Project Euler # 51 c++ [closed] - c++

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I am trying to solve problem 51 in project euler.
Here is the problem statement : Project Euler Problem 51
I tried the approach given below.
Generate all the prime numbers between 2 and 10 power 8 using Sieve of Eratosthenes
Gather all n-digit numbers from sieve (i.e .. first i will get all 3 digits, then 4 digits .. so on and compute on it)
check if the number has repeated digit (as per problem statement we have 2 *s of same digit) . If yes , convert into string
if yes, find the position where it repeats and save it as a key (for ex: 12341 will result 04 as key since 1 is the number which is repeated in 0 and 4th position)
now based on the key , insert into the bucket (Bucket is a multimap which contains key as repeated position (04) and value as the prime number)
For each key in bucket, delete the repeated position . If am taking 04 bucket key , then all the prime numbers in that bucket would have the strings repeated in the positions 0 and 4. Am deleting 0th and 4th position of the string which would result my number (12341) as 234 and insert it into a map , which will store the occurence as (234, 8 being the trimmed number and number of occurences).
Now, if the key 234 is repeated 8 times, find the numbers which got trimmed and resulted 234. Those are the answers.
I ran this algorithm in c++ , and for 7 primes 56003, 56113, 56333, 56443, 56663, 56773, and 56993 is resulting less than a second ..
but , for 8 digits , i crossed 10 power 8 primes and still it didnt result any answer. I believe answer is above that limit.
And when i try to generate primes between 2 and 10 power 9 its aborting , since i am storing all the numbers in vector.
My question is ,
Is there any way by which we can fine tune the above mentioned steps and find the answer,
or i need to think some other way to find the answer .
Note: Just for an example i took 12341.

There is atleast one issue in your brute force solution. You are assuming exactly 2 digits are * but question never mentions this. There may be 1 or 3 or more digits which when replaced with the same digits 0-9 still generate primes.
It is impossible to have 8 prime with 1 or 2 * for the following reason:
If you use just 1 *, and let's say replace it with 1 to get a prime(let's call this prime p). Now if p % 3 = 1, you can not replace * with 0, 3 and 6 otherwise the number would become composite(divisible by 3). Throwing away 3 candidates makes it impossible to generate another prime. Next case if p % 3 = 2 you can not replace * with 2, 5 and 8 for the same reason. Making 8-primes with one * impossible for any number of digits.
If you use just 2 *, and let's say replace both with 1 to get a prime(let's call this prime p). Now if p % 3 = 2, you can not replace both * with 0, 3 and 6 otherwise the number would become composite(divisible by 3). Throwing away 3 candidates makes it impossible to generate another prime. Next case if p % 3 = 1 you can not replace * with 2, 5 and 8 for the same reason. Making 8-primes with two * impossible for any number of digits.
This is the reason why your code does not give the required output. You should perhaps try with 3 * characters.


How to find the number of subsequences with GCD=1 using BOTTOM-UP DP approach?

I came across a question where we are given with a sequence of numbers, and we have to find the number of subsequences with gcd=1.
2 3 5 7
count: 11
6 10 15
count: 1
I have solved this question using the top-down approach by the recurrence relation in which we either consider the element or not which goes like -
func(position,current_gcd) = func(position+1,current_gcd) + func(position+1,GCD(curr_gcd,element[position]) ;
Can someone please suggest a tabulation or bottom-up approach for the same..?

bash sort so that results are in numeric order as well as string order

Let's say I was comparing two adjacent lines to each other after running sort -u on a file. I find they both match n-characters over from the left side, then begin to disagree at some point, and where the disagreement begins, the first line had a digit "0" to "9". The second line has a non-digit. I want the two lines to swap positions. Why do I want this? Because the digit in the first line meand it is a longer number, and needs to go behind the other, so that these lines, regardless of the digit value, will rearrange from this:
to this:
And this:
becomes this:
because it forces numeric values with the same number of digits to be
compared with each other, as those grouped from the left with more digits are moved behind those with fewer digits.
My logic might break down at some point, but until I can code it, I can't check the results returned. So does anybody know how to do this in bash?
sort -g (general numeric sort) should do the trick.


Hi I am writing a matlab code at the moment. I am trying to compare the values in a list to the number 10 and if the value is less than 10 add 1 to the total. However I cannot seem to get the code right. My code so far
tot = 0
for i=1:n
tot = +1
The value I get for tot always = 1 and never increases? Can someone help edit this or if not provide a solution to the problem?
I would agree with the answer mentioned above, that one should avoid for loops for this. There can be a faster solution. Since, he is just interested in the counts, and not value of numbers, so there is no need to index things back.
a = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
Computing numbers less than 10 (you could put any number here)
answer = sum(a<10);
Good luck!
In languages like MATLAB and R, you really should not use for loops like this, even as an exercise. Each variable can be a vector, and operations can occur on the whole vector at once, rather than element-by-element.
x = [ 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 ]
To generate a list of all x less than 10 you would say:
So to count them:
total = length(x(x<10))
No loop needed or wanted!

