Create Custom Registration Pipeline Using python-social-auth - django

I have a django-based site that has private content and a small number of necessary users. I would like for everyone to use their Google account to authenticate using python-social-auth (PSA). I would therefore like to use the following process to add new users:
The new user visits the site and clicks on a "request access" button.
PSA would create a disabled user. The requesting user would be redirected to a page stating that access will be granted within 24 hours if approved.
The site admin would receive an email message notifying her of the request. If the new user is approved, then his account is enabled and the user is notified. If the request is not approved then the disabled account is deleted.
Once the user is enabled, he will login using the pipeline from this tutorial that only authenticates registered users. That part's easy. The hard part is figuring out how I'm going to register users but not authenticate them.
I tried extending the SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE by adding a custom pipeline function that disables users if they're new. However, the pipeline continues to execute at that time, and it appears that it then tries to authenticate the new, disabled user. I say this because I'm redirected in my app to this URL:
...which for me is a 404. This URL seems to be generated by PSA.
So here are my questions:
Is it possible for me to drop out of the SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE and redirect my user to a "please wait for authorization" screen if they're a new user? I don't think that I can use a "partial pipeline" for this because I don't want to pick up the pipeline again later - I just want to "drop out" if this is a new user.
If that's not possible, then what's option B? Is it creating a custom pipeline that only handles registration? If so, then how would one do that?

You can keep your pipeline that flags the user as disabled, but also define this setting SOCIAL_AUTH_INACTIVE_USER_URL = "/wait-for-activation" (point it to the URL that shows the "wait for activation" page).


AWS Cognito custom auth - sending metadata to a challenge lambda functions

I'm developing a custom passwordless auth to sign into a Cognito user pool. I will describe what I'm trying to implement in case anything is silly. I want a user to enter their email address, then receive a magic login link via email, and when they click on that be taken back to the site and be logged in.
This uses custom auth lambda functions to define/create a challenge with a time based password and send it to the user in an email. I am having a couple of problems:
Problem 1)
When the user returns with the code they might not be in the same browser/device and certainly won't be in the same tab so they don't have the session, meaning I need to call cognitoUser.initiateAuth again. This goes through the define/create challenge lambdas again so a second email gets sent even though at this point the user is coming from the email link so already has the code. Note: the session id is not available in the event object when the challenge is created, also I've read these sessions only last 3 minutes and my time based passwords will last ~15minutes, so I don't think I can include the session id in the email.
Problem 2)
You can login from a few places (browser, android app, etc) and I would like to be able to include the url or at least protocol as a parameter to control what gets sent in the email, e.g. if you entered your email address in the android app then the email you get would be myapp://login?code=xxx and if you did it on the web it would be
It seems like I would be able to implement both of these to work properly if only I could find some way to send custom metadata through to the DefineChallenge and CreateChallenge lambda such that it would appear in the event object. I thought adding ValidationData to the AuthenticationDetails object would do this, but that information doesn't appear in the event object in the Lambda fns.
The workaround I've found is to create a new client id for every situation - one for initiating auth, one for redeeming token, and repeat for each different protocol. But that is a lot of client ids quickly - a pain to mantain and clumsy.
So tl;dr is: I want to send custom metadata from my cognitoUser.initiateAuth(...) call in JS and have it available in my Define/Create Challenge lambda fns.
You can split the authentication process into multiple custom auth challenges. This allows custom auth state to be supplied via the challenge response as client metadata.
Auth session state must be persisted in a database in order to be shared between devices.
Your custom login flow will probably have two challenge steps: the first prompts for auth type and the second prompts for the secret code. The action taken by the "Create Auth Challenge" Lambda will depend on the auth type. If the auth type is "Email" then the secret code and magic link are generated, stored in DynamoDB and emailed. If the auth type is "MagicLink" then the secret is loaded from DynamoDB. Clicking on a Magic link will initiate a new auth session and automatically supply all the challenge answers.
There are a few other things to consider:
Your magic link needs to encapsulate the Cognito username as well as the one-time secret and probably some other session id that is used as a key in dynamodb.
You probably should not put app-specific links into your emails. Instead associate your domain with your app and/or leverage the redirect URI parameter of your web-based login page.
You can also access custom Cognito user attributes from the Lambda function which can be used to indicate user login preferences (eg Email vs SMS for login codes).

Python-social-auth: do not reassociate existing users

I'm using python-social-auth to allow users to login via SAML; everything's working correctly, except for the fact that if a logged-in user opens the SAML login page and logs in again as a different user, they'll get an association with both of the SAML users, rather than switch login.
I understand the purpose behind this (since it's what you can normally do to associate the user with different auth services) but in this case I need to enforce a single association (ie. if you're logged in with a given SAML IdP, you cannot add another association for the same user with the same provider).
Is there any python-social-auth solution for this, or should I cobble together something (for instance, preventing logged-in users from accessing the login page)?
There's no standard way to do it in python-social-auth, there are a few alternatives:
Override the login page and if there's a user authenticated, then log them out first, or show an error, whatever fits your projects.
Add a pipeline function and set it in the top that will act if user is not None, you can raise an error, logout the user, etc.
Override the backend and extend the auth_allowed method in it return False if there's a valid user instance at self.strategy.request.user. This will halt the auth flow and AuthForbidden will be raised.

