Controlling Access To IDirect3DDevice9 - c++

So I am writing a resource manager for my in house game engine and am stuck on something. Well, not really stuck but I feel like there should be a better way to do this. The issue is: I have a resource manager class that consists of an LRU, a hash table (for quick resource look up), and another hash table that contains resource controllers(dictates how various files load and how to destroy different resources).
For the rendering part I have encapsulated the actual IDirect3DDevice object in a renderer class that sits in a SceneManager class. The scene manager determines which objects are actually visible, etc through use of an OctTree and then renders them using the renderer object.
The problem is that, say the resource controller for a .jpg file to be loaded as a texture, needs access to the device. This means I have to give the controller a pointer to the renderer which then needs to have a function that returns the texture created by the device. However, that gives too much functionality to the renderer, theoretically it shouldn't care about anything but drawing. This happens because, upon creation of a texture, you either have to call the devices member function or pass the device into one of the D3DX texture functions. The same problem exists for other resources such as meshes because they need access to the renderer to create vertex and index buffers.
In addition, once the resource controller has access to the renderer, it could potentially call any of the draw functions if so inclined which is totally unnecessary. Anyone have any work arounds to a problem like this, or is the inherent nature just a result of Microsoft giving to much functionality to the device object for D3D9?


Dealing with the catch 22 of object lifetimes in vulkan's device, surface, and swapchain in C++?

In order to even display to the screen you need to enable a "KHR" (khronos group extension) extension for presentation surfaces.
A surface, as far as I understand, is an abstraction of the windows/places images are displayed returned by your window software.
In vulkan you have a VkSurface (returned by your window software, ie GLFW), which has certain properties
These properties are needed in order to know if a Device is compatible with it. In other words, before a VkDevice is created (the actual logical view of the GPU which you can actually use to submit commands to), it needs to know about the Surface if you are going to use it, specifically in order to create a device with presentation queues that support that surface with the properties it has.
Once the device is created, you can create the swapchain, which is basically a series of buffers/attachments you actually use to render to.
Swapchain's however have a 1:1 relationship with surfaces. There can only ever be a single swapchain per surface at max.
This is where I start running into issues. In my code-base, I codify this relationship in a member variable. A surface has a swapchain, which guarantees that you as the programmer can't accidentally create multiple swapchains per surface if you use my wrapper.
But, if we use this abstraction the following happens:
my::Surface surface = window.create_surface(...); //VkSurface wrapper
auto queue_family = physical_device.find_queue_family_that_matches(surface,...);
auto queue_create_list = {{queue_family, priority},...};
my::Device device = physical_device.create_device(...,queue_create_list,...);
render loop{
//end of program
return 0;
//ERROR! device no longer exists to destroy swapchain!
Because the surface is created before the device, and because the swapchain is a member of the surface, on destruction the device is destroyed before the swapchain.
The "solution" I came up with in the mean time was this:
my::Device device; //device default constructible, but becomes a VK_NULL_HANDLE underneath
my::Surface surface = ...;
device = physical_device.create_device(...,queue_create_list,...);
And this certainly works. The surface is destroyed before the device is, and thus so is the swapchain. But it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
The whole reason I made swapchain a member was to eliminate bugs caused by multiple swapchains being created, my eliminating the option for the bug to exist in the first place, and remove the need for the user to think about the Vulkan Spec by encoding that requirement into my wrapper itself.
But Now the user has to remember to default initialize the device first... or they will get an esoteric error (not as good as the one I show here) unless they use validation layers.
Is there some way to encode this object relationship at compile time with out runtime declaration order issues?, is there maybe a better way to codify a 1:1 relationship in this scenario, such that the surface object could exist on it's own and RAII order would handle this?
Swapchain's however have a 1:1 relationship with surfaces. There can only ever be a single swapchain per surface at max.
That is not true. From the standard:
A native window cannot be associated with more than one non-retired swapchain at a time.
You can create multiple swapchains for a surface. However, when you create a new one, you have to provide the old one, and the old one becomes "retired". Images you have previously acquired from the retired swapchain can still be presented, but you cannot acquire images more from the swapchain.
This moves nicely into the next point: the user needs to be able to recreate the swapchain for a surface.
Swapchains can become invalid, perhaps due to user rescaling of a window or other things. When this happens, the user needs to recreate them. Whether you retire the old one or not, you're going to have to call the function to create one.
So if you want your surface class to store a swapchain, your API needs a way for the user to create a swapchain.
In short, your goal is wrong; users need the function you're trying to get rid of.

