C++ - Collision response leads to clipping [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to implement a collision detection system, and it is working for the most part, no overlapping (or at most very little overlapping) of characters, and wall collisions. The problem is that i have a bunch of characters following a player and just run into it, and when there are about 15-20 of those characters all pushing at the player, it can lead to the player or other objects being pushed through walls.
My code works as follows, first I update all of the characters, and they check collisions against each other, then I check for any character collisions with the walls. I feel like the problem is that the eventual push of all the characters leads to pushing one or more of the characters large distances, but i'm not sure how to fix the problem. Code below if necessary, a thorough explanation of how to fix this is also sufficient.
Character update/collisions:
void CharacterManager::updateAll(float elapsedTime)
for(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Character>>::iterator i = _characters.begin(); i != _characters.end(); i++) {
void CharacterManager::collisions()
for(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Character>>::iterator i = _characters.begin(); i != _characters.end(); i++) {
for(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Character>>::iterator j = _characters.begin(); j != _characters.end(); j++) {
if(i == j) continue;
float xi = (*i)->position().x;
float yi = (*i)->position().y;
float xj = (*j)->position().x;
float yj = (*j)->position().y;
float dx = xi - xj;
float dy = yi - yj;
float distSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
float ri = (*i)->xRect().width/2;
float rj = (*j)->xRect().width/2;
if(distSquared < (ri + rj) * (ri + rj)) {
// fix collisions
float angle = atan2f(dy,dx);
float overlap = (ri + rj) - sqrt(distSquared);
if(xi < xj) {
if(yi < yj) {
(*i)->position(xi - cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yi - sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
(*j)->position(xj + cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yj + sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
} else {
(*i)->position(xi - cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yi + sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
(*j)->position(xj + cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yj - sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
} else {
if(yi < yj) {
(*i)->position(xi + cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yi - sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
(*j)->position(xj - cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yj + sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
} else {
(*i)->position(xi + cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yi + sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
(*j)->position(xj - cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yj - sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
// calc new velocities
float vxi = (*i)->velocity().x;
float vyi = (*i)->velocity().y;
float vxj = (*j)->velocity().x;
float vyj = (*j)->velocity().y;
float vx = vxj - vxi;
float vy = vyj - vyi;
float dotProduct = dx * vx + dy * vy;
if(dotProduct >= 0) {
float collisionScale = dotProduct / distSquared;
float xCollision = dx * collisionScale;
float yCollision = dy * collisionScale;
float combinedMass = (*i)->weight() + (*j)->weight();
float collisionWeightA = 2 * (*j)->weight() / combinedMass;
float collisionWeightB = 2 * (*i)->weight() / combinedMass;
(*i)->velocity(vxi + collisionWeightA * xCollision, vyi + collisionWeightA * yCollision);
(*j)->velocity(vxj - collisionWeightB * xCollision, vyj - collisionWeightB * yCollision);
Wall collisions:
void Stage::characterCrossCollisions(std::shared_ptr<Character> character)
for(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tile>>::iterator tile = tiles.begin(); tile != tiles.end(); tile++) {
if(!(*tile)->walkable) {
sf::Rect<float> cxr = character->xRect();
sf::Rect<float> cyr = character->yRect();
sf::Rect<float> tr = (*tile)->getRect();
if(!(cxr.left > tr.left + tr.width ||
cxr.left + cxr.width < tr.left ||
cxr.top > tr.top + tr.height ||
cxr.top + cxr.height < tr.top)) {
float ox = 0;
if(character->position().x > (*tile)->position().x) {
ox = cxr.left - (tr.left + tr.width);
else {
ox = cxr.left + cxr.width - tr.left;
character->position(character->position().x - ox, character->position().y);
if(!(cyr.left > tr.left + tr.width ||
cyr.left + cyr.width < tr.left ||
cyr.top > tr.top + tr.height ||
cyr.top + cyr.height < tr.top)) {
float oy = 0;
if(character->position().y > (*tile)->position().y) {
oy = cyr.top - (tr.top + tr.height);
else {
oy = cyr.top + cyr.height - tr.top;
character->position(character->position().x, character->position().y - oy);

Generally you run the collision code for two objects when the two objects intersect each other. Two objects intersect each other if they share at least one point in space. But the problem with this is that if objects are intersecting that means that there was a collision in the past and not that there is a collision right now.
