How to forward call to multiple numbers - phone-call

How do I transfer the call to more then one number?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vxml version = "2.1">
<form id="CallTransfer">
<transfer name="MyCall" dest="tel:+15555555" bridge="true" >

The VoiceXML specification does not provide for the concept of a bridge/conference call to multiple parties. If you have chosen a specific browser/vendor, they may provide extensions to the specification that do provide that functionality.


Regarding <Results> Element/propery/Tag/Function in DataPower xslt

This may be somewhat naive but I am quite struck on the issue
There is a specific <result> element in DataPower and when calling through xslt we have somewhat following format(which I discovered in some forums)--
<results mode="require-all" multiple-outputs="true" transactional="true" retry-interval="100" asynchronous="false">
<url input="var://the_request_SOAP_Format"asynchronous="true">https://XXXXXXX</url>
now in this (url input) is the request which needs to be send and (https://XXXXXXX) is the specified backend where it needs to be sent
Now I have some authentication headers(httpHeaders) also which I need to send without which I will get Authorization error
<xsl:variable name="httpHeaders">
<header name="Content-Type">application/json</header>
<header name="Authorization">
<xsl:value-of select="concat('Bearer ',$some_sessionID)"/>
Is this possible to add these 'httpHeaders' in the result mode element/Tab property
I am not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve but adding http headers for the response (backside) you do with:
<dp:set-http-response-header name="'HeaderName'" value="$httpHeaders"/>
<dp:set-http-request-header name="'HeaderName'" value="$httpHeaders"/>
The <results> is the collection of data that the Processing Policy will output as Payload for the Request/Response and won't contain headers. You shouldn't try to alter the <results> object!
The "results-doc" method of calling backends is quite powerful, but I'm not sure from your question if you fully understand it. The url/#input attribute needs to be a DataPower context:
<url input="var://context/mycontext" ...
To associate headers with that context, you should do something like this for each header you need:
(This would be done in your XSLT code, separate from creating the "results" document, but before you use a Results Action to execute.)

in xslt 2.0, can I import a common xslt file into two files where one outputs xml and the other output html?

I'm using xslt 2.0. Can I have a common xslt file that is imported by two main stylesheets, where one of those outputs html and the other outputs xml?
For example, say I have common.xsl. It transforms xml to xml.
Then I have main_output_xml.xsl. This will import common.xsl and its output format will be xml.
I also have main_output_html.xsl. This will also import common.xsl, but it will have an output format of html.
Is this possible?
As Ken Holman says, the answer is yes, you can do exactly what you are suggesting.
#Nalaka526 if your read the question then you will see that it only demands a "yes" or "no" answer. The only reason my answer is longer is that SO doesn't allow short answers.
Short: "Yes".
Long: use named output.
First, define the different output options at the top level of your XSLT.
"20 Serialization.
A stylesheet may contain multiple xsl:output declarations and may include or import stylesheet modules that also contain xsl:output declarations. The name of an xsl:output declaration is the value of its name attribute, if any."
<xsl:output name="text" method="text" indent="no" encoding="utf-8" />
<xsl:output name="default" indent="no" method="html" encoding="utf-8" doctype-system=""
doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" />
Then use one of the defined name methods in your result-document output:
<xsl:result-document href="output_file.txt" format="text">
"19.1 Creating Final Result Trees
The xsl:result-document instruction defines the URI of the result tree, and may optionally specify the output format to be used for serializing this tree."

Getting and displaying data from database with xforms on submission

I have a database with an xml document in it, and I want to display a transformed xml on my xforms page, when the submission is sent (I'm using orbeon forms).
My solution is, that on the submission my servlet gets the xml from the database, writes it into a file, xslt transforms the xml tree (when and how should I do the transformation?), but I don't know, how to display this file on the xforms page. Maybe the replace="instance" attribute in can help, but i don't know how.
Now, after Alessandro's advice, Im trying to use this xpl thing, but it doesn't work.
In the model:
<xforms:insert nodeset="instance('inst2')"
origin="xxforms:call-xpl('oxf:/resources/pipeline.xpl', 'data',
instance('inst1'), 'data')"/>
in pipeline.xpl:
<p:config xmlns:p=""
<p:param type="input" name="data"/>
<p:param type="output" name="data"/>
<p:processor name="oxf:xslt">
<p:input name="data" href="#data"/>
<p:input name="config" href="transform.xsl"/>
<p:output name="data" ref="data"/>
My instance, that I want to transform is "complaint-instance", the transformed instance called "trf-instance", the pipeline.xpl file is in the same directory with my xforms page. My styesheet called customerToOperator.xsl. What's wrong in my code?
I just noticed, the note: "If you are using separate deployment, the service and XSLT transformation must be present in the Orbeon WAR file, instead of within your application."
Ehm... Where should I put these files?
my app in details:
a) an xforms page, with 2 instances:
<instance id='inst1'>
<instance id='inst2'>
I got 2 input fields, referenced on name/lastname and name/firstname.
I have an xforms:insert node, described above, and an xforms:submission node:
I added 2 files to orbeon/WEB-INF/resources, the pipeline.xpl, (described above) and transform.xsl:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:value-of select="name/firstname"/>
<xsl:value-of select="name/lastname"/>
And I have a servlet, which writes the posted instance on the console (now it writes inst2 on the console, but without the user input data, only the nodes...)
A really need to fix this...
Thanks again!
To get the XML from a database (relational or not) and apply a transformation, instead of writing my own servlet, I would use an XPL pipeline, and map this pipeline to a URL through the page flow. Now you have a service that answers to an HTTP request and returns XML. To call the service from XForms, you use an <xforms:submission replace="instance">. You end up with the XML in an instance, and you can display it with something like: <xforms:output value="saxon:serialize(instance(), 'xml')"/>.
In all cases (including separate deployment), the pipeline and XSLT file must be in the "resources". Usually, this means the WEB-INF/resources of the Orbeon's web app. But you can also do more fancy things by setting up the Orbeon resource manager to also use other directories on disk.

