I'm writing a chess engine and recently added a transposition table.
When running a few tests, I found that although the search still returned the same best move, the value of the move (how good it is for the maximizing player) fluctuated.
Is this normal behavior for a transposition table? I remember reading that a transposition table can cause search instability. Is this what that means? So is this a normal occurrence or a serious bug in my code?
Yes, transposition tables introduce search instability.
Fortunately, it occurs rarely enough that the advantages of transposition tables outweigh that complication by far.
1. What is the function of a transposition table?
After adding transposition tables (TT) to your program, you should notice two main differences:
Improve move ordering: The move from TT is generally the best possible move
Early cutoffs: When you reach a position again, which has been already searched with a greater distance, you can stop and use the value stored in the TT entry
In chess, the improved move ordering is the most important factor. Only in endgames, the likelihood of transposition increased, and you will see more early cutoffs.
So, what does search instability mean? It means that when you search one position with a given distance and later repeat the same search (same position, same distance), you will get the identical result.
2. Simple minimax/alpha beta search algorthm
Let us first ignore search extension and start with a simple minimax or alpha-beta search.
Note that you search will have the property that searches are repeatable, and will see no search instabilities. Even if you improve your move ordering with a move from a transposition table, you will still get the same result for every search. However, after adding TT, the extra cutoffs from a deeper search will in general break that property and introduce instabilities.
For instance, consider a position containing a deep tactic:
A search with a low distance may not see it, but a search with a greater distance will.
After that result is stored in the TT, a re-search with the low distance will see the tactic, too. It now behaves differently compared to the original search.
Even worse, when the TT entry is overwritten, the improved knowledge gets lots again.
So, using extra knowledge to force early cutoffs is a factor that leads to instability. (But in practice, it is worth it, as it is more a theoretical problem.)
3. Search extensions
When applied to a simple alpha beta search, the improved move ordering itself does not lead to search instabilities. The situation is more complicated in real-world search algorithms which implement many extensions. Some of these extensions are sensitive to the move ordering, too.
One prominent example is called Late Move Reduction (LMR). It uses the fact, that the quality of move ordering is generally so high that only the first few moves have to be searched thoroughly, while the other moves are most likely bad ones and will only be searched with a reduced distance.
LMR is only one example where move ordering makes search less repeatable. But again, the advantages predominate.
4. How much search instability is normal?
There is no clear answer. In practice, you cannot eliminate instabilities completely but if the instability gets out of control, your search will become inefficient.
Of course, bugs can be the reason behind instabilities, too. So, is it a bug in your search? Well, I don't know. Could be. :-)
Is this normal behavior for a transposition table? I remember reading
that a transposition table can cause search instability. Is this what
that means?
So is this a normal occurrence or a serious bug in my code?
Jonathan Schaeffer's advice (under "Plan Of Attack"):
If you initially restrict a TT lookup to be valid only if the table
depth exactly matches the depth that you need, then the TT will not
change the result of a fixed-depth alpha-beta search. It should,
however, reduce the number of nodes searched. Verify that this is
working correctly.
Add in iterative deepening and move ordering. If you do this right, it
should not change the final result of the search but, again, it should
reduce the number of nodes searched.
Only when you are sure all the above is 100% working should you move
on to more search enhancements and a better evaluation function.
I am trying to implement a minimax algorithm for an AI player within a simple card game. However, from doing research I am confused what are the key differences between state evaluation and heuristics.
From what I understand heuristics are calculated by the current information available to the player (e.g. in chess, the pieces and their relevant locations). With this infomation, they come to a conclusion based on a heuristics function which essentially provides a "rule of thumb".
A state evaluation is the exact value of the current state.
However I am unsure why both things co-exist as I cannot see how they are much different from one another. Please can someone ellaborate, and clear up my confusion. Thanks.
Assuming a zero-sum game, you can implement a state-evaluation for end-states (game ended with win, draw, loss from perspective of player X) which results 1,0,-1. A full tree-search will then get you perfect-play.
But in practice the tree is huge and can't be searched completely. Therefore you have to stop the search at some point, which is not an end-state. There is no determined winner or loser. Now it's hard to mark this state with 1,0,-1 as the game might be too complex to easily evaluate the winner from some state far away from the end-state. But you still need to evaluate this positions and can use some assumptions about the game, which equals to heuristic-information. One example is piece-mass in chess (queen is more valuable then a pawn). This is heuristic information incorporated into the non-perfect evaluation-function (approximation of the real one). The better your assumptions / heuristics, the better the approximation of the real evaluation!
