Detecting maximum throughput of my network using C++ - c++

My application aims to detect the network throughput. Despite the C++ code, I am seeking for a reliable theory of throttling my network which returns exact value of maximum accepted baudrate. Indeed, I could write the code later.
After checking several ideas from internet I didn't find which suits my case.
I tried to send data as much as possible using TCP/IP and then check the baudrate on each sending of 10MB. Please find here the pseudo code for my algorithm:
while (send(...)){
if (tempSendBytes > 10Mb)
if (baudrate > predefinedThreshold)
tempSendBytes += sentBytes;
But, when the predefinedThreshold is acheived, buffers full up and my program get stuck without returning any error. As a matter of fact, checking the baudrate on each sent message will decrease my bandwidth to its minimum. So, I preferred to check each 10MB.
PS: There are no other technical problems in my code neither a memory leak. In addition, my program runs normally (sending and receiving data 100%) if I decrease predefinedThreshold.
My question:
Is there a way to detect the maximum bandwidth (on both loopback and real network) without buffers overflow neither getting stucked?

Yes, you can detect maximum throughput on both loopback and real interface. The real interface may require a TCP server running remotely with sufficient bandwidth to provide an accurate estimate of max throughput.
If you are strictly looking for theoretical, you may be able to run the test on the real interface the same way you run it on localhost with the server bound to the real interface's IP and the client running on the same computer. I'm not sure though what your OS's networking stack will do to this traffic but it should treat it like it was coming off box.
A lot of factors contribute to max theoretical throughput for TCP. TCP MTU, OS send buffer, OS receive buffer, etc. Wikipedia has a good high level overview, but it sounds like you may have already read it. You might also find this TCP tuning overview helpful,
IPerf is commonly used to accurately measure bandwidth and the techniques it uses are rather comprehensive. It is written in C++ and its code base may be a good starting point for you.
I know none of this provides an exact discussion of the theory, but hopefully helps clarify some things.


