Deadlock error in GoLang tutorial - concurrency

I'm trying to do this tutorial -
This is my code
// Walk walks the tree t sending all values
// from the tree to the channel ch.
func Walk(t *tree.Tree, ch chan int) {
if t != nil {
Walk(t.Left, ch)
ch <- t.Value
// Same determines whether the trees
// t1 and t2 contain the same values.
func Same(t1, t2 *tree.Tree) bool {
ch1 := make(chan int)
ch2 := make(chan int)
go Walk(t1, ch1)
go Walk(t2, ch2)
for i:= range ch1 {
if i != <-ch2 {
return false
return true
func main() {
isSame := Same(tree.New(1), tree.New(1))
if isSame {
} else {
But I get this error-
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
It worked once, and then I ran it again and it stopped working...either that or I'm crazy.
What's going on?

The problem is that you never close ch1, so your for i:= range ch1 loop never finishes; it just reads until there are no values in the channel, and then it blocks. At this point, there will be only one goroutine, and it's blocked listening to the empty channel, so Go will abort with the message you see. (Similarly, you never close ch2, but in your case that doesn't happen to matter. That would cause a deadlock if ch2 ever had fewer values than ch1.)
To be honest, I'm not sure exactly what solution the "Tour of Go" folks had in mind.
One option, which would work but is totally cheating, is to hard-code the fact that you'll only see ten values:
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if <-ch1 != <-ch2 {
return false
A better option is for Same to use anonymous functions that invoke Walk and then close the channel:
go func() {
Walk(t1, ch1)
(or you could use a non-anonymous function for that; call it walkAndClose or something).
Incidentally, your Same function assumes that the two trees have the same sizes. If t1 has more elements, then t2 will be implicitly padded with zeroes at the end (since <-ch2 returns 0 once ch2 is closed and exhausted), and if t1 is shorter, then t2 will be implicitly truncated at the end. Maybe you're O.K. with making that assumption for the purposes of this exercise, but if you wanted Same to always return false for trees of different sizes, you could change your loop to:
for i := range ch1 {
j, receivedJ := <-ch2
if i != j || ! receivedJ {
return false
_, receivedJ := <-ch2
if receivedJ {
return false
(where I've used the two-return-value form of <-ch2 to detect whether the channel has been closed and exhausted; receivedJ will be true if <-ch2 returned an actual value from the channel, and false if it returned a 0 by default).


Is there a "not equal compare and exchange" or "fetch add on not equal" for C++?

Or any way to implement?
Let's have an atomic:
std::atomic<int> val;
val = 0;
Now I want to update val only if val is not zero.
if (val != 0) {
// <- Caveat if val becomes 0 here by another thread.
So maybe:
int not_expected = 0;
val.hypothetical_not_compare_exchange_strong(not_expected, val - 1);
Actually the above also will not work because val may get updated between val - 1 and the hypothetical function.
Maybe this:
int old_val = val;
if (old_val == 0) {
// val is zero, don't update val. some other logic.
} else {
int new_val = old_val - 1;
bool could_update = val.compare_exchange_strong(old_val, new_val);
if (!could_update) {
// repeat the above steps again.
val is a counter variable, not related to destruction of an object though. It's supposed to be an unsigned (since count can never be negative).
From thread A: if type 2 is sent out, type 1 cannot be sent out unless type 2 counter is 0.
while(true) {
if counter_1 < max_type_1_limit && counter_2 == 0 && somelogic:
if some logic && counter_2 == 0:
thread B & C: handle response:
if counter_1 > 0:
// (provided that after this counter_1 doesn't reduce to negative)
The general way to implement not available atomic operations is using a CAS loop; in your case it would look like this:
/// atomically decrements %val if it's not zero; returns true if it
/// decremented, false otherwise
bool decrement_if_nonzero(std::atomic_int &val) {
int old_value = val.load();
do {
if(old_value == 0) return false;
} while(!val.compare_exchange_weak(old_value, old_value-1));
return true;
So, Thread B & C would be:
if(!decrement_if_nonzero(counter_1)) {
and thread A could use plain atomic loads/increments - thread A is the only one who increments the counters, so its check about counter_1 being under a certain threshold will always hold, regardless of what thread B and C do.
The only "strange" thing I see is the counter_2 fixup logic - in thread B & C it's decremented without checking for zero, while in thread A it's incremented only if it's zero - it looks like a bug. Did you mean to clamp it to zero in thread B/C as well?
That being said, atomics are great and all, but are trickier to get right, so if I were implementing this kind of logic I'd start out with a mutex, and then move to atomics if profiling pointed out that the mutex was a bottleneck.

