ember autofocus component after insertion into DOM - ember.js

I want to display an input field, and immediately autofocus it upon clicking a button. Im still new to Ember so i am not sure this is the correct approach, but I tried to wrap as an ember component
{{#if showCalendarForm}}
{{new-calendar focus-out='hideNewCalendar' insert-newline='createCalendar'}}
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" {{action "showNewCalendar"}}>New</button>
new-calendar component handlebars:
<div class="input-group">
class = 'form-control'
id = 'newCalendar'
type = 'text'
placeholder = 'New calendar'
value = calendarName
action = 'createCalendar'
new-calendar component js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
didInsertElement: function() {
When I click the button, the text field is displayed, but autofocus and hitting enter doesnt work

The way the jQuery is written, you are trying to set focus on the <div class="input-group">, try this instead:
didInsertElement: function() {
Another way to do this would be to extend the Ember.TextField:
export default Ember.TextField.extend({
becomeFocused: function() {
Then, in your new-calendar template, use this component:
class = 'form-control'
id = 'newCalendar'
type = 'text'
placeholder = 'New calendar'
value = calendarName
action = 'createCalendar'
This way you can reuse the focus-input component wherever you need to.
As for hitting enter to create the calendar, I think you want to listen for the keyPress event, check to see if it's the enter key, and then send the action rather than trying to use insert-newline='createCalendar'.
//in FocusInputComponent
keyPress: function(e) {
// Return key.
if (e.keyCode === 13) {

Try wrapping your focus call in an Ember.run and schedule it to be run in the after render queue like this:
didInsertElement: function()
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function() {
this blog post has helped me a lot in understanding ember's lifecycle hooks:


ember select change model property only on button click

I have an ember Select that is bound to a property of the model in a modal dialog.
I want the model property to change only if the user clicks OK (and gets reverted if he clicks cancel).
How can I do that?
{{#modal-dialog title='Change status (select empty to return to original status)' ok='save' close='closeModal'}}
<form {{action 'ok' on='submit' target=view}}>
<div class="form-group">
{{view "select" content=sessionStatuses selection=model.status}}
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
close: function() {
return this.send('closeModal');
sessionStatuses: ['', 'SUCCESS', 'FAILURE', 'RUNNING'],
selectedStatus: "model.status"
You can achieve it by not binding the model.status property to selection property of Ember.Select, but use some kind of a buffer.
Let's say that your template look like this:
{{view "select" content=sessionStatuses selection=userSelection}}
And your controller should have following actions:
actions: {
close: function() {
this.set("selection", undefined); # or any other that should be default
# everything else, like closing the modal
save: function() {
this.set("model.status", this.get("selection"));
# everything else, like saving the model
EDIT after #Boaz reference
In #Boaz example there is no route defined for that controller. The solution turned out to be creating view object with didInsertElement as follows:
didInsertElement: function() {
modelStatus = this.get('controller').get('model.editedStatus');
this.get('controller').set('selectedStatus', modelStatus);

EmberJS : How to dynamically reload model and template (after an action, ex 'button pressed')

