Just another undefined reference to `boost::system::system_category()' - c++

At the beginning I must assure You that I've tried almost every solution from similar topics , still they didn't solve my issue.
I'm building binaries from Boost 1.57 using MinGW.
Boost libraries I'm using: thread and system build without any errors.
I was trying:
toolset=gcc --target-os=qnxnto and toolset=gcc --target-os=qnx, both didn't work.
I'm including correctly both libraries:
-lboost_system-mgw48-mt-d-1_57 -lboost_thread-mgw48-mt-d-1_57
after using:
I got rid of boost::system::generic_category() error, still I can't get rid of:
I'm working in QNX Momentics.
I'm totally out of ideas, I'm really looking forward for any help I can get.


win32++ library sample code results in undefined reference error

I know I asked this yesterday already but the suggested solution in this thread:
error LNK1120: 1 unresolved external - VS13 C
Did not work :/
I am getting this error:
CMakeFiles\testproject.dir/objects.a(main.cpp.obj): In function
PATH/lib/Win32xx891/include/wxx_wincore.h:2844: undefined reference to
PATH/lib/Win32xx891/include/wxx_wincore.h:2849: undefined reference to
while trying to run example code from the win32++ library. I have tried adding
#pragma comment(lib, "comctl32.lib")
To my header as was suggested in the thread I mentioned but that didn't work. They also said that you can solve it by linking the comctl32 library, which appearently isnt loaded and causes the issue, by adding -L -lcomctl32 to my program arguments (I think thats how to do it, correct me if im wrong). That didnt help either. If you know what the problem is please help me.
create project (c++ 14)
download win32++ library files
add them with cmake (I called include_directories(), is that enough?)
run program with "-lcomctl32" as program argument
#pragma comment(lib, "comctl32.lib") is for MSVC, it doesn't do anything in MinGW (or GCC for that matter).
Symbol InitCommonControls is defined in libcomctl32.a which comes with MinGW, so you just need to link against by using linker flag -lcomctl32.
Make sure to tell CMake it's a linker flag and not a compiler flag.

RcppGSL Windows installation trouble

I'm trying to install RcppGSL as presented in
Linking GSL library to RcppGSL on Windows machine
after copping the library as presented in the link above to C:/local323
and moving all the files in x64 up one directory into into LIB_GSL/lib as presented in the link. I used the following code.
Sys.setenv("LIB_GSL" = "C:/local323") # this is where the library is located
Sys.setenv("PKG_LIBS"="-L(LIB_GSL)/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas")
I added the line
Sys.setenv("PKG_LIBS"="-L(LIB_GSL)/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas")
after getting the following error(and I still got the same error) after doing some research and thought there might be a linking problem(just guessing).
The error I received was
RcppExports.o:RcppExports.cpp:(.text+0x916): undefined reference to `gsl_matrix_alloc'
RcppExports.o:RcppExports.cpp:(.text+0x945): undefined reference to `gsl_matrix_set'
RcppExports.o:RcppExports.cpp:(.text+0x993): undefined reference to `gsl_vector_calloc'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x122): undefined reference to `gsl_vector_calloc'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x131): undefined reference to `gsl_matrix_alloc'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x142): undefined reference to `gsl_multifit_linear_alloc'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x16d): undefined reference to `gsl_multifit_linear'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x175): undefined reference to `gsl_multifit_linear_free'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x24f): undefined reference to `gsl_matrix_diagonal'
setErrorHandler.o:setErrorHandler.cpp:(.text+0x104): undefined reference to `gsl_set_error_handler_off'
setErrorHandler.o:setErrorHandler.cpp:(.text+0x133): undefined reference to `gsl_set_error_handler'
any help is greatly appreciated!
Very best,
I would try this on the command-line, ie in cmd.exe -- not from R.
That way you should see the compilation and linking steps which may help when something go south.
"It builds at CRAN ..." so with the right files in the right location, and the proper env var set it should for you too.
Well I do not know why the following worked but I'm able to use RcppGSL
I followed the procedure from the link I posted exactly. Then instead of using
I downloaded the zip file from CRAN and installed the package via the R GUI with the option to install from a zip. These should be identical I know, but using install.packages("RcppGSL").
Sys.setenv("LIB_GSL" = "C:/local323")
is required anytime I try to compile an Rcpp file that uses the library.
I'm not sure why, but I can use the library at least.
Dirk thank you for your help. I will go over the tutorial on R-extensions to see if I can figure out what is going on.