Ideal collision code should calculate the energy transfer and modify the velocity of the objects at the exact moment when the objects touch each other. Good collision code would roll back time and try to find out the moment when the collision happened, calculate the new velocities based on that moment and roll the time forward. However these are rather hard to do and might be overkill for a simple computer game.
The easy but robust solution that I can recommend to you is:
move the objects forward
check for collision, if no collision repeat from beginning
move the objects away from each other until they don't collide proportional to their mass. Since walls don't move you can consider that they have infinite mass and only move the characters
recalculate the velocity of the colliding objects after the objects don't intersect anymore
You can also use a constraint like 'objects can never intersect the wall' and you apply this constraint by checking if a new position is valid when moving the characters. And you only move the character if the new position is valid.
This small example should exemplify validation. Make the position only updatable with the MoveTo() method and inside the MoveTo() method you can validate the new position and return whether the move was successful. If the move wasn't successful, the caller will probably want to take a different action. (move the object less until exactly the contact position and this would be the perfect opportunity to process the collision)
class Character{
bool MoveTo(float x, float y)
if (this.isValidPosition(x,y))
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return true;
return false;
void Update(float deltaTime)
float new_x = x + velocity_x*deltaTime;
float new_y = y + velocity_y*deltaTime;
if (!this.MoveTo(new_x, new_y))
Console.Write("cannot move " + this + " to the new position, something is already there\n");


C++ Raylib how to detect the side of a rectangle that a circle has collided with

I can use the function CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2{ x, y }, radius, paddleRect) to find out simply if my circle has collided with my rectangle, but I want to be able to find out what side of the rectangle my circle has collided with. How would I go about doing this? None of the algorithms I've made are working. Example of my most recent blunder:
if (x - radius <= 0 || x + radius >= screenWidth) {
speedX *= -1;
else if (y - radius <= 0 || y + radius >= screenHeight) {
speedY *= -1;
else if (CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2{ x, y }, radius, paddleRect)) {
float paddleBottom = paddleRect.y + paddleRect.height;
float paddleRight = paddleRect.x + paddleRect.width;
if (range(paddleRect.x, paddleRect.x + speedX / 100, x + radius)) {
x = paddleRect.x - radius;
speedX *= -1;
if (range(paddleRight - speedX / 100, paddleRight, x - radius)) {
x = paddleRight + radius;
speedX *= -1;
if (range(paddleRect.y, paddleRect.y + speedY / 100, y + radius)) {
y = paddleRect.y - radius;
speedY *= -1;
if (range(paddleBottom - speedY / 100, paddleBottom, y - radius)) {
y = paddleBottom + radius;
speedY *= -1;
Here's the function I used to get the working end result:
// px and py are the ball's previous locations
// x and y are the ball's current locations
void checkCollision(Rectangle rectangle) {
int left = rectangle.x;
int right = rectangle.x + rectangle.width;
int top = rectangle.y;
int bottom = rectangle.y + rectangle.height;
if (CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2{ x, y }, radius, rectangle)) {
if (px < left) {
speedX = negative(speedX);
x = left - radius;
else if (px > right) {
speedX = positive(speedX);
x = right + radius;
else if (py < top) {
speedY = negative(speedY);
y = top - radius;
else if (py > bottom) {
speedY = positive(speedY);
y = bottom + radius;
A simply way is to use the PREVIOUS location of your circle. Not sure if you can in your program, but since you have an x and y handy, I'll assume you can have a prevX and prevY. I'll also assume these values represent the CENTER of the circle.
Now if (prevX < paddleRect.x), then you likely collided with the left side (not guaranteed, but resolving ambiguities with complete accuracy requires recursively simulating your physics at smaller and smaller timesteps, which is likely unnecessary here). You can also constrain this more tightly with something like if (prevX < paddleRect.x && prevY > paddleRect.y && prevY < paddleRect.y + paddRect.height). There are various constraints you can add depending on how cleanly you want the side to be hit before detecting it. You can add corner hits, etc.