sendmsg + raw ethernet + several frames

I use linux 3.x and modern glibc(2.19).
I would like send several Ethernet frames without switch from kernel/user space forth and back.
I have MTU = 1500, and I want to send 800 KB.
I init receiver address like this:
struct sockaddr_ll socket_address;
socket_address.sll_ifindex = if_idx.ifr_ifindex;
socket_address.sll_halen = ETH_ALEN;
socket_address.sll_addr[0] = MY_DEST_MAC0;
After that I can call sendto/sendmsg 800KB / 1500 ~= 500 times and all works fine, but this require user space <-> kernel negotiation ~ 500 * 25 times per second. I want avoid it.
I try to init struct msghdr::msg_iov with appropriate info,
but get error "message too long", looks like msghdr::msg_iov can not describe something with size > MTU.
So question is it possible to send many raw Ethernet frame on Linux from userspace at once?
The data (800KB) I get from file, and read it to memory. So struct iovec good for me, I can create suitable amount of Ethernet header and have to iovec per 1500 packet, one point to data, one point to Ethernet header.
My last company made realtime hidef video encoding hardware. In the lab, we had to blast 200MB / second across a bonded link, so I have some experience with this. What follows is based upon that.
Before you can tune, you must measure. You don't want to do multiple syscalls, but can you prove with timing measurement that the overhead is significant?
I use a wrapper routine around clock_gettime that gives back time of day with nanosecond precision (e.g. (tv_sec * 100000000) + tv_nsec). Call this [herein] "nanotime".
So, for any given syscall, you need a measurement:
tstart = nanotime();
tdif = nanotime() - tstart;
For send/sendto/sendmsg/write, do this will small data so you're sure you're not blocking [or use O_NONBLOCK, if applicable]. This gives you the syscall overhead
Why are you going directly to ethernet frames? TCP [or UDP] is usually fast enough and modern NIC cards can do the envelope wrap/strip in hardware. I'd like to know if there is a specific situation that requires ethernet frames, or was it that you weren't getting the performance you wanted and came up with this as a solution. Remember, you're doing 800KB/s (~1MB/s) and my project was doing 100x-200x more than that over TCP.
What about using two plain write calls to the socket? One for header, one for data [all 800KB]. write can be used on a socket and doesn't have the EMSGSIZE error or restriction.
Further, why do you need your header to be in a separate buffer? When you allocate your buffer, just do:
datamax = 800 * 1024; // or whatever
buflen = sizeof(struct header) + datamax;
buf = malloc(buflen);
while (1) {
datalen = read(fdfile,&buf[sizeof(struct header)],datamax);
// fill in header ...
write(fdsock,buf,sizeof(struct header) + datalen);
This works even for the ethernet frame case.
One of the things can also do is use a setsockopt to increase the size of the kernel buffer for your socket. Otherwise, you can send data, but it will be dropped in the kernel before the receiver can drain it. More on this below.
To measure the performance of the wire, add some fields to your header:
u64 send_departure_time; // set by sender from nanotime
u64 recv_arrival_time; // set by receiver when the packet arrives
So, sender sets departure time and does write [just do the header for this test]. Call this packet Xs. receiver stamps this when it arrives. receiver immediately sends back a message to sender [call it Xr] with a departure stamp that and the contents of Xs. When sender gets this, it stamps it with an arrival time.
With the above we now have:
T1 -- time packet Xs departed sender
T2 -- time packet Xs arrived at receiver
T3 -- time packet Xr departed receiver
T4 -- time packet Xr arrived at sender
Assuming you do this on a relatively quiet connection with little to no other traffic and you know the link speed (e.g. 1 Gb/s), with T1/T2/T3/T4 you can calculate the overhead.
You can repeat the measurement for TCP/UDP vs ETH. You may find that it doesn't buy you as much as you think. Once again, can you prove it with precise measurement?
I "invented" this algorithm while working at the aforementioned company, only to find out that it was already part of a video standard for sending raw video across a 100Gb Ethernet NIC card and the NIC does the timestamping in hardware.
One of the other things you may have to do is add some throttle control. This is similar to what bittorrent does or what the PCIe bus does.
When PCIe bus nodes first start up, they communicate how much free buffer space they have available for "blind write". That is, the sender is free to blast up to this much, without any ACK message. As the receiver drains its input buffer, it sends periodic ACK messages to the sender with the number of bytes it was able to drain. sender can add this value back to the blind write limit and keep going.
For your purposes, the blind write limit is the size of the receiver's kernel socket buffer.
Based upon some of the additional information from your comments [the actual system configuration should go, in a more complete form, as an edit to your question at the bottom].
You do have a need for a raw socket and sending an ethernet frame. You can reduce the overhead by setting a larger MTU via ifconfig or an ioctl call with SIOCSIFMTU. I recommend the ioctl. You may not need to set MTU to 800KB. Your CPU's NIC card has a practical limit. You can probably increase MTU from 1500 to 15000 easily enough. This would reduce syscall overhead by 10x and that may be "good enough".
You probably will have to use sendto/sendmsg. The two write calls were based on conversion to TCP/UDP. But, I suspect sendmsg with msg_iov will have more overhead than sendto. If you search, you'll find that most example code for what you want uses sendto. sendmsg seems like less overhead for you, but it may cause more overhead for the kernel. Here's an example that uses sendto:
In addition to improving syscall overhead, larger MTU might improve the efficiency of the "wire", even though this doesn't seem like a problem in your use case. I have experience with CPU + FPGA systems and communicating between them, but I am still puzzled by one of your comments about "not using a wire". FPGA connected to ethernet pins of CPU I get--sort of. More precisely, do you mean FPGA pins connected to ethernet pins of NIC card/chip of CPU"?
