sass error compiling zurb foundation with !global variable flag - ruby-on-rails-4

The 'rake --trace assets:precompile' command gives the following error:
rake aborted!
Sass::SyntaxError: Invalid CSS after "...ules: $modules ": expected "}", was "!global;"
(in app/assets/stylesheets/foundation_and_overrides.scss:13)
The error appears to come from line 13 of 'foundation-rails-'
9 // We use this to prevent styles from being loaded multiple times for compenents that rely o n other components.
10 $modules: () !default;
11 #mixin exports($name) {
12 // Import from global scope
13 $modules: $modules !global;
14 // Check if a module is already on the list
15 $module_index: index($modules, $name);
16 #if (($module_index == null) or ($module_index == false)) {
17 $modules: append($modules, $name) !global;
18 #content;
19 }
20 }
The SASS syntax looks fine to me, and compiles without error provided I have made no edits to the generated 'app/assets/stylesheets/foundation_and_overrides.scss.' If I make the smallest change to that file, such as the following, the compilation error occurs.
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/foundation_and_overrides.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/foundation_and_overrides.scss
## -14,7 +14,7 ## $base-font-size: 100% !default;
// Since the typical default browser font-size is 16px, that makes the calculation for grid siz
// If you want your base font-size to be a different size and not have it effect grid size too,
// set the value of $em-base to $base-font-size ($em-base: $base-font-size;)
-$em-base: 16px !default;
+$em-base: 17px !default;
// It strips the unit of measure and returns it
#function strip-unit($num) {
Environment is Rails 4.0.8, foundation-rails

The foundation-rails gem has set the lower bounds on their Sass dependency to >= 3.2.0, but are using a Sass 3.3 feature (the !global flag). You'll need to specify a dependency for 3.3 for your project.
I also recommend submitting a bug report to the maintainers of foundation-rails.


Render to "pdf_document" output format in rmarkdown getting stuck on knitr asis_output function

New to Rmarkdown (and markdown in general). I've inherited some code that works great for the html_document output format but not for pdf_document. It seems to get stuck on the knitr asis_output function in the .Rmd script. When I comment out chunks containing that function, it writes to pdf no problem. Here's some troubleshooting I've tried:
R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.1, RStudio 1.2.1335
Random number generation:
RNG: Mersenne-Twister
Normal: Inversion
Sample: Rounding
Locale: en_CA.UTF-8 / en_CA.UTF-8 / en_CA.UTF-8 / C / en_CA.UTF-8 / en_CA.UTF-8
:Package version:
base64enc_0.1.3 digest_0.6.20 evaluate_0.14 glue_1.3.1 graphics_3.6.1 grDevices_3.6.1 highr_0.8
htmltools_0.4.0 jsonlite_1.6 knitr_1.25 magrittr_1.5 markdown_1.1 methods_3.6.1 mime_0.7
Rcpp_1.0.2 rlang_0.4.0 rmarkdown_1.16 stats_3.6.1 stringi_1.4.3 stringr_1.4.0 tinytex_0.17.1
tools_3.6.1 utils_3.6.1 xfun_0.10 yaml_2.2.0
Pandoc version: 2.7.3
[1] "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/opt/X11/bin"
[1] "/usr/local/texlive/2019"
tlmgr path add add_link_dir_dir: /usr/local/share/info/dir exists;
not making symlink. add_link_dir_dir: destination
/usr/local/share/man/man5 not writable, no links from
/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/doc/man/man5.tlmgr: An error has
occurred. See above messages. Exiting. add of symlinks had 1
error(s), see messages above.[1] 6
So maybe the problem is a path issue? In which case I have no clue how to fix. Or should I be using an alternative to the asis_output function? Any help is much appreciated. Here's the relevant bits of my code:
In the R script:
id <- 44
output_format = "pdf_document",
output_file = paste("report_", id,".pdf", sep=''),
output_dir = '/Users/myname/Documents/test')
In the Rmd file:
title: "Monitoring Activity Summary Report"
mode: selfcontained
date: "November 2019"
pdf_document: default
html_document: default
self_contained: yes
[some code chunks...]
[then these code chunks that get stuck only for "pdf_document"...]
``` {r setup_Samp1a, echo=FALSE}
sampling_1 <- ![1])```
```{r conditional block, eval = sampling_1}
asis_output("### 3.1 Sampling 1\\n") # Header that is only shown if
sampling_1 == TRUE```
The error message
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> 3.1 Sampling 1\n
Error: Failed to compile /Users/myname/Documents/test/report_44.tex.
See for debugging tips. See
report_44.log for more info.

