Easiest way to add immediate task to a `CFRunLoop`? - c++

What is the easiest way to add an immediate one-time task to a CFRunLoop from a C/C++ program, that is, a callback which must be invoked by the run-loop before it blocks again.
According to the documentation, we have CFRunLoopPerformBlock(), but the problem with it, is that it uses the block-notation which requires Objective-C compilation mode.
Is there something similar to CFRunLoopPerformBlock() which is available to a C/C++ program, or am I forced to use a zero-delay timer?

The block language feature does not require the use of Objective-C. It's also supported in C and C++ by Clang. So, you can go ahead and use CFRunLoopPerformBlock().
If you're still looking for alternatives and you wish to target the main thread's run loop (i.e. the main run loop), you can use dispatch_async_f(). Although it's most common to use the block-based functions when using GCD, the functions with the _f suffix take function pointers.
static void my_task_function(void *context)
// ...
dispatch_async_f(dispatch_get_main_queue(), any_pointer_you_like, my_task_function);


Injecting dll before windows executes target TLS callbacks

There's an app that uses TLS callbacks to remap its memory using (NtCreateSection/NtUnmapViewOfSection/NtMapViewOfSection) using the SEC_NO_CHANGE flag.
Is there any way to hook NtCreateSection before the target app use it on its TLS callback?
You could use API Monitor to check if it is really that function call and if I understand you correctly you want to modify its invocation. API Monitor allows you to modify the parameters on the fly. If just "patching" the value when the application accesses the api is enough you could than use x64dbg to craft a persistent binary patch for your application. But this requires you to at least know or get familiar with basic x64/x86 assembler.
I have no idea what you're trying to achieve exactly but if you're trying to execute setup code before the main() function is called (to setup hooks), you could use the constructor on a static object. You would basically construct an object before your main program starts.
// In a .cpp file (do not put in a header as that would create multiple static objects!)
class StaticIntitializer {
std::cout << "This will run before your main function...\n";
/* This is where you would setup all your hooks */
static StaticInitializer staticInitializer;
Beware though, as any object constructed this way might get constructed in any order depending on compilers, files order, etc. Also, some things might not be initialized yet and you might not be able to achieve what you want to setup.
That might be a good starting point, but as I said, I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve here, so good luck and I hope it helps a little.