Are the CPU/NIC on the same PC board and the FPGA pins are connected via PC board traces? Otherwise, I don't understand "not using a wire".
However, once again, I must say that you must be able to measure your performance before you blindly try to improve it.
Have you run the test case I suggested for determining the syscall overhead? If it is small enough, trying to optimize for it may not be worth it and doing so may actually hurt performance more severely in other areas that you didn't realize when you started.
As an example, I once worked on a system that had a severe performance problem, such that, the system didn't work. I suspected the serial port driver was slow, so I recoded from a high level language (e.g. like C) into assembler.
I increased the driver performance by 2x, but it contributed less than a 5% performance improvement to the system. It turned out the real problem was that other code was accessing non-existent memory which just caused a bus timeout, slowing the system down measurably [it did not generate an interrupt that would have made it easy to find as on modern systems].
That's when I learned the importance of measurement. I had done my optimization based on an educated guess, rather than hard data. After that: lesson learned!
Nowadays, I never try large optimization until I can measure first. In some cases, I add an optimization that I'm "sure" will make things better (e.g. inlining a function). When I measure it [and because I can measure it], I find out that the new code is actually slower and I have to revert the change. But, that's the point: I can prove/disprove this with hard performance data.
What CPU are you using: x86, arm, mips, etc. At what clock frequency? How much DRAM? How many cores?
What FPGA are you using (e.g. Xilinx, Altera)? What specific type/part number? What is the maximum clock rate? Is the FPGA devoted entirely to logic or do you also have a CPU inside it such as microblaze, nios, arm? Does the FPGA have access to DRAM of it's own [and how much DRAM]?
If you increase the MTU, can the FPGA handle it, from either a buffer/space standpoint or a clock speed standpoint??? If you increase MTU, you may need to add an ack/sync protocol as I suggested in the original post.
Currently, the CPU is doing a blind write of the data, hoping the FPGA can handle it. This means you have an open race condition between CPU and FPGA.
This may be mitigated, purely as a side effect of sending small packets. If you increase MTU too much, you might overwhelm the FPGA. In other words, it is the very overhead you're trying to optimize away, that allows the FPGA to keep up with the data rate.
This is what I meant by unintended consequences of blind optimization. It can have unintended and worse side effects.
What is the nature of the data being sent to the FPGA? You're sending 800KB, but how often?
I am assuming that it is not the FPGA firmware itself for a few reasons. You said the firmware was already almost full [and it is receiving the ethernet data]. Also, firmware is usually loaded via the I2C bus, a ROM, or an FPGA programmer. So, am I correct?
You're sending the data to the FPGA from a file. This implies that it is only being sent once, at the startup of your CPU's application. Is that correct? If so, optimization is not needed because it's an init/startup cost that has little impact on the running system.
So, I have to assume that the file gets loaded many times, possibly a different file each time. Is that correct? If so, you may need to consider the impact of the read syscall. Not just from syscall overhead, but optimal read length. For example, IIRC, the optimal transfer size for a disk-to-disk or file-to-file copy/transfer is 64KB, depending upon the filesystem or underlying disk characteristics.
So, if you're looking to reduce overhead, reading data from a file may have considerably more than having the application generate the data [if that's possible].
The kernel syscall interface is designed to be very low overhead. Kernel programmers [I happen to be one] spend a great deal of time ensuring the overhead is low.
You say your system is utilizing the a lot of CPU time for other things. Can you measure the other things? How is your application structured? How many processes? How many threads? How do they communicate? What is the latency/througput? You may be able to find [can quite probably find] the larger bottlenecks and recode those and you'll get an overall reduction in CPU usage that far exceeds the maximum benefit you'll get from the MTU tweak.
Trying to optimize the syscall overhead may be like my serial port optimization. A lot of effort, and yet the overall results are/were disappointing.
When considering performance, it is important to consider it from an overall system standpoint. In your case, this means CPU, FPGA, and anything else in it.
You say that the CPU is doing a lot of things. Could/should some of those algorithms go into the FPGA? Is the reason they're not because the FPGA is almost out of space, otherwise you would? Is the FPGA firmware 100% done? Or, is there more RTL to be written? If you're at 90% space utilization in the FPGA, and you'll need more RTL, you may wish to consider going to an FPGA part that has more space for logic, possibly with a higher clock rate.
In my video company, we used FPGAs. We used the largest/fastest state-of-the-art part the FPGA vendor had. We also used virtually 100% of the space for logic and required the part's maximum clock rate. We were told by the vendor that we were the largest consumer of FPGA resources of any of their client companies worldwide. Because of this, we were straining the vendors development tools. Place-and-route would frequently fail and have to be rerun to get correct placement and meet timing.
So, when an FPGA is almost full with logic, the place-and-route can be difficult to achieve. It might be a reason to consider a larger part [if possible]