gulp-less doesn't make CSS files anymore

I'm using gulp for generating CSS from LESS. It has worked perfectly, but now the script seems to ignore the LESS files.
Here is my gulpfile.js (it is definitely correct, since I have not change it in the last time):
// Include Gulp plugins
var gulp = require('gulp'),
less = require('gulp-less'),
watch = require('gulp-watch'),
prefix = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
filter = require('gulp-filter'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
path = require('path')
// Compile LESS to CSS
gulp.task('build-less', function() {
const fileFilter = filter(['*', '!mixins.less', '!variables.less']);
gulp.src('./public/less/*.less') // path to less file
.pipe(gulp.dest('./public/css/')) // path to css directory
// Get vendors' code
gulp.task('build-vendors', function() {
gulp.src(['./public/components/bootstrap/less/theme.less', './public/components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less']) // path to less file
.pipe(rename(function (path) {
//rename all files except 'bootstrap.css'
if (path.basename + path.extname !== 'bootstrap.css') {
path.basename = 'bootstrap-' + path.basename;
.pipe(gulp.dest('./public/css')) // path to css directory
// Run the build process
gulp.task('run', ['build-less', 'build-vendors']);
// Watch all LESS files, then run build-less
gulp.task('watch', function() {'public/less/*.less', ['run'])
// Default will run the 'entry' task
gulp.task('default', ['watch', 'run']);
And here is the call and the output:
$ gulp
[11:21:03] Using gulpfile /var/www/path/to/project/gulpfile.js
[11:21:03] Starting 'watch'...
[11:21:03] Finished 'watch' after 21 ms
[11:21:03] Starting 'build-less'...
[11:21:03] Finished 'build-less' after 13 ms
[11:21:03] Starting 'build-vendors'...
[11:21:03] Finished 'build-vendors' after 4.65 ms
[11:21:03] Starting 'run'...
[11:21:03] Finished 'run' after 5.37 μs
[11:21:03] Starting 'default'...
[11:21:03] Finished 'default' after 6.05 μs
The whatch also works correctly -- when I edit my LESS files I get an output like this:
[11:22:22] Starting 'build-less'...
[11:22:22] Finished 'build-less' after 1.96 ms
[11:22:22] Starting 'build-vendors'...
[11:22:22] Finished 'build-vendors' after 1.78 ms
[11:22:22] Starting 'run'...
[11:22:22] Finished 'run' after 5.08 μs
I also tried to run the build-less directly:
$ gulp build-less
[11:24:06] Using gulpfile /var/www/path/to/project/gulpfile.js
[11:24:06] Starting 'build-less'...
[11:24:06] Finished 'build-less' after 13 ms
No errors, but also no changes at the CSS files.
What might go wrong here and how to fix it?
gulp-filter uses multimatch to match file paths against globbing patterns. The documentation for multimatch has this to say about *:
* matches any number of characters, but not /
Since you're trying to match files with paths like public/less/foo.less (which contain a /) using a single asterisk * doesn't work. You have to use two asterisks **:
gulp.task('build-less', function() {
const fileFilter = filter(['**/*', '!**/mixins.less', '!**/variables.less']);
gulp.src('./public/less/*.less') // path to less file
.pipe(gulp.dest('./public/css/')); // path to css directory

Rails 4.1, Guard 2.10, and Minitest 5.4.1 -- RuntimeError & Rails::Generators::TestCase