bool method inside a class ''Control may reach end o non-void function''

So, i have a class called Vuelo, it has a method in which i can add a passenger to an airplane flight, i must check that the passenger id is not already in the array (the array is at first with all zeros), i must also check that there is enough space for another passenger to be added (max 10)
bool Vuelo :: agregarPasajero(int id)
int i = 0;
for(int iC = 0; iC < 10; iC++)
if (listaPasajeros[iC] == id)
return false;
if(i == 0)
if(cantidadPasajeros >= 10)
return false;
return true;
If i is not zero, you get to the end of the function without any kind of return statement. Since you declared the function to always return a bool, you should provide one for that case.
Now, you may know that i will never be zero at that spot, but the logic for that is fairly complex (I missed it on the first reading), and a compiler cannot be expected to realize that there is in fact no chance of control flow ever getting to the end of the function without encountering a return. In this case it's best to add a dummy return.
You can probably get away with not having a dummy return if you remove the bogus i == 0 test. i will necessarily always be zero at that point, since if it were ever increased, the function immediately returns false.
The statement cantidadPasajeros++; will never be executed since it is located after a return statement. Any halfway decent compiler also warns on that.

Why does a false statement still execute?

I have this code...
void drawMap(void)
if (false)
for(auto iter = this->m_layers.begin(); iter != m_layers.end(); ++iter)
if ((*iter)->get() == NULL)
PN::draw((*iter)->get(), b2Vec2(0,0), true, 0);
If I'm not mistaken it should NEVER execute...but it does...and when I change
if (false)
if (false)
it doesn't execute at all now, but how can that first statement NOT be false? grabs headache pills
P.S. I only did this 'cause I was debugging and noticed my code was drawing to the screen when it wasn't supposed to.
if (false) will never execute its body... because the value of the condition is never true. So in the code you've given, the remainder of drawMap will always execute because it will never return at the start.
Consider if (x == 5) - that will only execute if the expression x == 5 is true. Now substitute false for x == 5...
If you want an if statement which will always execute, you want
if (true)
Count me in with the crowd that didn't actually read the problem well enough, or couldn't believe that the OP didn't understand the problem if it were so simple :)
John Skeet's answer, of course, was spot on :)
Two thoughts:
If you're in a debugger, lines can appear to be executed, out of order, not at all or at unexpected lines when compiled with optimizations. This is because some machine instructions will get 'attributed' to different source lines. Compile without optimization to eliminate the source of confusion. It is confusing only, as optimizations should (! barring compiler bugs) not alter effective behaviour
It could be that you're getting an evil #define for false that you cannot trust. Rule this out by running the code through preprocessor only. g++ -E will do that. MSVC++ has an option to 'keep preprocessed' source
if (false)
is analagous to
if (1 == 2)
and will therefore never execute the next statement (or block).
In your context consider the following comments I made:
void drawMap(void)
if (false) return; //Not gonna happen.
//The following will always happen
for(auto iter = this->m_layers.begin(); iter != m_layers.end(); ++iter)
if ((*iter)->get() == NULL)
PN::draw((*iter)->get(), b2Vec2(0,0), true, 0);
I have seen the usage of this if(false), in a switch / case like construction like this:
int ret = doSomeThingFunction();
if (false) {}
else if (ret < 0 ) {
else if (ret == 0) {
else if (ret > 0) {