C/C++ technologies involved in sending data across networks very fast

In terms of low latency (I am thinking about financial exchanges/co-location- people who care about microseconds) what options are there for sending packets from a C++ program on two Unix computers?
I have heard about kernel bypass network cards, but does this mean you program against some sort of API for the card? I presume this would be a faster option in comparison to using the standard Unix berkeley sockets?
I would really appreciate any contribution, especially from persons who are involved in this area.
EDITED from milliseconds to microseconds
EDITED I am kinda hoping to receive answers based more upon C/C++, rather than network hardware technologies. It was intended as a software question.
UDP sockets are fast, low latency, and reliable enough when both machines are on the same LAN.
TCP is much slower than UDP but when the two machines are not on the same LAN, UDP is not reliable.
Software profiling will stomp obvious problems with your program. However, when you are talking about network performance, network latency is likely to be you largest bottleneck. If you are using TCP, then you want to do things that avoid congestion and loss on your network to prevent retransmissions. There are a few things to do to cope:
Use a network with bandwidth and reliability guarantees.
Properly size your TCP parameters to maximize utilization without incurring loss.
Use error correction in your data transmission to correct for the small amount of loss you might encounter.
Or you can avoid using TCP altogether. But if reliability is required, you will end up implementing much of what is already in TCP.
But, you can leverage existing projects that have already thought through a lot of these issues. The UDT project is one I am aware of, that seems to be gaining traction.
At some point in the past, I worked with a packet sending driver that was loaded into the Windows kernel. Using this driver it was possible to generate stream of packets something 10-15 times stronger (I do not remember exact number) than from the app that was using the sockets layer.
The advantage is simple: The sending request comes directly from the kernel and bypasses multiple layers of software: sockets, protocol (even for UDP packet simple protocol driver processing is still needed), context switch, etc.
Usually reduced latency comes at a cost of reduced robustness. Compare for example the (often greatly advertised) fastpath option for ADSL. The reduced latency due to shorter packet transfer times comes at a cost of increased error susceptibility. Similar technologies migt exist for a large number of network media. So it very much depends on the hardware technologies involved. Your question suggests you're referring to Ethernet, but it is unclear whether the link is Ethernet-only or something else (ATM, ADSL, …), and whether some other network technology would be an option as well. It also very much depends on geographical distances.
I got a bit carried away with the hardware aspects of this question. To provide at least one aspect tangible at the level of application design: have a look at zero-copy network operations like sendfile(2). They can be used to eliminate one possible cause of latency, although only in cases where the original data came from some source other than the application memory.
As my day job, I work for a certain stock exchange. Below answer is my own opinion from the software solutions which we provide exactly for this kind of high throughput low latency data transfer. It is not intended in any way to be taken as marketing pitch(please i am a Dev.)This is just to give what are the Essential components of the software stack in this solution for this kind of fast data( Data could be stock/trading market data or in general any data):-
1] Physical Layer - Network interface Card in case of a TCP-UDP/IP based Ethernet network, or a very fast / high bandwidth interface called Infiniband Host Channel Adaptor. In case of IP/Ethernet software stack, is part of the OS. For Infiniband the card manufacturer (Intel, Mellanox) provide their Drivers, Firmware and API library against which one has to implement the socket code(Even infiniband uses its own 'socketish' protocol for network communications between 2 nodes.
2] Next layer above the physical layer we have is a Middleware which basically abstracts the lower network protocol nittigritties, provides some kind of interface for data I/O from physical layer to application layer. This layer also provides some kind of network data quality assurance (IF using tCP)
3] Last layer would be a application which we provide on top of middleware. Any one who gets 1] and 2] from us, can develop a low latency/hight throughput 'data transfer of network' kind of app for stock trading, algorithmic trading kind os applications using a choice of programming language interfaces - C,C++,Java,C#.
Basically a client like you can develop his own application in C,C++ using the APIs we provide, which will take care of interacting with the NIC or HCA(i.e. the actual physical network interface) to send and receive data fast, really fast.
We have a comprehensive solution catering to different quality and latency profiles demanded by our clients - Some need Microseconds latency is ok but they need high data quality/very little errors; Some can tolerate a few errors, but need nano seconds latency, Some need micro seconds latency, no errors tolerable, ...
If you need/or are interested in any way in this kind of solution , ping me offline at my contacts mentioned here at SO.

