Re-size the Text and Button/Label in Livecode - height

I have a livecode project with a button and a label. I want the width and height of the button and label changes when I re-size the window(stack). Also, I want the font size of the text in the label and button to change. I want to center the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text as the font size changes. I tried this code but the text exceeds the height of button/label (in bigger window size).
set the width of field "label" to the width of this stack * 0.8
set the height of field "label" to the height of this stack * 0.2
set the textsize of field "label" to the height of field "label" - 10
set the textheight of field "label" to the height of field "label"
This is what I'm expecting...
How can I achieve this?

The problem of smoothly resizing text as you resize the stack window is a tricky one. Here is a solution that may not be perfect, but it gets you close. The field has dontWrap set to true and margins set to 2. I also set an initial textFont and textSize for the field, so it's not just using an inherited textFont.
This handler is in the script of the card the field is on.
on resizeStack pNewWidth, pNewHeight
set the width of field "label" to pNewWidth * 0.8
set the height of field "label" to pNewHeight * 0.2
set the topLeft of fld "label" to pNewWidth * 0.1, pNewHeight * 0.1
lock screen
if the formattedWidth of fld "label" > the width of fld "label" OR \
the formattedHeight of fld "label" > the height of fld "label" then
set the textSize of field "label" to the textSize of fld "label" - 1
else if the formattedWidth of fld "label" < the width of fld "label" OR \
the formattedHeight of fld "label" < the height of fld "label" then
set the textSize of field "label" to the textSize of fld "label" + 1
end if
unlock screen
end resizeStack


Sort the detected text bounding box coordinates on basis of order of appearance in image

I have used a text detection model which gives the bounding box coordinates . I have converted the polygons to rectangles for cropping the text area in the image. The resulted bounding boxes are shuffled and i could not sort it out. As per my understanding, the boxes are sorted on the basis of Y3. But when there is a presence of curved text in a same line like in the image below, the order gets shuffled and i need to sort it before passing it to text extraction model.
Image with polygon coordinates
Converted the polygons to rectangles for cropping text areas
same image with converted rectangle bounding box
delimiter=',', names=colnames)
for i,(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) in enumerate(boxes):
startX = min([x1,x2,x3,x4])
startY = min([y1,y2,y3,y4])
endX = max([x1,x2,x3,x4])
endY = max([y1,y2,y3,y4])
rect.sort(key=lambda b: b[1])
print("After sorting")
# initially the line bottom is set to be the bottom of the first rect
line_bottom = rect[0][1]+rect[0][3]-1
line_begin_idx = 0
for i in range(len(rect)):
# when a new box's top is below current line's bottom
# it's a new line
if rect[i][1] > line_bottom:
# sort the previous line by their x
rect[line_begin_idx:i] = sorted(rect[line_begin_idx:i], key=lambda
b: b[0])
line_begin_idx = i
# regardless if it's a new line or not
# always update the line bottom
line_bottom = max(rect[i][1]+rect[i][3]-1, line_bottom)
# sort the last line
rect[line_begin_idx:] = sorted(rect[line_begin_idx:], key=lambda b: b[0])
for i,(startX,startY, endX,endY) in enumerate(rect):
roi = orig[startY:endY, startX:endX]
In this case the polygon bounding box coordinates with detected text are
146,36,354,34,354,82,146,84 "Australian"
273,78,434,151,411,201,250,129 "Collection"
146,97,250,97,250,150,146,150 "vine"
77,166,131,126,154,158,99,197 "Old"
242,215,361,241,354,273,235,248 "Valley"
140,247,224,219,234,250,150,277 "Eden"
194,298,306,296,307,324,194,325 "Shiraz"
232,406,363,402,364,421,233,426 "Vintage"
152,402,216,405,215,425,151,422 "2008"
124,470,209,480,207,500,122,490 "South"
227,481,387,472,389,494,228,503 "Australia"
222,562,312,564,311,585,222,583 "Gibson"
198,564,217,564,217,584,198,584 "by"
386,570,421,570,421,600,386,600 "750 ml"
But the expected output is that i need the coordinates sorted in the following order of text appearance....Australian->old->vine->collection->Eden->Valley->shiraz->2008->vintage->south->Australia->by->GIBSON->750ml.

