String from CSV to list - Python - list

I don't get it. I have a CSV data with the following content:
I want to iterate over the CSV data and put the heads in one list and the content in another list. Heres my code so far:
data = [ i.strip() for i in open('test.csv', 'r').readlines() ]
for i_c, i in enumerate(data):
if i_c == 0:
heads = i
content = i
print heads
That always returns the following string, not a valid list.
Why does split not work on this string?
Greetings and merry Christmas,

The split method returns the list, it does not modify the object in place. Try:
heads = heads.split(";")
content = content.split(";")
I've noticed also that your data seems to all be integers. You might consider instead the following for content:
content = [int(i) for i in content.split(";")]
The reason is that split returns a list of strings, and it seems like you might need to deal with them as numbers in your code later on. Of course, disregard if you are expecting non-numeric data to show up at some point.


How to get 3 unique values using random.randint() in python?

I am trying to populate a list in Python3 with 3 random items being read from a file using REGEX, however i keep getting duplicate items in the list.
Here is an example.
import re
import random as rn
data = '/root/Desktop/Selenium[FILTERED].log'
with open(data, 'r') as inFile:
index =
URLS = re.findall(r'https://www\.\w{1,10}\.com/view\?i=\w{1,20}', index)
list_0 = []
for i in range(3):
list_0.append(URLS[rn.randint(1, 30)])
for i in range(len(list_0)):
What would be the cleanest way to prevent duplicate items being appended to the list?
This is the code that i think has done the job quite well.
def random_sample(data):
r_e = ['https://www\.\w{1,10}\.com/view\?i=\w{1,20}', '..']
with open(data, 'r') as inFile:
urls = re.findall(r'%s' % r_e[0],
x = list(set(urls))
return x
data = '/root/Desktop/[TEMP].log'
sample = random_sample(data)
for i in range(3):
Unordered collection with no duplicate entries.
Use the builtin random.sample.
random.sample(population, k)
Return a k length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence or set.
Used for random sampling without replacement.
After seeing your edit, it looks like you've made things much harder than they have to be. I've wired a list of URLS in the following, but the source doesn't matter. Selecting the (guaranteed unique) subset is essentially a one-liner with random.sample:
import random
# the following two lines are easily replaced
URLS = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3', 'url4', 'url5', 'url6', 'url7', 'url8']
# the following one-liner yields the randomized subset as a list
urlList = [URLS[i] for i in random.sample(range(len(URLS)), SUBSET_SIZE)]
print(urlList) # produces, e.g., => ['url7', 'url3', 'url4']
Note that by using len(URLS) and SUBSET_SIZE, the one-liner that does the work is not hardwired to the size of the set nor the desired subset size.
Addendum 2
If the original list of inputs contains duplicate values, the following slight modification will fix things for you:
URLS = list(set(URLS)) # this converts to a set for uniqueness, then back for indexing
urlList = [URLS[i] for i in random.sample(range(len(URLS)), SUBSET_SIZE)]
Or even better, because it doesn't need two conversions:
URLS = set(URLS)
urlList = [u for u in random.sample(URLS, SUBSET_SIZE)]
seen = set(list_0)
randValue = URLS[rn.randint(1, 30)]
# [...]
if randValue not in seen:
Now you just need to check list_0 size is equal to 3 to stop the loop.

Python Data Scraping (using Xpath) - Returning empty lists and stripping characters

