Read text-file in C++ with fopen without linefeed conversion - c++

I'm working with text-files (UTF-8) on Windows and want to read them using C++.
To open the file corrently, I use fopen. As described here, there are two options for opening the file:
Text mode "rt" (Carriage return + Linefeed will automatically be converted into Linefeed; Short "\r\n" becomes "\n").
Binary mode "rb" (The file will be read byte by byte).
Now it becomes tricky. I don't want to open the file in binary mode, since I would lose the correct handling of my UTF-8 characters (and there are special characters in my text-files, which are corrupted when interpreted as ANSI-character). But I also don't want fopen to convert all my CR+LF into LF.
Is there a way to combine the two modes, to read a text-file into a string without tampering with the linefeeds, while still being able to read UTF-8 correctly?
I am aware, that the reverse conversion would happen, if I write it through the same file, but the string is sent to another application that expects Windows-style line-endings.

The difference between opening files in text and binary mode is exactly the handling of line end sequences in text mode or not touching them in binary mode. Nothing more nothing less. Since the ASCII characters use the same code points in Unicode and UTF-8 retains the encoding of ASCII characters (i.e., every ASCII file happens to be a UTF-8 encoded Unicode file) whether you use binary or text mode won't affect the other bytes.
It may be worth to have a look at James McNellis "Unicode in C++" presentation at C++Now 2014.


Demystifying the newline character (again)

We know that Windows uses a CR + LF pair as its new line, Unix (including Linux and OS X) uses a single LF, while MacOS uses a single CR.
Does that mean that the interpretation of a newline in C and C++ depends upon the execution environment, even though K&R (section 1.5.3 Line Counting) states the following very categorically?
so '\n' stands for the value of the newline character, which is 10 in ASCII.
We know that Windows uses a CR + LF pair as its new line,…
The page you link to does not say Windows uses “CR + LF” as its new line character. It says Windows marks the end of a line in a text file with a carriage-return character and a line-feed character. That does not mean those characters are a new-line character or vice-versa.
Does that mean that the interpretation of a newline…
The new-line character is a new-line character. In C, it is intended to mark a new line. When ASCII is used, ASCII’s line-feed character (code 10) is typically used as C’s new-line character ('\n').
If a C program reads a Windows-style text file using a binary stream, it will see a carriage-return character and a line-feed marking the ends of lines. If a C program reads a Windows-style text file using a text stream (in an environment that supports this), the Windows line-ending indications (carriage-return character and line-feed character) will be automatically translated to C new-line characters.
Conversely, if a C program writes to a Windows-style text file using a text stream, the new-line characters it writes will be translated to Windows line-ending indications. If it writes using a binary stream, it must write the carriage-return characters and the line-feed characters itself.
Does that mean that the interpretation of a newline in C and C++ depends upon the execution environment
No, it does not depend. The interpretation depends the tool that reading the file which is platform suggested but can differ. A robust text tool will tolerate various encodings and will
handle change.
Further, text files originating on one system are accessed/edited by other planforms with different rules.
No, \n always means LF.
On Windows there is LF <-> CR-LF conversion that's performed by the IO streams (FILE *, std::??stream), if the stream is opened in text mode (as opposed to binary mode).
Does that mean that the interpretation of a newline in C and C++ depends upon the execution environment?
The interpretation of the file contents does indeed depend on the execution environment, so that the C programmer does not have to handle the different conventions explicitly:
if the stream is open as binary "rb", no translation is performed and each byte of the file contents is returned directly by getchar(). Unix systems handle text files and binary files identically, so no translation occurs for text files either.
on other systems, streams open in text mode "rt" or just "r" are handled in a system specific way to translate line ending patterns to the single byte '\n', which in ASCII has the value 10. On Windows and MS/DOS systems, this translation converts CR/LF pairs to single bytes '\n', which can be implemented as simply removing CR bytes. This convention was inherited from previous microcomputer operating systems such as Gary Kildall's CP/M, whose APIs were emulated in QDOS, Seattle Computer Products' original 8086 OS that later became MS/DOS.
older Mac systems (before OS/X) used to represent line endings with a single CR byte, but Apple changed this when they adopted a Unix kernel for their OS/X system. No translation is performed anymore on macOS.
Antique systems used to have even more cumbersome representations for text files, such as fixed length records and the stream implementation was inserting extra '\n' bytes to simulate unix line endings when read such streams in text mode.
It is important to understand that this translation process is system specific and is not designed to handle files copied from other systems that use a different convention. Advanced Text tools such as the QEmacs programmers' editor can detect different line endings and perform the appropriate translation regardless of the current execution environment, preserving the convention used in the file, or converting it to another convention under user control.

