Local objects impact on Mocking - unit-testing

Ive recently entered into the world of mocking using jMock - in particular mocking in regards to db. Ive read some posts on how its not possible to (easily) mock a local object contained in a class / method. As Ive never actually done any proper TDD / mocking, Ive always defined objects such as 'ResulSet' in my methods where appropriate. Therefore my question is, when Im going forward with future DB classes / methods, should I define ResultSet as a field, and then have an appropriate Setter Method as a means to access it for testing?
If I should, is this still reasonable considering I probably wouldnt use this setter method for anything else but testing?
Essentially, am I to define all objects with setter methods to aid mocking?
I saw this post: Mocking methods of local scope objects with Mockito and it seems to suggest what Ive said above is acceptable.
I know it seems like a basic question, but I dont want to form bad habits early on.

What you have in the post that you've mentioned is not a good way to go. I suggest starting your TDD adventure without mocking. Start with test-first approach and you will end up with design, which does not require such hideous testing (e.g. partial mocking). Then start mocking, but remember: only mock what you own (so if ResultSet is a JDBC class, you definately should not mock it).

You shouldn't be mocking at that level. Basically the idea is that you have interfaces that acts as a facade on database and ORM operations.
interface IFetchUsers {
UserList GetAll();
User GetById(int id);
interface ICalculateDebt {
float GetDebt(int accountId);
interface IPersistOrder {
void Save(Order order);
(forgive syntax errors, it's been a long time since I've done Java.)
These are injected via the constructor into your other classes and become trivial to mock, or even stub.
Then, for actual db code you just implement these interfaces. You can even put all implementations in a single class.
And that's it. No need to get fancy, but if you do want to get into fancier versions of this look into the repository design pattern (though I would argue that its not really necessary if using a good ORM).


How to test if the object is created correctly while keeping the class under test in isolation?

It is often told that writing unit tests one must test only a single class and mock all the collaborators. I am trying to learn TDD to make my code design better and now I am stuck with a situation where this rule should be broken. Or shouldn't it?
An example: class under test has a method that gets a Person, creates an Employee based on the Person and returns the Employee.
public class EmployeeManager {
private DataMiner dataMiner;
public Employee getCoolestEmployee() {
Person dankestPerson = dataMiner.getDankestPerson();
Employee employee = new Employee();
employee.setName(dankestPerson.getName() + "bug in my code");
return employee;
// ...
Should Employee be considered a collaborator? If not, why not? If yes, how do I properly test that 'Employee' is created correctly?
Here is the test I have in mind (using JUnit and Mockito):
public void coolestEmployeeShouldHaveDankestPersonsName() {
when(dankPersonMock.getName()).thenReturn("John Doe");
Employee coolestEmployee = employeeManager.getCoolestEmployee();
assertEquals("John Doe", coolestEmployee.getName());
As you see, I have to use coolestEmployee.getName() - method of the Employee class that is not under Test.
One possible solution that comes to mind is to extract the task of transforming Persons into Employees to a new method of Employee class, something like
public Employee createFromPerson(Person person);
Am I overthinking the problem? What is the correct way?
The goal of a unit test is to quickly and reliably determine whether a single system is broken. That doesn't mean you need to simulate the entire world around it, just that you should ensure that collaborators you use are fast, deterministic, and well-tested.
Data objects—POJOs and generated value objects in particular—tend to be stable and well-tested, with very few dependencies. Like other heavily-stateful objects, they also tend to be very tedious to mock, because mocking frameworks don't tend to have powerful control over state (e.g. getX should return n after setX(n)). Assuming Employee is a data object, it is likely a good candidate for actual use in unit tests, provided that any logic it contains is well-tested.
Other collaborators not to mock in general:
JRE classes and interfaces. (Never mock a List, for instance. It'll be impossible to read, and your test won't be any better for it.)
Deterministic third-party classes. (If any classes or methods change to be final, your mock will fail; besides, if you're using a stable version of the library, it's no spurious source of failure either.)
Stateful classes, just because mocks are much better at testing interactions than state. Consider a fake instead, or some other test double.
Fast and well-tested other classes that have few dependencies. If you have confidence in a system, and there's no hazard to your test's determinism or speed, there's no need to mock it.
What does that leave? Non-deterministic or slow service classes or wrappers that you've written, that are stateless or that change very little during your test, and that may have many collaborators of their own. In these cases, it would be hard to write a fast and deterministic test using the actual class, so it makes a lot of sense to use a test double—and it'd be very easy to create one using a mocking framework.
See also: Martin Fowler's article "Mocks Aren't Stubs", which talks about all sorts of test doubles along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Getters that only read a private field are usually not worth testing. By default, you can rely on them pretty safely in other tests. Therefore I wouldn't worry about using dankestPerson.getName() in a test for EmployeeManager.
There's nothing wrong with your test as far as testing goes. The design of the production code might be different - mocking dankestPerson probably means that it has an interface or abstract base class, which might be a sign of overengineering especially for a business entity. What I would do instead is just new up a Person, set its name to the expected value and set up dataMinerMock to return it.
Also, the use of "Manager" in a class name might indicate a lack of cohesion and too broad a range of responsibilities.