I am attempting to scrape information from the website:
Now, I used to have one up and running which this forum helped me get going, but I think something has changed on the website and the script I had no longer works.
What do I need?
I would like to scrape the number of 'short' and 'long' positions for AUDUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD, NZDUSD and USDCHF.
NOT the percentages, the actual number of traders.
What have I done?
This is for EURUSD
import lxml.html
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome("C:\Users\MY NAME\Downloads\Chrome Driver\chromedriver.exe")
url = ('')
tree = lxml.html.fromstring(driver.page_source)
results_short = tree.xpath('//*[#id="flexBox_flex_trades/positions_tradesPositionsCopy1"]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/span/text()')
results_long = tree.xpath('//*[#id="flexBox_flex_trades/positions_tradesPositionsCopy1"]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/span/text()')
print "Forex Factory"
print "Traders Short EURUSD:",results_short
print "Traders Long EURUSD:",results_long
This returns
Forex Factory
Traders Short EURUSD: ['337 Traders ', ' ']
Traders Long EURUSD: [' 259 Traders']
I would like to strip everything away from the result except for the numbers. I've tried .strip() and .replace() but neither work on a list. Which will come as no surprise to you guys I don't think!
Empty List
When I apply the same technique to AUDUSD I get an empty list.
import lxml.html
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome("C:\Users\Andrew G\Downloads\Chrome Driver\chromedriver.exe")
url = ('')
tree = lxml.html.fromstring(driver.page_source)
results_short = tree.xpath('//*[#id="flexBox_flex_trades/positions_tradesPositionsCopy1"]/div[6]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/span/text()')
results_long = tree.xpath('//*[#id="flexBox_flex_trades/positions_tradesPositionsCopy1"]/div[6]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/span/text()')
s2 = results_short
l2 = results_long
print "Traders Short AUDUSD:",s2
print "Traders Long AUDUSD:",l2
This returns
Traders Short AUDUSD: []
Traders Long AUDUSD: []
What gives? Is the Xpath not working? Just use Chromes 'inspect element' feature and navigated to the desired number, and copied the path. Same method for EURUSD.
Ideally, It would be nice to set up a list of div numbers that can insert into the tree.xpath instead of repeating the lines of code for all the different currencies to make it neater. So, in the Xpath where it has:
It would be nice to have a list, i.e [1,2,3,4,5,6] that can insert into that because the rest of the Xpath is the same for the currencies. Anyway, that's an optional bonus, priority is to get a return for all currencies listed.
You can remove all the space inside your result as you mentioned with strip method, here is my sample code:
for index in range(len(results_short)):
results_short[index] = results_short[index].strip()
if results_short[index] == "":
del results_short[index]
for index in range(len(results_long)):
results_long[index] = results_long[index].strip()
if results_long[index] == "":
del results_long[index]
For the problem you cannot get the result of AUD because the values are not loaded to the page until you have clicked the "expand" button. But I have found you can get the result from the following page:
So you can change the value of url as:
url = ('')
For this page, since the name of CSS id has changed, you need to update your value to:
results_short = tree.xpath('//*[#id="flexBox_flex_trades/positions_tradesPositions"]/div[6]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/span/text()')
results_long = tree.xpath('//*[#id="flexBox_flex_trades/positions_tradesPositions"]/div[6]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/span/text()')
Then apply the strip function as mentioned above, you should be able to get the correct results.

Reference a list of dicts

Python 2.7 on Mint Cinnamon 17.3.
I have a bit of test code employing a list of dicts and despite many hours of frustration, I cannot seem to work out why it is not working as it should do.
blockagedict = {'location': None, 'timestamp': None, 'blocked': None}
blockedlist = [blockagedict]
blockagedict['location'] = 'A'
blockagedict['timestamp'] = '12-Apr-2016 01:01:08.702149'
blockagedict['blocked'] = True
blockagedict['location'] = 'B'
blockagedict['timestamp'] = '12-Apr-2016 01:01:09.312459'
blockagedict['blocked'] = False
for test in blockedlist:
print test['location'], test['timestamp'], test['blocked']
This always produces the following output and I cannot work out why and cannot see if I have anything wrong with my code. It always prints out the last set of dict values but should print all, if I am not mistaken.
B 12-Apr-2016 01:01:09.312459 False
B 12-Apr-2016 01:01:09.312459 False
I would be happy for someone to show me the error of my ways and put me out of my misery.
It is because the line blockedlist = [blockagedict] actually stores a reference to the dict, not a copy, in the list. Your code effectively creates a list that has two references to the very same object.
If you care about performance and will have 1 million dictionaries in a list, all with the same keys, you will be better off using a NumPy structured array. Then you can have a single, efficient data structure which is basically a matrix of rows and named columns of appropriate types. You mentioned in a comment that you may know the number of rows in advance. Here's a rewrite of your example code using NumPy instead, which will be massively more efficient than a list of a million dicts.
import numpy as np
dtype = [('location', str, 1), ('timestamp', str, 27), ('blocked', bool)]
count = 2 # will be much larger in the real program
blockages = np.empty(count, dtype) # use zeros() instead if some data may never be populated
blockages[0]['location'] = 'A'
blockages[0]['timestamp'] = '12-Apr-2016 01:01:08.702149'
blockages[0]['blocked'] = True
blockages['location'][1] = 'B' # n.b. indexing works this way too
blockages['timestamp'][1] = '12-Apr-2016 01:01:09.312459'
blockages['blocked'][1] = False
for test in blockages:
print test['location'], test['timestamp'], test['blocked']
Note that the usage is almost identical. But the storage is in a fixed size, single allocation. This will reduce memory usage and compute time.
As a nice side effect, writing it as above completely sidesteps the issue you originally had, with multiple references to the same row. Now all the data is placed directly into the matrix with no object references at all.
Later in a comment you mention you cannot use NumPy because it may not be installed. Well, we can still avoid unnecessary dicts, like this:
from array import array
blockages = {'location': [], 'timestamp': [], 'blocked': array('B')}
blockages['timestamp'].append('12-Apr-2016 01:01:08.702149')
blockages['timestamp'].append('12-Apr-2016 01:01:09.312459')
for location, timestamp, blocked in zip(*blockages.values()):
print location, timestamp, blocked
Note I use array here for efficient storage of the fixed-size blocked values (this way each value takes exactly one byte).
You still end up with resizable lists that you could avoid, but at least you don't need to store a dict in every slot of the list. This should still be more efficient.
Ok, I have initialised the list of dicts right off the bat and this seems to work. Although I am tempted to write a class for this.
blockedlist = [{'location': None, 'timestamp': None, 'blocked': None} for k in range(2)]
blockedlist[0]['location'] = 'A'
blockedlist[0]['timestamp'] = '12-Apr-2016 01:01:08.702149'
blockedlist[0]['blocked'] = True
blockedlist[1]['location'] = 'B'
blockedlist[1]['timestamp'] = '12-Apr-2016 01:01:09.312459'
blockedlist[1]['blocked'] = False
for test in blockedlist:
print test['location'], test['timestamp'], test['blocked']
And this produces what I was looking for:
A 12-Apr-2016 01:01:08.702149 True
B 12-Apr-2016 01:01:09.312459 False
I will be reading from a text file with 1 to 2 million lines, so converting the code to iterate through the lines won't be a problem.

