How to transfer a task in Synergy - cm-synergy

How do I transfer a task to another user in CM Synergy?
I have a task assigned to me, but I need to transfer it to another user.

To transfer a task, right click on the task and go to properties. In the Properties dialog box, select the resolver that is desired.


How to add built-in test event to lambda function?

I have several lambda functions in my project.
For each function I have an event file that is used for local test purposes.
I wonder to know how can I attached these events files to my lambda function inside the aws-console as test event, so I will not need to create a new event each time after code deployment.
Seems like my answer involves with template.yaml file but I couldn't find the answer over the web.
This is not possible.
You cannot add or seed pre-existing 'test events' for a Lambda function - they're meant to just be an easy way of invoking your Lambda from within the console itself.
You will have to recreate them manually unless you are using shareable test events.
You might be looking for Shareable Test Events.
Shareable test events are test events that you can share with other AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users in the same AWS account. You can edit other users' shareable test events and invoke your function with them.
To create a shareable test event
Open the Functions page of the Lambda console.
Choose the name of the function that you want to test.
Choose the Test tab.
Choose a Template.
Enter a Name for the test.
In the text entry box, enter the JSON test event.
Under Event sharing settings, choose Shareable.
Choose Save changes.

Is it possible to execute the modified user data of an existing EC2 once?

In the AWS website, it shows how to modify the instance user data of an existing EC2.
However, at the end it says the modified user data will not be executed (7). What's the point to modify the user data and not executed? Is it possible to execute the modified user data once?
To modify instance user data
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
In the navigation pane, choose Instances.
Select the instance and choose Instance state, Stop instance. If this
option is disabled, either the instance is already stopped or its root
device is an instance store volume.
When prompted for confirmation, choose Stop. It can take a few minutes
for the instance to stop.
With the instance still selected, choose Actions, Instance settings,
Edit user data.
Modify the user data as needed, and then choose Save.
Restart the instance. The new user data is visible on your instance
after you restart it; however, user data scripts are not executed.
The User Data field was created as a way to pass information to an instance. For example, providing a password to a database, or configuration information.
Then, the Ubuntu community came up with the clever idea of passing a script via the User Data field, and having some code on the instance execute the script when the system boots. This has enabled "self-configuring" systems, and is called cloud-init.
By default, the User Data script only executes once per instance, with the intention of installing software.
From Boot Stages — cloud-init documentation:
cloud-init ships a command for manually cleaning the cache: cloud-init clean
Running this command will 'forget' the previous runs, and will execute the User Data script on the next boot.
It is also possible to run a script on every boot by placing the script in /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/.
Simple step to step working Solution:
Stop the Instance
Go to Action > Instance Setting > Edit User Data
And make sure to choose As Text in Edit User Data Screen
Add commands on Textarea
Now start the Instance And check that it is on Running State
check your public IP (This has been changed after restart)
Now finally connect to the instance using ssh :
ssh -i #<IP_ADDRESS>

Sitecore Scheduled Job: Unable to run

I am very new with Sitecore, I am trying to create one task, but after creating task I configured command and task at content editor. Still I don't see run now option for my task at content editor. Need help.I want to know where the logs of scheduled jobs are written?
There are 2 places where you can define custom task.
In database
In config file
If you decide to go with 1st option
a task item must be created under /sitecore/system/tasks/schedules
item in the “core” database (default behavior).
no matter what schedule you set on that item, it may never be executed, if you do not have right DatabaseAgent looking after that task item.
DatabaseAgent periodically checks task items and if tasks must be
executed (based on the value set in the Scheduling field), it
executes actual code
By default the DatabaseAgent is called each 10
If you decide to go with 2nd option, check this article first.
In short, you need to define your task class and start method in the config files (check out the /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx page, to make sure config changes are applied successfully)
Time between checking for scheduled tasks waiting to execute
<agent type="NameSpace.TaskClass" method="MethodName" interval="00:10:00"/>
As specified in the other answers, you can use config file or database to execute your task. However, it seems that you want to run it manually.
I have a custom module on the Sitecore Marketplace which allows you to select the task you want run. Here is the link
In brief, you need to go to the Sitecore control panel, then click on administration and lastly click on the Run Agent.
It will open a window where you can select the task. I am assuming that the task you have implemented does not take the Item details on which you are when triggering the job.

VmWare vSphere: send automatically mail/notification on event

I'm new on vsphere and I have an important question.
Is there a section where I can set parameters that allow a vsphere to send me notifications/email when a condition happens?
For example when a virtual machine cpu usage go over a value that I have set as 'alarm value' or when a virtual machine disk space usage go over a value vsphere send an email/notification that inform me.
I try to navigate over the menu but I don't find anything like this.
can I use an external app?
Haven't done it myself but according to the documentation:
In the Actions tab of the Alarm Settings dialog box, click Add to
add an action.
In the Actions column, select Send a notification email from the drop-down menu.
In the Configuration column, enter recipient addresses. Use commas to separate multiple addresses.
If you're not familiar with alarms at all you may want to take a look at their Alarm Example.

Call Custom Code Upon Item Deletion in Sitecore

Is there a way to call custom code when an item is deleted within Sitecore? Or can I somehow attach code to a publish action?
You can subscribe to item:deleted event. Check this article: Using events.
Attaching to item:deleted will work only if you have a single server solution. If you have separated the content delivery and the content edit servers then it will be a bit more involved.