Understanding stubs, fakes and mocks.

I have just started to read Professional Test Driven Development with C#: Developing Real World Applications with TDD
I have a hard time understanding stubs, fakes and mocks. From what I understand so far, they are fake objects used for the purpose of unit testing your projects, and that a mock is a stub with conditional logic into it.
Another thing I think I have picked up is that mocks are somehow related with dependency injection, a concept which I only managed to understand yesterday.
What I do not get is why I would actually use them. I cannot seem to find any concrete examples online that explains them properly.
Can anyone please explain to me this concepts?
As I've read in the past, here's what I believe each term stands for
Here you are stubbing the result of a method to a known value, just to let the code run without issues. For example, let's say you had the following:
public int CalculateDiskSize(string networkShareName)
// This method does things on a network drive.
You don't care what the return value of this method is, it's not relevant. Plus it could cause an exception when executed if the network drive is not available. So you stub the result in order to avoid potential execution issues with the method.
So you end up doing something like:
sut.WhenCalled(() => sut.CalculateDiskSize()).Returns(10);
With a fake you are returning fake data, or creating a fake instance of an object. A classic example are repository classes. Take this method:
public int CalculateTotalSalary(IList<Employee> employees) { }
Normally the above method would be passed a collection of employees that were read from a database. However in your unit tests you don't want to access a database. So you create a fake employees list:
IList<Employee> fakeEmployees = new List<Employee>();
You can then add items to fakeEmployees and assert the expected results, in this case the total salary.
When using mock objects you intend to verify some behaviour, or data, on those mock objects. Example:
You want to verify that a specific method was executed during a test run, here's a generic example using Moq mocking framework:
public void Test()
// Arrange.
var mock = new Mock<ISomething>();
mock.Expect(m => m.MethodToCheckIfCalled()).Verifiable();
var sut = new ThingToTest();
// Act.
// Assert
mock.Verify(m => m.MethodToCheckIfCalled());
Hopefully the above helps clarify things a bit.
Roy Osherove is a well-known advocate of Test Driven Development, and he has some excellent information on the topic. You may find it very useful :
They are all variations of the Test Double. Here is a very good reference that explains the differences between them: http://xunitpatterns.com/Test%20Double.html
Also, from Martin Fowler's post: http://martinfowler.com/articles/mocksArentStubs.html
Meszaros uses the term Test Double as the generic term for any kind of
pretend object used in place of a real object for testing purposes.
The name comes from the notion of a Stunt Double in movies. (One of
his aims was to avoid using any name that was already widely used.)
Meszaros then defined four particular kinds of double:
Dummy objects: are passed around but never actually used. Usually they
are just used to fill parameter lists.
Fake objects actually have working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes
them not suitable for production (an in memory database is a good
Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test,
usually not responding at all to anything outside what's programmed in
for the test. Stubs may also record information about calls, such as
an email gateway stub that remembers the messages it 'sent', or maybe
only how many messages it 'sent'.
Mocks are what we are talking about here: objects pre-programmed with expectations which form a
specification of the calls they are expected to receive.
Of these kinds of doubles, only mocks insist upon behavior verification. The
other doubles can, and usually do, use state verification. Mocks
actually do behave like other doubles during the exercise phase, as
they need to make the SUT believe it's talking with its real
This PHP Unit's manual helped me a lot as introduction:
"Sometimes it is just plain hard to test the system under test (SUT) because it depends on other components that cannot be used in the test environment. This could be because they aren't available, they will not return the results needed for the test or because executing them would have undesirable side effects. In other cases, our test strategy requires us to have more control or visibility of the internal behavior of the SUT." More: https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/test-doubles.html
And i find better "introductions" when looking for "test doubles" as mocks, fakes, stubs and the others are known.

