use estimates from proc glm to make prediciton on another dataset - sas

I'm not so familiar with SAS proc glm. All I have done using proc glm so far is to output parameter estimates and predicted values on training datasets. But I also need to use the fitted model to make prediction on testing dataset. (both point estimates and interval estimates)
Here is my code.
ods output ParameterEstimates=Pi_Parameters FitStatistics=Pi_Summary PredictedValues=Pi_Fitted;
proc glm data=Train_Pi;
class Area Fo5 Tye M0 M1 M2 M3;
model Pi = Dow Area Fo5 Tye M0|HC M1|HC M2|HC M3|HC/solution p ss3 /*tolerance*/;
But how to proceed to next step? something like predict(Model_from_Train_Pi,Test_Pi)

If you're on SAS 9.4 see Jake's answer from this question:
How to predict probability in logistic regression in SAS?
If not on 9.4, my answer applies for adding the data in to the original data set.
A third option is PROC SCORE - documentation has an example for proc reg that's almost identical to your question:


Kruskal-Wallis test vs. ANOVA in SAS with complex survey data?

I am analyzing a temporal trend(yr) of certain chemicals(a b & c).
I use proc sgplot and series statement to draw a plot and found there was a decreasing trend.
Becuase the data is right-skewed, I used the median concentration of each year to draw the plot.
Now I would like to conduct a statistical test on the trend. My data came from the NHANES and need to use the proc survey** to perform analysis. I know I can do an ANOVA test based on proc surveyreg and use ANOVA option in the MODELstatement.
proc suveyreg data=a;
stratum stra;
cluster clus;
weight wt;
model a=yr/anova;
But since the original data is right-skewed, I think maybe it is better to use Kruskal-Wallis test on the original data. But I don't know how to write a code in SAS and I didn't find information in proc survey**-related document.
My plan B is to use the log-transformed data and ANOVA test. But I am not sure if that is an appropriate approach. Can somebody tell me how to get the normality test of the residual in ANOVA while using proc surveyreg? I would also like to know if I can test a b & c in one procedure or I should write multiple procedures with changes in MODEL statement.
Looking forward to your engagement.Thank you!

Producing confidence intervals for sensitivity and specificity in SAS

I am using SAS for producing ROC curves. But the "PROC LOGISTIC" does not give me the confidence-interval for sensitivity and specificity.
Does any one know if there is an option in order to produce the lower and upper band for sensitivity and specificity ?
If it is not the case, does anyone know another method ?
Thk an lot,
when I use basic stats, I use proc freq for associations.
proc freq data=tempds noprint;
tables variable1*std_variable2 / chisq measures;
output out=outds pchi n OR FISHER;
The output dataset "outds" now contains RROR(OR), L_RROR(Lower CI), U_RROR(Upper CI). Is this what you are looking for?
If proc logistic doesn't directly support this, you could try bootstrapping - produce many ROC plots for random samples of your data (e.g. using proc surveyselect) and then calculate the p5 and p95 points for each x and y value in the plot using proc summary. This should give a good approximation provided that you use a large enough number of samples.

put already known coefficient to the new dataset to predict new y

I have already got output from logistic regression, those coefficients. I would like to plug those coefficients into new data set and use the variables in the new data set but the old coefficients to predict new "y". What should I do?I have already tried proc score, but not sure if it is the proper way.
Use can use PROC Logistic Inmodel statement, See the example from SAS documentation here:-
proc logistic inmodel = your_coefficient_file_from_logistic_run;
score data= new_dataset_to_score out=new_scored_dataset;
Let me know if you have any questions

SAS output confidence interval to plot for strata variable after logistic regression

I want to put all confidence interval plot in one plot for all strata variable after logistic regression. For example, my SAS code is:
proc logistic data=data1;
model y = x;
strata cv1;
output out=out1 unknown1=x_beta1 unknown2=lowerbound unknown3=upperbound unknown4=strata_variable;
I do not know what variable names(unknown1 unknown2 unknown3) I can use in the output statement. As in the sas support page, it said "If a STRATA statement is specified, only the PREDICTED=, DFBETAS=, and H= options are available",here is the link.
My plot statement will be:
proc sgplot data=out1;
scatter y=strata_variable x=x_beta1 / xerrorlower=lowerbound xerrorupper=upperbound
markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=9);
The first plot in this page shows exactly what I want. Sorry I cannot insert any plot as my reputation is not high enough.
I find an another way to finish this. I wrote a macro do loop to get every strata data. And then added
ods output OddsRatios=odds_temp;
to get the estimation and confidence interval and merger all the strata together to make the plot I need.

how to find outliers in sas with proc means?

is there a way to detect an outlier from proc means while calculating min max Q1 and Q3?
the box plot procedure is not working on my SAS and I am trying to perform a boxplt in excel with the values from SAS.
Assuming you have a specific definition for what an outlier is, PROC UNIVARIATE can calculate the value that appears at that percentile using the PCTLPTS keyword on the OUTPUT statement. It also will identify extreme observations individually, so you can see the top few observations (if you have few enough observations that the number of extremes is likely to be <= 5).
The paper A SAS Application to Identify and Evaluate Outliers goes over a few of the ways you can look at outliers, including box plots and PROC UNIVARIATE, and includes some regression-based approaches as well.
If you want a 'standard boxplot' use the outbox= option in SAS to create the standard data set used for a box plot.
proc boxplot data=sashelp.class;
plot age*sex / outbox = xyz;