Python .splitlines() to segment text into separate variables

I've read the other threads on this site but haven't quite grasped how to accomplish what I want to do. I'd like to find a method like .splitlines() to assign the first two lines of text in a multiline string into two separate variables. Then group the rest of the text in the string together in another variable.
The purpose is to have consistent data-sets to write to a .csv using the three variables as data for separate columns.
Title of a string
Description of the string
There are multiple lines under the second line in the string!
There are multiple lines under the second line in the string!
There are multiple lines under the second line in the string!
Any guidance on the pythonic way to do this would be appreciated.
Using islice
In addition to normal list slicing you can use islice() which is more performant when generating slices of larger lists.
Code would look like this:
from itertools import islice
with open('input.txt') as f:
data = f.readlines()
first_line_list = list(islice(data, 0, 1))
second_line_list = list(islice(data, 1, 2))
other_lines_list = list(islice(data, 2, None))
first_line_string = "".join(first_line_list)
second_line_string = "".join(second_line_list)
other_lines_string = "".join(other_lines_list)
However, you should keep in mind that the data source you read from is long enough. If it is not, it will raise a StopIteration error when using islice() or an IndexError when using normal list slicing.
Using regex
The OP asked for a list-less approach additionally in the comments below.
Since reading data from a file leads to a string and via string-handling to lists later on or directly to a list of read lines I suggested using a regex instead.
I cannot tell anything about performance comparison between list/string handling and regex operations. However, this should do the job:
import re
regex = '(?P<first>.+)(\n)(?P<second>.+)([\n]{2})(?P<rest>.+[\n])'
preg = re.compile(regex)
with open('input.txt') as f:
data =
match =, data, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
first_line ='first')
second_line ='second')
rest_lines ='rest')
If I understand correctly, you want to split a large string into lines
lines = input_string.splitlines()
After that, you want to assign the first and second line to variables and the rest to another variable
title = lines[0]
description = lines[1]
rest = lines[2:]
If you want 'rest' to be a string, you can achieve that by joining it with a newline character.
rest = '\n'.join(lines[2:])
A different, very fast option is:
lines = input_string.split('\n', maxsplit=2) # This only separates the first to lines
title = lines[0]
description = lines[1]
rest = lines[2]

List output formatting in a variable

I made a Email Bot that crawls Craigslist and emails me when an item meets my queries. I am at the final stage and have everything working but my email format.
What I have is a loop that appends Craigslist Listings to a list. Outside my loop I add the List to my email Def as an argument.
Example of what I need:
list = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
print list
['item1', 'item2', 'item3'] # I don't want it on a single line
for i in list:
print i
#I want a variable with the single line item format.
I want the single line format placed into a Variable rather than as the list. My list could be 1 item or 20, depends on what has been posted on Craigslist.
Any help would be great.
With str.join you can join a list by the string given:
If you need more fancy formatting than a string per line you should look at a combination of join and str.format
P.S.: By the way, don't shadow the "list" builtin, that's bad practice. It will lead to errors whenever you want to use the builtin.
Not entirely clear what you are asking. As I understand the question, you want to print the list items on different lines, but in the same style as used when printing the list in one line.
The __str__ method of a container class usually uses the __repr__ method of the contained objects, so if you want to print the items on several lines in the same style as when you print it in one line, use the repr function to get the result of __repr__.
>>> lst = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
>>> for i in lst:
... print repr(i)