How can I refactor and unit test complex legacy Java EE5 EJB methods?

My colleagues and I are currently introducing unit tests to our legacy Java EE5 codebase. We use mostly JUnit and Mockito. In the process of writing tests, we have noticed that several methods in our EJBs were hard to test because they did a lot of things at once.
I'm fairly new to the whole testing business, and so I'm looking for insight in how to better structure the code or the tests. My goal is to write good tests without a headache.
This is an example of one of our methods and its logical steps in a service that manages a message queue:
addExtraMessages (depending on somewhat complex conditions)
The top-level method is currently exposed in the interface, while all sub-methods are private. As far as I understand it, it would be bad practice to just start testing private methods, as only the public interface should matter.
My first reaction was to just make all the sub-methods public and test them in isolation, then in the top-level method just make sure that it calls the sub-methods. But then a colleague mentioned that it might not be a good idea to expose all those low-level methods at the same level as the other one, as it might cause confusion and other developers might start using when they should be using the top-level one. I can't fault his argument.
So here I am.
How do you reconcile exposing easily testable low-level methods versus avoiding to clutter the interfaces? In our case, the EJB interfaces.
I've read in other unit test questions that one should use dependency injection or follow the single responsibility principle, but I'm having trouble applying it in practice. Would anyone have pointers on how to apply that kind of pattern to the example method above?
Would you recommend other general OO patterns or Java EE patterns?
At first glance, I would say that we probably need to introduce a new class, which would 1) expose public methods that can be unit tested but 2) not be exposed in the public interface of your API.
As an example, let's imagine that you are designing an API for a car. To implement the API, you will need an engine (with complex behavior). You want to fully test your engine, but you don't want to expose details to the clients of the car API (all I know about my car is how to push the start button and how to switch the radio channel).
In that case, what I would do is something like that:
public class Engine {
public void doActionOnEngine() {}
public void doOtherActionOnEngine() {}
public class Car {
private Engine engine;
// the setter is used for dependency injection
public void setEngine(Engine engine) {
this.engine = engine;
// notice that there is no getter for engine
public void doActionOnCar() {
public void doOtherActionOnCar() {
For the people using the Car API, there is no way to access the engine directly, so there is no risk to do harm. On the other hand, it is possible to fully unit test the engine.
Dependency Injection (DI) and Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) are highly related.
SRP is basicly stating that each class should only do one thing and delegate all other matters to separate classes. For instance, your serializeMessageObjects method should be extracted into its own class -- let's call it MessageObjectSerializer.
DI means injecting (passing) the MessageObjectSerializer object as an argument to your MessageQueue object -- either in the constructor or in the call to the consumeMessages method. You can use DI frameworks to do this for, but I recommend to do it manually, to get the concept.
Now, if you create an interface for the MessageObjectSerializer, you can pass that to the MessageQueue, and then you get the full value of the pattern, as you can create mocks/stubs for easy testing. Suddenly, consumeMessages doesn't have to pay attention to how serializeMessageObjects behaves.
Below, I have tried to illustrate the pattern. Note, that when you want to test consumeMessages, you don't have to use the the MessageObjectSerializer object. You can make a mock or stub, that does exactly what you want it to do, and pass it instead of the concrete class. This really makes testing so much easier. Please, forgive syntax errors. I did not have access to Visual Studio, so it is written in a text editor.
public class MyMessageQueue()
IMessageObjectSerializer _serializer;
//Constructor that takes the gets the serialization logic injected
public MyMessageQueue(IMessageObjectSerializer serializer)
_serializer = serializer;
//Also a lot of other injection
//Your main method. Now it calls an external object to serialize
public void consumeMessages()
//Do all the other stuff
Public class MessageObjectSerializer : IMessageObjectSerializer
public List<MessageObject> serializeMessageObjects()
Public interface MessageObjectSerializer
List<MessageObject> serializeMessageObjects();
EDIT: Sorry, my example is in C#. I hope you can use it anyway :-)
Well, as you have noticed, it's very hard to unit test a concrete, high-level program. You have also identified the two most common issues:
Usually the program is configured to use specific resources, such as a specific file, IP address, hostname etc. To counter this, you need to refactor the program to use dependency injection. This is usually done by adding parameters to the constructor that replace the ahrdcoded values.
It's also very hard to test large classes and methods. This is usually due to the combinatorical explosion in the number of tests required to test a complex piece of logic. To counter this, you will usually refactor first to get lots more (but shorter) methods, then trying to make the code more generic and testable by extracting several classes from your original class that each have a single entry method (public) and several utility methods (private). This is essentially the single responsibility principle.
Now you can start working your way "up" by testing the new classes. This will be a lot easier, as the combinatoricals are much easier to handle at this point.
At some point along the way you will probably find that you can simplify your code greatly by using these design patterns: Command, Composite, Adaptor, Factory, Builder and Facade. These are the most common patterns that cut down on clutter.
Some parts of the old program will probably be largely untestable, either because they are just too crufty, or because it's not worth the trouble. Here you can settle for a simple test that just checks that the output from known input has not changed. Essentially a regression test.