The reason for using the previous location is that, if your circle is moving fast enough, then in a single frame it can jump straight into the middle of the rectangle. It's usually necessary to use the previous position to give more specific collision information in the current-location collision

Interpreting visual studio profiler, is this subtraction slow? Can I make all this any faster?

I'm using the Visual Studio profiler for the first time and I'm trying to interpret the results. Looking at the percentages on the left, I found this subtraction's time cost a bit strange:
Other parts of the code contain more complex expressions, like:
Even a simple multiplication seems way faster than the subtraction :
Other multiplications take way longer and I really don't get why, like this :
So, I guess my question is if there is anything weird going on here.
Complex expressions take longer than that subtraction and some expressions take way longer than similar other ones. I run the profiler several times and the distribution of the percentages is always like this. Am I just interpreting this wrong?
I was asked to give the profile for the whole function so here it is, even though it's a bit big. I ran the function inside a for loop for 1 minute and got 50k samples. The function contains a double loop. I include the text first for ease, followed by the pictures of profiling. Note that the code in text is a bit updated.
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CONTOUR_POINTS; i++) {
vec4 contourPointV(contour3DPoints[i], 1);
float phi = angles[i];
float xW = pose[0][0] * contourPointV.x + pose[1][0] * contourPointV.y + contourPointV.z * pose[2][0] + pose[3][0];
float yW = pose[0][1] * contourPointV.x + pose[1][1] * contourPointV.y + contourPointV.z * pose[2][1] + pose[3][1];
float zW = pose[0][2] * contourPointV.x + pose[1][2] * contourPointV.y + contourPointV.z * pose[2][2] + pose[3][2];
float x = -G_FU_STRICT * xW / zW;
float y = -G_FV_STRICT * yW / zW;
x = (x + 1) * G_WIDTHo2;
y = (y + 1) * G_HEIGHTo2;
y = G_HEIGHT - y;
phi -= extraTheta;
if (phi < 0)phi += CV_PI2;
int indexForTable = phi * oneKoverPI;
//vec2 ray(cos(phi), sin(phi));
vec2 ray(cos_pre[indexForTable], sin_pre[indexForTable]);
vec2 ray2(-ray.x, -ray.y);
float outerStepX = ray.x * step;
float outerStepY = ray.y * step;
cv::Point2f outerPoint(x + outerStepX, y + outerStepY);
cv::Point2f innerPoint(x - outerStepX, y - outerStepY);
cv::Point2f contourPointCV(x, y);
cv::Point2f contourPointCVcopy(x, y);
bool cut = false;
if (!isInView(outerPoint.x, outerPoint.y) || !isInView(innerPoint.x, innerPoint.y)) {
cut = true;
bool outside2 = true; bool outside1 = true;
if (cut) {
outside2 = myClipLine(contourPointCV.x, contourPointCV.y, outerPoint.x, outerPoint.y, G_WIDTH - 1, G_HEIGHT - 1);
outside1 = myClipLine(contourPointCVcopy.x, contourPointCVcopy.y, innerPoint.x, innerPoint.y, G_WIDTH - 1, G_HEIGHT - 1);
myIterator innerRayMine(contourPointCVcopy, innerPoint);
myIterator outerRayMine(contourPointCV, outerPoint);
if (!outside1) {
innerRayMine.end = true;
innerRayMine.prob = true;
if (!outside2) {
outerRayMine.end = true;
innerRayMine.prob = true;
vec2 normal = -ray;
float dfdxTerm = -normal.x;
float dfdyTerm = normal.y;
