Loading mtl colors using assimp - c++

I've been trying to load a Wavefront obj model with ASSIMP. However, I can't get mtl materials colors to work (Kd rgb). I know how to load then, but, I don't know how to get the corresponding color to each vertex.
usemtl material_11
f 7//1 8//1 9//2
f 10//1 11//1 12//2
For example, the Wavefront obj snippet above means that thoose vertices uses material_11.
Q: So how can I get the material corresponding to each vertex?
Wavefront obj materials aren't in the right vertices:
Original Model (Rendered with ASSIMP model Viewer):
Model renderered with my code:
Code that I use for loading mtl materials color:
std::vector<color4<float>> colors = std::vector<color4<float>>();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes; i++)
const aiMesh* model = scene->mMeshes[i];
const aiMaterial *mtl = scene->mMaterials[model->mMaterialIndex];
color4<float> color = color4<float>(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
aiColor4D diffuse;
if (AI_SUCCESS == aiGetMaterialColor(mtl, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, &diffuse))
color = color4<float>(diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b, diffuse.a);
Code for creating the vertices:
vertex* vertices_arr = new vertex[positions.size()];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++)
// Code for setting vertices colors (I'm just setting it in ASSIMP vertices order, since I don't know how to set it in the correct order).
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes; i++)
const unsigned int vertices_size = scene->mMeshes[i]->mNumVertices;
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < vertices_size; k++)
Looks like that the model vertices positions aren't being loaded correctly too. Even when I disable face culling and change the background color.

Ignoring issues related to the number of draw calls and extra storage, bandwidth and processing for vertex colours,
It looks like vertex* vertices_arr = new vertex[positions.size()]; is one big array you're creating to hold the entire model (which has many meshes, each with one material). Assuming your first loop is correct and positions contains all positions for all meshes of your model. The second loop starts duplicating mesh colours for each vertex within the mesh. However, vertices_arr[k] always starts at zero and needs to begin after the last vertex of the previous mesh. Instead, try:
int colIdx = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes; i++)
const unsigned int vertices_size = scene->mMeshes[i]->mNumVertices;
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < vertices_size; k++)
assert(colIdx == positions.size()); //double check
As you say, if the geometry isn't drawing properly, maybe positions doesn't contain all vertex data. Perhaps a similar issue to the above code? Another issue could be in joining the indices for each mesh. The indices will all need to be updated with an offset to the new vertex locations within the vertices_arr array. Though now I'm just throwing out guesses.


OSG: Why there is texture coordinate array but not texture itself?

I am trying to get texture file name from an osg::Geometry I get the texture coordinates like this:
osg::Geometry* geom = dynamic_cast<osg::Geometry*> (drawable);
const osg::Geometry::ArrayList& texCoordArrayList = dynamic_cast<const osg::Geometry::ArrayList&>(geom->getTexCoordArrayList());
auto texCoordArrayListSize = texCoordArrayList.size();
auto sset = geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
for (size_t k = 0; k < texCoordArrayListSize; k++)
const osg::Vec2Array* texCoordArray = dynamic_cast<const osg::Vec2Array*>(geom->getTexCoordArray(k));
//doing sth with vertexarray, normalarray and texCoordArray
But I am not able to get texture file name in processStateSet() function. I take the processStateSet function code from OSG examples (specifically from osganalysis example). Even though there is a texture file, Sometimes it works and gets the name but sometimes not. Here is my processStateSet function
void processStateSet(osg::StateSet* stateset)
if (!stateset) return;
for (unsigned int ti = 0; ti < stateset->getNumTextureAttributeLists(); ++ti)
osg::StateAttribute* sa = stateset->getTextureAttribute(ti, osg::StateAttribute::TEXTURE);
osg::Texture* texture = dynamic_cast<osg::Texture*>(sa);
if (texture)
LOG("texture! ");
//TODO: something with this.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < texture->getNumImages(); ++i)
auto img (texture->getImage(i));
auto texturefname (img->getFileName());
LOG("image ! image no: " + IntegerToStr(i) + " file: " + texturefname);
I just realized that: if the model that I load is ".3ds", texturefname is exist but if model is ".flt" there is not texture name.
Is it about loading different types? But I know that they both have textures. What is the difference? I confused.
Some 3D models don't have texture names. Your choices are to deal with it, or use model files that do. It also depends on the format. Some formats can't have texture names. Some Blender export scripts can't write texture names even though the format supports it. And so on.
3D model formats are not interchangeable - every one is different.

