Elasticsearch filter (numeric field) returns nothing - django

Type mapping
"pois-en": {
"mappings": {
"poi": {
"properties": {
"address": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "portuguese"
"city": {
"type": "integer"
"type": {
"type": "integer"
Query all:
GET pois-en/_search
"fields": ["city"]
"hits": [
"_index": "pois-en",
"_type": "pois_poi",
"_id": "491",
"_score": 1,
"fields": {
"city": [
But when i filter using:
GET pois-en/_search
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query" : {
"match_all" : {}
"filter" : {
"term" : {
"city" : 91
Its returns nothing!
I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.
To Django and Elasticsearch communication i'm Elasticutils (https://github.com/mozilla/elasticutils) but i'm using Sense now to make those queries.
Thanks in advance

The type name isn't consistent in your post (poi and pois_poi) - the returned document doesn't match your mapping.


How to apply custom score to a search filed in Elastic Search

I am making a search query in Elastic Search and I want to treat the fields the same when they match. For example if I search for field field1 and it matches, then the _score is increase by 10(for example), same for the field2.
I was tried function_score but it's not working. It throws an error.
"caused_by": {
"type": "class_cast_exception",
"reason": "class
cannot be cast to class
and org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexNumericFieldData are in unnamed
module of loader 'app')"
The query:
"track_total_hits": true,
"size": 50,
"query": {
"function_score": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"field1": {
"value": "Value 1"
"term": {
"field2": {
"value": "value 2"
"functions": [
"field_value_factor": {
"field": "field1",
"factor": 10,
"missing": 0
"field_value_factor": {
"field": "field2",
"factor": 10,
"missing": 0
"boost_mode": "multiply"
You can use function score with filter function to boost.
assuming that your mapping looks like the one below
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"field_1": {
"type": "keyword"
"field_2": {
"type": "keyword"
with documents
{"field_1": "foo", "field_2": "bar"}
{"field_1": "foo", "field_2": "foo"}
{"field_1": "bar", "field_2": "bar"}
you can use weight parameter to boost the documents matched for each query.
"query": {
"function_score": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"functions": [
"filter": {
"term": {
"field_1": "foo"
"weight": 10
"filter": {
"term": {
"field_2": "foo"
"weight": 20
"score_mode": "multiply"
You can refer below solution if you want to provide manual weight for different field in query. This will always replace highest weight field on top of your query response -
Elasticsearch query different fields with different weight

Getting all values of 2 columns

I am looking for appropriate elasticsearch query for,
SELECT col1,col2 FROM myTable WHERE col1="value1" AND col2 = "value2"
This is my mapping,
"mapping": {
"doc": {
"properties": {
"book": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text"
"price": {
"type": "integer"
"booktype": {
"properties": {
"booktype": {
"type": "text"
I am trying to write a query which will give me price and name which has booktype=Fiction
Try this:
GET myTable/_search
"size": 1000,
"_source": [
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"booktype.booktype": "Fiction"
Note: you might need to adapt "size" to fit your needs.

ElasticSearch - copy_to with dynamic template

Following up my previous question: ElasticSearch overriding mapping from text to object
I have an index template:
"template" : "project.*",
"order" : 100,
"dynamic_templates": [
"message_field": {
"mapping": {
"type": "object"
"match": "message"
"message_properties": {
"path_match": "message.*",
"mapping": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
which basically creates new fields for everything under "message" field. I am doing this because "message" field is mapped as a string in another index template and I am overriding it.
Sample document:
"level": "30",
"kubernetes": {
"container_name": "data-sync-server",
"namespace_name": "alitest03",
"message": {
"tag": "AUDIT",
"requestId": 1234,
This works fine, but it ends up creating top level fields like "tag" and "requestId".
I don't want to pollute the top level and would like to have fields like "audit.tag", "audit.requestId".
Tried using copy_to like this, but I don't see any "audit.*" fields:
"template" : "project.*",
"order" : 100,
"dynamic_templates": [
"message_field": {
"mapping": {
"type": "object"
"match": "message"
"message_properties": {
"path_match": "message.*",
"mapping": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed",
"copy_to" : "audit.{name}"
A sample search result when using the template above with copy_to is below. I don't see any "audit.*" fields.
"timestamp": "October 15th 2018, 15:46:15.994",
"_id": "YmI1NDRjMTgtZTY3Ni00ZGUxLTk2NDMtOTJhZjk3ZWU1YTJj",
"_index": "project.alitestproj02.aa564e69-c643-11e8-af2a-fa163e4c9c9e.2018.10.15",
"_score": "",
"_type": "com.redhat.viaq.common",
"kubernetes.container_name": "data-sync-server",
"kubernetes.namespace_name": "alitestproj02",
"message": "{\"level\":30,\"time\":1539607575994,\"pid\":19,\"hostname\":\"data-sync-server-6-pxcsm\",\"tag\":\"AUDIT\",\"msg\":\"\",\"requestId\":20355,\"operationType\":\"query\",\"parentTypeName\":\"Meme\",\"path\":\"allMemes.866.owner\",\"success\":true,\"parent\":{\"_type\":\"meme\",\"photourl\":\"photo472\",\"owner\":\"owner35\",\"likes\":0,\"_id\":\"zzEnLAQmQeuTC1mj\",\"createdAt\":\"2018-10-15T11:58:33.896Z\",\"updatedAt\":\"2018-10-15T11:58:33.896Z\",\"id\":\"zzEnLAQmQeuTC1mj\"},\"arguments\":{},\"dataSourceType\":\"InMemory\",\"v\":1}\n",
"requestId": "20355",
"tag": "AUDIT",
"v": 1

