Xloggc not creating log file if path doesn't exist for the first time - jvm-arguments

The above are the complete list of JAVA_OPTS I'm passing for my application. The problem is that gc.log file is not being created sometimes if the logs directory doesn't exist by the time application starts.
But gc.log is created always if I make sure that the logs directory exists by the time application starts.
So am I right in assuming that before my log4j framework creates the logs directory if a GC occurs, Xloggc will fail safely? Is there any other workaround other than pre-creating the logs directory manually?

Yes for -Xloggc to create a log file, the directory should always exist.
Creating a directory manually is the easiest thing to do. In most of the projects, logs directory is always available. But if you ever need to clear the logs, I suggest that you delete all the files in logs directory but leave the directory intact.
You can even write a shell script to create the logs directory and then start your server, but you've to use this script instead of standard startup scripts for all your server restarts


inotify not registering all events

I'm trying to watch a directory recursively with inotify, meaning, I want to be notified whenever a directory or file is created inside this directory or in one of the subdirectories. The main directory is empty at the start of the program.
I basically copied the code from here for testing: https://gist.github.com/pkrnjevic/6016356
Now, when I run the application and start populating the watched directory, inotify only registers the creation of a direct subdirectory and the first subsubdirectory, any files inside the subdirectory or other subsubdirectories are not registered.
I will try to illustrate:
/home/user/watched_directory: echo "hello" > file.txt // registered by inotify
/home/user/watched_directory: mkdir subdir // registered by inotify
/home/user/watched_directory: mkdir subdir/subsubdir // registered by inotify
/home/user/watched_directory: echo "hello again" > subdir/file2.txt // NOT registered
/home/user/watched_directory: mkdir subdir/subsubdir2 // NOT registered
As far as I understand inotify, any event of the kind specified at the creation of a watcher should be registered or am I missing something?
I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 inside a docker container on a Windows host.
Any help would be appreciated.
Well, in response to a create node event, you need to check if it is a directory, and then add that directory to the list of monitored nodes.... The first time you navigate recursively your directory tree, adding all directories and subdirectories to the list of monitored nodes.... and you will receive the events. As you see from the manual page, you receive information about the link created to the new inode child. but you receive events only for the registered nodes, not for the indirectly connected nodes... imagine a machine with hundreds of users in session and each monitoring their home directory and having gigabytes of files... the kernel would explode.
If you accept a hint... don't do that. If you are implementing a graphical desktop tool to view files like a desktop explorer or a file manager.... then notify only the directory under view... and nothing else... or you will tear down your system.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk - .ebextensions

My app currently uses a folder called "Documents" that is located in the root of the app. This is where it stores supporting docs, temporary files, uploaded files etc. I'm trying to move my app from Azure to Beanstalk and I don't know how to give permissions to this folder and sub-folders. I think it's supposed to be done using .ebextensions but I don't know how to format the config file. Can someone suggest how this config file should look? This is an ASP.NET app running on Windows/IIS.
Unfortunately, you cannot use .ebextensions to set permissions to files/folders within your deployment directory.
If you look at the event hooks for an elastic beanstalk deployment:
You'll find that commands run before the ec2 app and web server are set up, and
container_commands run after the ec2 app and web server are setup, but before your application version is deployed.
The solution is to use a wpp.targets file to set the necessary ACLs.
The following SO post is most useful
Can Web Deploy's setAcl provider be used on a sub-directory?
Given below is the sample .ebextensions config file to create a directory/file and modify the permissions and add some content to the file
====== .ebextensions/custom_directory.config ======
command: mkdir C:\inetpub\AspNetCoreWebApps\backgroundtasks\mydirectory
command: cacls C:\inetpub\AspNetCoreWebApps\backgroundtasks\mydirectory /t /e /g username:W
content: |
This is my Sample file created from ebextensions
ebextensions go into the root of the application source code through a directory called .ebextensions. For more information on how to use ebextensions, please go through the documentation here
Place a file 01_fix_permissions.config inside .ebextensions folder.
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user tmp/
Following that you can set your folder permissions as you want.
See this answer on Serverfault.
There are platform hooks that you can use to run scripts at various points during deployment that can get you around the shortcomings of the .ebextension Commands and Platform Commands that Napoli describes.
There seems to be some debate on whether or not this setup is officially supported, but judging by comments made on the AWS github, it seems to be not explicitly prohibited.
I can see where Napoli's answer could be the more standard MS way of doing things, but wpp.targets looks like hot trash IMO.
The general scheme of that answer is to use Commands/Platform commands to copy a script file into the appropriate platform hook directory (/opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks or C:\Program Files\Amazon\ElasticBeanstalk\hooks\ ) to run at your desired stage of deployment.
I think its worth noting that differences exist between platforms and versions such as Amazon Linux 1 and Linux 2.
I hope this helps someone. It took me a day to gather that info and what's on this page and pick what I liked best.
Edit 11/4 - I would like to note that I saw some inconsistencies with the File .ebextension directive when trying to place scripts drirectly into the platform hook dir's during repeated deployments. Specifically the File directive failed to correctly move the backup copies named .bak/.bak1/etc. I would suggest using a Container Command to copy with overwriting from another directory into the desired hook directory to overcome this issue.

