How to hash a buffer with std::hash? - c++

I study std::hash's references, and find it can't hash a serialized data, like char*. Is it correct or normal ? How can I hash a serialized buffer?

The idea with std::hash is to provide a general hashing algorithm for fixed-size data that is good enough for most uses, so users don't need to roll their own every time. The problem with variable length inputs is that hashing them is a much more complex problem, often depending on characteristics of the data itself, to require the standard library to include such an algorithm, and thus the implementation is punted to the developer. For example, a hash algorithm that works great for ASCII strings might not work so great for data containing mostly zeros, and a good algorithm for the latter might give too many collisions for strings. (There are also speed tradeoffs; some hashing algorithms might work great for everything but be too slow.)
IIRC, an old, old hashing algorithm for ASCII strings is to simply multiply every character's ASCII value together. Needless to say, this is really fast and only works because there are no zeros.
So instead of using std::hash, you're supposed to write your own hashing class with the same API (i.e. it must define size_t operator()(Key)) and pass that class as the Hash template parameter to hash-using templates like std::unordered_set.


Is there a C++ hash function that returns hash as a mixture of letters and strings?

I know that the STL std::hash class in C++ returns hash only in form of numbers even for strings. But I want to have a hash function which returns the hash as a mixture of letters and alphabets on passing an integer in c++ with less collisions. Is there any standard library function that I can use?
I want something like this:
H(12345) = a44f81ji234kop
with least number of collisions and a good distribution.
You can pick any normal hash function you like, then do the conversion to "a44f81ji234kop"-style text as a second step (discussed below). The Standard Library doesn't attempt to provide any guarantees on hash function quality, so as you seem to want those, you're better off picking a third party library, e.g.
Once you have a number, you can use base-36 encoding to convert it to the kind of numbers-plus-text representation you prefer. You can specify base when converting
int->text using std::to_chars,
text->int (i.e. if you want to get the numeric hash value back from the base 36 value) using stoi.
The C++ standard library lacks functionality to combine hashes or hash multiple object of different type into one hash, unfortunately.
One good way is to use the hashing infrastructure from Types Don't Know #:
The problem solved herein is how to support the hashing of N different types of keys using M different hashing algorithms, using an amount of source code that is proportional to N+M, as opposed to the current system based on std::hash<T> which requires an amount of source code proportional to N*M. And consequently in practice today M==1, and the single hashing algorithm is supplied only by the std::lib implementor. As it is too difficult and error prone for the client to supply alternative algorithms for all of the built-in scalar types (int, long, double, etc.). Indeed, it has even been too difficult for the committee to supply hashing support for all of the types our clients might reasonably want to use as keys: pair, tuple, vector, complex, duration, forward_list etc.

non STL hash table type structure

Is there a way to write simple hashtable with the key as "strings" and value as the frequency, so that there are NO collisons? There will no be removal from the hashtable, and if the object already exists in the hashtable, then just update its frequency(add them together).
I was thinking there might be a algorithm that can compute a unique number from the string which will be used as the index.
Yes, i am avoiding the use of all STL construct including unordered_map.
You can use any perfect hash generator like gperf
See here for a list:
PS. You'd still possibly want to use a map instead of flat array/vector in case the mapped domain gets too big/sparse
It really depends on what you mean by 'simple'.
The std::map is a fairly simple class. Still, it uses a red-black tree with all of the insertion, deletion, and balancing nicely hidden away, and it is templated to handle any orderable type as a key and any type as the value. Most map classes use a similar implementation, and avoid any sort of hashing functionality.
Hashing without collisions is not a trivial matter whatsoever. Perhaps the simplest method is Pearson Hashing.
It seems like you have 3 choices:
Implement your own perfect hashing class. This would be a pretty good sized class with a lot of functionality and some decently complex algorithms. I don't think this is simple.
Download and use a perfect hashing library that is already out there. Of course, you have to worry about deployability.
Use STL's map class. It's embedded, well-documented, easy to use, type-flexible, and completely cross-platform. This seems like the 'simplest' solution.
If I may ask, Why are you avoiding STL?
If the set of possible strings is known beforehand, you can use a perfect hash function generator to do this. But otherwise, what you ask is impossible.
Now, it IS possible to make the likelihood of collisions extremely low by using a good hash function and making sure your table is huge. You basically need a big enough table to make the likelihood of invoking the Birthday Paradox low enough to suit you. Then you just use n bits of output from SHA-1, and 2^n will be your table size.
I'm also wondering if maybe you could use a Bloom filter and have an actual counter instead of bits. Keep a list of all the words you've stuffed into the bloom filter and what entries they've incremented (which will be the same each time) and you have yourself a gigantic linear function that you might be able to solve to get all the individual counts back out again.

