Using boost::filesystem fails due to "_fchmodat" on mac - c++

I want to use some functions of boost::filesystem.
I can include boost/filesystem.hppand boost/filesystem/path.hpp without any problems, but as soon as I use some specific functions as boost::filesystem::current_path() or boost::filesystem::initial_path() I get the following compiler error:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_fchmodat", referenced from:
boost::filesystem::detail::permissions(boost::filesystem::path const&,
boost::filesystem::perms, boost::system::error_code*) in
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
I am linking against -lboost-system and -lboost-filesystem and I'm using -std=c++0x as compiler tag.
The version of boost is 1.56.0 installed via homebrew.
Edit: I also tried it using boost 1.57.0 but the error is the same.

Update: This will be fixed in the upcoming Boost 1.60. My fix has already been committed to the Boost.Filesystem develop branch. You can also apply the patch to an earlier version of Boost.
Original answer:
This is a bug in Boost.Filesystem that is tracked as Boost Ticket #10591. I ran into the same problem and developed a patch which I attached to the bug.
It'd be great if you could apply the patch to your copy of the Boost.Filesystem sources and report whether it now works for you.

This looks like a Boost bug to me. There should be no difference between linking statically vs. dynamically against these libraries. Someone posted a fix here but without explaining what's going on.
Note that the problem persists in Boost 1.58, the current version as of this writing.

Obviously Qt Creator linked against libboost-system.a and libboost-filesystem.a. But on Mac OS X it should link against libboost-system.dylib and libboost-filesystem.dylib.
I changed this in the .pro-file by explicitly linking against the .dylib-libraries using LIBS += "path/libboost-system.dylib". This fixed the problem.


Boost linking error - single undefined reference

I'm having an odd linking problem with Boost (version 1.58). I'm building with g++ 4.8 on Ubuntu 15.10.
I get the following error:
undefined reference to
const&, unsigned int, unsigned int)' collect2: error: ld returned 1
exit status
What's strange is that all other symbols from lboost_program_options are found; options_description is the only undefined reference. If I comment out uses of options_description but keep uses of positional_options_description (which I'm also using) then the whole program compiles and links flawlessly. I am linking with -lboost_program_options, and if I remove this then as expected there are 8 missing boost::options_description symbols.
For a long time linking has worked correctly. Without any build system changes that I'm aware of it suddenly broke. The only systems level change was an upgrade to Ubuntu 15.10, which I don't think should have affected anything.
Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.
Update: After lots of fiddling I got this working again, although I'm not sure what did it. I'm still interested in any answers to what could cause this type of behavior though.
Check that the ABI is compatible (you're using the same compiler version and flags used when compiling the boost libraries).
On Ubuntu, this means using stock GCC with libstdc++.
If you can't, compile your own Boost System and Boost Program Options binaries using your preferred flags.
Similar things prevent code samples from linking on if your compiler is not the same as used when compiling boost there.
I had a similar problem after upgrading to Ubuntu 15.10 with a different symbol missing in a lib belonging to boost::program_options.
It helped to simply clean up the whole project by throwing away all object files etc. and recompiling it from scratch.

Yet another "ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64" issue with boost, this time with mgiza