I'm trying to set up Guard with Minitest in a new Rails 4 project. I updated my Gemfile with the following:
group :development do
gem 'guard'
gem 'guard-minitest'
And then ran bundle exec guard init minitest.
I've got a pretty simple test like so:
require 'test_helper'
describe ClassToBeTested do
describe "#initialize" do
it "should return a ClassToBeTested object" do
obj =
obj.must_be_kind_of ClassToBeTested
The class being tested is in app/services/class_to_be_tested.rb.
When I run bundle exec guard -n f I get the following:
11:35:43 - INFO - Guard::Minitest 2.3.2 is running, with Minitest::Unit 5.4.1!
11:35:43 - INFO - Running: all tests
Run options: --seed 36837
# Running:
Finished in 0.005190s, 192.6728 runs/s, 0.0000 assertions/s.
1) Error:
ClassToBeTested::#initialize#test_0001_should return a ClassToBeTested object:
RuntimeError: You need to configure your Rails::Generators::TestCase destination root.
1 runs, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips
11:35:45 - INFO - Guard is now watching at '/home/sean/Code/Ruby/work/project'
Is there something I'm missing? Something in Guard/Minitest/Rails that needs to be configured to work properly?
Figured it out -- apparently it thought that the class was a generator. Adding the following line to test_helper.rb inside the class TestCase block fixed the issue:
register_spec_type(/ClassToBeTested/, Minitest::Spec)
Is there a way to have all the classes in test/services/ be subclassed under Minitest::Spec, and not the Generator test class?

Mage_Selenium_Driver::doCommand() should be compatible with that of PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase_Driver

I am trying to configure Magento test automation framework on my system.
When I run phpunit in command line, I am getting following error. Same error I am getting while running test in the netbeans.
Strict Standards: Declaration of Mage_Selenium_Driver::doCommand() should
be compatible with that of PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase_Driver::doCommand()
in C:\MTAF\taf\lib\Mage\Selenium\Driver.php on line 38
Fatal error: Call to undefined method PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite::isPublicTestMethod() in C:\MTAF\taf\lib\Mage\Selenium\TestCase.php on line 2502
Can some one please suggest some solution for the same.
I changed the code, this is the change I performed:
--- a/framework/Mage/Selenium/TestCase.php
+++ b/framework/Mage/Selenium/TestCase.php
## -409,7 +409,7 ## class Mage_Selenium_TestCase extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase
$testMethods = array();
$class = new ReflectionClass(self::$_testClass);
foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) {
- if (PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite::isPublicTestMethod($method)) {
+ if ($method->isPublic()) {
$testMethods[] = $method->getName();
I was getting this error when running phpunit >= 4.0. Downgrading to 3.7.x solved it for me.

Suppressing stack trace when Rails tests error

I'm a Ruby on Rails newbie and writing tests. Some of these generate exceptions; I would like the "rake test" output to give me the exception error message but not the whole backtrace. (I'd like to write tests which exercise unimplemented functionality, which I'll then fill in.)
For example, actual output:
Finished in 0.081054 seconds.
1) Error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: null value in column "client_ip" violates not-null constraint
: INSERT INTO "revisions" ("created_at", "id") VALUES ('2011-02-03 20:14:17', 980190962)
/Users/rpriedhorsky/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/gems/activerecord-3.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:202:in `rescue in log'
/Users/rpriedhorsky/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/gems/activerecord-3.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:194:in `log'
/Users/rpriedhorsky/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/gems/activerecord-3.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:496:in `execute'
[... etc. etc. etc. ...]
1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips
Desired output:
Finished in 0.081054 seconds.
1) Error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: null value in column "client_ip" violates not-null constraint
1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips
I found info (e.g.) on the opposite direction, but not on suppressing stack traces.
It would be nice to turn them on and off easily; as pointed out below, sometimes they are useful for tracking down bugs.
You could take a look at "backtrace silencers" - for me (Rails 2.3.8), this is the file config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb:
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# You can add backtrace silencers for libraries that you're using but
# don't wish to see in your backtraces.
# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /my_noisy_library/ }
# You can also remove all the silencers if you're trying do debug a
# problem that might steem from framework code.
# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers!
Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer {|line| line =~ /gems/}
Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer {|line| line =~ /passenger/}
It looks like you should be able to put a line like
Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer {|line| true}
In your config/environments/test.rb file, and that would wipe your backtraces clean away (though it might just apply to the logger - I'm not very familiar with the method).
But ask yourself - do you really want to do away with backtraces entirely? They can be pretty useful for tracking down bugs...