Perfect hash function for a set of integers with no updates

In one of the applications I work on, it is necessary to have a function like this:
bool IsInList(int iTest)
//Return if iTest appears in a set of numbers.
The number list is known at app load up (But are not always the same between two instances of the same application) and will not change (or added to) throughout the whole of the program. The integers themselves maybe large and have a large range so it is not efficient to have a vector<bool>. Performance is a issue as the function sits in a hot spot. I have heard about Perfect hashing but could not find out any good advice. Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks.
p.s. I'd ideally like if the solution isn't a third party library because I can't use them here. Something simple enough to be understood and manually implemented would be great if it were possible.
I would suggest using Bloom Filters in conjunction with a simple std::map.
Unfortunately the bloom filter is not part of the standard library, so you'll have to implement it yourself. However it turns out to be quite a simple structure!
A Bloom Filter is a data structure that is specialized in the question: Is this element part of the set, but does so with an incredibly tight memory requirement, and quite fast too.
The slight catch is that the answer is... special: Is this element part of the set ?
Maybe (with a given probability depending on the properties of the Bloom Filter)
This looks strange until you look at the implementation, and it may require some tuning (there are several properties) to lower the probability but...
What is really interesting for you, is that for all the cases it answers No, you have the guarantee that it isn't part of the set.
As such a Bloom Filter is ideal as a doorman for a Binary Tree or a Hash Map. Carefully tuned it will only let very few false positive pass. For example, gcc uses one.
What comes to my mind is gperf. However, it is based in strings and not in numbers. However, part of the calculation can be tweaked to use numbers as input for the hash generator.
integers, strings, doesn't matter
After the intro, at 49:38, you'll learn how to do this. The Dot Product hash function is demonstrated since it has an elegant proof. Most hash functions are like voodoo black magic. Don't waste time here, find something that is FAST for your datatype and that offers some adjustable SEED for hashing. A good combo there is better than the alternative of growing the hash table.
#54:30 The Prof. draws picture of a standard way of doing perfect hash. The perfect minimal hash is beyond this lecture. (good luck!)
It really all depends on what you mod by.
Keep in mind, the analysis he shows can be further optimized by knowing the hardware you are running on.
The std::map you get very good performance in 99.9% scenarios. If your hot spot has the same iTest(s) multiple times, combine the map result with a temporary hash cache.
Int is one of the datatypes where it is possible to just do:
bool hash[UINT_MAX]; // stackoverflow ;)
And fill it up. If you don't care about negative numbers, then it's twice as easy.
A perfect hash function maps a set of inputs onto the integers with no collisions. Given that your input is a set of integers, the values themselves are a perfect hash function. That really has nothing to do with the problem at hand.
The most obvious and easy to implement solution for testing existence would be a sorted list or balanced binary tree. Then you could decide existence in log(N) time. I doubt it'll get much better than that.
For this problem I would use a binary search, assuming it's possible to keep the list of numbers sorted.
Wikipedia has example implementations that should be simple enough to translate to C++.
It's not necessary or practical to aim for mapping N distinct randomly dispersed integers to N contiguous buckets - i.e. a perfect minimal hash - the important thing is to identify an acceptable ratio. To do this at run-time, you can start by configuring a worst-acceptible ratio (say 1 to 20) and a no-point-being-better-than-this-ratio (say 1 to 4), then randomly vary (e.g. changing prime numbers used) a fast-to-calculate hash algorithm to see how easily you can meet increasingly difficult ratios. For worst-acceptible you don't time out, or you fall back on something slower but reliable (container or displacement lists to resolve collisions). Then, allow a second or ten (configurable) for each X% better until you can't succeed at that ratio or reach the no-pint-being-better ratio....
Just so everyone's clear, this works for inputs only known at run time with no useful patterns known beforehand, which is why different hash functions have to be trialed or actively derived at run time. It is not acceptible to simple say "integer inputs form a hash", because there are collisions when %-ed into any sane array size. But, you don't need to aim for a perfectly packed array either. Remember too that you can have a sparse array of pointers to a packed array, so there's little memory wasted for large objects.
Original Question
After working with it for a while, I came up with a number of hash functions that seemed to work reasonably well on strings, resulting in a unique - perfect hashing.
Let's say the values ranged from L to H in the array. This yields a Range R = H - L + 1.
Generally it was pretty big.
I then applied the modulus operator from H down to L + 1, looking for a mapping that keeps them unique, but has a smaller range.
In you case you are using integers. Technically, they are already hashed, but the range is large.
It may be that you can get what you want, simply by applying the modulus operator.
It may be that you need to put a hash function in front of it first.
It also may be that you can't find a perfect hash for it, in which case your container class should have a fall back position.... binary search, or map or something like that, so that
you can guarantee that the container will work in all cases.
A trie or perhaps a van Emde Boas tree might be a better bet for creating a space efficient set of integers with lookup time bring constant against the number of objects in the data structure, assuming that even std::bitset would be too large.