vec3 point3D = vec3(xW, yW, zW);
cv::Point contourPoint((int)x, (int)y);
float Xc = point3D.x; float Xc2 = Xc * Xc; float Yc = point3D.y; float Yc2 = Yc * Yc; float Zc = point3D.z; float Zc2 = Zc * Zc;
float XcYc = Xc * Yc; float dfdxFu = dfdxTerm * G_FU; float dfdyFv = dfdyTerm * G_FU; float overZc2 = 1 / Zc2; float overZc = 1 / Zc;
pixelJacobi[0] = (dfdyFv * (Yc2 + Zc2) + dfdxFu * XcYc) * overZc2;
pixelJacobi[1] = (-dfdxFu * (Xc2 + Zc2) - dfdyFv * XcYc) * overZc2;
pixelJacobi[2] = (-dfdyFv * Xc + dfdxFu * Yc) * overZc;
pixelJacobi[3] = -dfdxFu * overZc;
pixelJacobi[4] = -dfdyFv * overZc;
pixelJacobi[5] = (dfdyFv * Yc + dfdxFu * Xc) * overZc2;
float commonFirstTermsSum = 0;
float commonFirstTermsSquaredSum = 0;
int test = 0;
while (!innerRayMine.end) {
cv::Point xy = innerRayMine.pos(); innerRayMine++;
int x = xy.x;
int y = xy.y;
float dx = x - contourPoint.x;
float dy = y - contourPoint.y;
vec2 dxdy(dx, dy);
float raw = -glm::dot(dxdy, normal);
float heavisideTerm = heaviside_pre[(int)raw * 100 + 1000];
float deltaTerm = delta_pre[(int)raw * 100 + 1000];
const Vec3b rgb = ante[y * 640 + x];
int red = rgb[0]; int green = rgb[1]; int blue = rgb[2];
red = red >> 3; red = red << 10; green = green >> 3; green = green << 5; blue = blue >> 3;
int colorIndex = red + green + blue;
pF = pFPointer[colorIndex];
pB = pBPointer[colorIndex];
float denAsMul = 1 / (pF + pB + 0.000001);
pF = pF * denAsMul;
float pfMinusPb = 2 * pF - 1;
float denominator = heavisideTerm * (pfMinusPb)+pB + 0.000001;
float commonFirstTerm = -pfMinusPb / denominator * deltaTerm;
commonFirstTermsSum += commonFirstTerm;
commonFirstTermsSquaredSum += commonFirstTerm * commonFirstTerm;
Visual Studio profiles by sampling: it interrupts execution often and records the value of the instruction pointer; it then maps it to the source and calculates the frequency of hitting that line.
There are few issues with that: it's not always possible to figure out which line produced a specific assembly instruction in the optimized code.
One trick I use is to move the code of interest into a separate function and declare it with __declspec(noinline) .
In your example, are you sure the subtraction was performed as many times as multiplication? I would be more puzzled by the difference in subsequent multiplication (0.39% and 0.53%)
I believe that the following lines:
float phi = angles[i];
phi -= extraTheta;
got moved together in assembly and the time spent getting angles[i] was added to that subtraction line.

Why isn't my 4 thread implementation faster than the single thread one?

I don't know much about multi-threading and I have no idea why this is happening so I'll just get to the point.
I'm processing an image and divide the image in 4 parts and pass each part to each thread(essentially I pass the indices of the first and last pixel rows of each part). For example, if the image has 1000 rows, each thread will process 250 of them. I can go in details about my implementation and what I'm trying to achieve in case it can help you. For now I provide the code executed by the threads in case you can detect why this is happening. I don't know if it's relevant but in both cases(1 thread or 4 threads) the process takes around 15ms and pfUMap and pbUMap are unordered maps.