Using local variables vs checking against function return directly

I have a function definition, where i call multiple functions. Even if one of the function fails i need to go ahead and call the rest of the functions and finally return a single error saying whether any of the function call failed. The approach which i had followed was
int function foo()
int res, res1, res2, res3;
res1 = function1();
res2 = function2();
res3 = function3();
if (res1 == -1 || res2 == -1 || res3 == -1)
res = -1;
return res;
The possible another approach is
int function foo()
int res;
if (function1() == -1)
res = -1;
if (function2() == -1)
res = -1;
if (function3() == -1)
res = -1;
return res;
Which is a better approach?
Thanks in advance.
No difference at all, both will be optimized to same machine code. Preference, maintainability, and that depends on team guidelines, preferences.
First priority, make the code correct. That's more important than readability and optimization.
That means you need to consider what the function should return in the case where the functions it calls all succeed.
Many of the answers given to this question change the result returned or might return a failure indication if the 'sub-functions' all succeed. you need to take care not to do this.
Personally, I think the overall form of your first option is pretty good - it makes clear that the 3 sub-functions are called regardless of whether one or more of them fail. The one problem is that it returns an indeterminate result if all those functions succeed.
Be wary of answers that use bitwise-or to combine results - there are at least 2 potential problems:
as John Marshall pointed out in several comments, the order of evaluation is indeterminate. This means that if you simply string the function calls with bitwise-or the functions may be called in any order. This might not be a problem if there are no ordering dependencies between the functions, but usually there are - especially if you don't care about the returned value except as a s success/fail indicator (if you aren't using the return value, then the only reason to call the function is for its side effects)
If the functions can return positive, non-zero values when they succeed, then testing for failure becomes a bit trickier than just checking if the results or'ed together are non-zero.
Given these two potential problems, I think there's little reason to try to do anything much fancier than option 1 (or your second option) - just make sure you set res to a success value (0?) for the situation where none of the sub-functions fail.
What about:
int foo ()
bool failed = false;
failed |= (function1() != 0);
failed |= (function2() != 0);
failed |= (function3() != 0);
return failed? -1 : 0;
You could also collapse the three calls into a single expression and omit the failed variable altogether (at the expense of readability):
int foo ()
return ((function1() != 0) | (function2() !=0 ) | (function3() != 0))? -1 : 0;
I like the first approach when function1 function2 and function3 have the same signature because I can put them in a function pointer table and loop over the entries, which makes adding function4 alot easier.
If you can define any precise convention about return values you can simply use bitwise or:
int foo() {
if (function1() | function2() | function3())
return -1;
return 0;
I like the second approach better. If you want one-liners, you can do something like...
char success = 1;
success &= (foo() == desired_result_1);
success &= (bar() == desired_result_2);
The 2nd is a "better" approach. However, I'd go more without the needless carrying around of an indicator variable:
if( function2() == -1 ){
return -1;
Suggestion: (no magic numbers)
I'd also not use "magic numbers" like you've used it. Instead:
if( check_fail( function2() ) ){
return FAILED;
more clearly illustrated what you're thinking. Intent is easier to maintain. Magic numbers can sometimes wind up hurting you. For instance, I've known financial guys who couldn't understand why a transaction costing "$-1.00" caused their application to behave abnormally.
In the first form you're not checking the status until all 3 calls are completed. I think this signals your intent the clearest. The second form more closely resembles the more usual case, where you return early if an error is detected.
It's a subtle thing either way. You shouldn't be asking us strangers on the internet, you should be asking the rest of your team, because they're the ones who will have to live with it.
You use bitwise operators to make a 'neat' variant that doesn't need temp variables and has other fancyness too(with the more advanced operators): return func1()|func2();(this is the same as using logical or, ||). However, if you require checking a specific function in the callee, you can create a bitset: return func1() << 1 | func2(); (this assumes that they return 1 or zero)
I'd vote for the second one as well.
This question reminded me of something similar I do in one of my projects for form validation.
I pass in a reference to an empty string. With each condition I want to check, I either add a line of text to the string, or I don't. If after every test the string is still empty, then there were no errors, and I continue processing the form. Otherwise, I print the string as a message box (which describes the problems), and ask the user to fix the errors.
In this case I don't really care what the errors are, just that there are errors. Oh, and as a bonus, my validation code documents itself a bit because the errors that the user sees are right there.
Use local variable if you need to reuse the result somewhere. Else, call and compare.
int foo() {
return function1() | function2() | function3();
Yet another option: pass a pointer to the status variable to each function and have the function set it only if there is an error.
void function1(int *res)
bool error_flag = false;
// do work
if (error_flag && (res != NULL)
*res = ERROR;
// similar for function2, function3, ...
int foo()
int res = OK;
return res;
Since all 3 functions always have to get called first and only then you care about the result, I would go for the first solution, because the order of the statements reflects this. Seems more clear to me. Also, I generally don't like functions that do more than just return a value (i.e. that have side effects) in if-clauses, but that's a personal preference.
This sounds like a job for the abundant Perl idiom "<try something> || die()".
int foo() {
int retVal = 0;
function1() != -1 || retval = -1;
function2() != -1 || retval = -1;
function3() != -1 || retval = -1;
// ...
return retVal;
I write it this way:
int foo()
int iReturn = 0;
int res1 = function1();
if (res1 == -1)
return iReturn;
int res2 = function2();
if (res2 == -1)
return iReturn;
int res3 = function3();
if (res3 == -1)
return iReturn;
return res;
As a coding rule, you should declare your variables as close to the place where it is used.
It is good to use intermediate variable like your res1, res2, res3.
But choose a good name so as you intent is clear when you get the value from the function.
And be careful, in the example you've given us, you never assigned the int res; that may be returned when success. The coding rule is to initialize your variable as soon as you can.
So you should also initialize your res1 res2 res3 immidiatbly.
Returning an uninitialized value leads to undefined behaviour.
I've seen code like this before which might be a little cleaner:
bool result = true;
result = function1() == -1 && result;
result = function2() == -1 && result;
result = function3() == -1 && result;
return result?-1:0;
Edit: forgot about short circuiting.