C++: Problem of Korean alphabet encoding in text file write process with std::ofstream

I have a code for save the log as a text file.
It usually works well, but I found a case where doesn't work:
{Id": "testman", "ip": "", "target": "?뚯뒪??exe", "desc": "?덈뀞諛⑷??뚯슂"}
My code is a simple logic that saves the log string as a text file.
My code was works well when log is English, but there is a problem when log is Korean language.
After checking through various experiments, it was confirmed that Korean language would not problem if the file could be saved as utf-8 format.
I think, if Korean language is included in log string, c++ is basically saved as ANSI format.
This is my c++ code:
string logfilePath = {path};
log = "{\Id\": \"testman\", \"ip\": \"\", \"target\": \"테스트.exe\", \"desc\": \"안녕방가워요\"}";
ofstream output(logFilePath, ios::app);
output << log << endl;
Is there a way to save log files as uft-8 or any other good way?
Please give me some advice.
You could set UTF-8 in File->Advanced Save Options.
If you do not find it, you could add Advanced Save Options in Tools->Customize->Commands->Add Command..->File.
TDLR: write 0xefbbbf (3-bytes UTF-8 BOM) in the beginning of the file before writing out your string.
One of the hints that text viewer software use to determine if the file should be shown in the Unicode format is something called the Byte Order Marker (or BOM for short). It is basically a series of bytes in the beginning of a stream of text that specifies the encoding and endianness of the text string. For UTF-8 it is these three bytes 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF.
You can experiment with this by opening notepad, writing a single character and saving file in the ANSI format. Then look at the size of file in bytes. It will be 1 byte. Now open the file and save it in UTF-8 and look at the size of file again. It will 4 bytes that is three bytes for the BOM and one byte for the single character you put in there. You can confirm this by viewing both files in some hex editor.
That being said, you may need to insert these bytes to your files before writing your string to them. So why UTF-8? you may ask, well, it depends on the encoding the original string is encoded in (your std::string log) which in this case it is an string literal written in a source file whose encoding is (most likely) UTF-8. Therefor the bytes that build up the string are made according to this encoding and are put into your executable.
note that std::string can contain Unicode string, it just can't make sense of it. For example it reports its length wrong. But it can be used to carry Unicode string around fine.

What is Eol in text file and normal file?

Now I am quite confused about the end of line character I am working with c++ and I know that text files have a end of line marker which sets the limit for reading a line which a single shifing operator(>>).Data is read continously untill eol character does not apprears and while opening a file in text mode carriage return(CR) is converted into CRLF which is eol marker so if i add white spaces in my text then would it act as eol maker cause it does.
Now i created a normal file i.e. a file without .txt
ifstream("test"); // No .txt
Now what is eol marker in this case
The ".txt" at the end of the filename is just a convention. It's just part of the filename.
It does not signify any magical property of the file, and it certainly doesn't change how the file is handled by your operating system kernel or file system driver.
So, in short, what difference is there? None.
I know that text files have a end of line marker which sets the limit for reading a line which a single shifing operator(>>)
That is incorrect.
Data is read continously untill eol character does not apprears
Also incorrect. Some operating systems (e.g. Windows IIRC) inject an EOF (not EOL!) character into the stream to signify to calling applications that there is no more data to read. Other operating systems don't even do that. But in neither case is there an actual EOF character at the end of the actual file.
while opening a file in text mode carriage return(CR) is converted into CRLF which is eol marker
That conversion may or may not happen and, either way, EOL is not EOF.
if i add white spaces in my text then would it act as eol maker cause it does.
That's a negative, star command.
I'm not sure where you're getting all this stuff from, but you've been heavily mistaught. I suggest a good, peer-reviewed, well-recommended book from Amazon about how computer operating systems work.
When reading strings in C++ using the extraction operator >>, the default is to skip spaces.
If you want the entire line verbatim, use std::getline.
A typical input loop is:
int main(void)
std::string text_from_file;
std::ifstream input_file("My_data.txt");
if (!input_file)
cerr << "Error opening My_data.txt for reading.\n";
while (input_file >> text_from_file)
// Process the variable text_from_file.
A lot of old and mainframe operating systems required a record structure of all data files which, for text files, originated with a Hollerith (punch) card of 80 columns and was faithfully preserved through disk file records, magnetic tapes, output punch card decks, and line printer lines. No line ending was used because the record structure required that every record have 80 columns (and were typically filled with spaces). In later years (1960s+), having variable length records with an 80 column maximum became popular. Today, even OpenVMS still requires the file creator to specify a file format (sequential, indexed, or "stream") and record size (fixed, variable) where the maximum record size must be specified in advance.
In the modern era of computing (which effectively began with Unix) it is widely considered a bad idea to force a structure on data files. Any programmer is free to do that to themselves and there are plenty of record-oriented data formats like compiler/linker object files (.obj, .so, .o, .lib, .exe, etc.), and most media formats (.gif, .tiff, .flv, .mov, mp3, etc.)
For communicating text lines, the paradigm is to target a terminal or printer and for that, line endings should be indicated. Most operating systems environments (except MSDOS and Windows) use the \n character which is encoded in ASCII as a linefeed (ASCII 10) code. MSDOS and ilk use '\r\n' which are encoded as carriage return then linefeed (ASCII 13, 10). There are advantages and disadvantages to both schemes. But text files may also contain other controls, most commonly the ANSI escape sequences which control devices in specific ways:
clear the screen, either in part or all of it
eject a printer page, skip some lines, reverse feed, and other little-used features
establish a scrolling region
change the text color
selecting a font, text weight, page size, etc.
For these operations, line endings are not a concern.
Also, data files encoded in ASCII such as JSON and XML (especially HTML with embedded Javascript), might not have any line endings, especially when the data is obfuscated or compressed.
To answer your questions:
I am quite confused about the end of line character I am working with c++ and I know that text files have a end of line marker
Maybe. Maybe not. From a C or C++ program's viewpoint, writing \n indicates to the runtime environment the end of a line. What the system does with that varies by runtime operating environment. For Unix and Linux, no translation occurs (though writing to a terminal-like device converts to \r\n). In MSDOS, '\n' is translated to \r\n. In OpenVMS, '\n' is removed and that record's size is set. Reading does the inverse translation.
which sets the limit for reading a line which a single shifing operator(>>).
There is no such limit: A program can choose to read data byte-by-byte if it wants as well as ignore the line boundaries.
The "shifting operators" are overloaded for filestreams to input or output data but are not related to bit twiddling shifts. These operators were chosen for visual approximation of input/output and due to their low operator precedence.
Data is read continously untill eol character does not apprears
This bit is confusing: I think you meant until eol character appears, which is indeed how the line-oriented functions gets() and fgets() work.
and while opening a file in text mode carriage return(CR) is converted into CRLF which is eol marker so if i add white spaces in my text then would it act as eol maker cause it does.
Opening the file does not convert anything, but reading from a file might. However, no environment (that I know of) converts input to CR LF. MSDOS converts CR LF on input to \n.
Adding spaces has no effect on end of lines, end of file, or anything. Spaces are just data. However, the C++ streaming operations reading/writing numbers and some other datatypes use whitespace (a sequence of spaces, horizontal tabs, vertical tabs, form feed, and maybe some others) as a delimiter. This convenience feature may cause some confusion.
Now i created a normal file i.e. a file without .txt eg
ifstream("test"); \No .txt
Now what is eol marker in this case
The filename does not determine the file type. In fact, file.txt may not be a text file at all. Using a particular file extension is convenient for humans to communicate a file's purpose, but it is not obligatory.