Qt 5.5 draw filled pie

The image below shows the grey pie, I would like to draw this using Qt 5.5
X increases left to right
Y increases top to bottom
I have a start angle and an end angle which represents to the top and bottom of the arc, I am calculating the arc angle using:
double dblArcAngle = fmod(mcfltElevMaxLimit - mcfltElevMinLimit + 180.0, 360.0) - 180.0;
mcfltElevMaxLimit is 60 and mcfltElevMinLimit is -10
The call to drawPie looks like this:
objOffscrPainter.drawPie(QRect(rctGeom.left() + mcintElevLeftMargin
, + mcintElevBottomMargin
,rctGeom.width() - mcintElevLeftMargin
,rctGeom.height() - mcintElevBottomMargin)
,mcfltElevMaxLimit * 16, dblArcAngle * 16);
What I get is a very small polyline about midway up where the pie should be.
(edit), just read in the documentation that both startAngle and spanAngle parameters 2 and 3 should be multiplied by 16, which does produce a pie, not in the correct orientation and not filled to the center but its progress.
(edit 2), more progress, the image below now shows the results I'm getting, the rectangle I'm passing is the outer rectangle and includes the axis, yet for some reason the pie is offset???
What I want to accomplish is the pie tucked into the bottom left aligned with the white axis and filling the image.
It looks like the passed rectangle is used to determine the center point for the pie. If this is correct then the center of the rectangle must be adjusted to be the origin (bottom left) and the size also adjusted to fill the display.
The rectangle in a first parameter of QPainter::drawPie is a bounding box of a circle which contains your arc. So, to draw what you need try something like this:
objOffscrPainter.drawPie(QRect(center.x() - r, center.y() - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
,16*mcfltElevMaxLimit, 16*dblArcAngle);
(where center is a center of your arc)
It seems that in your case center is a QPoint(0, 0), so you can use this code:
objOffscrPainter.drawPie(-r, -r, 2*r, 2*r, 16*mcfltElevMaxLimit, 16*dblArcAngle);
(we can call it without QRect too, see the documentation)

Color conversions

My program reads from a png file many letters. The letters are black in white bg, as shown bellow.
I want my program given the colour values of those letters be able to print the letters in any text colour in any background colour. For example, I want to display 'a' using green text in blue background.
Using the following code I can change the text colour to any colour:
Color c;
c.r = original_black.r + ((255 - original_black.r) / 255.0) * desired_colour.r;
c.g = original_black.g + ((255 - original_black.g) / 255.0) * desired_colour.g;
c.b = original_black.b + ((255 - original_black.b) / 255.0) * desired_colour.b;
Question: How to update the above code to change the bg color to any color, as shown bellow:
Initial picture contains different colors (probably, like ClearType pixel rendering for LCD monitors). It is difficult to pick an acceptable way for colored edge pixels for all back-fore color combinations.
So I'd suggest to transform colors of initial picture to gray levels. One of the possible formulas:
Y = 0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B [0..255 range]
And use this value as alpha in alpha blending
c.r = (foreground.r * Y + (255 - Y) * background.r) / 255
and so on

How to find height and width of a rectangle in OpenCV?

How can I find the width and height of a rectangle drawn with the function cvRectangle with the following parameters?
cvRectangle( input1, cvPoint(200,178), cvPoint(190,110),color ,1, 8 );
You set the parameters, so calculating width and height should be trivial, shouldn't it? width = (200-190) and height = (178-110). But, as #bubble suggests, since you're most likely dealing with pixels, don't forget to add 1, resulting in (200 - 190) + 1 for width and (178 - 110) + 1 for height.
Or do you expect cvRectangle to give you some rectangle "object" you can get these values from? It doesn't.