How to detect background function being called in critical functions

I am working on very large c++ project, it has lot of real time critical functions and also lot of slow background functions. These background functions should not be called from time critical functions. So is there way to detect these background functions being called from critical functions? compile time would be good but anyway I like to detect before these background functions.
More info, both slow and critical functions are part of same class and share same header.
Some more information, Critical functions runs under really faster thread (>=10KHz) slower one runs under different slower thread (<=1KHz). Class member variables are protected using critical sections in slow functions since both use same class member variables. That's reason calling slow functions in critical functions will slowdown overall system performance. That's reason I like to find all these kind of functions automatically instead of manual checking.
You need to leverage the linker. Separate the "realtime" and slow functions into two modules, and link them in the correct order.
For example, split the files into two directories. Create a lib from each directory (ranlib the object files together) then link your final application using:
c++ -o myapp main.o lib1/slowfns.a lib2/realtime.a
If you try to call anything from slowfns.a in realtime.a, depending on the compiler, it will fail to link (some compilers may need options to enforce this).
In addition, this lets you easily manage compile-time declarations too: make sure that the headers from the slowfns library aren't on the include path when compiling the "realtime" funcitons library for added protection.
Getting a compile-time detection other than the one proposed by Nicholas Wilson will be extremely hard if not impossible, but assuming "background" really refers to the functions, and not to multiple threads (I saw no mention of threads in the question, so I assume it's just an odd wording) you could trivially use a global flag and a locker object, and either assert or throw an exception. Or, output a debug message. This will, of course, be runtime-only -- but you should be able to very quickly isolate the offenders. It will also be very low overhead for debug builds (almost guaranteed to run from L1 cache), and none for release builds.
Using CaptureStackBackTrace, one should be able to capture the offending function's address, which a tool like addr2line (or whatever the MS equivalent is) can directly translate to a line in your code. There is probably even a toolhelp function that can directly do this translation (though I wouldn't know).
So, something like this (untested!) might do the trick:
namespace global { int slow_flag = 0; }
struct slow_func_locker
slow_func_locker() { ++global::slow_flag; }
~slow_func_locker(){ --global::slow_flag; }
#indef NDEBUG
#define REALTIME if(global::slow_flag) \
{ \
void* backtrace; \
CaptureStackBackTrace(0, 1, &backtrace, 0); \
printf("RT function %s called from %08x\n", __FUNCTION__, backtrace); \
#define SLOW_FUNC slow_func_locker slow_func_locker_;
#define REALTIME
#define SLOW_FUNC
some_realtime_function(blah); // this will trigger
The only real downside (apart from not being compile-time) is you have to mark each and every slow and realtime function with either marker, but since the compiler cannot magically know which is what, there's not much of a choice anyway.
Note that the global "flag" is really a counter, not a flag. The reason for this is that a slow function could immediately call another slow function that returns and clears the flag -- incorrectly assuming a fast function now (the approach with critical sections suggested by xgbi might deadlock in this case!). A counter prevents this from happening. In presence of threads, one might replace int with std::atomic_int, too.
As it is clear now that there are really 2 threads running, and it only matters that one of them (the "fast" thread) does not ever call a "slow" function, there is another simple, working solution (example using Win32 API, but could be done with POSIX either way):
When the "fast" thread starts up (the "slow" thread does not need to do this), store the thread ID somewhere, either as global variable, or as member of the object that contains all the fast/slow functions -- anywhere where it's accessible:
global::fast_thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
The macro to bail out on "unwelcome" function calls could then look like:
#define CHECK_FAST_THREAD assert(GetCurrentThreadID() != global::fast_thread_id)
This macro is then added to any "slow" function that should never be called from the "fast" thread. If the fast thread calls a function that it must not call, the assert triggers and it is known which function is called.
Don't know how to do that at compile time, but for runtime, maybe use a mutex?
static Mutex critical_mutex;
#define CALL_SLOW( f ) if( critical_mutex.try_lock() == FAIL) \
printf("SLOW FUNCTION " #f" called while in CRITICAL\n");\
#define ENTER_CRITICAL() critical_mutex.lock()
#define EXIT_CRITICAL() critical_mutex.unlock()
Whenever you use a slow function while in a critical section, the trylock will fail.
void slow_func(){
CALL_SLOW( slow_func() );
Will print:
SLOW FUNCTION slow_func() called while in CRITICAL
If you need speed, you can implement your lightweight mutex with interlockedincrement on windows or __sync* functions on linux.
Preshing has an awesome set of blog posts about this HERE.
If you're free to modify the code as you wish, there's a type-system-level solution that involves adding some boilerplate.
Basically, you create a new class, SlowFunctionToken. Every slow function in your program takes a reference to SlowFunctionToken. Next, you make SlowFunctionToken's default and copy constructors private.
Now only functions that already have a SlowFunctionToken can call slow functions. How do you get a SlowFunctionToken? Add friend declarations to SlowFunctionToken; specifically, friend the thread entry functions of the threads that are allowed to use slow functions. Then, create local SlowFunctionToken objects there and pass them down.
class SlowFunctionToken;
class Stuff {
void FastThread();
void SlowThread();
void ASlowFunction(SlowFunctionToken& sft);
void AnotherSlowFunction(SlowFunctionToken& sft);
void AFastFunction();
class SlowFunctionToken {
SlowFunctionToken() {}
SlowFunctionToken(const SlowFunctionToken&) {}
friend void Stuff::SlowThread();
void Stuff::FastThread() {
//SlowFunctionToken sft; doesn't compile
//ASlowFunction(???); doesn't compile
void Stuff::SlowThread() {
SlowFunctionToken sft;
void Stuff::ASlowFunction(SlowFunctionToken& sft) {
AFastFunction(); // works, but that function can't call slow functions