But there are other parts where heuristic information can be incorporated. One very imporant area is controlling the tree-search. Which first-move will be evaluated first, which last. Selecting good moves first allows algorithms like alpha-beta to prune huge parts of the tree. But of course you need to state some assumptions/ heuristic-information to order your moves (e.g. queen-move more powerful than pawn-move; this is a made-up example, i'm not sure about the effect of this heuristic in chess-AIs here)
I would like to know which balanced BST would be easy to code in C++, and still have a complexity roughly equal to O(logn).
I've already tried Red Black trees, but would like an alternative that is less complex to code. I have worked with Treaps in the past, but am interested in exploring options that either perform better or are easier to implement.
What are your suggestions?
AVL trees generally perform better than Treaps in my experience, and they're not any harder to implement.
They work by rotating branches of the tree that become unbalanced after any insertion or deletion. This guarantees that they will have perfect balance so they can't be "tricked" by strange data.
Treaps on the other hand are distributed randomly, which for large data sets is close to balanced, but you still don't get that perfect O(logn). Furthermore you could just happen to come across a data set that inserts in a very unbalanced way, and your access time can get close to O(n).
Check out wikipedia's page for more info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avl_tree
I have a general question about SCIP. I need to use the SCIP as a Branch and Price framework for my problem, I code in c++ so I used the VRP example as a template. On some of the instances, the code stops at the fractional solution and returns that as a optimal solution, I think something is wrong, do I have to set some parameters in order to tell SCIP look for integer solution or I made a mistake, I believe it should not stop and instead branch on the fractional solution until it reaches the integer solution (without any other negative reduced cost column). I also solve the subproblem optimally! any commenets?!
If you define your variables to be continous and just add a pricer, SCIP will solve the master problem to optimality (i.e., solve the restricted master, add improving columns, solve the updated restricted master, and so on, until no more improving columns were found).
There is no reason for SCIP to check if the solution is integral, because you explicitly said that you don't mind whether the values of the variables are integral or not (by defining them to be continuous). On the other hand, if you define the variables to be of integral (or binary) type, SCIP will do exactly as I described before, but at the end check whether all integral variables have an integral value and branch if this is not the case.
However, you should note that all branching rules in SCIP do branching on variables, i.e., they take an integer variable with fractional value and split its domain; a binary variable would be fixed to 0 and 1 in the two child nodes. This is typically a bad idea for branch-and-price: first of all, it's quite unbalanced. You have a huge number of variables out of which only few will have value 1 in the end, most will be 0. Fixing a variable to 1 therefore has a high impact, while fixing it to 0 has almost no impact. But more importantly, you need to take the branching decision into account in your pricing problem. If you fixed a variable to 0, you have to keep the pricer from generating a copy of the forbidden column (which would probably improve the LP solution, because it was part of the former optimal solution). In order to to this, you might need to look for the 2nd (or later k)-best solution. Since you are solving the pricing problems as a MIP with SCIP, you might just add a constraint forbidding this solution (logicor (linear) for binary variables or bounddisjunction (not linear) for general integer variables).
I would recommend to implement your own branching rule, which takes into account that you are doing branch-and-price and branches in a way that is more balanced and does not harm your pricing too much. For an example, check out the Ryan&Foster branching rule, which is the standard for binary problems with a set-partitioning master structure. This rule is implemented in Binpacking as well as the Coloring example shipped with SCIP.
Please also check out the SCIP FAQ, where there is a whole section about branch-and-price which also covers the topic branching (in particular, how branching decisions can be stored and enforced by a constraint handler, which is something you need to do for Ryan&Foster branching): http://scip.zib.de/doc/html/FAQ.php
There were also a lot of questions about branch-and-price on the SCIP mailing list
http://listserv.zib.de/mailman/listinfo/scip/. If you want to search it, you can use google and search for "site:listserv.zib.de scip search-string"
Finally, I would like to recommend to have a look at the GCG project: http://www.or.rwth-aachen.de/gcg/
It is an extension of SCIP to a generic branch-cut-and-price solver, i.e., you do not need to implement anything, you just put in an original formulation of your model, which is then reformulated by a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and solved via branch-cut-and-price. You can supply the structure for the reformulation, pricing problems are solved as a MIP (as you do it also), and there are also different branching rules. GCG is also part of the SCIP optimization suite and can be easily built within the suite.
For my recent project I'm right now looking for an efficient way to structure and store the board information with consideration of the usage for patternmatching.
I'm having a square board, and for pattern matching, I'm using bitfields with 2 bits representing one field of the board. The patterns to match have a diamond shape, that could be centered around any possible field on the board. (so the center is not static, I need to be able to do it for any center)
Example of diamond area around O:
If parts of the diamond are outside the the playing area, the bits will be set to 11. The diamonds can have differing radiuses, aboves example would have a radius of 2.