void jacobiansThread(int start, int end,vector<float> &sJT,vector<float> &sJTJ) {
uchar* rgbPointer;
float* depthPointer;
float* sdfPointer;
float* dfdxPointer; float* dfdyPointer;
float fov = radians(45.0);
float aspect = 4.0 / 3.0;
float focal = 1 / (glm::tan(fov / 2));
float fu = focal * cols / 2 / aspect;
float fv = focal * rows / 2;
float strictFu = focal / aspect;
float strictFv = focal;
vector<float> pixelJacobi(6, 0);
for (int y = start; y <end; y++) {
rgbPointer = sceneImage.ptr<uchar>(y);
depthPointer = depthBuffer.ptr<float>(y);
dfdxPointer = dfdx.ptr<float>(y);
dfdyPointer = dfdy.ptr<float>(y);
sdfPointer = sdf.ptr<float>(y);
for (int x = roiX.x; x <roiX.y; x++) {
float deltaTerm;// = deltaPointer[x];
float raw = sdfPointer[x];
if (raw > 8.0)continue;
float dirac = (1.0f / float(CV_PI)) * (1.2f / (raw * 1.44f * raw + 1.0f));
deltaTerm = dirac;
vec3 rgb(rgbPointer[x * 3], rgbPointer[x * 3+1], rgbPointer[x * 3+2]);
vec3 bin = rgbToBin(rgb, numberOfBins);
int indexOfColor = bin.x * numberOfBins * numberOfBins + bin.y * numberOfBins + bin.z;
float s3 = glfwGetTime();
float pF = pfUMap[indexOfColor];
float pB = pbUMap[indexOfColor];
float heavisideTerm;
heavisideTerm = HEAVISIDE(raw);
float denominator = (heavisideTerm * pF + (1 - heavisideTerm) * pB) + 0.000001;
float commonFirstTerm = -(pF - pB) / denominator * deltaTerm;
if (pF == pB)continue;
vec3 pixel(x, y, depthPointer[x]);
float dfdxTerm = dfdxPointer[x];
float dfdyTerm = -dfdyPointer[x];
if (pixel.z == 1) {
cv::Point c = findClosestContourPoint(cv::Point(x, y), dfdxTerm, -dfdyTerm, abs(raw));
if (c.x == -1)continue;
pixel = vec3(c.x, c.y, depthBuffer.at<float>(cv::Point(c.x, c.y)));
vec3 point3D = pixel;
pixelToViewFast(point3D, cols, rows, strictFu, strictFv);
float Xc = point3D.x; float Xc2 = Xc * Xc; float Yc = point3D.y; float Yc2 = Yc * Yc; float Zc = point3D.z; float Zc2 = Zc * Zc;
pixelJacobi[0] = dfdyTerm * ((fv * Yc2) / Zc2 + fv) + (dfdxTerm * fu * Xc * Yc) / Zc2;
pixelJacobi[1] = -dfdxTerm * ((fu * Xc2) / Zc2 + fu) - (dfdyTerm * fv * Xc * Yc) / Zc2;
pixelJacobi[2] = -(dfdyTerm * fv * Xc) / Zc + (dfdxTerm * fu * Yc) / Zc;
pixelJacobi[3] = -(dfdxTerm * fu) / Zc;
pixelJacobi[4] = -(dfdyTerm * fv) / Zc;
pixelJacobi[5] = (dfdyTerm * fv * Yc) / Zc2 + (dfdxTerm * fu * Xc) / Zc2;
float weightingTerm = -1.0 / log(denominator);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
pixelJacobi[i] *= commonFirstTerm;
sJT[i] += pixelJacobi[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < 6; j++) {
sJTJ[i * 6 + j] += weightingTerm * pixelJacobi[i] * pixelJacobi[j];
This is the part where I call each thread:
vector<std::thread> myThreads;
float step = (roiY.y - roiY.x) / numberOfThreads;
vector<vector<float>> tsJT(numberOfThreads, vector<float>(6, 0));
vector<vector<float>> tsJTJ(numberOfThreads, vector<float>(36, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) {
int start = roiY.x+i * step;
int end = start + step;
if (end > roiY.y)end = roiY.y;
myThreads.push_back(std::thread(&pwp3dV2::jacobiansThread, this,start,end,std::ref(tsJT[i]), std::ref(tsJTJ[i])));
vector<float> sJT(6, 0);
vector<float> sJTJ(36, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++)myThreads[i].join();
Other Notes
To measure time I used glfwGetTime() before and right after the second code snippet. The measurements vary but the average is about 15ms as I mentioned, for both implementations.
Starting a thread has significant overhead, which might not be worth the time if you have only 15 milliseconds worth of work.
The common solution is to keep threads running in the background and send them data when you need them, instead of calling the std::thread constructor to create a new thread every time you have some work to do.
Pure spectaculation but two things might be preventing the full power of parallelization.
Processing speed is limited by the memory bus. Cores will wait until data is loaded before continuing.
Data sharing between cores. Some caches are core specific. If memory is shared between cores, data must traverse down to shared cache before loading.