Get size of excel cell in pixels

I am trying to programatically (C++ but VBA explanations are OK) get the size of an excel cell in pixels. The excel application gui shows the size of the cell as:
Width: 8.28 (160 pixels) Height: 24.6 (41 pixels), Font is Arial 20 pt.
Using an excel range I can get the:
ColumnWidth: 8.3, RowHeight: 24.6
Range Width: 96, Range Height 24.6
I tried using PointsToScreenPixelsX and PointsToScreenPixelsY for all of the above values but they returned values which didn't match up with what the excel gui said (396 for row/cell height, 136 for column width and 224 for column width).
Any ideas?
The conversion from points to pixels depends on your DPI setting. There are 72 points to an inch, so if you have 96 points that's 4/3 of an inch. If your DPI (in Display Properties) is 120 then that works out to 160 pixels.
In other words, pixels = points * DPI / 72.
However, this doesn't take zoom into account. ActiveWindow.Zoom in Excel is a percentage, so for instance 200 is twice normal size. Note that the UI still shows unzoomed pixels.
The OP stated:
The excel application gui shows the size of the cell as:
Width: 8.28 (160 pixels) Height: 24.6 (41 pixels), Font is Arial 20 pt.
First let me clarify: the application gui shows column widths and height in a decimal measurement and a pixel measurement, regardless of font size, screen size, zoom, etc. For any of these factors, if the Excel column width is 8.43, it will always be defined as 64 pixels. Second, I am a little confused, because my version of Excel (2010 currently) and every prior version I can remember had the standard column width of 8.43 equal 64 pixels; likewise, the standard row height of 15 equals 20 pixels, which does not seem to match the OP's example.
Having established that, one poster asked "Why?" One reason: if you're adjusting column widths or row heights, Excel allows that in discrete units that, unfortunately, they decided to name pixels. Maybe they related to pixels in some early version, but they seem just as random as the units used - 8.43 is what, inches, picas, ??? Not twips, that's for sure! Here, I'll call it a decimal unit.
Anyway, for all column widths over 1.00, that discrete pixel unit is 1/7th of a decimal unit. Bizarrely, column widths under 1.00 are divided into 12 units. Therefore, the discrete widths up to the 2.00 decimal unit are as follows:
0.08, 0.17, 0.25, 0.33, 0.42, 0.5, 0.58, 0.67, 0.75, 0.83, 0.92, 1.00,
1.14, 1.29, 1.43, 1.57, 1.71, 1.86, 2.00
with 2.00 equaling 19 pixels. Yes, I'll pause while you shake your head in disbelief, but that's how they made it.
Fortunately, row heights appear to be more uniform, with 1 pixel equaling 0.75 decimal units; 10 pixels equaling 7.50; standard row height of 20 pixels equaling 15.00; and so on. Just in case you should ever need to convert between these randomly discrete units, here are a couple of VBA functions to do so:
Function ColumnWidthToPixels(ByVal ColWidth As Single) As Integer
Select Case Round(ColWidth, 4) ' Adjust for floating point errors
Case Is < 0:
ColumnWidthToPixels = ColumnWidthToPixels(ActiveSheet.StandardWidth)
Case Is < 1:
ColumnWidthToPixels = Round(ColWidth * 12, 0)
Case Is <= 255:
ColumnWidthToPixels = Round(12 + ((Int(ColWidth) - 1) * 7) _
+ Round((ColWidth - Int(ColWidth)) * 7, 0), 0)
Case Else:
ColumnWidthToPixels = ColumnWidthToPixels(ActiveSheet.StandardWidth)
End Select
End Function
Function PixelsToColumnWidth(ByVal Pixels As Integer) As Single
Select Case Pixels
Case Is < 0:
PixelsToColumnWidth = ActiveSheet.StandardWidth
Case Is < 12:
PixelsToColumnWidth = Round(Pixels / 12, 2)
Case Is <= 1790:
PixelsToColumnWidth = Round(1 + ((Pixels - 12) / 7), 2)
Case Else:
PixelsToColumnWidth = ActiveSheet.StandardWidth
End Select
End Function
This example determines the height and width (in pixels) of the selected cells in the active window and returns the values in the lWinWidth and lWinHeight variables.
With ActiveWindow
lWinWidth = PointsToScreenPixelsX(.Selection.Width)
lWinHeight = PointsToScreenPixelsY(.Selection.Height)
End With