C++ Algorithm: Pick n numbers from 2D Matrix based on certain conditions

I have a 2D matrix of size [3][x] filled with numbers. I want to pick say x numbers from this matrix based on the condition
exactly one number from each column.
up to a Max of 'm' numbers from each row (total of all the 3 rows should be x numbers and 3m > x)
I want to find the least possible sum of these selected x numbers.
I was able to pick the numbers based on iterative approach of finding the 'x' small numbers based on above conditions from the matrix. But my answer is not optimal.
5 9 . . . .
6 15 . . . .
7 19 . . . .
Lets say 5 is picked up initially(so 6 and 7 cannot be picked now). Later on we try to pick 9 but if m elements of row(0) are over we will have to pick 15. Now our solution will be 5+15 = 20 but we could have used 6+9 = 15 as optimal solution.
I am trying to optimize my solution and looking for better algorithms. Can someone provide me some good idea for optimal solution?
The problem reminds me of this one:
The Hungarian algorithm might work:

Prime backwards in order

An emirp (prime spelled backwards) is a pime number whose reversal is also prime. Ex. 17 & 71. I have to write a program that displays the first 100 emirps. It has to display 10 numbers per line and align the numbers properly:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 31 37 71
73 79 97 101 107 113 131 149 151 157.
I have no cue what I am doing and would love if anyone could dump this down for me.
It sounds like there are two general problems:
Finding the emirps.
Formatting the output as required.
Break down your tasks into smaller parts, and then you'll be able to see more clearly how to get the whole task done.
To find the emirps, first write some helper functions:
is_prime() to determine whether a number is prime or not
reverse_digits() to reverse the digits of any number
Combining these two functions, you can imagine a loop that finds all the numbers that are primes both forward and reversed. Your first task is complete when you can simply generate a list of those numbers, printing them to the console one per line.
Next, work out what format you want to use (it looks like a fixed format of some number of character spaces per number is what you need). You know that you have 100 numbers, 10 per line, so working out how to format the numbers should be straightforward.
Break the problem down into simpler sub-problems:
Firstly, you need to check whether a number is prime. This is such a common task that you can easily Google it - or try a naive implementation yourself, which may be better given that this is homework.
Secondly, you need to reverse the digits of a number. I'd suggest you figure out an algorithm for this on a piece of paper first, then implement it in code.
Put the two together - it shouldn't be that hard.
Format the results properly. Printing 10 numbers per line is something you should be able to figure out easily once the rest is done.
Once you have a simple version working you might be able to optimise it in some way.
A straight forward way of checking if a number is prime is by trying all known primes less than it and seeing if it divides evenly into that number.
Example: To find the first couple of primes
Start off with the number 2, it is prime because the only divisors are itself and 1, meaning the only way to multiple two numbers to get 2 is 2 x 1. Likewise for 3.
So that starts us off with two known primes 2 and 3. To check the next number we can check if 4 modulo 2 equals 0. This means when divide 2 into 4 there is no remainder, which means 2 is a factor of 4. Specifically we know 2 x 2 = 4. Thus 4 is not prime.
Moving on to the next number: 5. To check five we try 5 modulo 2 and 5 modulo 3, both of which equals one. So 5 is prime, add it to our list of known primes and then continue on checking the next number. This rather tedious process is great for a computer.
So on and so forth - check the next number by looping through all previous found primes and check if they divide evenly, if all previously found primes don't divide evenly, you have a new prime. Repeat.
You can speed this up by counting by 2's, since all even numbers are divisible by two. Also, another nice trick is you don't have to check any primes greater than the square root of the number, since anything larger would need a smaller prime factor. Cuts your loops in half.
So that is your algorithm to generate a large list of primes.
Collect a good chunk of them in an array, say the first 10,000 or so. And then loop through them, reverse the numbers and see if the result is in your array. If so you have a emirp, continue until you get the first 100 emirps
If the first 10,000 primes don't return 100 emirps. Move on to the next 10,000. Repeat.
For homework, I would use a fairly simplistic isPrime function, pseudo-code along the lines of:
def isPrime (num):
set testDiv1 to 2
while testDiv1 multiplied by testDiv1 is less than or equal to num:
testDiv2 = integer part of (num divided by testDiv1)
if testDiv1 multiplied by testDiv2 is equal to num:
return true
Add 1 to testDiv1
return false
This basically checks whether the number is evenly divisible by any number between 2 and the square root of the number, a primitive primality check. The reson you stop at the square root is because you would have already found a match below it if there was one above it.
For example 100 is 2 times 50, 4 times 25, 5 time 20 and 10 times 10. The next one after that would be 20 times 5 but you don't need to check 20 since it would have been found when you checked 5. Any positive number can be expressed as a product of two other positive numbers, one below the square root and one above (other than the exact square root case of course).
The next tricky bit is the reversal of digits. C has some nice features which will make this easier for you, the pseudo-code is basically:
def reverseDigits (num):
set newNum to zero
while num is not equal to zero:
multiply newnum by ten
add (num modulo ten) to newnum
set num to the integer part of (num divided by ten)
return newNum
In C, you can use int() for integer parts and % for the modulo operator (what's left over when you divide something by something else - like 47 % 10 is 7, 9 % 4 is 1, 1000 % 10 is 0 and so on).
The isEmirp will be a fairly simplistic:
def isEmirp (num):
if not isPrime (num):
return false
num2 = reverseDigits (num)
if not isPrime (num2):
return false
return true
Then at the top level, your code will look something like:
def mainProg:
create array of twenty emirps
set currEmirp to zero
set tryNum to two
while currEmirp is less than twenty
if isEmirp (tryNum):
put tryNum into emirps array at position currEmirp
add 1 to currEmirp
for currEmirp ranging from 0 to 9:
print formatted emirps array at position currEmirp
print new line
for currEmirp ranging from 10 to 19:
print formatted emirps array at position currEmirp
print new line
Right, you should be able to get some usable code out of that, I hope. If you have any questions of the translation, leave a comment and I'll provide pointers for you, rather than solving it or doing the actual work.
You'll learn a great deal more if you try yourself, even if you have a lot of trouble initially.