On Linux you can use Perf to check for cache misses.
if you wanna better time you need to split a cycle runs from a counter, for this you need to do some preprocessing. some fast stuff like make an array of structures with headers for each segment or so. if say you can't mind anything better you can just do vector<int> with values of a counter. Then do for_each(std::execution::par,...) on that. way much faster.
for timings there's
auto t2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::milliseconds f = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t2 - t1);

Repulsion Vector

I am trying to implement a basic AI for a Turrets game in SFML and C++ and I have some problems.
This AI follows some waypoints stablished in a Bezier Courve.
In first place, this path was followed only by one enemy. For this purpose, the enemy has to calculate his distance between his actual position
to the next waypoint he has to pick.
If the distance is less than a specific value we stablish, then, we get to the next point. This will repeat until the final destination is reached. (in the submitting code, forget about the var m_go)
Okay, our problem gets when we spawn several enemies and all have to follow the same path, because it produces a bad visual effect (everyone gets upside another).
In order to solve this visual problem, we have decided to use a repulsion vector. The calculus gets like this: representation of what we want
As you can see, we calculate the repulsion vector with the inverse of the distance between the enemy and his nearest neighbor.
Then, we get it applying this to the "theorical" direction, by adding it, and we get a resultant, which is the direction that
our enemy has to follow to not "collide" with it's neighbors.
But, our issue comes here:
The enemys get sepparated in the middle of the curve and, as we spawn more enemys, the speed of all of them increases dramatically (including the enemies that don't calculate the repuslion vector).
1 - Is it usual that this sepparation occours in the middle of the trajectory?
2 - Is it there a way to control this direction without the speed getting affected?
3 - Is it there any alternative to this theory?
I submit the code below (There is a variable in Spanish [resultante] which it means resultant in English):
if (!m_pathCompleted) {
if (m_currentWP == 14 && m_cambio == true) {
m_currentWP = 0;
m_path = m_pathA;
m_cambio = false;
if (m_neighbors.size() > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_neighbors.size(); i++) {
if (m_enemyId != m_neighbors[i]->GetId()) {
float l_nvx = m_neighbors[i]->GetSprite().getPosition().x - m_enemySprite.getPosition().x;
float l_nvy = m_neighbors[i]->GetSprite().getPosition().y - m_enemySprite.getPosition().y;
float distance = std::sqrt(l_nvx * l_nvx + l_nvy * l_nvy);
l_nvx *= -1;
l_nvy *= -1;
float l_vx = m_path[m_currentWP].x - m_enemySprite.getPosition().x;
float l_vy = m_path[m_currentWP].y - m_enemySprite.getPosition().y;
float l_resultanteX = l_nvx + l_vx;
float l_resultanteY = l_nvy + l_vy;
float l_waypointDistance = std::sqrt(l_resultanteX * l_resultanteX + l_resultanteY * l_resultanteY);
if (l_waypointDistance < MINIMUM_WAYPOINT_DISTANCE) {
if (m_currentWP == m_path.size() - 1) {
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "[GAME OVER]" << std::endl;
m_go = false;
m_pathCompleted = true;
} else {
if (l_waypointDistance > MINIMUM_WAYPOINT_DISTANCE) {
l_resultanteX = l_resultanteX / l_waypointDistance;
l_resultanteY = l_resultanteY / l_waypointDistance;
m_enemySprite.move(ENEMY_SPEED * l_resultanteX * dt, ENEMY_SPEED * l_resultanteY * dt);
} else {
float vx = m_path[m_currentWP].x - m_enemySprite.getPosition().x;
float vy = m_path[m_currentWP].y - m_enemySprite.getPosition().y;
float len = std::sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
if (m_currentWP == m_path.size() - 1) {
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "[GAME OVER]" << std::endl;
m_go = false;
m_pathCompleted = true;
} else {
vx = vx / len;
vy = vy / len;
m_enemySprite.move(ENEMY_SPEED * vx * dt, ENEMY_SPEED * vy * dt);
} else {
float vx = m_path[m_currentWP].x - m_enemySprite.getPosition().x;
float vy = m_path[m_currentWP].y - m_enemySprite.getPosition().y;
float len = std::sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
if (m_currentWP == m_path.size() - 1) {
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "[GAME OVER]" << std::endl;
m_go = false;
m_pathCompleted = true;
} else {
vx = vx / len;
vy = vy / len;
m_enemySprite.move(ENEMY_SPEED * vx * dt, ENEMY_SPEED * vy * dt);
I will try to answer your questions one by one, but first, I don't see anything terribly wrong in the code, so it could be simply a set of non contemplated situations.
