C++ RegExp and placeholders - c++

I'm on C++11 MSVC2013, I need to extract a number from a file name, for example:
string filename = "s 027.wav";
If I were writing code in Perl, Java or Basic, I would use a regular expression and something like this would do the trick in Perl5:
filename ~= /(\d+)/g;
and I would have the number "027" in placeholder variable $1.
Can I do this in C++ as well? Or can you suggest a different method to extract the number 027 from that string? Also, I should convert the resulting numerical string into an integral scalar, I think atoi() is what I need, right?

You can do this in C++, as of C++11 with the collection of classes found in regex. It's pretty similar to other regular expressions you've used in other languages. Here's a no-frills example of how you might search for the number in the filename you posted:
const std::string filename = "s 027.wav";
std::regex re = std::regex("[0-9]+");
std::smatch matches;
if (std::regex_search(filename, matches, re)) {
std::cout << matches.size() << " matches." << std::endl;
for (auto &match : matches) {
std::cout << match << std::endl;
As far as converting 027 into a number, you could use atoi (from cstdlib) like you mentioned, but this will store the value 27, not 027. If you want to keep the 0 prefix, I believe you will need to keep this as a string. match above is a sub_match so, extract a string and convert to a const char* for atoi:
int value = atoi(match.str().c_str());

Ok, I solved using std::regex which for some reason I couldn't get to work properly when trying to modify the examples I found around the web. It was simpler than I thought. This is the code I wrote:
#include <regex>
#include <string>
string FileName = "s 027.wav";
// The search object
smatch m;
// The regexp /\d+/ works in Perl and Java but for some reason didn't work here.
// With this other variation I look for exactly a string of 1 to 3 characters
// containing only numbers from 0 to 9
regex re("[0-9]{1,3}");
// Do the search
regex_search (FileName, m, re);
// 'm' is actually an array where every index contains a match
// (equally to $1, $2, $2, etc. in Perl)
string sMidiNoteNum = m[0];
// This casts the string to an integer number
int MidiNote = atoi(sMidiNoteNum.c_str());

Here is an example using Boost, substitute the proper namespace and it should work.
typedef std::string::const_iterator SITR;
SITR start = str.begin();
SITR end = str.end();
boost::regex NumRx("\\d+");
boost::smatch m;
while ( boost::regex_search ( start, end, m, NumRx ) )
int val = atoi( m[0].str().c_str() )
start = m[0].second;


Obtain iterators from std::regex_search and use these in string::replace

I am having ridiculous difficulties matching a regex and replacing the match with another string. I want to achieve this with iterators, as outlined below. The part that does not work is getting iterators that delimit the match in the original string and that I could then pass to string::replace. I tried using a std::match_results object to get a pair of iterators, but replacing m by mr in the call of regex_search fails.
I have the vague feeling that I either use the wrong match class or the wrong type of iterator, but somehow can't find my way out of template jungle.
std::string txt{ "aaa bbb" };
std::smatch m;
std::regex rx(R"(aaa)");
std::match_results<std::string::iterator> mr;
if (std::regex_search(cbegin(txt), cend(txt), m, rx)) {
std::cerr << m[0] << std::endl;
// what I need here are iterators that I can pass
// to string::replace
// txt.replace(i1 ,i2, std::string("ccc"));
Try this segment
std::string::const_iterator start = txt.begin();
std::string::const_iterator end = txt.end();
if ( std::regex_search( start, end, m, rx ) )
Typical use in while loop
while ( std::regex_search( start, end, m, rx ) )
// do stuff with match
start = m[0].second;
Why do you want to replace with iterators? You might know this but there is std::regex_replace method that could do this.
std::string stringText{ "aaa bbb" };
std::regex regexMatch("aaa");
std::string stringResult;
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(stringResult), std::cbegin(stringText), std::cend(stringText), regexMatch, "ccc");
Another similar sample from a regex tutorial using regex_replace (scroll down a bit)
It is possible to use iterators but then you need to build a new string from current. if you want i can do a sample.
Thanks to #Edward I realized that m[0] contains a pair of iterators that defines the matching substring. I had tried first and second but on m instead of m[0], which of course failed.
With this the replacement was easy:
std::string txt{ "aaa bbb" };
std::smatch m;
std::regex rx(R"(aaa)");
if (std::regex_search(cbegin(txt), cend(txt), m, rx)) {
txt.replace(m[0].first, m[0].second, std::string("ccc"));

Regex - How to capture all iterations of a repeating pattern? [duplicate]

I'm using the C++ tr1::regex with the ECMA regex grammar. What I'm trying to do is parse a header and return values associated with each item in the header.
-Testing some text
-Numbers 1 2 5
-MoreStuff some more text
-Numbers 1 10
What I would like to do is find all of the "-Numbers" lines and put each number into its own result with a single regex. As you can see, the "-Numbers" lines can have an arbitrary number of values on the line. Currently, I'm just searching for "-Numbers([\s0-9]+)" and then tokenizing that result. I was just wondering if there was any way to both find and tokenize the results in a single regex.
No, there is not.
I was about to ask this exact same question, and I kind of found a solution.
Let's say you have an arbitrary number of words you want to capture.
"there are four lights"
"captain picard is the bomb"
You might think that the solution is:
But this will only match the whole input string and the last captured group.
What you can do is use the "g" switch.
So, an example in Perl:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str1 = "there are four lights";
my $str2 = "captain picard is the bomb";
foreach ( $str1, $str2 ) {
my #a = ( $_ =~ /(\w+)\s?/g );
print "captured groups are: " . join( "|", #a ) . "\n";
Output is:
captured groups are: there|are|four|lights
captured groups are: captain|picard|is|the|bomb
So, there is a solution if your language of choice supports an equivalent of "g" (and I guess most do...).
Hope this helps someone who was in the same position as me!
Problem is that desired solution insists on use of capture groups. C++ provides tool regex_token_iterator to handle this in better way (C++11 example):
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
int main() {
std::regex e (R"((?:^-Numbers)?\s*(\d+))");
string input;
while (getline(cin, input)) {
std::regex_token_iterator<std::string::iterator> a{
input.begin(), input.end(),
e, 1,
std::regex_token_iterator<std::string::iterator> end;
while (a != end) {
cout << *a << " - ";
cout << '\n';
return 0;

How to validate a float number against format specifier?