Elastic Beanstalk .ebextensions ignored (Windows)

This is Driving me nuts.
I had a working .ebextensions config file in my Project which was working fine.
Recently my single instance failed and a new one got initiated. My configuration failed to run so i tried to troubleshoot what went wrong. I didn't find anything suspicious so i just created a new .config with a very simple command but it still fails!!
I validated my config file with an online yaml validator.
I Connected to the instance through remote desktop and saw that .ebextensions folder is actually created within the wwwroot and then it disappears meaning that it got successfully picked up by elastic beanstalk.
I also granted all permissions to everyone on the test folder just to make sure this is not the reason.
Whichever i tried the old configuration or this test command it just does not work and elastic beanstalk just ignores it!
Any info of what might be wrong is appreciated.
command: mkdir kakarot
cwd: c:\\testdir
waitForCompletion: 0
I think everything under 01_DoWork needs to be indented (command, cwd, waitForCompletion). Also, make sure you're using spaces and not tabs.
Check the properties on your config file in VS. It should be (I think) both 'Content' and 'Copy if Newer'. Also, make sure that it gets packaged into the msdeploy package. It's a .zip file in/below your obj directory.
The command will error-out of it's already succeeded, so you would want to either ignore errors or add this. I found this syntax on another SO post but don't know who to credit for it :-/. The errorlevel will cause your command to not run if the directory already exists.
test: test ! -d c:\\testdir\\kakarot
If you're creating a package.zip (that inside has a deploy manifest json file plus the actual site.zip content) for a Windows deployment, it appears the .ebextensions directory needs to be inside package.zip, alongside the manifest json, not inside the site.zip, contrary to the current documentation.

Uploading files to a bluemix app and pointing to them from configuration files

I am trying to upload files to my bluemix app and I am having problems using and understanding the file system. After I have succesfully uploaded files I want to give their path on my configuration files.
Specifically, I want to upload a jar file to the server and later use it as javaagent.
I have tried approaching this isuue from several directions.
I see that I can create a folder in the liberty_buildpack and place the files inside I can later access it on the compilation-release phases from the tmp folder:
Also I can see that in the file system that I see when building and deploying the app I can copy only to the folder located in:
So I copied the JAR file to the app file and set it as a javaagent using 2 method:
Manually set enviorment variable JAVA_OPTS with java agent to point to /app/myjar.jar using cf set-env
Deploy a war file of the app using cf push from wlp server and set the java agent inside the server.xml file and attribute genericJvmArguments
Both of those methods didnt work, and either the deploy phase of the application failed or my features simply didnt work.
So I tried searching the application file system using cf files and came up with the app folder, but strangly it didn't have the same file as the folder I deploy and I couldn't find any connection to the deployed folder ot the build pack.
Can someone explain how this should be done correctly? namely, uploading the file and then how should I point to it from the enviorment variable/server file?
I mean should it be /app/something or maybe other path?
I have also seen the use of relative paths like #droplet.sandbox maybe its the way to address those files? and how should I access those folders from cf files
As I have been instructed in the comments I have added the jar file to the system, the problem is that when I add the javaagent variable to the enviorment variable JAVA_OPTS the deploy stage fails with the timeout error:
payload: {... "reason"=>"CRASHED", "exit_status"=>32, "exit_description"=>"failed to accept connections within health check timeout", "crash_timestamp"=>
The way I am assigning the javaagent is as follows:
cf set-env myApp JAVA_OPTS "path/agent.jar"
I have tried adding several location:
1. I have found that if I add the jar files to my WebContent folder I can find it in: /app/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps/myapp.war/resources/
2. I have copied the jar file from the /tmp location in the compilation phase to /home/vcap/app/agent.jar
3. I have located the jar file in /app/.java/jre/lib
none of those 3 paths worked.
I found out that if I give a wrong path the system behaves the same so it may be a path problem.
Any ideas?
Try this:
Put your agent jars in a folder called ".profile.d" inside your WAR package;
cf se your-app JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/home/vcap/app/.profile.d/your.jar ;
Push the war to Bluemix.
Not sure if this is exactly the right answer, but I am using additional jar files in my Liberty application, so maybe this will help.
I push up a myapp.war file to bluemix. Within the war file, inside the WEB-INF folder, I have a lib folder that contains a number of jar files. The classes in those jar files are then used within the java code of my application.
You could try doing something like that with the jar file(s) you need, building them into the war file.
Other than that, you could try the section Overlaying the JRE from the bluemix liberty documentation to add jars to the JRE.

Bamboo SCP plug-in: how to find directory

I am trying to upload a file to a remote server using the SCP task. I have OpenSSH configured on the remote server in question, and I am using an Amazon EC2 instance running Windows Server 2008 R2 with Cygwin to run the Bamboo build server.
My question is regarding finding the directory I wish to use. I want to upload the entire contents of C:\doc using SCP. The documentation notes that I must use the local path relative to the Bamboo working directory rather than an absolute directory name.
I found by running pwd during the build plan that the working directory is /cygdrive/c/build-dir/CDP-DOC-JOB1. So to get to doc, I can run cd ../../doc. However, when I set my working directory under the SCP configuration as ../../doc/** (using this pattern matching guide), I get the message There were no files to upload. in the log.
C:\doc contains subfolders as well as a textfile in the root directory.
Here is my SCP task configuration:
Here is a look from cygwin at my directory:
You may add a first "script" task running a Windows shell, that copies everything from C:\doc to some local directory, and then run the scp task to copy the content of this new directory onto your remote server
mkdir doc
xcopy c:\doc .\doc /E /F
Then the pattern for copy should be /doc/**