Cognito User Pools - Is it possible to create a custom sign up/in form for Facebook login?

I would like to use a Cognito User Pool for Facebook logins only, which may be possible using the built in login form, but I need to use my own.
Theoretically, when it comes to a custom form, it shouldn't be hard: after I receive a user object from FB, I bind the user and email attributes to the ones in my User Pool and I save it.
But what to do about the password field and future authentication? And here I have failed during my journey...
userPool.signUp('FoobarUser', '**password?**', attributeList, null, function(err, result){
While digging deeper into the docs, I tried to implement a Identity Pool (Federated Identities), managed to save user info in the form of datasets as well, but then I realised, querying these sets gonna be a huge pain if possible at all.
Maybe I'm failing to understand the concepts, I would be really thankful if someone could suggest a way to manage facebook logins in a nicely organised fashion using Cognito.
So here is what I understand from your query.
Link Facebook to userpool
The app client allows only Facebook login, no other providers allowed (not even Userpool)
On login, you want Facebook user's info to be automatically populated in your Userpool
You don't want to use Cognito's builtin UI but use your own
My 2 Cents
In your app client, just select Facebook
In your UI, have a login button. On clicking it should redirect to your userpool's authorization endpoint
If you want to use your own UI with multiple providers, allow the same in Client and on clicking the appropriate button in your UI (say Facebook), redirect users to the authorize endpoint but append the identity_provider in the URL
If you want to see the names of all supported identity providers, use ListIdentityProviders API call
This way, all Facebook users will be automatically created in your userpool. Of course, their names will be random like Facebook_123jkjdwj but all their details will be correctly populated from the token as per your attribute mapping. As a plus, all auto-created users from a particular provider are added to an auto-created group 'Userpoolid_providername' eg. us_east_1_xxxx_Facebook.

Ping Identity switch user

Here at my company, we started using Ping Federate as our Identity provider, this is linked with the AD for user info and so on.
The login works via the OAuth page, and this works great, I can login, do things, then when my access_tokenexpires this get's refreshed and I can continue without the user even noticing it.
But now I got the request of one of the users if he could switch logins.
but this isn't possible, because when I click login, the popup of PingFederate that get's fired doesn't asks for the credentials, it just continues and uses the last credentials.
However when i clean my cookies and I login it asks for the credentials again, but I can't ask the users to clear all it's cookies whenever he wants to switch users.
I tried clearing the cookies of the PingFederate Domain when I logout, but no luck:
me.$cookies.remove('PF', {domain: ''});
any body else has an idea what I can do to make this work?
You should be able to use PingFederate's logout features to achieve what you're after.
If you're using just the HTML Form Adapter to log in users, then you can configure a logout path in your adapter instance that you can ask users to go to to logout. See "Logout Path" here:
Alternatively you could enable single logout (SLO) which will trigger a logout at all adapters or other authentication sources the user may have logged in to. For more details, see:

facebook api - fb:registration and permissions issue

i'm working with the facebook sdk for php and want the users to sit on my own database but still to get permissions of them.
my very basic use of the
i want to register users to my site via facebook, but i still want to be able to post to thier wall. i thought about only using the facebook login method but then i have no way to ask my customers (Via registration) what is their phone number and the phone number is the most important part i need from the people who register.
i tried to add the scope params to my <fb:registration tag but it seems to ignore it. when i only use the login method via <fb:login-button the permissions issue seems to work.
this is my exact flow:
first, i call the fb:login-button to determine if the client is already reistered:
<fb:login-button scope="publish_stream,user_checkins,email" registration-url="/register" /></fb:login-button>
then, on the registration page i have this code:
fields='[{"name":"name"},{"name":"gender"},{"name":"email"},{"name":"birthday"},{"name":"location"},{"name":"phone2","description":"mobile phone","type":"text"}]'
when the user comes back from facebook i use this code:
$facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => $GLOBALS['facebookAppID'], 'secret' => $GLOBALS['facebookAppSecret']));
$customerArray = $facebook->getSignedRequest();
that's works great and create the customer record on my database. but - it does not give the permission i need to post on my user wall.
You can't ask for user permissions in registration using this plugin, but you can do a work around asking for permissions before showing the form. You can make a call to FB.login popup and after the user gives you permissions in the callback function you can show the registration form (which could be hidden while the user accept the permissions).