Insert text into C++ code between functions

I have following requirement:
Adding text at the entry and exit point of any function.
Not altering the source code, beside inserting from above (so no pre-processor or anything)
For example:
void fn(param-list)
ENTRY_TEXT (param-list)
//some code
But not only in such a simple case, it'd also run with pre-processor directives!
void fn(param-list)
#ifdef __WIN__
ENTRY_TEXT (param-list)
//some windows code
ENTRY_TEXT (param-list)
//some any-os code
if (condition)
return; //should become EXIT_TEXT
So my question is: Is there a proper way doing this?
I already tried some work with parsers used by compilers but since they all rely on running a pre-processor before parsing, they are useless to me.
Also some of the token generating parser, which do not need a pre-processor are somewhat useless because they generate a memory-mapping of tokens, which then leads to a complete new source code, instead of just inserting the text.
One thing I am working on is to try it with FLEX (or JFlex), if this is a valid option, I would appreciate some input on it. ;-)
To clarify a little bit: The purpose is to allow something like a stack trace.
I want to trace every function call, and in order to follow the call-hierachy, I need to place a macro at the entry-point of a function and at the exit point of a function.
This builds a function-call trace. :-)
EDIT2: Compiler-specific options are not quite suitable since we have many different compilers to use, and many that are propably not well supported by any tools out there.
Unfortunately, your idea is not only impractical (C++ is complex to parse), it's also doomed to fail.
The main issue you have is that exceptions will bypass your EXIT_TEXT macro entirely.
You have several solutions.
As has been noted, the first solution would be to use a platform dependent way of computing the stack trace. It can be somewhat imprecise, especially because of inlining: ie, small functions being inlined in their callers, they do not appear in the stack trace as no function call was generated at assembly level. On the other hand, it's widely available, does not require any surgery of the code and does not affect performance.
A second solution would be to only introduce something on entry and use RAII to do the exit work. Much better than your scheme as it automatically deals with multiple returns and exceptions, it suffers from the same issue: how to perform the insertion automatically. For this you will probably want to operate at the AST level, and modify the AST to introduce your little gem. You could do it with Clang (look up the c++11 migration tool for examples of rewrites at large) or with gcc (using plugins).
Finally, you also have manual annotations. While it may seem underpowered (and a lot of work), I would highlight that you do not leave logging to a tool... I see 3 advantages to doing it manually: you can avoid introducing this overhead in performance sensitive parts, you can retain only a "summary" of big arguments and you can customize the summary based on what's interesting for the current function.
I would suggest using LLVM libraries & Clang to get started.
You could also leverage the C++ language to simplify your process. If you just insert a small object into the code that is constructed on function scope entrance & rely on the fact that it will be destroyed on exit. That should massively simplify recording the 'exit' of the function.
This does not really answer you question, however, for your initial need, you may use the backtrace() function from execinfo.h (if you are using GCC).
How to generate a stacktrace when my gcc C++ app crashes