C++ change newline from CR+LF to LF

I am writing code that runs in Windows and outputs a text file that later becomes the input to a program in Linux. This program behaves incorrectly when given files that have newlines that are CR+LF rather than just LF.
I know that I can use tools like dos2unix, but I'd like to skip the extra step. Is it possible to get a C++ program in Windows to use the Linux newline instead of the Windows one?
Yes, you have to open the file in "binary" mode to stop the newline translation.
How you do it depends on how you are opening the file.
Using fopen:
FILE* outfile = fopen( "filename", "wb" );
Using ofstream:
std::ofstream outfile( "filename", std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out );
OK, so this is probably not what you want to hear, but here's my $0.02 based on my experience with this:
If you need to pass data between different platforms, in the long run you're probably better off using a format that doesn't care what line breaks look like. If it's text files, users will sometimes mess with them. If by messing the line endings up they cause your application to fail, this is going to be a support intensive application.
Been there, done that, switched to XML. Made the support guys a lot happier.
A much cleaner solution is to use the ASCII escape sequence for the LF character (decimal 10): '\012' or '\x0A' represents an explicit single line feed regardless of platform.
Note that this at least on some compilers does not work; for example, on MSVC 2019 16.11.6, both '\012' and '\x0A' get translated to carriage return and line feed. It also does not matter there whether a string literal ("\012") or a char literal ('\012') is used.
This method also avoids string length surprises, as '\n' can expand to two characters. But so can multibyte unicode characters, in UTF8, when written directly into a string literal in the source code.
Note also that '\r' is the platform-independent code for a single carriage return (decimal 13). The '\f' character is not the line feed, but rather the form feed (decimal 12), which is not a newline on any platform I am aware of. C does not offer a single-character backslash escape for the line feed, thus the need for the longer octal or hexadecimal escapes.

Reading a UTF-8 Unicode file through non-unicode code

I have to read a text file which is Unicode with UTF-8 encoding and have to write this data to another text file. The file has tab-separated data in lines.
My reading code is C++ code without unicode support. What I am doing is reading the file line-by-line in a string/char* and putting that string as-is to the destination file. I can't change the code so code-change suggestions are not welcome.
What I want to know is that while reading line-by-line can I encounter a NULL terminating character ('\0') within a line since it is unicode and one character can span multiple bytes.
My thinking was that it is quite possible that a NULL terminating character could be encountered within a line. Your thoughts?
UTF-8 uses 1 byte for all ASCII characters, which have the same code values as in the standard ASCII encoding, and up to 4 bytes for other characters. The upper bits of each byte are reserved as control bits. For code points using more then 1 byte, the control bits are set.
Thus there shall not be 0 character in your UTF-8 file.
Check Wikipedia for UTF-8
Very unlikely: all the bytes in an UTF-8 escape sequence have the higher bit set to 1.