EmberJS version 1.11.3
I have a button that when pressed, sends an Ajax query to my server and returns some data. I would like to refresh the view under this button with the new data each time.
Here's the simplified handlebar template :
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name='query'>
<form class="form-vertical" {{action "sendQuery" model}}>
<div class="control-group">
{{input value=this.totoQuery type="text" placeholder="Enter an SQL query...."}}
<button type="submit" class="btn">Send ! </button>
Here's the controller for that template:
App.QueryController = Ember.Controller.extend({
totoQuery: '',
actions: {
sendQuery: function(model, route) {
var promise = asyncAjax(queryservice + '?query=' + this.totoQuery);
promise.success(function(data) {
The Ajax call works fine and the model defined in the route too ( i tested with a dummy model ). However when i try to update the model with :
model=data.entries; //The template does not update with it!!! The template still displays the data from the dummy model.
I can't modify it with this.set('model',data) because "Undefined function!! this.set"..
My dummy model :
App.QueryRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [{
'title': 'A book title like Harry Potter of Fifty Sha... nvm.. '
Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!
PS: I've been spending way too much time on this :(
You can get the model inside controller action in the following way:
sendQuery: function() {
var self = this,
totoQuery = this.get('totoQuery');
var promise = asyncAjax(queryservice + '?query=' + totoQuery);
promise.done(function(data) {
$.each(data.entries, function (index, entry){
And you do not need to pass model as parameter in action. You can do something like this:
<form class="form-vertical" {{action "sendQuery"}}>
The controller automatically inherit the model property. And one thing is, getting model property using this.totoQuery will be deprecated in Ember. Instead use model.totoQuery.
If you are struggling too much, you can also render something from your controller instead of the model directly from the route, that way you can update the variable from controller and would change easily.
App.QueryController = Ember.Controller.extend({
queryResponse: [],
totoQuery: '',
actions: {
sendQuery: function(model, route) {
var self = this;
var promise = asyncAjax(queryservice + '?query=' + this.totoQuery);
promise.success(function(data) {
self.set('queryResponse', data.entries);
And in your template you can render it directly
{{#each item in controller.queryResponse}}

Access jquery event from ember component action

I'm trying to work with a simple overlay component, and close this overlay if someone clicks outside of the overlay content:
<div class="overlay" {{action 'close' on='click'}}>
<div class="item">
<form {{action 'submit' on='submit'}}>
{{#link-to closeRoute class="close"}}Close{{/link-to}}
The component looks like this:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
submit: function() {
close: function(param) {
console.log(param); // -> undefined
console.log(this); // -> complete component object, no reference to the event?
// this.$("a.close").click();
This works like advertised, however, I need to determine the target of the click event, because also clicks on the item and form will trigger this click(close) action.
Question: How can I access the (jQuery) event object which has a target from within the close action inside the component?
I am using EmberCLI, and Ember 1.9
I have found this to provide the required result:
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['overlay-block'],
didInsertElement: function() {
var self = this;
self.$().click(function(e) {
if (self.$(e.target).hasClass("overlay-block")) {
This does not use an ember action like I expected. I'll leave the question open for a while to see if somebody comes up with an more 'Ember way' of doing this.
More Ember way
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['overlay-block'],
click: function(e) {
if (this.$(e.target).hasClass("overlay-block")){

How to prevent double clicks with ember.js?

I'm trying to figure out the idiomatic way to prevent a button from being clicked multiple times.
Imagine I have a simple controller action like so ...
var FooController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
go: function() {
and in my template I have a button defined like so ...
<button {{action go}}>Click Me Fast</button>
Does the action have an option to disable it immediately / making it so only once true event will be handled by the controller (until it's disabled for example)
I'm looking for a long term / multi use solution. One idea I'm thinking about is creating a special ember-component called "button-disable" that would allow me to create a custom button type that generally disables after a single click -but will still allow me to bubble up events to a parent controller. This feels a little heavier weight than I'd like so if another option exists, or if someone has created an addon for just this - let me know
As a one-off, if you bind the disabled attribute on your button like so
<button {{action go}} {{bind-attr disabled=actionPerformed}}>
and then set up your controller like
var FooController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actionPerformed: false,
actions: {
go: function() {
this.set("actionPerformed", true);
then the button will become disabled after you click it once
If you want a reusable component I'd borrow the spinner button from http://emberjs.com/guides/cookbook/helpers_and_components/spin_button_for_asynchronous_actions/ and tweak it as you need.
So your JS would be along the lines of
window.SpinEg = Ember.Application.create({});
SpinEg.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
var self = this;
var saveTime = Ember.run.later(function(){
self.set('isLoading', false);
}, 1000);
SpinEg.SpinButtonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['button'],
this.set('isLoading', true);
The template for your component would be
<script type='text/x-handlebars' id='components/spin-button'>
<button {{bind-attr id=id}} {{action 'showLoading'}}>
{{#if isLoading}}
<img src="http://i639.photobucket.com/albums/uu116/pksjce/spiffygif_18x18.gif"></img>
and you would then just include the following where you need the button to appear
<script type='text/x-handlebars' id='application'>
{{spin-button id="forapplication" isLoading = isLoading buttonText=buttonText action='saveData'}}