Vertex skinning artifacts with specific glTF models

I recently implemented vertex skinning in my own Vulkan engine. Pretty much all models render properly, however, I find that with Mixamo models, I get skinning artifacts. The main difference I found between "regular" glTF models and Mixamo models, is that the Mixamo models share inverse bind matrices between multiple meshes, but I highly doubt that this causes this issue.
Here you can see that for some reason the vertices are pulled towards one specific point which seems to be at (0, 0, 0). I know for sure that this is not caused by the vertex and index loading, as the model renders properly without vertex skinning.
Calculation of joint matrices
void Object::updateJointsByNode(Node *node) {
if (node->mesh && node->skinIndex > -1) {
auto inverseTransform = glm::inverse(node->getLocalMatrix());
auto skin = this->skinLookup[node->skinIndex];
auto numberOfJoints = skin->jointsIndices.size();
std::vector<glm::mat4> jointMatrices(numberOfJoints);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfJoints; i++) {
jointMatrices[i] =
this->getNodeByIndex(skin->jointsIndices[i])->getLocalMatrix() * skin->inverseBindMatrices[i];
jointMatrices[i] = inverseTransform * jointMatrices[i];
this->inverseBindMatrices = jointMatrices;
for (auto &child : node->children) {
Calculation of vertex displacement in GLSL Vertex Shader
mat4 skinMat =
inWeight0.x * model.jointMatrix[int(inJoint0.x)] +
inWeight0.y * model.jointMatrix[int(inJoint0.y)] +
inWeight0.z * model.jointMatrix[int(inJoint0.z)] +
inWeight0.w * model.jointMatrix[int(inJoint0.w)];
localPosition = model.model * model.local * skinMat * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);
So basically the mistake I made was relatively simple. It was caused by casting the joints to the wrong type. When a glTF model uses a byte stride of size 4 for the vertex joints, the implicit type is uint8_t (unsigned byte) and not the uint16_t (unsigned short) which I was using.

How can I convert a 2D RGB array into a dds file using C++?

I've got a 2D array of RGB values that represent a plane's painted vertices. I'd like to store the final vertex colours of the plane in a .dds file so I can load the .dds file later on as a texture.
How might I approach this?
Thanks to Chuck in the comments, I've found this solution works for me. There are likely improvements to be made. The approach can be broken into a few steps.
Step one is to deal with capturing the device context and D3D device to use for rendering, and setting the correct texture description to be used when creating the texture to be captured using SaveDDSTextureToFile (ScreenGrab). The below description works when each float contains four byte values for each colour and for the alpha value.
void DisplayChunk::SaveVertexColours(std::shared_ptr<DX::DeviceResources> DevResources)
// Setup D3DDeviceContext and D3DDevice
auto devicecontext = DevResources->GetD3DDeviceContext();
auto device = DevResources->GetD3DDevice();
// Create Texture2D and Texture2D Description
ID3D11Texture2D* terrain_texture;
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC texture_desc;
// Set up a texture description
texture_desc.Width = TERRAINRESOLUTION;
texture_desc.Height = TERRAINRESOLUTION;
texture_desc.MipLevels = texture_desc.ArraySize = 1;
texture_desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT;
texture_desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
texture_desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
texture_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
texture_desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
texture_desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
texture_desc.MiscFlags = 0;
Step two is to create a vector of floats and populate it with the relevant RGBA values. The reason I used a vector was for convenience in terms of pushing the separate float values for R, G, B, and A each iteration. This way at each vertex position you can push back the required sixteen byte values (four from each float as discussed above).
// Create vertex colour vector
std::vector<float> colour_vector;
for (int i = 0; i < TERRAINRESOLUTION; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < TERRAINRESOLUTION; j++) {
Step three is to fill a buffer with the vertex RGBA values. Buffer size must be equal to the total number of bytes required for storage, which is four bytes per float, four floats per vertex, and TERRAINTRESOLUTION * TERRAINTRESOLUTION vertices. Example of a 10 x 10 terrain: 4(bytes) x 4(floats) x 10(width) x 10(height) = 1600 bytes to store RGBA of each vertex.
// Initialise buffer parameters
const int components = 4;
const int length = components * TERRAINRESOLUTION * TERRAINRESOLUTION;
// Fill buffer with vertex colours
float* buffer = new float[length * sizeof(float)];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
buffer[i] = colour_vector[i];
Final step is to create the texture data using the contents of the buffer created above. pSysMem required a pointer to the buffer, used as the initialisation data. SysMemPitch must be set to the size of one row. Using CreateTexture2D, a new texture can be created using the stored byte values. SaveDDSTextureToFile allows for saving the texture resource to an external .dds file. Don't forget to delete the buffer after use.
// Set the texture data using the buffer contents
D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA texture_data;
texture_data.pSysMem = (void*)buffer;
texture_data.SysMemPitch = TERRAINRESOLUTION * components * sizeof(float);
// Create the texture using the terrain colour data
device->CreateTexture2D(&texture_desc, &texture_data, &terrain_texture);
// Save the texture to a .dds file
HRESULT hr = SaveDDSTextureToFile(devicecontext, terrain_texture, L"terrain_output.dds");
// Delete the buffer
delete[] buffer;
Some resources I used whilst implementing:
(DDS Guide)
(ScreenGrab Source)
(ScreenGrab Example)
(Creating textures in DirectX)
(Addressing scheme example (navigating buffer/array correctly))