vtk autoinit linker error

I have a very confusing (at least for me :) ) problem with linking to vtk-libraries. On one desktop pc, my code compiles without any error. I have an identical installation on another pc, but there, I get linker errors.
On both pc's are installed: itk 4.8, vtk 6.3 and cmake 3.3. Both are debian-systems (8.1 - jessie).
[ 96%] Linking CXX executable project
CMakeFiles/project.dir/main.cpp.o: In function vtkRenderingVolume_AutoInit::~vtkRenderingVolume_AutoInit()':
/usr/local/include/vtk-6.3/vtkRenderingVolumeModule.h:44: undefined reference tovtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL_AutoInit_Destruct()'
CMakeFiles/project.dir/main.cpp.o: In function vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL_ModuleInit::~vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL_ModuleInit()':
project/main.cpp:4: undefined reference tovtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL_AutoInit_Destruct()'
CMakeFiles/project.dir/main.cpp.o: In function vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL_ModuleInit':
project/main.cpp:4: undefined reference tovtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL_AutoInit_Construct()'
CMakeFiles/project.dir/main.cpp.o: In function vtkRenderingVolume_AutoInit':
/usr/local/include/vtk-6.3/vtkRenderingVolumeModule.h:44: undefined reference tovtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL_AutoInit_Construct()'
libcommon.a(datareader.cpp.o): In function vtkRenderingVolume_AutoInit':
/usr/local/include/vtk-6.3/vtkRenderingVolumeModule.h:44: undefined reference tovtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL_AutoInit_Construct()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/project.dir/build.make:326: recipe for target 'project' failed
I tried to fix those errors with adding
#include <vtkAutoInit.h>
to the file where I am using the vtk libraries, but it didn't help.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I am wondering, why it works on one of those pcs but not on the other one.
thank you very much!
Update: I fixed my problem by switching the position of
find_package(VTK REQUIRED)
in the CMakeLists to the end. However, does anyone know, why it makes such a huge difference for different pcs?
As long as the VTK_USE_FILE is found, your code should compile correctly. In your other PC, VTK_USE_FILE was already found from a previous configuration and sits in a CMake cache entry, so that is why it compiles fine.
If your are using Nightly,
Your should put these in front of your including any vtk headers.
#include <vtkAutoInit.h>
and link all the library you made from vtk source

GCC and Include File Troubles

I've been having some difficulty compiling a piece of C++ code for the physics engine Bullet Physics, and was hoping to get some advice.
This is my first time using gcc as a compiler, and including directories for compiling in general, so I'm going to give my whole process of problem-solving because I'm not sure where I went wrong or what the pertinent information is.
When I first tried to compile the code I got a fatal error about "No such error or directory", so I decided to add the directory with the -I option (1). It fixed the first error, but another popped up. Again, I was able to make the error go away with a -I option to the directory needed(2).
Then I got a whole long list of errors like the following:
main.cpp:(.text+0x33): undefined reference to 'RagdollDemo::initPhysics()'
main.cpp:(.text+0x84): undefined reference to 'glutmain(int, char**, int, int, char const*, DemoApplication*)'
/tmp/cc4MqhHm.o: In function '__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)':
main.cpp:(.text+0xe7): undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::Init()'
I tried a few different things, but the solution ended up using my home bullet folder (or usr/local/include/bullet/) with the --sysroot option (3).
This created a lot of errors for the C++ header files, and then I linked to a few more directories with -I (4-5), but at after one of the added directories the same set of errors that I thought I solved with the --sysroot addition popped up again (6).
I can't tell what to do now. I would guess that declaring the bullet folder as my root makes it impossible for the compiler to find the required C++ files in my actual root directories, but I don't what to do about that... and when I tried including the C++ files I needed, the compiler seemingly forgot I told it to use bullet as my root.
Final compilation I tried before I gave up and realized asking for help might be better than spending 3 hours looking at documentation without any idea of what the exact problem is. Numbers correspond to the steps above.
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and my OS and emacs 24.3.1 as my IDE.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What you are seeing is not include issue. Linker is failing to link with symbols. You need to link with proper library, for example lglut

Linking Intel's MKL (BLAS & LAPACK) to GCC

I am trying to compile a giant software package, and this is the last hurdle I can't seem to figure out.
I'm getting errors like:
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x22bf): undefined reference to `dgetrf_'
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x2524): undefined reference to `dgetri_'
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x3005): undefined reference to `dgetri_'
../../lib/libqmcwfs.a(RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp.o): In function `qmcplusplus::RNDiracDeterminantBase::ratio(qmcplusplus::ParticleSet&, int, qmcplusplus::ParticleAttrib<qmcplusplus::TinyVector<double, 3u> >&, qmcplusplus::ParticleAttrib<double>&)':
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x4156): undefined reference to `dgemv_'
RNDiracDeterminantBase.cpp:(.text+0x420f): undefined reference to `dger_'
Google reveals that these references are to Intel's MKL library. However, I don't know what file I need to link. I've tried libmkl_core.a, libmkl_gnu_thread.a, libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a, etc. There's tons of files in:
Can post more information if requested.
I don't know what file I need to link. I've tried libmkl_core.a, libmkl_gnu_thread.a, libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a, etc. There's tons of files in: /mkl/lib/intel64/
The fact that there are tons of files doesn't mean you have to try each library in turn.
To find out which library defines the symbols you want, run this command:
cd /mkl/lib/intel64
nm -A *.a | egrep '[TWBD] (dger_|dgemv_|dgetrf_|dgetri_)$'
Also be sure to put libraries at the end of your link line, as the order of archive libraries on command line matters.
Based on the incomplete information you provided, it's likely that you need libmkl_intel_lp64.a, libmkl_gnu_thread.a, and libmkl_core.a.
Intel MKL has a built-in tool to help you figure out linking: /mkl/tools/mkl_link_tool. This tool is also available on the web: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-mkl-link-line-advisor. Use this tool to get the exact link line for your situation.
You should have asked your question on the official MKL forum (http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-math-kernel-library). You'd get the answer for this type of questions within hours instead of days.
I had a similar problem when setting up mingw on windows.
The following library linking order worked for me with gcc:
Hope this helps anyone stuck with this problem.