Blueimp Server Side UploadHandler.php -> Where to put custom code - server-side

Just tried out the blueimp "out of the box" files.
With a few hurdles, I got the plugin to work on my site.
In my application, I want to store the uploaded files in specific directories based on the file name.
The PHP code to do this is pretty straight forward:
function StoreAudioFiles()
$TempFileName = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$OriginalFileName= $_FILES['file']['name'];
I have no idea where to modify the 'out-of-the-box' file "UploadHandler.php" to insert my code.
Given the fact that the file is 55 pages long when opened in Word, any help would be appreciated.

I worked out a solution and am posting it here for others to use.
In the index.php file that comes with blueimp, add functions after the object is created. Here's what I did:
$upload_handler = new UploadHandler();
//Now Add whatever custom functionality you want from here on.
function MoveFiles()
while (False !== ($FileName = readdir($TheHandle))) MoveThisFile($FileName);
function MoveThisFile($TheFileName)
if(strlen($TheFileName)<4) return;


In-repo addon writing public files on build causes endless build loop on serve

I'm having difficulty with my in-repo addon writing to appDir/public. What I'd like to do is write out a JSON file on each build to be included in the app /dist. The problem I'm running into is when running "ember serve", the file watcher detects the new file and rebuilds again, causing an endless loop.
I've tried writing the JSON file using preBuild() and postBuild() hooks, saving to /public, but after build, the watcher detects it and rebuild over and over, writing a new file again each time. I also tried using my-addon/public folder and writing to that, same thing.
The only thing that partially works is writing on init(), which is fine, except I don't see the changes using ember serve.
I did try using the treeForPublic() method, but did not get any further. I can write the file and use treeForPublic(). This only runs once though, on initial build. It partially solves my problem, because I get the files into app dist folder. But I don't think ember serve will re-run treeForPublic on subsequent file change in the app.
Is there a way to ignore specific files from file watch? Yet still allow files to include into the build? Maybe there's an exclude watch property in ember-cli-build?
Here's my treeForPublic() , but I'm guessing my problems aren't here:
treeForPublic: function() {
const publicTree = this._super.treeForPublic.apply(this, arguments);
const trees = [];
if (publicTree) {
// this writes out the json
this.saveSettingsFile(this.pubSettingsFile, this.settings);
trees.push(new Funnel(this.addonPubDataPath, {
include: [this.pubSettingsFileName],
destDir: '/data'
return mergeTrees(trees);
UPDATE 05/20/2019
I should probably make a new question at this point...
My goal here is to create an auto-increment build number that updates both on ember build and ember serve. My comments under #real_ates's answer below help explain why. In the end, if I can only use this on build, that's totally ok.
The answer from #real_ate was very helpful and solved the endless loop problem, but it doesn't run on ember serve. Maybe this just can't be done, but I'd really like to know either way. I'm currently trying to change environment variables instead of using treeforPublic(). I've asked that as a separate question about addon config() updates to Ember environment:
Updating Ember.js environment variables do not take effect using in-repo addon config() method on ember serve
I don't know if can mark #real_ate's answer as the accepted solution because it doesn't work on ember serve. It was extremely helpful and educational!
This is a great question, and it's often something that people can be a bit confused about when working with broccoli (I know for sure that I've been stung by this in the past)
The issue that you have is that your treeForPublic() is actually writing a file to the source directory and then you're using broccoli-funnel to select that new custom file and include it in the build. The correct method to do this is instead to use broccoli-file-creator to create an output tree that includes your new file. I'll go into more detail with an example below:
treeForPublic: function() {
const publicTree = this._super.treeForPublic.apply(this, arguments);
const trees = [];
if (publicTree) {
let data = getSettingsData(this.settings);
trees.push(writeFile('/data/the-settings-file.json', JSON.stringify(data)));
return mergeTrees(trees);
As you will see the most of the code is exactly the same as your example. The two main differences are that instead of having a function this.saveSettingsFile() that writes out a settings file on disk we now have a function this.getSettingsData() that returns the content that we would like to see in the newly created file. Here is the simple example that we came up with when we were testing this out:
function getSettingsData() {
return {
setting1: 'face',
setting2: 'my',
you can edit this function to take whatever parameters you need it to and have whatever functionality you would like.
The next major difference is that we are using the writeFile() function which is actually just the broccoli-file-creator plugin. Here is the import that you would put at the top of the file:
let writeFile = require('broccoli-file-creator');
Now when you run your application it won't be writing to the source directory any more which means it will stop constantly reloading 🎉
This question was answered as part of "May I Ask a Question" Season 2 Episode 2. If you would like to see us discuss this answer in full you can check out the video here:

How does the Opencart system/modifications folder function?

I am quite new to OC 2.X and I noticed as I was making changes to the site they werent appearing. When I went to change within the system/modifications folder the changes appeared. I assumed this folder was something new and nothing to do with vqmod. I thought it was a foler that would basically take priority over the core file.
Unfortunately when I installed a plugin it also rebuilt that folder so Ive lost all my changes (Im assuming thats what happened).
Im wondering how does this work overall? Must I make a new extension for every change I would like to make?
I cannot find a clear and concise explanation that explains it for a developers point of view.
You can say that ocmod is same as vqmod but it differs in some ways and provided by default in opencart 2.0 and above version. You have to reset modification cache every time you make any changes to your module to see its effect. Like vqmod ocmod also generates cache files which are placed in modification folder. And files in this folder will get prior then the original one. As i think you were modifying files in modification file you might lose them if you clear modification cache from admin panel.
You can check system/startup.php file for more understanding.
// Modification Override
function modification($filename) {
if (!defined('DIR_CATALOG')) {
$file = DIR_MODIFICATION . 'catalog/' . substr($filename, strlen(DIR_APPLICATION));
} else {
$file = DIR_MODIFICATION . 'admin/' . substr($filename, strlen(DIR_APPLICATION));
if (substr($filename, 0, strlen(DIR_SYSTEM)) == DIR_SYSTEM) {
$file = DIR_MODIFICATION . 'system/' . substr($filename, strlen(DIR_SYSTEM));
if (is_file($file)) {
return $file;
return $filename;

Creating a pst file using Redemption

I'm working on a project in C# that involves parsing .pst files and my group has chosen to use the Redemption library to do so. We have successfully parsed the email files in to RDOMail objects, however now we want to write a subset of those emails to a new .pst file. I have successfully written the subset to .eml files using the email.SaveAs() function, but I'm at a loss to figure out how to save that list as a .pst. I've been sifting through the documentation, however it leaves much to be desired. Can anyone who has used Redemption point me in the right direction or provide an example?? Thanks in advance for your help!
You will need to create/open a PST file using RDOSession.Stores.AddPstStore (returns RDOPSTStore object). Once you have the store, you can open/create folders (starting with the RDOStore.IPMRootFolder), create messages (RDOFolder.Items.Add) and copy old messages into new messages (RDOMail.CopyTo(RDOMail/RDOFolder)).
I have been struggling to do this for the last few hours and would like to save that time to others
You have to install redemption and add it as a reference to your project for it to work
RDOSession session = new RDOSession(); // throws exception 1
RDOFolder folder = session.GetDefaultFolder(rdoDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(#"C:\emlFiles\", "*.eml");
foreach (string filePath in fileEntries)
RDOMail mail = folder.Items.Add("IPM.Mail");
mail.Sent = true;
mail.Import(filePath, 1024);
// folder.Items.Add(mail);
I also created a small sample windows forms app for it, I know the code is ugly but it does the trick