I want to validate a user input against format specifier.For example format specifiers %4.5f , %4f , %10.5f, etc., If i specify %5.2f as format specifier I should able to validate user input whether its satisfies the given format %5.2f or not?
Note : I am using C++ in windows environment.
You will want to do string matching against a regular expression. The expression should be:
Here n and m are the number of digits to want. You can build a regular expression from a string, so just make the pattern string from your parameters and then construct the regex; it's all in <regex> on C++0x compilers (or <tr1/regex> otherwise).
Be careful to either match the entire input string or surround the expression by word boundaries to avoid 12345.67890 matching against m=2, n=2 as "45.67".
Edit: Here's one approach:
std::regex make_pattern(size_t m, size_t n)
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "\b([0-9]{" << std::dec << m << "}\\.[0-9]{" << n << "})\b";
return std::regex(ss.str());
/* later */
std::regex rx = make_pattern(4, 5);
std::string input = get_input();
const bool is_valid = std::regex_match(input, rx);

Get String Between 2 Strings

How can I get a string that is between two other declared strings, for example:
String 1 = "[STRING1]"
String 2 = "[STRING2]"
"832h0ufhu0sdf4[STRING1]I need this text here[STRING2]afyh0fhdfosdfndsf"
How can I get the "I need this text here"?
Since this is homework, only clues:
Find index1 of occurrence of String1
Find index2 of occurrence of String2
Substring from index1+lengthOf(String1) (inclusive) to index2 (exclusive) is what you need
Copy this to a result buffer if necessary (don't forget to null-terminate)
Might be a good case for std::regex, which is part of C++11.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
int main()
using namespace std::string_literals;
auto start = "\\[STRING1\\]"s;
auto end = "\\[STRING2\\]"s;
std::regex base_regex(start + "(.*)" + end);
auto example = "832h0ufhu0sdf4[STRING1]I need this text here[STRING2]afyh0fhdfosdfndsf"s;
std::smatch base_match;
std::string matched;
if (std::regex_search(example, base_match, base_regex)) {
// The first sub_match is the whole string; the next
// sub_match is the first parenthesized expression.
if (base_match.size() == 2) {
matched = base_match[1].str();
std::cout << "example: \""<<example << "\"\n";
std::cout << "matched: \""<<matched << "\"\n";
example: "832h0ufhu0sdf4[STRING1]I need this text here[STRING2]afyh0fhdfosdfndsf"
matched: "I need this text here"
What I did was create a program that creates two strings, start and end that serve as my start and end matches. I then use a regular expression string that will look for those, and match against anything in-between (including nothing). Then I use regex_match to find the matching part of the expression, and set matched as the matched string.
For more info, see http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/regex and http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/regex/regex_search
Use strstr http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strstr/ , with that function you will get 2 pointers, now you should compare them (if pointer1 < pointer2) if so, read all chars between them.

Is there a way to have a capture repeat an arbitrary number of times in a regex?

I'm using the C++ tr1::regex with the ECMA regex grammar. What I'm trying to do is parse a header and return values associated with each item in the header.
-Testing some text
-Numbers 1 2 5
-MoreStuff some more text
-Numbers 1 10
What I would like to do is find all of the "-Numbers" lines and put each number into its own result with a single regex. As you can see, the "-Numbers" lines can have an arbitrary number of values on the line. Currently, I'm just searching for "-Numbers([\s0-9]+)" and then tokenizing that result. I was just wondering if there was any way to both find and tokenize the results in a single regex.
No, there is not.
I was about to ask this exact same question, and I kind of found a solution.
Let's say you have an arbitrary number of words you want to capture.
"there are four lights"
"captain picard is the bomb"
You might think that the solution is:
But this will only match the whole input string and the last captured group.
What you can do is use the "g" switch.
So, an example in Perl:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str1 = "there are four lights";
my $str2 = "captain picard is the bomb";
foreach ( $str1, $str2 ) {
my #a = ( $_ =~ /(\w+)\s?/g );
print "captured groups are: " . join( "|", #a ) . "\n";
Output is:
captured groups are: there|are|four|lights
captured groups are: captain|picard|is|the|bomb
So, there is a solution if your language of choice supports an equivalent of "g" (and I guess most do...).
Hope this helps someone who was in the same position as me!
Problem is that desired solution insists on use of capture groups. C++ provides tool regex_token_iterator to handle this in better way (C++11 example):
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
int main() {
std::regex e (R"((?:^-Numbers)?\s*(\d+))");
string input;
while (getline(cin, input)) {
std::regex_token_iterator<std::string::iterator> a{
input.begin(), input.end(),
e, 1,
std::regex_token_iterator<std::string::iterator> end;
while (a != end) {
cout << *a << " - ";
cout << '\n';
return 0;