how can i show icon app in Lollipop Toolbar? - android-actionbar

I am missing an app icon after switching from ICS ActionBar to Lollipop toolbar. Is it possible?
Please help me. Thanks

The use of application icon and a title is discouraged on API 21,according to Material Design.
Anyway if you want to use an icon, you can use the setLogo method in your Toolbar.


wizard (or an alternative) in an aui managed pane

I would like to have wizard in my application. but I don't want the focus to be on the wizard until the wizard is finished. That's what happens if I use wx.wizard. I prefer to load the wizard in an aui pane. So the user can switch to main window even in the middle of the wizard. I can have panels on top of each to make a wizard. Kindly point me if there is a better Pythonic way of doing that.
Thank you in advance.
The Wizard "widget" in wxPython is basically a dialog. I don't think you can embed it in your application. You might be able to extend the widget somehow to do so, but that would likely be a lot of work.
Instead, I would just create a set of panels that are your wizard pages. You will need a main panel that has some buttons on it that you place your pages on. Then when you hit the button, it will show the next page. I wrote a tutorial on the subject a couple years ago that should get you started:

Actionbar home icon in ActionBarSherlock

I am working off of the Styled project for ABS. I would like to customize the home icon in the actionbar. However, nothing I do seems to have any effect. I have tried to set the logo in the Manifest, styles, and in MainActivity. Has anybody come across this?
Thank you,
This was answered in another post
Apparently you must do getSupportActionBar().setIcon(R.drawable.my_custom_drawable); in MainActivity. I get it, but it's cumbersome that it cannot be set in the Manifest...

Can we embedd a ComboBox or a TextCtrl on the ObjectListView of wxPython?

If this is possible, can you show some code example? Thanks in advance.
ObjectListView is just a nice wrapper around the ListCtrl. To my knowledge, the ListCtrl does not support the embedding of other widgets. You could create a popup dialog when double-clicking a cell and do it that way. Otherwise, you would have to use the UltimateListCtrl. That widget DOES allow widget embedding because it's a custom widget rather than a native one.

Display html page?

I want to load static web page from resource and to display it as dialog, not like its loaded in internet explorer but like dialog without any menus or borders if possible.
I want to use this page as "GUI", pretty crazy idea yes.
Someone can explain me how to achieve this ? (I dont want any dependencies on my executable).
Thanks in advance.
You can use a webbrowser like this:

Adding drop down arrows to CMFCToolBar buttons

Can anyone explain how to add dropdown arrows to CMFCToolBar toolbar buttons - like for undo/redo buttons. We had this with CToolBar by using the TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS style and TBN_DROPDOWN notification. This doesn't seem to work with CMFCToolBar. These dropdown arrows i believe are added to the VisualStudioDemo MFC feature pack demo but i can not figure out how.
In the VisualStudioDemo sample, in CMainFrame::OnToolbarReset they replace the Undo button of the toolbar with a custom class called CUndoButton, like this:
m_wndToolBar.ReplaceButton(ID_EDIT_UNDO, CUndoButton(ID_EDIT_UNDO, _T("&Undo")));
CUndoButton is declared in file "UndoBar.h" of the sample project, so you can use it or change it however you like.