I apologize for asking such a common question; I can't find any solution out there that works or is clear enough for me to implement. I am simply trying to install mgiza. Here is the INSTALL file:
cmake .
make install
If you want to install to a custom location, add the following flag when you run cmake:
NOTE: Boost Version 1.48 has problem with the code, you can use either 1.46 or 1.50+. Unfortunately 1.48 is shipped with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, you can either download and compile libboost 1.50+ from their website, or just do this:
sudo apt-get install libboost1.46-all-dev
Looks easy, right? Typing in cmake . works without any apparent problems. Unfortunately, make runs into this dreaded error ("undefined symbols ...") with boost.
1 warning generated.
Linking CXX executable ../bin/d4norm
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"std::string::_Rep::_M_destroy(std::allocator<char> const&)", referenced from:
boost::system::(anonymous namespace)::generic_error_category::message(int) const in libboost_system-mt.a(error_code.o)
"std::string::_Rep::_S_empty_rep_storage", referenced from:
boost::system::(anonymous namespace)::generic_error_category::message(int) const in libboost_system-mt.a(error_code.o)
"std::string::assign(char const*, unsigned long)", referenced from:
boost::system::(anonymous namespace)::generic_error_category::message(int) const in libboost_system-mt.a(error_code.o)
"std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(char const*, std::allocator<char> const&)", referenced from:
boost::system::(anonymous namespace)::generic_error_category::message(int) const in libboost_system-mt.a(error_code.o)
"std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(std::string const&)", referenced from:
boost::system::(anonymous namespace)::generic_error_category::message(int) const in libboost_system-mt.a(error_code.o)
"std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string()", referenced from:
boost::system::(anonymous namespace)::generic_error_category::message(int) const in libboost_system-mt.a(error_code.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Based on other questions, it's a problem with Mavericks because it uses clang to compile c++ code, implying that the library is libc++, not libstdc++. For completeness, and so that others can reproduce my errors, I am using OS X 10.9.5, Xcode 6.1, and my boost version is 1.56 (boost was installed via homebrew).
Now, there has to be some fix out there, right? Let's go through some of them:
Applying the -m32 flag: not applicable because the Makefile
doesn't have any "g++" in it, and it also explicitly tells me NOT to
edit it, because it's a "Cmake" generated file.
Not defining something in a header file: not applicable because the code should be ready to compile.
Adding -stdlib=libstdc++ to linker: I am not sure how to add this to a make command? I tried just doing make -stdlib=libstdc++ and while that seemed to avoid the errors above, it introduced some additional errors: make: *** [all] Error 2 (not sure what that means).
Linking to proper boost libraries: There's a comment there that says "You just need to link to the proper boost libraries ... plenty of Q/As on how to do that". Unfortunately, I don't think any of the questions that commenter linked to address my problem.
Linking Qt with boost: I don't think this is applicable because I'm not using Qt, and I don't know where I'd put in a LIBS += [...] boost line.
Linking a missing file: That issue seems to be more about linking when running g++ but I'm using a Makefile that doesn't have g++ anywhere in it.
Using g++ vs gcc: I don't know how I can change which of these I use, because I'm using cmake and make...
Changing a link command: Again, I don't know how I can change the compilation from cmake/make to gcc. (Note: from this point on, I will ignore most questions that are answered by adding something to gcc or g++.)
Changing the standard c++ library: the solution involves going into Xcode and changing the libraries there. I don't think this is the correct approach and in any case I'd probably screw up something if I changed a setting in Xcode (I also have no experience with Xcode's GUI).
Linking libraries in Xcode: I think this is a similar case as #9 on this list. The answer here also recommends using homebrew instead of macports for installing boost, but I already said earlier that I used homebrew for installing boost.
Compile with clang: A similar issue, but how do I get cmake or make to compile with clang?
From a (popular) bitcoin issue: Now this looks interesting! A ton of people ran into my error. Unfortunately, there seems to be no consensus or easy solution. There are also a few solutions that I don't know to implement. For instance, one solution by "imbolo" there is to compile boost using a cxxflag flag, but what does that mean?
So I'm at a little bit of a loss on how to correctly install mgiza ... I mean, the whole point of mgiza giving me cmake and make is so that I don't have to worry about the messy details of compiling things, right? This isn't just an mgiza issue, though, since I've run into this problem when trying to do make elsewhere. I understand the high-level ideas of (C)Makefiles, but not the low-level details.
To address some of the concerns by the commenters: the best way to deal with this problem is to try and clear your system as much as possible and start the process from scratch.
Also, since this was posted, OS X 10.10 Yosemite was released, which may have fixed this problem (IIRC this problem is mostly due to 10.9 and the clang/gcc complier changes).

link error __stack_chk_fail (using libs with xcode)