Why use if-else if in C++?

Why would you use if-else statements if you can make another if statement?
Example with multiple ifs:
input = getInputFromUser()
if input is "Hello"
if input is "Bye"
if input is "Hey"
Example with else-if:
input = getInputFromUser()
if input is "Hello"
else if input is "Bye"
else if input is "Hey"
If you have non-exclusive conditions:
if(a < 100)
else if (a < 200)
else if (a < 300)
this is very different from the same code without the "else"s...
It's also more performant.
In your first example, every if will be checked, even if input is "Hello". So you have all three checks.
In your second example, execution will stop once it found a branch, so if the user types "Hello" it will be only one check instead of three.
The difference may not be much in your simple example, but imagine that you're executing a potentially expensive function and you might see the difference.
you mean like this:
if (a == true && b == false && c == 1 && d == 0) {
// run if true
if (a == false || b == true || c != 1 || d != 0) {
// else
An else-statement would be much clearer and easier to maintain.
If you need to chose exactly one action from given set of actions, depending on some conditions, the natural and most clear choice is either switch (don't forget to break after each branch) or combination of if and else. When I write
if (conditon1)
else if (condition2)
else if (conditon3)
else {
it is clear to the reader that exactly one of actions is to be performed. And there is no possibility that because of mistake in conditions more than one action is performed.
Following your same example if we use sequence of if conditions, whatever the input is it will run all 3 conditions. Replacing sequence of if with if-else conditions will run only first condition in best case whereas all 3 in worst case.
So conclude with that if-else will save our running time in most cases, therefore using if-else is preferred over using sequence of if conditions.
input = getInputFromUser()
if input is "Hello"
if input is "Bye"
if input is "Hey"