Directx11 How to manage multiple vertex/index buffers?

I'm Working on a small game framework as I am learning DirectX11.
What could be the best method to have a BufferManager class (maybe static) to handle all the vertex and index data of the models created both in real time or before. The class should be responsible for creating the Buffers dynamic or static, depending on the model info and then drawing them.
Should I have one vertex and index vector list and append all the new models to it... and then recreate the buffers, whenever new data is appended and set the new buffers before drawing.
Should I have seperate vertex and index buffers for the models, access respective model's buffer and set to IASetVertexBuffer(model[i].getVertBuff()) before each draw call;
Also some models could be dynamic and others static, how can I do batching here?
Not showing any code here but the construct that you are requesting would be as follows:
Create a file loader for, textures, model meshes, vertex data, normal, audio, etc.
Have a reusable structure that stores all of this data for a particular mesh of a model.
When creating this you will also want a separate texture class to hold information about different textures. This way the same texture can be referenced for different models or meshes and you won't have to load them into memory each time.
The same can be done about different meshes; you can reference a mesh that may be a part of different model objects.
To do this you would need an Asset Storage class that will manage all of your assets. This way if an asset is already in memory it will not load it again; such as a font, a texture, a model, an audio file, etc.
Then the next part you will need is a Batch class and a Batch Manager class
The batch class will define the container of what a batch is based off of a few parameters: Primitive types, if they have transparencies or not (priority queue) etc.
The Batch Manager class will do the organization and send the batches to the rendering stage. This class will also be used to state how many vertices a batch can hold and how many batches (buckets) you have. The ratio will depend on the game content. A good ratio for a basic 2D sprite type application would be approximately 10 batches where each batch contains not less than 10,000 vertices. The next step would be then to populate a bucket of similar types based on Primitive Type and its Priority (alpha channel - for Z depth), and if a bucket can not hold the data it will then look for another bucket to fill. If no buckets are available to hold the data, then the Batch Manager will look for the bucket that is most filled with the highest priority queue, it will send that batch to the video card to be rendered, then it will reuse that bucket.
The last part would be a ShaderManager class to manage different types of shaders that your program will use. So all of these classes or structures will be tied together.
If you design this appropriately you can abstract all of the Engines behaviors and responsibilities away from the actual Game Content, Properties and Logic or set of Rules. This way your Game Engine can be reusable for multiple games. That way your engine doesn't have any dependencies on a particular game and when you are ready to reuse it all you have to do is create a main project that inherits from either this Static or Dynamic library and all of the Engine Components will be incorporated into the next game. This separation of code is an excellent approach for generic reusable code.
For an excellent representation of this approach I would suggest checking out this website and follow the Shader Engine series of video tutorials. Albeit this particular website focuses on a Win32 in C++ but uses OpenGL instead of DirectX. However the overall design pattern has the same concept. The only difference would be to strip out the OpenGL parts and replace them with the DirectX API.
EDIT - Additional References:
Geometric Tools
3D Buzz
Learn OpenGL
GPU Gems by NVidia
Batches PDF by NVidia
Hieroglyph3 # Codeplex
I also found this write up on Batch Rendering Process that is by Marek Krzeminski which is from his video tutorials but found here Batch Rendering by Marek at Gamedev

SDL Textures and CPU\Memory issues

I developed a game with SDL2.00 and c++. I seemed to be having memory and CPU issues. CPU usage goes up to 40% and memory usage goes up by 5mg a second.
So I think the reason is the way Im handling Textures\Sprites.
My question is should I create a different/new sprite/texture for every instance ?
For example, I have a class called Enemy which contains all the variable and methods related to enemy monsters such as HP, damage, location , image(Texture) etc. This class contains its own texture to be rendered onto the renderer.
Is this the right way? Or should I create a Sprite/Texture for all the images before hand and render them as needed?
and I'm wondering if this will render two different images onto the renderer:
RenderCopy(renderer, image);
or is it going to move the sprite to the new position?
I think my issues are caused my overloading the renderer and/or having too many textures being loaded.
Let me know what you think .
OpenGL is not a scene graph. It's a drawing API. So everytime you're allocating a new texture you're creating a new data object that consumes memory. You should reuse and share resources where possible.
My question is should I create a different/new sprite/texture for
every instance ?
No, not unless every instance of the sprite uses different textures, otherwise you should reuse them, ie only load them once and store a pointer to the texture the sprite uses.
and I'm wondering if this will render two different images onto the
RenderCopy(renderer, image);
or is it going to move the sprite to the new position?
This will copy the image twice. First at the old position and then at the new. What you will get is a trailing image. You should probably either clear the previous position or render the background at that position (or whatever should be there).