Issues turning loaded meshes into cloth simulation

I'm having a bit of issue trying to get meshes I import into my program to have cloth simulation physics using a particle/spring system. I'm kind of a beginner into graphics programming, so sorry if this is super obvious and I'm just missing something. I'm using C++ with OpenGL, as well as Assimp to import the models. I'm fairly sure my code to calculate the constraints/springs and step each particle is correct, as I tested it out with generated meshes (with quads instead of triangles), and it looked fine, but idk.
I've been using this link to study up on how to actually do this: https://nccastaff.bournemouth.ac.uk/jmacey/MastersProjects/MSc2010/07LuisPereira/Thesis/LuisPereira_Thesis.pdf
What it looks like in-engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyAan27wryU
I'm pretty sure it's an issue with the connections/springs, as the imported model thats just a flat plane seems to work fine, for the most part. The other model though.. seems to just fall apart. I keep looking at papers on this, and from what I understand everything should be working right, as I connect the edge/bend springs seemingly correctly, and the physics side seems to work from the flat planes. I really can't figure it out for the life of me! Any tips/help would be GREATLY appreciated! :)
Code for processing Mesh into Cloth:
// Container to temporarily hold faces while we process springs
std::vector<Face> faces;
// Go through indices and take the ones making a triangle.
// Indices come from assimp, so i think this is the right thing to do to get each face?
for (int i = 0; i < this->indices.size(); i+=3)
std::vector<unsigned int> faceIds = { this->indices.at(i), this->indices.at(i + 1), this->indices.at(i + 2) };
Face face;
face.vertexIDs = faceIds;
// Iterate through faces and add constraints when needed.
for (int l = 0; l < faces.size(); l++)
// Adding edge springs.
Face temp = faces[l];
makeConstraint(particles.at(temp.vertexIDs[0]), particles.at(temp.vertexIDs[1]));
makeConstraint(particles.at(temp.vertexIDs[0]), particles.at(temp.vertexIDs[2]));
makeConstraint(particles.at(temp.vertexIDs[1]), particles.at(temp.vertexIDs[2]));
// We need to get the bending springs as well, and i've just written a function to do that.
for (int x = 0; x < faces.size(); x++)
Face temp2 = faces[x];
if (l != x)
verticesShared(temp, temp2);
And heres the code where I process the bending springs as well:
// Container for any indices the two faces have in common.
std::vector<glm::vec2> traversed;
// Loop through both face's indices, to see if they match eachother.
for (int i = 0; i < a.vertexIDs.size(); i++)
for (int k = 0; k < b.vertexIDs.size(); k++)
// If we do get a match, we push a vector into the container containing the two indices of the faces so we know which ones are equal.
if (a.vertexIDs.at(i) == b.vertexIDs.at(k))
traversed.push_back(glm::vec2(i, k));
// If we're here, if means we have an edge in common, aka that we have two vertices shared between the two faces.
if (traversed.size() == 2)
// Get the adjacent vertices.
int face_a_adj_ind = 3 - ((traversed[0].x) + (traversed[1].x));
int face_b_adj_ind = 3 - ((traversed[0].y) + (traversed[1].y));
// Turn the stored ones from earlier and just get the ACTUAL indices from the face. Indices of indices, eh.
unsigned int adj_1 = a.vertexIDs[face_a_adj_ind];
unsigned int adj_2 = b.vertexIDs[face_b_adj_ind];
// And finally, make a bending spring between the two adjacent particles.
makeConstraint(particles.at(adj_1), particles.at(adj_2));