Reducing network latency in communication of high volume intranet applications

We have a set of server applications which receive measurement data from equipment/tools. Message transfer time is currently our main bottleneck, so we are interested in reducing it to improve the process. The communication between the tools and server applications is via TCP/IP sockets made using C++ on Redhat Linux.
Is it possible to reduce the message transfer time using hardware, by changing the TCP/IP configuration settings or by tweaking tcp kernel functions? (we can sacrifice security for speed, since communication is on a secure intranet)
Depending on the workload, disabling Nagle's Algorithm on the socket connection can help a lot.
When working with high volumes of small messages, i found this made a huge difference.
From memory, I believe the socket option for C++ was called TCP_NODELAY
As #Jerry Coffin proposed, you can switch to UDP. UDP is unreliable protocol, this means you can lose your packets, or they can arrive in wrong order, or be duplicated. So you need to handle these cases on application level. Since you can lose some data (as you stated in your comment) no need for retransmission (the most complicated part of any reliable protocol). You just need to drop outdated packets. Use simple sequence numbering and you're done.
Yes, you can use RTP (it has sequence numbering) but you don't need it. RTP looks like an overkill for your simple case. It has many other features and is used mainly for multimedia streaming.
[EDIT] and similar question here
On the hardware side try Intel Server NICs and make sure the TCP offload Engine (ToE) is enabled.
There is also an important decision to make between latency and goodput, if you want better latency at expense of goodput consider reducing the interrupt coalescing period. Consult the Intel documentation for further details as they offer quite a number of configurable parameters.
If you can, the obvious step to reduce latency would be to switch from TCP to UDP.
Google "TCP frame size" for details.

Speed of HTTP GET Method in C++

I have been using certain libraries in a C++ program to connect and fetch different websites. Mainly I used Chillkat and Curl. However, recently I started programming my own HTTP fetcher, using the help of MSDN and the Winsocket2 library.
I programmed my software to open a socket with SOCKET_STREAM type and for Ipv4,
and then I establish a connection with the required website, and send a GET request with "Host:" and "Connection: close" headers to the server.
Everything seems to work fine, However, the performance is not as I expected. The bundled Chillkat library still preforms better then mine. Even though I have optimized mine as much as I can.
I notice that when I send the request, some servers take longer time to respond. And once they do they send everything at once chunked. So how can I make a header-request that initiates a fast response? Speed matters a lot for my program.
If you are seeing performance differences on a modern machine with low volumes, the most likely problem is that you have forgotten to turn off the Nagle algorithm. Use setsockopt() to set TCP_NODELAY to 1. HTTP is not Telnet.
I wouldn't worry about explicit flushing or buffer management or anything like that until you see a performance problem and you have enough volume to notice. Other than writing your request in a single write call.
For download speed, window size makes a difference. You can tune SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF. Bear in mind that the values that make your benchmarks go fast might make your real-world performance slow.
Honestly, HTTP is a complex standard, and there are many ways to optimize an implementation. However, the chances of your having enough time to optimize it better than an already packaged library such as Chillkat or Curl is highly unlikely. If you did want to go about it, I would suggest reducing the number of headers you send, and flushing the socket buffer (bypassing Nagle's algorithm) after writing the status line to the socket. This will give a properly coded server slightly longer (several ms tops) to respond to your request. But even that may blow up in your face if your network configuration is not "ideal".
Finally, keep in mind that when it comes to networks, there is a very large margin of error, and you may get different results using different tactics with different servers, networks, and even OSs.