Advice on setting up a Qt3D scene with redundant objects

I'm new to the Qt3D module and am currently writing a game in Qt5/C++ using Qt3D. This question is about "Am I on the correct path?" or "Can you give me some advice on...".
The scene of the game has a static part (the "world") and some objects (buildings and movable units). Some of the buildings might be animated in the future, but most of them are very static (but of course destructible).
I divide the quesion into two parts: How to handle copies of the same model placed at different positions in the scene and how to manage the scene as a whole in the viewer class.
Redundant objects in the scene:
Of course the objects share the same library of buildings / movable units, so it would be dumb to upload the models for these objects to the graphics card for every instance of such a unit. I read through the documentation of QGLSceneNode, from which I guess that it is designed to share the same QGeometryData among multiple scene nodes, but apply different transformations in order to place the objects at different positions in my scene. Sharing the same QGLSceneNode for all instances of a building would be the wrong way, I guess.
I currently have a unit "library class" telling me the properties of each type of building / movable unit, among other things the geometry including textures. Now, I'd provide a QGeometryData for each building in this library class, which is uploaded on the loading procedure of the game (if I decide to do this for all buildings at startup...).
When creating a new instance of a unit, I'd now create a new QGLSceneNode, request the QGeometryData (which is explicitly shared) from the library and set it on the node. Then I set the transformation for this new node and put it in my scene. This leads us to the second part of my question:
Manage the scene as a whole:
My "scene" currently is neither a QGLSceneNode nor a QGLAbstractScene, but a struct of some QGLSceneNodes, one for each object (or collection of objects) in the scene. I see three approaches:
My current approach, but I guess it's "the wrong way".
The composition: Putting everything as child nodes in one root QGLSceneNode. This seemed the correct way for me, until I realized that it is very difficult to access specific nodes in such a composition. But when would I even need to access such "specific" nodes? Most operations require to take all nodes into account (rendering them, updating positions for animations), or even operate on a signal-slot-basis so I even don't need to find the nodes manually at all. For example, animations can be done using QPropertyAnimations. Acting on events can also be done by connecting a QObject in the game engine core (all buildings are QObjects in the engine's core part) with the corresponding QGLSceneNode.
But this approach has another downside: During rendering, I might need to change some properties of the QGLPainter. I'm not sure which properties I need to change, this is because I don't know Qt3D enough and can't guess what can be done without changing the properties (for example: using a specific shader to render a specific scene node).
Then I found QGLAbstractScene, but I can't see the advantages when comparing with the two solutions above, since I can't define the rendering process in the scene. But maybe it's not the correct location where to define it?
Which is the best approach to manage such a scene in Qt3D?
With "best" I mean: What am I going to do wrong? What can I do better? What other things should I take into account? Have I overlooked anything important in the Qt3D library?

Renderer Efficiency

Ok, I have a renderer class which has all kinds of special functions called by the rest of the program:
About 30 more...
Each of these functions calls glBegin/glEnd separably, which I know can be very inefficiently(its even deprecated). So anyways, I am planning a total rewrite of the renderer and I need to know the most efficient ways to set up the functions so that when something calls it, it draws it all at once, or whatever else it needs to do so it will run most efficiently. Thanks in advance :)
The efficient way to render is generally to use VBO's (vertex buffer objects) to store your vertex data, but that is only really meaningful if you are rendering (mostly) static data.
Without knowing more about what your application is supposed to render, it's hard to say how you should structure it. But ideally, you should never draw individual primitives, but rather draw the contents (a subset) of a vertexbuffer.
The most efficient way is not to expose such low-level methods at all. Instead, what you want to do is build a scene graph, which is a data structure that contains a representation of the entire scene. You update the scene graph in your "update" method, then render the whole thing in one go in your "render" method.
Another, slightly different approach is to re-build the entire scene graph each frame. This has the advantage that once the scene graph is composed, it doesn't change. So you can call your "render" method on another thread while your "update" method is going through and constructing the scene for the next frame at the same time.
Many of the more advanced effects are simply not possible without a complete scene graph. You can't do shadow mapping, for instance (which requires you to render the scene multiple times from a different angle), you can't do deferred rendering, it also makes anything which relies on sorted draw order (e.g. alpha-blending) very difficult.
From your method names, it looks like you're working in 2D, so while shadow mapping is probably not high on your feature list, alpha-blending deferred rendering might be.