Elasticsearch dynamic template to match several exact fields

I'm currently struggling to simplify my mapping template files for Elasticsearch. Indeed, I got several Object fields that have the same structure (e.g. source and destination here)
Is there a way to set up Dynamic template so that it can match several patterns ?
Here's what I execute:
POST /_template/mapping-lol
"template": "*-newevents-*",
"mappings": {
"log": {
"dynamic_templates": [
"system": {
"match_pattern": "regex",
"match": "^(source|destination)$",
"mapping": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"dynamic": false,
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"first": {
"type": "text"
"last": {
"type": "text"
"ip": {
"type": "ip"
"properties": {
"source": {
"type": "object",
"dynamic": true
"destination": {
"type": "object",
"dynamic": true
POST /tenant-newevents-1/log
"source": {
"name": {
"first": "John",
"last": "Doe"
"ip": ""
"destination": {
"name": {
"first": "Jane",
"last": "Doe"
"ip": ""
GET /tenant-newevents-1
This above does not work...
I've got plenty of these same schemes to match (~20).
Thank you very much for your help !
OK I found out what went wrong: Fields mustn't be mapped at all for Dynamic mapping to proceed. Removing "source" and "destination" schemes in mapping worked.
POST /_template/mapping-lol
"template": "*-newevents-*",
"mappings": {
"log": {
"dynamic_templates": [
"system": {
"match_pattern": "regex",
"match": "^(source|destination)$",
"mapping": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"dynamic": false,
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"first": {
"type": "text"
"last": {
"type": "text"
"ip": {
"type": "ip"
"properties": {}

MongoDB Aggregate Regex Match or Full Text Search returns whole Document

Ex. Record
"_id": "5528cfd2e71144e020cb6494",
"__v": 11,
"Product": [
"_id": "5528cfd2e71144e020cb6495",
"isFav": true,
"quantity": 27,
"price": 148,
"description": "100g",
"brand": "JaldiLa",
"name": "Grapes",
"sku": "GRP"
"_id": "552963ed63d867b81e18d357",
"isFav": false,
"quantity": 13,
"price": 290,
"description": "100g",
"brand": "JaldiLa",
"name": "Apple",
"sku": "APL"
"brands": [
"Whole Foods",
"sku": "FRT",
"name": "Fruits"
My Mongoose function to return query from AngularJS(http://localhost:8080/api/search?s=)
.get(function(req, res) {
{ $match: { $text: { $search: req.query.s } } },
{ $project : { name : 1, _id : 1, 'Product.name' : 1, 'Product._id' : 1} },
{ $unwind : "$Product" },
{ $group : {
_id : "$_id",
Category : { $addToSet : "$name"},
Product : { $push : "$Product"}
RESULT: e.g. http://localhost:8080/api/search?s=Apple / Grape / Carrot, result is same for all.
"_id": "5528cfd2e71144e020cb6494",
"Category": ["Fruits"],
"Product": [
"_id": "5528cfd2e71144e020cb6495",
"name": "Grapes"
"_id": "552963ed63d867b81e18d357",
"name": "Apple"
"_id": "552e61920c530fb848c61510",
"name": "Carrots"
PROBLEM: On a query of "apple", it returns all objects within Product instead of just "grapes", i think maybe putting match after unwind would do the trick or $regex case
WHAT I WANT: e.g. for a searchString of "grape"
Also I want it to start sending results as soon as I send in the first two letters of my query.
"_id": ["5528cfd2e71144e020cb6494"], //I want this in array as it messes my loop up
"Category": "Fruits", //Yes I do not want this in array like I'm getting in my resutls
"Product": [{
"_id": "5528cfd2e71144e020cb6495",
"name": "Grapes"
Thanks for being patient.
Use the following aggregation pipeline:
var search = "apple",
pipeline = [
"$match": {
"Product.name": { "$regex": search, "$options": "i" }
"$unwind": "$Product"
"$match": {
"Product.name": { "$regex": search, "$options": "i" }
"$project": {
"Category": "$name",
"Product._id": 1,
"Product.name": 1
With the above sample document and a regex (case-insensitive) search for "apple" on the name field of the Product array, the above aggregation pipeline produces the result:
/* 1 */
"result" : [
"_id" : "5528cfd2e71144e020cb6494",
"Product" : {
"_id" : "552963ed63d867b81e18d357",
"name" : "Apple"
"Category" : "Fruits"
"ok" : 1