Another important thing for the efficiency of the system is, that I have to be able to quickly rotate/mirror the pattern into all 8 possible symmetries.
For this, it may be beneficial to actually NOT store the information of the central point in the pattern, and as this is not required for my algorithm anyway, this may be a valuable timesaver. Because now some bitshifting magic is possible to quickly rotate/mirror the patterns.
As this kind of patternmatching has to be done at a high frequency, it can prove to be a severe bottleneck of my overall project, when implemented badly.
When trying to get a nice model for doing all this work, I figured, there are 3 important keyareas that require thinking about, but are of course tightly connected.
A. How is the data stored in the board implementation.
Currently this is done in a rather difficult manner, which would be too difficult to read from with such high frequency. But it would be no problem or timeloss to actually store and update the 2 bit data in any possible way for the entire board.
Easiest would be to just store the entire board in an bitset with the size of twice the board, and then each two bit represent the value of a single field. But there is no necessarity for doing it in a special sequence or in only one bitset, even though at first it may look natural to do so.
Anyway, this is the part I'm most felxible about, as this can be done without performance issues in any way it seves the other 2 critical parts of the problem the best.
B. How is the data stored in the pattern.
This is already more difficult. As said, my intention is to store them in a bitset of the appropriate size, but there is he question in what order.
There seem to be two ways, that quickly come to mind:
a) (this could be done with or without the central point C)
If we are just talking about the patterns, b) seems clearly superior. A rotation of the pattern is done by a simple rotateshift (3 bitops total per rotation) and even mirroring the pattern can be done with about a dozen bitops. This kind of operations are much more time consuming with a).
But b) has also some severe drawback... And this leads to:
C. How is the data read from the board implementation to the pattern.
Looking at aboves 2 potential ways to order the pattern bits, now a) is clearly superior. a) can be read by a bunch of bitops from a potential array, as discussed in A. you bitshift each line (getting the line by AND with a bitset nulling all other bits) to the appropriate place and put them together with some OR-operations. Even near the board edges this is done very quick.
Problem of course is, that this would still only get me one possible symmetry of the pattern, but rotations/mirrors are not that easily done. This could be circumvented by saving each pattern to match agaisnt 8 times, but this would look very crude, and may cause troubles elsewhere.
With b) this is much more difficult... Honestly, I don't see a way how it can be done quick, without checking every single bit individually. But when increasing the pattern size (like radius 15) this takes forever, when done very often, especially as the [] operator of bitsets is rather slow.
One possible solution I thought of writing it in CUDA, with each thread generating a pattern around one field, and each block of the thread checking one fixed position around this center. But as I haven't used CUDA before, I don't know how reasonable this is, but if done parallel, this sounds more reasonable than iterating over all positions serially.
As I still didn't find a satisfying solution for the problem, I wanted to ask here, if someone probably knows how it can be done better:
- either rotate/mirror patterns of type a)
- or quickly read pattern of type b) (possibly by arranging the data in a better way in step A., I'm flexible here)
- or if the CUDA idea may actually solve that problem
- or maybe some completely different way, I didn't think of, as I'm sure this has been done before by smarter people
If it matters: I'm coding with VS Pro 2013 and don't mind using boost. If CUDA could solve this effectively, I would also use it.
Okay... So I continued thinking about the whole thing. Maybe there are some other ways to make the whole thing more efficient, by doing some work in more efficient batches.
First of all, what I usually need: On a given board position (and we are talking about 10k positions per second) I need for a large set of positions (every empty field of the board, so most fields) all patterns from size 15 down to size 3. I only need the biggest pattern matched by my database, but in any case, I may often need most of them. So there are 2 things, that could make some time savings possible:
1) some efficient way to use the larger pattern, to generate the pattern one size smaller. This should actually possible, when using the bitordering from b), if it is done the proper way... Then it would only need a few bit ops to cut out the outer ring...
2) As often neighboring fields need their specific pattern, if there would be some way to create their patterns in some sort of batch operation... But I admit, I don't see how this could be done very well... But there may be some time savings.
Oh, and another additional comment, as I had the discussion earlier today with some friend: No it is not an option, t instead of matching the board position against the pattern database, to reverse it and do it the other way around (check if DB pattern matches some board position) I have way too many patterns for that. When doing it the first way, i can just look, if the bitstring exists in my database and be done.
Another Update... First I looked into CUDA, and as it seems incompatible with VS2013, this is a severe blow to that idea. Second I thought about the process how patterns are matched. In fact, it may seem possible, instead of going from the large patterns down to the small ones, doing it in reverse. Now suddenly my pattern library is less of a dictionary but more of a searchtree, as larger patterns certainly have their inner core saved as pattern as well. This should speed up any lookups, but still does not solve my problem of the patterngeneration, sadly.