Ember: how to set classNameBindings on parent element of view

See http://jsfiddle.net/4ZyBM/6/
I want to use Bootstrap for my UI elements and I am now trying to convert certain elements to Ember views. I have the following problem:
I embed an input element in a DIV with a given class (control-group). If a validation error occurs on the field, then I want to add an extra class "error" to the DIV.
I can create a view based on the Ember.TextField and specify that if the error occurs the ClassNameBinding should be "error", but the problem is that class is the set to the input element and not to the DIV.
You can test this by entering a non alpha numeric character in the field. I would like to see the DIV border in red and not the input field border.
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<div class="control-group">
{{view App.AlphaNumField valueBinding="value" type="text" classNames="inputField"}}
App.AlphaNumField = Ember.TextField.extend({
isValid: function () {
return /^[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(this.get('value'));
classNameBindings: 'isValid::error'
Can I set the classNameBindings on the parent element or the element closest to the input ? In jQUery I would use:
The thing here is that without using jQuery you cannot access easily the wrapping div around you Ember.TextField's. Also worth mentioning is that there might be also a hundred ways of doing this, but the simplest solution I can think of would be to create a simple Ember.View as a wrapper and check the underlying child views for validity.
{{#view App.ControlGroupView}}
{{view App.AlphaNumField
placeholder="Alpha num value"}}
App.ControlGroupView = Ember.View.extend({
classNameBindings: 'isValid:control-group:control-group-error',
isValid: function () {
var validFields = this.get('childViews').filterProperty('isValid', true);
var valid = validFields.get('length');
var total = this.get('childViews').get('length')
return (valid === total);
App.AlphaNumField = Ember.TextField.extend({
isValid: function () {
return /^[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(this.get('value'));
.control-group-error {
border:1px solid red;
.control-group {
border:1px solid green;
Working demo.
Regarding bootstrap-ember integration and for the sake of DRY your could also checkout this ember-addon: https://github.com/emberjs-addons/ember-bootstrap
Hope it helps.
I think that this is the more flexible way to do this:
Boostrap = Ember.Namespace.create();
To simplify the things each FormControl have the properties: label, message and an intern control. So you can extend it and specify what control you want. Like combobox, radio button etc.
Boostrap.FormControl = Ember.View.extend({
classNames: ['form-group'],
classNameBindings: ['hasError'],
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('\
<label class="col-lg-2 control-label">{{view.label}}</label>\
<div class="col-lg-10">\
{{view view.control}}\
<span class="help-block">{{view.message}}</span>\
control: Ember.required()
The Boostrap.TextField is one of the implementations, and your component is a Ember.TextField. Because that Boostrap.TextField is an instance of Ember.View and not an Ember.TextField directly. We delegate the value using Ember.computed.alias, so you can use valueBinding in the templates.
Boostrap.TextField = Boostrap.FormControl.extend({
control: Ember.TextField.extend({
classNames: ['form-control'],
value: Ember.computed.alias('parentView.value')
Nothing special here, just create the defaults values tagName=form and classNames=form-horizontal, for not remember every time.
Boostrap.Form = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'form',
classNames: ['form-horizontal']
Create a subclass of Boostrap.Form and delegate the validation to controller, since it have to be the knowledge about validation.
App.LoginFormView = Boostrap.Form.extend({
submit: function() {
if (this.get('controller').validate()) {
return false;
Here is where the validation logic and handling is performed. All using bindings without the need of touch the dom.
App.IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
value: null,
message: null,
hasError: Ember.computed.bool('message'),
validate: function() {
this.set('message', '');
var valid = true;
if (!/^[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(this.get('value'))) {
this.set('message', 'Just numbers or alphabetic letters are allowed');
valid = false;
return valid;
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
{{#view App.LoginFormView}}
{{view Boostrap.TextField valueBinding="value"
label="Alpha numeric"
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>
Here a live demo
Like #intuitivepixel have said, ember-boostrap have this implemented. So consider my sample if you don't want to have a dependency in ember-boostrap.