Storing an INI file in memory

I am writing an application that uses an ini file to store all status codes (errors, success codes, etc.) A very simple version is this:
000=Status code not found.
000=Error code not found.
001=Username/Password not found.
And my CF Component to work with that uses the following code:
component hint="Set of tools to interact with status codes."{
public function init(string codefile) any{
this.codefile = Arguments.codefile;
public function getCodeString(string type, string code) string{
var code = getProfileString(Variables.codefile, Arguments.type, Arguments.code);
return code;
What I assume happens when I call the getProfileString is that Railo opens the file, searches for the key and returns the value. So as my application grows and I have a lot more codes, I expect that this process will slow down. So is there a way that I can open the file in my init method and read it all into the variables scope, and call the getProfileString from there?
You can even parse your ini file in onApplicationStart and push the data into application scope like recommended for a XML file by #Sergii, if you want to stick with the .ini approach.
Do something like that:
var sections = getProfileSections(variables.codeFile);
var sectionEntries = [];
var indx = 0;
for (key in sections){
sectionEntries = listToArray(sections[key]);
application[key] = {};
for (indx=1; indx <= arraylen(sectionEntries); indx++){
application[key][sectionEntries[indx]] = getProfileString(variables.cfgFile,key,sectionEntries[indx]);
haven't tested this on Railo, but it should work on ColdFusion 9 at least
Because you are using Railo there's possibly easiest solution: put the file into the RAM filesystem.
So full path to the file will look like ram:///some/path/to/config.ini.
Obviously, you need to write the file into the RAM first, possibly on first request.
So slightly modified version of the component may look this way:
component hint="Set of tools to interact with status codes."{
public function init(string codefile, string.ramfile) any{
variables.codefile = arguments.codefile;
variables.ramfile = arguments.ramfile;
public function getCodeString(string type, string code) string{
if (NOT fileExists(variables.ramfile)) {
fileCopy(variables.codefile, variables.ramfile);
return getProfileString(variables.ramfile, arguments.type, arguments.code);
Please note that I've changed this.codefile to the variables.codefile in the init.
Any way, I'm also not sure ini file is the most handy and maintainable solution. You need to parse it each time any way, right? If you need a file config, use XML. Just parse it in onApplicationStart and push the data into the application scope.

Monitoring a folder for new files in Windows

What is the best way to go about monitoring a folder to see when an image file has been added to it? Files are added approximately once a minute and the naming goes like this... image0001.jpg, image0002.jpg, image0003.jpg etc. I need to know when a file has been written to the folder so that my app can access and use it.
Look into directory change notifications.
As per previously mentioned, the directory change notifications is what you want.
I have looked into them as well, and the caveat I have seen is that windows will fire off the notification when the file starts to be written to the folder. If the file is large enough then you will receive the notification before the file has finished being written.
Check out this google search for various solutions for waiting until the file is completely written
Edit: I just saw that the question was tagged with c++, and I linked to a .Net search. Although what I provided may not be the correct language, I would think that you will still have the same issues on Windows no matter what system you are coding with.
FileSystemWatcher should be able to do that for you.
Change notifactions may cause some overhead, if you've NTFS, consider NTFS change journals.
You can use a polling method to monitor the folder. The loop will execute every 5 seconds, for example.
This method returns a list of new files:
List<string> files = new List<string>();
string path = #"C:\test\"; // whatever the path is
public List<string> GetNewFiles(string path)
// store all the filenames (only .jpg files) in a list
List<string> currentFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.jpg");
if ( currentFiles.Count() > files.Count() )
count = newFiles.Length - files.Length;
List<string> newFiles = new List<string>();
foreach ( string file in currentFiles )
if ( !files.Contains(file) )
files = currentFiles;
return newFiles;
This is the method that will poll every 5 seconds and call the previous method.
public void MonitorFolder()
while (true)
List<string> newFiles = GetNewFiles(path);
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); // 5000 milliseconds
Synch.variant FindFirstChangeNotification
Asynch.variant ReadDirectoryChangesW
This was the top google result for my search so I'll add this as an answer.
If you're using Qt, there's QFileSystemWatcher. I didn't know this existed and we happened to be using Qt, so I wasted more than a few hours using FindFirstChangeNotification to rewrite what was readily available to me until a colleague showed me the light.
Good learning experience though.
inotify might be your thing