Marching Cubes Issues

I've been trying to implement the marching cubes algorithm with C++ and Qt. Anyway, so far all the steps have been written, but I'm getting a really bad result. I'm looking for orientation or advices about what can be going wrong. I suspect one of the problems may be with the voxel conception, specifically about which vertex goes in which corner (0, 1, ..., 7). Also, I'm not a 100% sure about how to interpret the input for the algorithm (I'm using datasets). Should I read it in the ZYX order and move the marching cube in the same way or it doesn't matter at all? (Leaving aside the fact that no every dimension has to have the same size).
Here is what I'm getting against what it should look like...
Paul Bourke. "Overview and source code".
Qt_MARCHING_CUBES.zip: Qt/OpenGL example courtesy Dr. Klaus Miltenberger.
The example requires boost, but looks like it probably should work.
In his example, it has in marchingcubes.cpp, a few different methods for calculating the marching cubes: vMarchCube1 and vMarchCube2.
In the comments it says vMarchCube2 performs the Marching Tetrahedrons algorithm on a single cube by making six calls to vMarchTetrahedron.
Below is the source for the first one vMarchCube1:
//vMarchCube1 performs the Marching Cubes algorithm on a single cube
GLvoid GL_Widget::vMarchCube1(const GLfloat &fX, const GLfloat &fY, const GLfloat &fZ, const GLfloat &fScale, const GLfloat &fTv)
GLint iCorner, iVertex, iVertexTest, iEdge, iTriangle, iFlagIndex, iEdgeFlags;
GLfloat fOffset;
GLvector sColor;
GLfloat afCubeValue[8];
GLvector asEdgeVertex[12];
GLvector asEdgeNorm[12];
//Make a local copy of the values at the cube's corners
for(iVertex = 0; iVertex < 8; iVertex++)
afCubeValue[iVertex] = (this->*fSample)(fX + a2fVertexOffset[iVertex][0]*fScale,fY + a2fVertexOffset[iVertex][1]*fScale,fZ + a2fVertexOffset[iVertex][2]*fScale);
//Find which vertices are inside of the surface and which are outside
iFlagIndex = 0;
for(iVertexTest = 0; iVertexTest < 8; iVertexTest++)
if(afCubeValue[iVertexTest] <= fTv) iFlagIndex |= 1<<iVertexTest;
//Find which edges are intersected by the surface
iEdgeFlags = aiCubeEdgeFlags[iFlagIndex];
//If the cube is entirely inside or outside of the surface, then there will be no intersections
if(iEdgeFlags == 0)
//Find the point of intersection of the surface with each edge
//Then find the normal to the surface at those points
for(iEdge = 0; iEdge < 12; iEdge++)
//if there is an intersection on this edge
if(iEdgeFlags & (1<<iEdge))
fOffset = fGetOffset(afCubeValue[ a2iEdgeConnection[iEdge][0] ],afCubeValue[ a2iEdgeConnection[iEdge][1] ], fTv);
asEdgeVertex[iEdge].fX = fX + (a2fVertexOffset[ a2iEdgeConnection[iEdge][0] ][0] + fOffset * a2fEdgeDirection[iEdge][0]) * fScale;
asEdgeVertex[iEdge].fY = fY + (a2fVertexOffset[ a2iEdgeConnection[iEdge][0] ][1] + fOffset * a2fEdgeDirection[iEdge][1]) * fScale;
asEdgeVertex[iEdge].fZ = fZ + (a2fVertexOffset[ a2iEdgeConnection[iEdge][0] ][2] + fOffset * a2fEdgeDirection[iEdge][2]) * fScale;
vGetNormal(asEdgeNorm[iEdge], asEdgeVertex[iEdge].fX, asEdgeVertex[iEdge].fY, asEdgeVertex[iEdge].fZ);
//Draw the triangles that were found. There can be up to five per cube
for(iTriangle = 0; iTriangle < 5; iTriangle++)
if(a2iTriangleConnectionTable[iFlagIndex][3*iTriangle] < 0) break;
for(iCorner = 0; iCorner < 3; iCorner++)
iVertex = a2iTriangleConnectionTable[iFlagIndex][3*iTriangle+iCorner];
vGetColor(sColor, asEdgeVertex[iVertex], asEdgeNorm[iVertex]);
glColor4f(sColor.fX, sColor.fY, sColor.fZ, 0.6);
glNormal3f(asEdgeNorm[iVertex].fX, asEdgeNorm[iVertex].fY, asEdgeNorm[iVertex].fZ);
glVertex3f(asEdgeVertex[iVertex].fX, asEdgeVertex[iVertex].fY, asEdgeVertex[iVertex].fZ);
UPDATE: Github working example, tested
Hope that helps.
Finally, I found what was wrong.
I use a VBO indexer class to reduce the ammount of duplicated vertices and make the render faster. This class is implemented with a std::map to find and discard already existing vertices, using a tuple of < vec3, unsigned short >. As you may imagine, a marching cubes algorithm generates structures with thousands if not millions of vertices. The highest number a common unsigned short can hold is 65536, or 2^16. So, when the output geometry had more than that, the map index started to overflow and the result was a mess, since it started to overwrite vertices with the new ones. I just changed my implementation to draw with common VBO and not indexed while I fix my class to support millions of vertices.
The result, with some minor vertex normal issues, speaks for itself: