How to activate device admin on google glasses? - google-glass

I want to disable camera on my google glasses. Is there any way to activate device admin and call DevicePolicyManager.setCameraDisabled(admin, disabled) method.

Android stack on Google glass doesn't support admin feature.


Is there a developper program to try Google Admin console?

I would like to test the Google admin workspace for development usecase.
Is there any way as a developper to have an account with Google Workspace/Cloud?
On microsoft platform they have a program that provide access to a sandbox with admin panel, uers,etc...
For what I see it seems Google Developper enable only the API access but don't provide a way to access the admin panel.
Do i have to create a workspace account to try it?
Thank you.

Issues Enabling Google Ads API on Google Cloud Platform Console

Every time I try to enable Google Ads API on the google cloud platform i receive the following error:
API solution not found with service name:
I've set up an ads manager account under the same email and generated an API access token. I've tried setting it up under different emails and in different browsers and I have even tried using incognito mode to see if that would resolve the issue per the instructions of other threads. I've also created the oauth2 credentials for the project I'm trying to give access to the Google Ads api.
I really just need to enable the Google Ads API. Any help would be much appreciated.
For me just disabling ad-blocker fixed the issue.
After paying for Google support, this is what i found:
Disable all Google Chrome extensions
Start Google Chrome in Incognito Mode
Sign into Google Cloud Console and add the api from the api library.
It's that simple.

Google Glass remote authentication

I am looking at the remote authentication API provided by
Here are the first two steps, as documented on the website:
1. When users turn on your Glassware in MyGlass, they are redirected to your authentication URL.
2. The user enters their credentials on your authentication page.
I am confused on how one can achieve the second part. There is no keyboard or any other way to type in keys on Glass. How can one enter the credentials? Regards.
MyGlass is not on glass. The my glass interface is either through the myglass website or via the my glass android application. So you never turn on glassware inside glass itself, you do it externally on a device that does have the ability to handle the transaction. Once done, the glassware (and, in this case any authentication and configuration info you set) gets pushed to your glass behind the scenes.

How to insert a static Card to the timelime?

how is it possible to insert a static card to the timeline with Glass Development Kit Preview:19 via the gdk? I need to push a card on the right side of the timeline while been able to associate a share action.
You must use the Authentication API and then call Mirror from your GDK app via Account info to insert the card. Based on the documentation the static card feature in the GDK have gone away and you have to use mirror.

How I submit my glass app in google glass

I build a glass app using mirror api. Now I want to submit in google that any one can download my app from glassware.
How can I do it?
It sounds like you'd like to have your Glassware listed on MyGlass. Follow these steps:
Ensure that your Glassware adheres to all of the guidelines provided in the official documentation. Google provides a checklist that you can use.
Prepare icons and assets that will appear on Glass and MyGlass. There's a list of the icons to create here.
Fill out the distribution form to initiate the review process.
If you'd like to use any new voice commands from the "ok glass" menu, request these in a separate form.