How Do You Test a Private Method in TCl

I am very sorry if this question seems stupid, i am a newbie to TCL and TCLtest, I am trying to perform unit test on a few TCLOO programs, and i am having difficulties testing the private methods ( the methods called using keyword 'my' ). Guidance needed
Leaving aside the question of whether you should test private methods, you can get at the methods by one of these schemes:
Use [info object namespace $inst]::my $methodname to call it, which takes advantage of the fact that you can use introspection to find out the real name of my (and that's guaranteed to work; it's needed for when you're doing callbacks with commands like vwait, trace, and Tk's bind).
Use oo::objdefine $inst export $methodname to make the method public for the particular instance. At that point, you can just do $inst $methodname as normal.
Consequence: You should not use a TclOO object's private methods for things that have to be protected heavily (by contrast with, say, a private field in a Java object). The correct level for handling such shrouding of information is either to put it in a master interpreter (with the untrusted code evaluating in a safe slave) or to keep the protected information at the underlying implementation (i.e., C) level. The best option of those two depends on the details of your program; it's usually pretty obvious which is the right choice (you don't write C just for this if you're otherwise just writing Tcl code).
This might look like OT, but bear with me.
Are you sure you have to test private methods? That sounds like testing the implementantion, and thats something you shouldnt do. You should be testing the behavior of your class, and that is tested through its public methods.
If you have a complicated chunk of code in one of the private methods, and you feel it needs to be tested spearately, consider refactoring the code into two separate classes. Make the method that needs testing public in one of the two classes.
That way you avoid having a "god class" that does everything and you get to test what you wanted to test. You might want to read more about Single Responsibility Principle.
If you need specific book titles on refactoring, id recommend "Clean Code" by Robert C. Martin. I love that book!

