How to direct CMake to use libraries in specific directory only - c++

I am trying to get all dependent libraries in my project in one directory and read from only that directory in CMake. I want to do this so that I may have portability of my project and so that it can run on any computer as long as that directory with all the libraries is present with the executable. Is this possible somehow? I am using Ubuntu 14.10.
I have a LOT of static libraries used in my project and they are in places such as usr/lib, usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu, usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Seems that you need to use link_directories to tell where to find your libs.


how to link third-part library in cmake

I'm currently work with the project that chosen the CMake as the build system.
Nonetheless, I'm not very familiar with CMake. I spent much time on including the third-party library, the result is not very prefer. Could someone provide a way to fix my scenario?
My project tree is given in following section:
|----->test.h //this file will used third-part lib
it seems u need some basic cmake tutorial?
in Top level CmakeLists.txt
target_link_directories(your_target_name ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdLib/Lib1/lib)
target_link_directories(your_target_name ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdLib/Lib2/lib)
And all .dll should be placed in the same folder as executable or env:PATH should refer to folder with .dlls

Fundamentals of cross-compiling (with CMake) [duplicate]

I'm working with QT and embedded devices and in many documentation items ( like here) they are talking about sysroots. I've searched the web but I couldn't find anything about what a sysroot is. I have a cross-compiler-toolchain though. What's a sysroot and how do I create one ?
A sysroot is a directory which is considered to be the root directory for the purpose of locating headers and libraries. So for example if your build toolchain wants to find /usr/include/foo.h but you are cross-compiling and the appropriate foo.h is in /my/other/place/usr/include/foo.h, you would use /my/other/place as your sysroot.

C++ Packaging: Finding shared library dependencies

I have build an application in C++ which is linked with 3rd party shared libraries such as opencv. Now I would require to package this application and redistribute as tar files to users, with out having them to install and compile the 3rd party dependencies. Compiling libraries such as opencv in linux/Ubuntu is such a painful process.
Now I will want to find exactly what all specific modules of a library is linked to executable and include them in the distribution tar. I dont want to include the whole library as the size will of the tar will blow up.
Will it be sufficient enough just to include libraries detected by the ldd command? Any guidance or tip-off/starting point would be helpful
By its definition "ldd - print shared object dependencies". Besides, I personally confirm that it works as I always use it in professional projects.
Also you can check the same question and answers here.
The ldd command can be used to show what libraries an executable (or library) is linked to.
I tip that it works for me (after adding all dependencies with ldd) is to install a fresh linux in virtualBox and try the distribution tar as I'd be the final user. That way you can check that everything is ok.

including boost source files in project using eclipse

I am using boost libraries in an application which is targeted for multiple platforms including android.
unfortunately boost libraries are not included in android so i am trying to include the boost source files in project and compile them but i am getting many errors when i am trying to do that mostly unresolved symbols in many files
i have created the project as a shared library using eclipse ide and os is ubuntu 11.10
please help and i am not really a nerd so easy to understand solution would be really helpful.
Thanks in advance
make a folder called local/include/ in your home folder. Then create a symbolic link from /usr/include/boost to there. Include ~/local/include in the LOCAL_C_INCLUDES variable in your This will work for the header-only libraries in boost.

Building a subset of boost in windows

I'm trying setup a subset of boost and get it properly compiled using bjam, however I'm not getting the result I'm looking for. I'm working on windows using boost 1.37.0.
Let's say I want the libraries smart_ptr and filesystem built/installed. I intentionally chose a header only library and one library needing to compile a library. I want them to be built into a directory structure similar to the one I would get if I built a complete boost installation with bjam (i.e not specifying any --with-libraryX) but of course without all the libraries I'm not interested in.
My first approach was to use the --with-filesystem --with-smart_ptr in bjam, however it seemed like it didn't recognize smart_ptr (I tried smartptr and smart-ptr without success). I guess this is because it's a header only library.
When I removed it and only had --with-filesystem it seemed to copy ALL libraries header files to the install path and only build the libraries for filesystem. The library building behavior was the one I hoped for, but I got tons of header files for libraries I'm not interested in installed in my boost directory.
My second approach was to use bcp to copy the relevant projects. This did work out in the sense that I only got the projects I cared about (and their dependencies). However they didn't provide any make files for building the libraries that was copied. This means I would need to setup projects files for all the libraries that are not header only and manually build them.
So my question is basically, is there a way of selectively building boost that only copies the headers for the libraries I'm interested in and only building library files for the non header only libraries I'm interested in (and the boost libraries they are dependent on course)?
There are probably tons of manual/scripting based solutions for this, but if I could get something running only using bjam would be way more useful for me since adding new libraries or upgrading to a new boost version would be very simple.
Added the complete command line for the first approach:
bjam install --prefix=c:\temp\boostsmall
--build-dir=C:\temp\boostsmalltemp --layout=system
--with-filesystem variant=debug link=static threading=multi
Changed scoped_ptr to smart_ptr
Solved it.
The bcp solution had make files for the projects, however I needed to copy the tools directory and the root of the boost directory to the place I copied all my libs to get things up running.
Great question! This is an issue I have recently managed to figure out, I think.
I already had the full Boost libraries installed, including the ones requiring separate compilation.
I managed to create a subset of the Boost libraries (regex) for a particular application I was working on using the following steps:
First ensure the bcp executable is installed in the first place. In your Boost root folder, navigate to the tools/bcp folder and run the bjam.exe in here. For me this created the bcp executable in [Boost path]\bin.v2\tools\bcp\msvc-10.0\release\link-static directory:
Then create the folder where you would like the Boost subset to reside. This might already be a folder for a Visual Studio project you are working on.
Run the bcp exectubale you created, making sure to include the libraries you wish to include, as well as the location of the boost root directory and the destination folder. Observe how the required Boost components (eg for regex) have been included in your destination folder.
bcp.exe regex --boost="C:\Program Files\boost_1_55_0\boost_1_55_0" C:\Projects\RegexProject\BoostLite
In your Visual Studio project set the Additional Include Directories and Libraries to point to the 'Boost lite' folder that was created.
One final thing - which I think is described previously - I needed to go to my regular Boost folder setup and copy the required stage/lib folder containing all the lib files needed for the subset version and copy them here, just a few regex-related lib files in my case.
I found that this worked for me. Any feedback from other persons experiences would be appreciated.
A blog posting describing the same thing can be found here.