I'm trying to compile a C++ app in xcode using gcc 4.0 and and the 10.4u SDK.
I get the following linker error.
"_stack_chk_fail", referenced from:
_read_frame_ in libAudioDecoder.a(stream_decoder.o)
_read_metadata_ in libAudioDecoder.a(stream_decoder.o)
"_stack_chk_guard", referenced from:
___stack_chk_guard$non_lazy_ptr in libAudioDecoder.a(stream_decoder.o)
(maybe you meant: ___stack_chk_guard$non_lazy_ptr)
ld: symbol(s) not found
Other help threads suggest that all I need to do is add...
-fno-stack-protector the 'Other C Flags', which is what I've done, but the problem persists. I've done cleans, rebuilds and even restarted XCode (because it's been known to get confused sometimes), but the problem persists.
Note that libAudioDecoder is my own library that I'm trying to link with. stream_decoder.o is apart of the FLAC library which libAudioDecoder links to.
Essentially my project links with libAudioDecoder which links with libFlac, where libFlac has also been compile using an xcode project.
For each three xcode projects, I'm using gcc 4.0 and and the 10.4u SDK and have 'Other C Flags' and 'Other C++ Flags' set with -fno-stack-protector.
I'm all out of ideas at the moment, so would appreciate some help with this.
Symbol _stack_chk_fail is referenced from symbol _read_frame_ in your libAudioDecoder.a library, not the Xcode project from which you are linking against libAudioDecoder.a. Try to go back and rebuild libAudioDecoder.a with the -fno-stack-protector flag?
It sounds like you may have compiled the library linking against a newer version of libc and are now compiling with an older version, or some other mismatch like that. Searching for "_stack_chk_fail" on StackOverflow will lead you to a ton of other tips.

Stuck with twitcurl

this question has gone back and forth a bit as I have learnt some things about g++ about unix systems (sorry if I messed anyone about).
For a project I am currently trying to finish I would like to get twitcurl running with Xcode and OpenFrameworks. If anyone has managed to do this please share with me this arcane feat.
Below is some of the things I am stuck on:
Regurgitating some of the instructions from their wiki it says to
download the libraries source
build twitcurl library using visual C++ or make (their is also cmake in their).
Include twitcurl.h and curl headers in your twitter application and link to twitcurl.lib and libcurl.lib/libcurl.dll.
This seems simple enough but when I make the library, there is no twitcurl.lib. A different file libtwit.a is produced, which I assume must be what OSX needs (as installing puts it in usr/local/ along with the headers). However then if I try to include the twitcurl.h in a header and make a twitCurl object I then get more undefined symbols
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"twitCurl::~twitCurl()", referenced from:
testApp::setup() in testApp.o
"twitCurl::twitCurl()", referenced from:
testApp::setup() in testApp.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
I now am assuming twitcurl makes for a 64bit (I have tried adding CFLAGS=-m32, but it fails), and to my knowledge Openframeworks is only 32 bit currently. This means twitcurl may not be an option for me, but again, if anyone knows how please let me know!
Thanks in advance.
You'd probably do well to recompile twitcurl, last I looked (3 months ago), it was compiled with VC6, which has its own way of mangling C++ symbols, so the lib won't link correctly for g++.
you could then just import it directly as well and then not need to worry about linking to the libs, however it would be a good idea to test in a small demo app, before integrating into an already build system, that way you know if the error is on your side or somewhere else.
Also, when it comes to this type of problem, the exact compiler errors are more helpful than just describing the problem.
The error message you've posted is the linker's longwinded way of telling you that its looking for a definition of the curl_easy_setopt function, which is part of libcurl. Adding -lcurl to your g++ line should fix this (by telling the linker to link in libcurl).
However, twitcurl comes with a Makefile, which already does this. In addition, if you are trying to build a shared library there, you're doing it wrong...
Maybe you can try ofxTwitter, an openFrameworks addon for twitter, to get your twitter functionality. get it here:,2750.0.html

Boost Regex not playing welll with Snow leopard

So I inherited code written in C++ that uses the Boost library. I could compile (using Code Blocks) and run the code on Linux Ubuntu but when I ported it over to the mac and installed the boost library, I can compile it using code blocks (and specifying the location of the regex libraries) but it won't run.
It just gives me the error:
dyld: Library not loaded: libboost_regex.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/spinach/Desktop/B/BLAH/bin/Release/./BLAH_PD
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap
I'm not sure what to do next but any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the path where you installed the compiled Boost libs.
Did you follow these directions?
Boost.Regex is not a header only library. You will need to install/compile the .dynlib. If you did this, did you remember to correctly link it? (-llibboost_regex -LPATH_TO_BOOST_BIN)