Parsing C++ to make some changes in the code

I would like to write a small tool that takes a C++ program (a single .cpp file), finds the "main" function and adds 2 function calls to it, one in the beginning and one in the end.
How can this be done? Can I use g++'s parsing mechanism (or any other parser)?
If you want to make it solid, use clang's libraries.
As suggested by some commenters, let me put forward my idea as an answer:
So basically, the idea is:
... original .cpp file ...
#include <yourHeader>
namespace {
SpecialClass specialClassInstance;
Where SpecialClass is something like:
class SpecialClass {
SpecialClass() {
~SpecialClass() {
This way, you don't need to parse the C++ file. Since you are declaring a global, its constructor will run before main starts and its destructor will run after main returns.
The downside is that you don't get to know the relative order of when your global is constructed compared to others. So if you need to guarantee that firstFunction is called
before any other constructor elsewhere in the entire program, you're out of luck.
I've heard the GCC parser is both hard to use and even harder to get at without invoking the whole toolchain. I would try the clang C/C++ parser (libparse), and the tutorials linked in this question.
Adding a function at the beginning of main() and at the end of main() is a bad idea. What if someone calls return in the middle?.
A better idea is to instantiate a class at the beginning of main() and let that class destructor do the call function you want called at the end. This would ensure that that function always get called.
If you have control of your main program, you can hack a script to do this, and that's by far the easiet way. Simply make sure the insertion points are obvious (odd comments, required placement of tokens, you choose) and unique (including outlawing general coding practices if you have to, to ensure the uniqueness you need is real). Then a dumb string hacking tool to read the source, find the unique markers, and insert your desired calls will work fine.
If the souce of the main program comes from others sources, and you don't have control, then to do this well you need a full C++ program transformation engine. You don't want to build this yourself, as just the C++ parser is an enormous effort to get right. Others here have mentioned Clang and GCC as answers.
An alternative is our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with its C++ front end. DMS, using its C++ front end, can parse code (for a variety of C++ dialects), builds ASTs, carry out full name/type resolution to determine the meaning/definition/use of all symbols. It provides procedural and source-to-source transformations to enable changes to the AST, and can regenerate compilable source code complete with original comments.

let the user use a function in c++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Dynamic source code in C++
is it possible to let the user type in a function and then run that function without using a lot of if's or a huge switch?
It is not possible to execute arbitrary c++ code in your program, since you than need a c++ compiler inside your program. But you could try to embed Python to your program. Boost python makes this relatively easy. The user can than write a python function that is executed and can interact with the classes and functions of your program. You need to make your functions explicitely visible to python.
What ever a user types in will be text, or a string. The only way I know to have it get mapped to a function is to use if/else or switch statements. That or the cringe inducing option of mapping each of your functions to a UI widget.
The end of the story, is it's your code. You have to write, and live with it. Just be careful, your program may be wildly successful, and you may not write code anymore, and then someone else will have to maintain your code. So be nice to the maintenance programmer who may follow you, and write code that isn't too tricky to figure out.
I assume you want something like eval from php.
You can try to play with command design pattern, but I doubt it will be an easy task. Basically you need to write simple C++ interpreter.
What type of function do you mean? A C++ function? If so, then you will have to either (1)interpret it or (2)compile and execute it. Interpretation would be the more likely choice here. I'm not sure if there are libraries out there already to do this but I'd assume there are.
If you don't like mega-if's or huge switches, you may be SoL on any solution for anything ever, but then again there is seldom one perfect way to do things. Consider looking in to various logic structures and algorithms to see how to do something that would normally be the job of a 23-case switch could be done another way. Like I said initially, however, sometimes you really do just need a million nested if's to do what you want to.
No, in C++ this is not possible. C++ is a compiled language. When the program runs, the compiler doesn't need to be accessible, or even installed on the machine that runs the program.
If you want to do this in C++, you need to write your own interpreter that parses whatever the user enters.
Here is my best idea, but it is a tad memory intensive.
First, create a class, lets call it MyFuncPtr to store a union of several different types of pointers to functions and an integer to tell which type it is. Overload the () operator to call the function stored with a variable length argument list. Make sure to include some sort of run-time argument checking.
Finally create a map of strings to MyFuncPtrs. Store your functions in this map along with their names. Then all you need to do is feed the name into the [] command to get a function that can be easily called. Templates could probably be used to aid in the making of MyFuncPtr instances.
This would be the easiest if it were plain C functions and no name mangling is performed on the symbols (use extern "C" { ... })
With some platform-specific code you can get the address of a function by its name. Then you cast the address as a function pointer which you can use to call the function.
On windows you must be using GetProcAddress and dlsym on Posix compliant platforms.