As I felt, it is more worth of an answer then an edit, I just posted my own new idea (which is different from what I had in mind when posting this question) below.
Okay, as I was thinking about this more and more, I now think, that the following solution may be the best to tackle the problems. This is certainly not final, but my currently best idea. So any criticism is welcome and improvements can surely be made.
As the discussion in the comments led me to the believe, that the approach imagined in the question is not practical for the problem at hand, I now drastically changed my idea. Instead of trying to read the pattern around each empty intersection after each move, I will now update the surrounding pattern of each empty intersection after each move made.
This can be made in an efficient way, as we can use 2 very important features of our patterns:
1) each larger patterns core (so the pattern reduced to a lower radius) will guaranteed to be in the database
2) most patterns will have a rather low radius, and in most cases, not many positions on the board are changed with each move, resulting in not too many positions needing a recheck of their patterns.
My idea is, to store the currently largest pattern, it's radius and it's evaluation with each empty intersection. Now, while a move is made, I generate a list of all positions changed during that move. (usually one) Once the move is finished, I iterate over all empty positions on the board and look at their distance to the closest change. Now we are having 3 possible cases:
a) the distance is smaller or equal the radius of currently matched pattern. Now we have to recheck the pattern.
b) the distance is one bigger then the radius of the currently matched pattern. Now we have to check, if actually a (r+1) size pattern exists, matching the surrounding. If it does, we have to check r+2 etc, until we found the largest.
c) the distance is even bigger: We can keep everything as it is.
As we are having now basically a tree of patterns, with each pattern having lots of child pattern with an incremented radius, it is actually practical to store the pattern information in a series of bitets, each representing a ring of a certain radius around the center.
I hope that this system maximizes the reusability of all the information at hand and is fast enough for my needs. As mentioned before, I welcome criticism and opinions for improvement and if there is not better solution found, will probably implement it in the near future. Once done, I can probably report back on the results.
I'm developing a Mahjong-solitaire solver and so far, I'm doing pretty good. However,
it is not so fast as I would like it to be so I'm asking for any additional optimization
techniques you guys might know of.
All the tiles are known from the layouts, but the solution isn't. At the moment, I have few
rules which guarantee safe removal of certain pairs of same tiles (which cannot be an obstacle to possible solution).
For clarity, a tile is free when it can be picked any time and tile is loose, when it doesn't bound any other tiles at all.
If there's four free free tiles available, remove them immediately.
If there's three tiles that can be picked up and at least one of them is a loose tile, remove the non-loose ones.
If there's three tiles that can be picked up and only one free tile (two looses), remove the free and one random loose.
If there's three loose tiles available, remove two of them (doesn't matter which ones).
Since there is four times the exact same tile, if two of them are left, remove them since they're the only ones left.
My algorithm searches solution in multiple threads recursively. Once a branch is finished (to a position where there is no more moves) and it didn't lead to a solution, it puts the position in a vector containing bad ones. Now, every time a new branch is launched it'll iterate via the bad positions to check, if that particular position has been already checked.
This process continues until solution is found or all possible positions are being checked.
This works nicely on a layout which contains, say, 36 or 72 tiles. But when there's more,
this algorithm becomes pretty much useless due to huge amount of positions to search from.
So, I ask you once more, if any of you have good ideas how to implement more rules for safe tile-removal or any other particular speed-up regarding the algorithm.
Very best regards,
I don't completely understand how your solver works. When you have a choice of moves, how do you decide which possibility to explore first?
If you pick an arbitrary one, it's not good enough - it's just brute search, basically. You might need to explore the "better branches" first. To determine which branches are "better", you need a heuristic function that evaluates a position. Then, you can use one of popular heuristic search algorithms. Check these:
A* search
beam search
(Google is your friend)
Some years ago, I wrote a program that solves Solitaire Mahjongg boards by peeking. I used it to examine one million turtles (took a day or something on half a computer: it had two cores) and it appeared that about 2.96 percent of them cannot be solved.
Ok, that was not what you asked, but you might have a look at the code to find some pruning heuristics in it that did not cross your mind thus far. The program does not use more than a few megabytes of memory.
Instead of a vector containing the "bad" positions, use a set which has a constant lookup time instead of a linear one.
If 4 Tiles are visible but can not be picked up, the other Tiles around have to be removed first. The Path should use your Rules to remove a minimum of Tiles, towards these Tiles, to open them up.
If Tiles are hidden by other Tiles, the Problem has no full Information to find a Path and a Probability of remaining Tiles needs to be calculated.
Very nice Problem!