data structure for storing array of strings in a memory

I'm considering of data structure for storing a large array of strings in a memory. Strings will be inserted at the beginning of the programm and will not be added or deleted while programm is running. The crucial point is that search procedure should be as fast as it can be. Saving of memory is not important. I incline to standard structure hash_set from standard library, that allows to search elements in the structure with about constant time. But it's not guaranteed that this time will be short. Will anyone suggest a better standard desicion?
Many thanks!
Try a Prefix Tree
A Trie is better than a Binary Search Tree for searching elements. Compared against a hash table, you could see this question
If lookup time really is the only important thing, then at startup time, once you have all the strings, you could compute a perfect hash over them, and use this as the hashing function for a hashtable.
The problem is how you'd execute the hash - any kind of byte-code-based computation is probably going to be slower than using a fixed hash and dealing with collisions. But if all you care about is lookup speed, then you can require that your process has the necessary privileges to load and execute code. Write the code for the perfect hash, run it through a compiler, load it. Test at runtime whether it's actually faster for these strings than your best known data-agnostic structure (which might be a Trie, a hashtable, a Judy array or a splay tree, depending on implementation details and your typical access patterns), and if not fall back to that. Slow setup, fast lookup.
It's almost never truly the case that speed is the only crucial point.
There is e.g. google-sparsehash.
It includes a dense hash set/map (re)implementation that may perform better than the standard library hash set/map.
See performance. Make sure that you are using a good hash function. (My subjective vote: murmur2.)
Strings will be inserted at the
beginning of the programm and will not
be added or deleted while programm is running.
If the strings are immutable - so insertion/deletion is "infrequent", so to speak -, another option is to build a Directed Acyclic Word Graph or a Compact Directed Acyclic Word Graph that might* be faster than a hash table and has a better worst case guarantee.
**Standard disclaimer applies: depending on the use case, implementations, data set, phase of the moon, etc. Theoretical expectations may differ from observed results because of factors not accounted for (e.g. cache and memory latency, time complexity of certain machine instructions, etc.).*
A hash_set with a suitable number of buckets would be ideal, alternatively a vector with the strings in dictionary order, searched used binary search, would be great too.
The two standard data structures for fast string lookup are hash tables and tries, particularly Patricia tries. A good hash implementation and a good trie implementation should give similar performance, as long as the hash implementation is good enough to limit the number of collisions. Since you never modify the set of strings, you could try to build a perfect hash. If performance is more important than development time, try all solutions and benchmark them.
A complementary technique that could save lookups in the string table is to use atoms: each time you read a string that you know you're going to look up in the table, look it up immediately, and store a pointer to it (or an index in the data structure) instead of storing the string. That way, testing the equality of two strings is a simple pointer or integer equality (and you also save memory by storing each string once).
Your best bet would be as follows:
Building your structure:
Insert all your strings (char*s) into an array.
Sort the array lexicographically.
Use a binary search on your array.
This maintains cache locality, allows for efficient lookup (Will search in a space of ~4 billion strings with 32 comparisons), and is dead simple to implement. There's no need to get fancy with tries, because they are complicated, and slower than they appear (especially if you have long strings).
Random sidenote: Combined with, you'll be unstoppable!
Well, assuming you truly want an array and not an associative contaner as you've mentioned, the allocation strategy mentioned in Raymond Chen's Blog would be efficient.

hashing a dictionary in C++

hi I want to use a hashmap for words in the dictionary and the indices of the words in the dicionary.
What would be the fastest hash algorithm for this?
At the bottom of this page there is a section A Note on Hash Functions with some information which you might find useful.
For convenience, I'll just replicate some links here:
Bob Jenkins
Paul Hsieh
Fowler/Noll/Vo (FNV)
There are many different hashing algorithms, of varying efficiency, but the most important issue is that it scatter the items fairly uniformly across the different hash buckets.
However, you may as well assume that the Microsoft engineers/library engineers have done a decent job of writing an efficient and effective hash algorithm, and just using the built-in libraries/classes.
The fastest hash function will be
template <class T>
size_t hash(T key) {
return 0;
however, though the hashing will be mighty fast, you will suffer performance elsewhere. What you want is to try several hashing algorithms on actual data and see which one actually gives you the best performance in aggregate on the actual data you expect to use if the hashing or lookup is even a performance bottleneck. Until then, go with something handy. MD5 is pretty widely available.
Have you tried just using the STL hash_map and seeing if it serves your needs before rolling anything more complex?
boost has a hash function that you can reuse for your own data (predefined for common types). That'd probably work well & fast enough if your needs aren't special.
What is your use case? A radix search tree (trie) might be more suitable than a hash if you're mapping from string to integer. Tries have the advantage of reducing key comparisons for variable length keys. (e.g., strings)
Even a binary search tree (e.g., STL's map) might be superior to a hash based container in terms of memory use and number of key comparisons. A hash is more efficient only if you have very few collisions.