Is it possible to search SharePoint metadata?

When I use the Search.asmx web service it won't allow me to search MetaData. Is there a way that I can do this?
Below is what I have come up with so far for my query, but it errors out with an InvalidPropertyException every time I run it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<QueryPacket xmlns="urn:Microsoft.Search.Query" Revision="1000">
<Query domain="QDomain">
<QueryText language="en-US" type="MSSQLFT">
<![CDATA[ SELECT Title, Rank, Size, Description, Write, Path FROM portal..scope() WHERE "Published" = 'Yes' ORDER BY "Rank" DESC ]]>
You can't just search an arbitrary column of metadata, you need to make sure it gets crawled first and is made available under a sensible name (managed property). See this blog post for an example.
Also, if Published is a boolean, I think you might want to test "Published" = 1, in stead of yes.

Evernote export format (ENEX) to HTML, including pictures?

The two subquestions I have created have been solved (yay for splitting this one up!), so this one is solved. I'll award the check mark to samjudson, since his answer was the closest. For actual working solutions though, see the below subquestions; both my implemented solutions and the checked answers.
I am splitting this question into two separate questions, since this is a fairly complicated problem. Answers are still welcome though.
The suquestions are:
XSLT: Convert base64 data into
image files
XSLT: Obtaining or matching hashes
for base64 encoded data
Hi, just wondering if anyone here has had any success in converting Evernote's export format, which is XML, to HTML including the pictures. I do know that Evernote has an export to HTML function which does this, but I eventually want to do more fancy stuff with it.
I have managed to accomplish getting the text only using the following XSLT:
Sample code removed
See child questions for implemented solutions.
However, a.t.m. this simply ignores any pictures, and this is where I need help.
Stumbling block #1: Evernote stores its pictures as GIFs or PNGs, and when exported, it embeds these GIFs & PNGs directly in the XML using what appears to be base64 (I could be wrong). I need to be able to reconsitute the pictures. If you open the file in a text editor, look for the huge blocks of data in the **//note/resource/data**. For example (indents added manually):
<data encoding="base64">
Stumbling block #2: Evernote stores the file names of each picture under the resource node
however, in the actual note in which it refers to the picture, it references the picture not by the filename, but by its hash, for example:
<en-media hash="4aaafc3e14314027bb1d89cf7d59a06c" type="image/gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="Alt Text"/>
Can anyone shed some light on how to deal with (base64) encoded binary data inside XML?
I understand from the comments & answers that plain ol' XSLT won't get the job done handling images. The XSLT processor I am using is Xalan , however, if this is not good enough for the purposes of image processing or base64, then I am please suggest one that does do these!
Also, as requested, here is a sample Evernote export file. The code clips above are merely selected parts of this. I have stripped it down such that it contains just one note and edited most of the text out of it, and added indents for clarity.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE en-export SYSTEM "">
<en-export export-date="20091029T063411Z" application="Evernote/Windows" version="3.0">
<title>A title here</title>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "">
<en-note bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p>Some text here (followed by the picture)
<p><en-media hash="4aaafc3e14314027bb1d89cf7d59a06c" type="image/gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="A picture"/></p>
<p>Some more text here (preceded by the picture)
<data encoding="base64">
And this needs to be transformed into this:
<p>Some text here (followed by the picture)
<p><img src="clip_image001.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="A picture"/></p>
<p>Some more text here (preceded by the picture)
With the file clip_image001.gif being generated and saved.
There is a new Data URI specification which may be of some help provided you are only intending to support modern browsers, and your images are small (for example IE8 only support <32k images).
Other than that the only other thing you can do is use some external scripts to export the image data to file and use them. This would depend greatly on what XSLT processor you are using.
It exists a pure XSLT answer to this issue ; look at this page