1 - Is it usual that this sepparation occours in the middle of the
Well, you're applying repulsion forces to every enemy based on distance of near enough others. If something weird happens or if you're moving them more than necessary, could result on a considerable deviation from their original trajectory.
2 - Is it there a way to control this direction without the speed
getting affected?
In this line
m_enemySprite.move(ENEMY_SPEED * l_resultanteX * dt, ENEMY_SPEED * l_resultanteY * dt);
we see you're, in fact, applying that repulsion force based on l_resultante vector. That vector depends directly on l_nv (repulsion vector), which its module (or length) is proportional to the distance between this (enemy you are processing now) and other (the neighbor). As you're multiplying this vector by the speed of the enemy (a constant value), greater the distance, greater the force applied and more separation will be between them.
I suggest you to:
Normalize the vector l_nv (Easier): This is, force it to have module 1. With this solution every enemy will be pushed with the same force (basically ENEMY_SPEED) but in proper direction.
Inverse the vector l_nv (Little harder): If you apply this vector inversely proportional to the distance (module = 1/distance), they will behave the opposite and they will be pushed less if they are farther from each other.
Also consider that you are applying forces consecutively and you're making them effective by every neighbor processed. This implies something undesirable. If you push an enemy, this force could move it into a location where a future enemy (in the for loop) could push it maybe more than before. If this effect concatenates several times, could trigger a chain reaction where your enemy is pushed more and more. This effect will be amplified if you're applying the forces proportional to the distance.
3 - Is it there any alternative to this theory?
I actually run out of ideas, but I left this space here if someone want to edit the answer and suggest something

Coloring mandelbrot set

I have came up to something like this:
float MinRe = -2.0f; // real
float MaxRe = 1.0f;
float MinIm = -1.0f; // imaginary
float MaxIm = MinIm + (MaxRe - MinRe) * WindowData.Height / WindowData.Width;
float Re_factor = (MaxRe - MinRe) / (WindowData.Width - 1);
float Im_factor = (MaxIm - MinIm) / (WindowData.Height - 1);
int MaxIterations = 50;
int iter=0;
for (int y = 0; y < WindowData.Height; ++y)
double c_im = MaxIm - y * Im_factor; // complex imaginary
for (int x = 0; x < WindowData.Width; ++x)
double c_re = MinRe + x * Re_factor; // complex real
// calculate mandelbrot set
double Z_re = c_re, Z_im = c_im; // Set Z = c
bool isInside = true;
for (iter=0; iter < MaxIterations; ++iter)
double Z_re2 = Z_re * Z_re, Z_im2 = Z_im * Z_im;
if (Z_re2 + Z_im2 > 4)
isInside = false;
Z_im = 2 * Z_re * Z_im + c_im;
Z_re = Z_re2 - Z_im2 + c_re;
GL.Color3(0, 0, 0);
GL.Vertex2(x, y);
I have tried in few ways, but most of the times ended with single color around set, or whole screen with the same color.
How to set up colors properly?
When I tried this, I just set the outside colour to RGB (value, value, 1) where value is (in your parlance) the fourth root of (iter / MaxIterations). That comes out as a quite nice fade from white to blue. Not so bright as duffymo's, though, but with less of a 'stripy' effect.
Here's how I did it: check out the Source Forge repository for source code.
I found empirically that if you use something like that: color(R,G,B) where R,G,B takes values from 0 to 255.
Then this function gives a really good looking result. f(x,f,p) = 255*(cos(sqrt(x)*f + p))^2 where x denotes the current iteration, f the frequency and p the phase.
And then apply the function for each color argument with a phase difference of 120:
try to display result of your computation. Check what input is required by your coloring function
See also