Unit testing factory methods which have a concrete class as a return type

So I have a factory class and I'm trying to work out what the unit tests should do. From this question I could verify that the interface returned is of a particular concrete type that I would expect.
What should I check for if the factory is returning concrete types (because there is no need - at the moment - for interfaces to be used)? Currently I'm doing something like the following:
public void CreateSomeClassWithDependencies()
// m_factory is instantiated in the SetUp method
var someClass = m_factory.CreateSomeClassWithDependencies();
The problem with this is that the Assert.IsNotNull seems somewhat redundant.
Also, my factory method might be setting up the dependencies of that particular class like so:
public SomeClass CreateSomeClassWithDependencies()
return new SomeClass(CreateADependency(), CreateAnotherDependency(),
And I want to make sure that my factory method sets up all these dependencies correctly. Is there no other way to do this then to make those dependencies public/internal properties which I then check for in the unit test? (I'm not a big fan of modifying the test subjects to suit the testing)
Edit: In response to Robert Harvey's question, I'm using NUnit as my unit testing framework (but I wouldn't have thought that it would make too much of a difference)
Often, there's nothing wrong with creating public properties that can be used for state-based testing. Yes: It's code you created to enable a test scenario, but does it hurt your API? Is it conceivable that other clients would find the same property useful later on?
There's a fine line between test-specific code and Test-Driven Design. We shouldn't introduce code that has no other potential than to satisfy a testing requirement, but it's quite alright to introduce new code that follow generally accepted design principles. We let the testing drive our design - that's why we call it TDD :)
Adding one or more properties to a class to give the user a better possibility of inspecting that class is, in my opinion, often a reasonable thing to do, so I don't think you should dismiss introducing such properties.
Apart from that, I second nader's answer :)
If the factory is returning concrete types, and you're guaranteeing that your factory always returns a concrete type, and not null, then no, there isn't too much value in the test. It does allows you to make sure, over time that this expectation isn't violated, and things like exceptions aren't thrown.
This style of test simply makes sure that, as you make changes in the future, your factory behaviour won't change without you knowing.
If your language supports it, for your dependencies, you can use reflection. This isn't always the easiest to maintain, and couples your tests very tightly to your implementation. You have to decide if that's acceptable. This approach tends to be very brittle.
But you really seem to be trying to separate which classes are constructed, from how the constructors are called. You might just be better off with using a DI framework to get that kind of flexibility.
By new-ing up all your types as you need them, you don't give yourself many seams (a seam is a place where you can alter behaviour in your program without editing in that place) to work with.
With the example as you give it though, you could derive a class from the factory. Then override / mock CreateADependency(), CreateAnotherDependency() and CreateAThirdDependency(). Now when you call CreateSomeClassWithDependencies(), you are able to sense whether or not the correct dependencies were created.
Note: the definition of "seam" comes from Michael Feather's book, "Working Effectively with Legacy Code". It contains examples of many techniques to add testability to untested code. You may find it very useful.
What we do is create the dependancies with factories, and we use a dependancy injection framework to substitute mock factories for the real ones when the test is run. Then we set up the appropriate expectations on those mock factories.
You can always check stuff with reflection. There is no need to expose something just for unit tests. I find it quite rare that I need to reach in with reflection and it may be a sign of bad design.
Looking at your sample code, yes the Assert not null seems redundant, depending on the way you designed your factory, some will return null objects from the factory as opposed to exceptioning out.
As I understand it you want to test that the dependencies are built correctly and passed to the new instance?
If I was not able to use a framework like google guice, I would probably do it something like this (here using JMock and Hamcrest):
public void CreateSomeClassWithDependencies()
dependencyFactory = context.mock(DependencyFactory.class);
classAFactory = context.mock(ClassAFactory.class);
myDependency0 = context.mock(MyDependency0.class);
myDependency1 = context.mock(MyDependency1.class);
myDependency2 = context.mock(MyDependency2.class);
myClassA = context.mock(ClassA.class);
context.checking(new Expectations(){{
oneOf(dependencyFactory).createDependency0(); will(returnValue(myDependency0));
oneOf(dependencyFactory).createDependency1(); will(returnValue(myDependency1));
oneOf(dependencyFactory).createDependency2(); will(returnValue(myDependency2));
oneOf(classAFactory).createClassA(myDependency0, myDependency1, myDependency2);
builder = new ClassABuilder(dependencyFactory, classAFactory);
assertThat(builder.make(), equalTo(myClassA));
(if you cannot mock ClassA you can assign a non-mock version to myClassA using new)