles on the hub (groupedItems) page look different depending on the item type, then the easiest way is to provide the multiple item templates (WinJS.Binding.Template) in the HTML and then write a custom template selection function. It's not that difficult. You can see an example if you look at my codeSHOW app (codeshow.codeplex.com)... see the home.js page. The source is online, so you can see that page here.
If you're talking about having multiple detail (itemDetail) pages so that when a user clicks on a certain item from the hub, they might be taken to a whole page of information about a phone versus a printer, then that's simply a matter of having multiple pages and being intelligent about which page you navigate to. If the user clicks on a phone from the hub, then you navigate to /pages/phone/phone.html. If they click on a printer then you navigate to /pages/printer/printer.html.
Finally, if your entities (i.e. phones and printers) are similar enough, then you may want to keep a single page to represent them, and just make that page smart enough to modify its template for the right item. In that case, you can create two templates on the page (WinJS.Binding.Template again) and when the entity is passed in to the page (the 'options' part of ready(element,options)), you just inspect it and look at the entity type (i.e. phone or printer) and then render the data into the right template. The Binding and Templating and Fragments and Pages demos on codeSHOW may be helpful there.
If you want more help, you can schedule some 1 on 1 time with a Microsoft Developer Evangelist at usdpe.ohours.org. Have fun!

Wicket Page with a list of Panels

I'm working on a web application using Apache Wicket and I have three types of page that are basically a numbered list. The difference between each is how the items in the list are displayed. (i.e. one has a header line and a paragraph, another just has the paragraph). Eventually, the data will come from a database, but that is not available at the moment.
I think I can do this by creating a Page that displays a RepeatingView that gets its items from an ArrayList of Panels. I would create a different Panel for each type of list item. Then I could extend the aforementioned Page to three subclasses, one for each specific type of Panels I want. Am I on the right track, or is there a better way to do this?
I find RepeatingView to be very flexible with this sort of thing and you shouldn't require three separate pages. It only expects a component to be added to the repeater, not what kind of component. As long as you keep your Wicket IDs consistent, you can even mix components that come with their own markup (e.g. Panel/Fragment).
I also discourage you from using a List of Panels. It just makes good programming sense for the list to contain your data and then add the appropriate view container based on some flag.
So, markup like this:
<div wicket:id="repeater">
<div wicket:id="listItem" />
Works with something like:
RepeatingView rv = new RepeatingView("repeater");
for (DataObject o : dataList) {
// You can probably add to the rv directly, but this is the common usage
WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(rv.newChildId());
if (shortVersion)
c.add(new ShortPanel("listItem", new Model<DataObject>(o)));
c.add(new LongPanel("listItem", new Model<DataObject>(o)));
Instead of providing a List of Panels to your page, you provide the same list of Data from the database and then add different panels based on the current view.
In the end, you have one page (with a flag for view type) and different panels (or fragments) for how your data should look according to each view type.
I don't think you'll have to subclass your Page. As far as I can see, this one doesn't change at all. All the changes are within the panels. So basically all you need to do is to provide your repeating-view with different lists of panels. You wouldn't even need to create different classes for these if the differences are as small as presenting a headline or not. Just set the headline to an empty string and set it to invisible...
Basically yes, you're on one of the right tracks, maybe not the one I'd choose but yours will work too...

How do you get a list picker like the kind shown in the alarm clock?

How do you create the big, scrolling list picker, like the kind that is created for datePicker and timePicker which is used on the WP7 default alarm clock? The remaining list pickers don't have quite the same effect. I would be using the list pickers only to choose integer values.
The DatePicker and TimePicker are controls that are provided by the Silverlight Toolkit for WP7. What they actually do is present the selection in one control in your page, then navigate to a separate page that allows you to actually select a new date/time. In these separate pages they use a collection of LoopingSelector controls (one per item) that enable the user to select the parts of the date/time.
If you want to display a similar picker but for numeric values, then you need to implement the same infrstructure but using a single LoopingSelector and you need to provide the correct data source (that implements the ILoopingSelectorDataSource interface) that specifies the values for your control.
There is a great series of 3 posts on the LoopingSelector on WindowsPhoneGeek.com