Sockets: large message performance

I have a doubt regarding the use of Berkeley Sockets under Ubuntu. In terms of performance and reliability which option is best? To send a high amount of messages but with short length or to send a low amount of messages but this ones with a large size? I do not know which is the main design rule I should follow here.
Thank you all!
In terms of reliability, unless you have very specific requirements it isn't worth worrying about much. If you are talking about TCP, it is going to do a better job than you managing things until you come across some edge case that really requires you to fiddle with some knobs, in which case a more specific question would be in order. In terms of packet size, with TCP unless you circumvent Nagel's algorithm, you don't really have the control you might think.
With UDP, arguably the best thing to do is use path MTU discovery, which TCP does for you automatically, but as a general rule you are fine just using something in 500 byte range. If you start to get too fancy you will find yourself reinventing parts of TCP.
With TCP, one option is to use the TCP_CORK socket option. See the getsockopt man page. Set TCP_CORK on the socket, write a batch of small messages, then remove the TCP_CORK option and they will be transmitted in a minimum number of network packets. This can increase throughput at the cost of increased latency.
Each network message has a 40-byte length header, but large messages are harder to route and easier to lose. If you are talking about UDP, so the best message size is Ethernet block, which is 1496 bytes long, if yiu are using TCP, leave it up to network layer to handle how much to send.
Performance you can find out yourself with iperf. Run a few experiments and you will see it yourself. As for reliability as far as I understand if you use TCP the TCP connection guarantee that data will be delivered of course if the connection is not broken.
"In terms of performance and reliability which option is best"
On a lossy layer, performance and reliability are almost a straight trade-off against each other, and greater experts than us have put years of work into finding sweet spots, and techniques which beat the straight trade-off and improve both at once.
You have two basic options:
1) Use stream sockets (TCP). Any "Messages" that your application knows about are defined at the application layer rather than at the sockets. For example, you might consider an HTTP request to be a message, and the response to be another in the opposite direction. You should see your job as being to keep the output buffer as full as possible, and the input buffer as empty as possible, at all times. Reliability has pretty much nothing to do with message length, and for a fixed size of data performance is mostly determined by the number of request-response round-trips performed rather than the number of individual writes on the socket. Obviously if you're sending one byte at a time with TCP_NODELAY then you'd lose performance, but that's pretty extreme.
2) Use datagrams (UDP). "Messages" are socket-layer entities. Performance is potentially better than TCP, but you have to invent your own system for reliability, and potentially this will hammer performance by requiring data to be re-sent. TCP has the same issue, but greater minds, etc. Datagram length can interact very awkwardly with both performance and reliability, hence the MTU discovery mentioned by Duck. If you send a large packet and it's fragmented, then if any fragment goes astray then your message won't arrive. There's a size N, where if you send N-size datagrams they won't fragment, but if you send N+1-size datagrams they will. Hence that +1 doubles the number of failed messages. You don't know N until you know the network route (and maybe not even then). So it's basically impossible to say at compile time what sizes will give good performance: even if you measure it, it'll be different for different users. If you want to optimise, there's no alternative to knowing your stuff.
UDP is also more work than TCP if you need reliability, which is built in to TCP. Potentially UDP has big payoffs, but should probably be thought of as the assembler programming of sockets.
There's also (3): use a protocol for improved UDP reliability, such as RUDP. This isn't part of Berkeley-style sockets APIs, so you'll need a library to help.