Get app icon URL in Qt on Linux - c++

I am trying to get the icon of an app (doesn't matter which one). I noticed Qt doesn't have something like GDesktopAppInfo and therefore I tried getting it through QSettings from /usr/share/applications/appname.desktop. That's already a problem, because the desktop file might not be there. Anyway, going further to extract the Icon key. Now I dunno how to find the url (notice that I need the url, sure I could make a QIcon, but I need to export it to QML, which would mean another QQuickImageProvider class, anyway, I don't wanna go that way). Is it possible, or is the aforementioned QQuickImageProvider my only solution?

Here is a little guide that might help you find your way. Keep one thing in mind: start with the basic case, get code running and extend it to more difficult cases later.
For now, lets assume the following:
.desktop file is in /usr/share/applications
App icon is in SVG or PNG format
App icon path is absolute
App name is lower case and does not contain whitespace
Input: App name "git-cola"
Read /usr/share/applications/git-cola.desktop
Use a QRegularExpression to get the Icon value
You get an absolute iconPath, e.g. /usr/share/git-cola/icons/git.svg
Have an invokable C++ function that exposes a QUrl to QML
In QML, set the source property of an Image to getIconUrl("Target App")
where 4. looks something like
QUrl MyClass::getIconUrl(QString appName)
// get iconPath from appName
return QUrl::​fromLocalFile(iconPath);
If things are running, you can add support for
Multiple .desktop locations (there might be a handful or so)
Add support for relative paths
Add support for XPM files

You can use QIcon::fromTheme(QString iconName) to find the icon. It works most of the time but it's not as reliable as gtk


how to access image property list and manipulate in MITK

I am developing a plugin for MITK, which is a tookit for medical imaging. I want to access the full path of image that is loaded in the data manager.
There are properties of images like name, opacity, path etc.
I searched MITK documentation but I could not find any proper information related to that.
Can you please help me?
If you want to see the 'path' in the UI, you can use the Properties plugin, available in the MITK Workbench and in your own app if you decided to include it.
If you want to access the content of the 'path' property in the code, then you need a mitk::DataNode in the current scope, because properties are usually related to node.
std::string path;
node->GetStringProperty("path", path);
Note that this won't give you the full path though. For some reason, MITK decided to remove the extension in this property, thus giving something like D://Data/brain instead of the D://Data/brain.nii.gz that I wanted.
AFAIK, there's currently no 100% safe way to get the real full path in MITK, but one could easily search on the file system using path + ".*" and hoping that it returns only one result :)
The property is not on the DataNode but in the BaseData in it. There is a 'path' property there. You can see its value when right-click the image and selecting 'details'

Path shortener with MFC

I need to display paths in the context menu in my app and need to find a way to shorted them. For instance, what Microsoft apps do in their "Recently Used" list, if the original path is c:\ClientName\ProjectName\ProgramName\ComponentName\SomeFileName.cpp I need it to be converted into something like c:\ClientName\...\SomeFileName.cpp.
So I'm curious if there's any built-in means to do this with C++/MFC or maybe a WinAPI?
Use PathCompacPathEx that will truncate a path by replacing path components with ellipses.
There is Win32 API to get short path name called GetShortPathName, read below. It may help.

Inkscape inx param defaults

I am developing a extension for Inkscape and would like to set a param value based on a value that is set on a object. For example if the ID of the selected object is set to "myRect" how would I display that value in the extension dialog? Seems to me that there should be a way to tell Inkscape that I want a value displayed here from attribute "id", I have read through the documentation on Inkscapes wiki and searched the web but couldn't find any answers.
I don't think it's possible.
The extension UI is built from the static .inx file. There's no way for your extension code to modify that AFAIK.
It might be possible to have your extension rewrite the .inx file all the time. But I imagine that this would be a horrible horrible approach. Also I'm not sure how frequently inkscape reloads the .inx file.

Including images and a file to a project

I m having some images that I load from some paths C:/....png to display them in a user interface, and a file that I would like to insert whithout specifying everytime its path
I tried to include images in my project and access them directly without specifying their addresses, especially that I would work on many machines and I don't want to change the path everytime, and create folders and images again. It didn't work!
I use a QPixmap to load images and have access to the image like what is follow:
QPixmap image("C:/images/image.png");
Even if I include that file to the project (image.png), when doing
QPixmap image("image.png");
the image is not found and pixmap is having nothing.
As for the file, it's a text file that I would like to insert to the project. "myFile.txt" which exits at:
Any ideas how to resolve that?
I recommend using Qt's resource system. It allows you to store the images inside the executable, which is usually more convenient than having a lots of files alongside the executable.

Not visualizing ASCII STL file correctly

My problem seems similar to Not able to visualize a loaded data , but I have no console errors and I have already added the '-allow-file-access-from-files' flag to my Chrome Browser. Here's my Java coding,
window.onload = function() {
var r = new X.renderer3D();
pros = new X.mesh();
pros.file = 'file:///C:/Users/Nathan/Downloads/JB Farmer STL ACII.stl';
pros.caption = 'Prosthetic';
Should I "play around" with with camera position, I know I have to do that in Three.js.
Maybe the model needs normals? I'm not sure if it does or not. I haven't worked with 3D modeling, besides Three.js.
Update: Ummmm, I'm not sure what is going on with this, but I realized that XTK generated 2 canvases . I looked at the first two Lessons and they have one.
^ Now eliminated the extra canvas, must have copied a piece and that was in there.
For the moment, the loader of xtk doesn't seem to be done for local. I mean : it uses an XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to get the file with a GET request. First of all the request must be sent to something that can handle it (a server or localhost emilated by Wamp or equivalent). Then let's imagine if one broswer, no matter what one, allows XHR on a file at client side by his url, and imagine I'm a pirate and you come on my website. I know Windows well, I know in C:/Windows/System32 there always is a file where I can find your personals data. What do I do ? An XHR ! You've been hacked. It's a story but you see the idea.
That's why the only ways allowed by browsers to access local files are HTML5 File API & HTML5 Drag&Drop API (unfortunately...). Actualy a way to go through that limitation is having binary code at the client side (flash, java applet). The client is the only one who can ask to open a file or drop a file, so the browser is sure there won't be any security failure because of him.
So you should test it with something like Wamp and access your file with an url like "http://localhost/.../myfile.stl" or the relative url "/.../myfile.stl", or do the following if you realy want local files.
A few weeks ago I wrote my own parser for a private format for xtk and from local file, it worked well, I just used HTML5 APIs to read the file and get a String or BinaryArray from it and then wrote a parser that transformed it in a X.mesh. So I think the best would be to extend the X.loader for HTML5 file APIs, or like me to manualy load the file.
The following jsFiddle from Haehn helps : here !
What happens if you modify the filename with no space?
JB Farmer_STL_ACII.stl instead of JB Farmer STL ACII.stl