MongoDB Query For Fields That Vary - Wildcards? - regex

I am looking for a way to get distinct "unit" values from a collection that has a structure similar to the following:
"_id" : ObjectId("548b1aee6e444414f00d5cf1"),
"KPI" : {
"NPV" : {
"value" : 100,
"unit" : "kUSD"
"NPM" : {
"value" : 100,
"unit" : "kUSD"
"GPM" : {
"value" : 50,
"unit" : "CAD"
I looked into using wildcards and regex but from what I have come across this is not supported for field matching. I would like to do something like db.collection.distinct('KPI.*.unit') but cannot determine how and it seems like performance would be poor. Does anyone have a recommendation? Thanks.

It's not a good practice to make the keys a part of the content of the document - don't use keys as data. If you don't change your document structure, you'll need to know what the possible subfields of KPI are. If you don't know what those could be, you will need to examine the documents manually to find them. Then you can issue a distinct for each using dot notation, e.g. db.collection.distinct("KPI.NPM.unit").
If what you're looking for instead is the distinct values of unit across all values of the parent KPI subfield, then you could take the union of all of the results of the distincts. You can also do it easily with an aggregation framework in MongoDB 2.6. For simplicity, I'll assume there's just three distinct subfields of KPI, the ones in the document above.
{ "$group" : { "_id" : 0, "NPVunits" : { "$addToSet" : "$KPI.NPV.unit" }, "NPMunits" : { "$addToSet" : "$KPI.NPM.unit" }, "GPMunits" : { "$addToSet" : "$KPI.GPM.unit" } }
{ "$project" : { "distinct_units" : { "$setUnion" : ["$NPVunits", "$NPMunits", "$GPMunits"] } } }
You could also structure your data as dynamic attributes. The document above would be recast as something like
"_id" : ObjectId("548b1aee6e444414f00d5cf1"),
"KPI" : [
{ "type" : "NPV", "value" : 100, "unit" : "kUSD" },
{ "type" : "NPM", "value" : 100, "unit" : "kUSD" },
{ "type" : "GPM", "value" : 50, "unit" : "CAD" }
Querying for distinct units is easy now, whether you want it per type or over all types:
Per type (all types in one query)
{ "$unwind" : "$KPI" },
{ "$group" : { "_id" : "$KPI.type", "units" : { "$addToSet" : "$KPI.unit" } } }
Over all types


Is there an node like statement available in mongodb

I want to filter the decimal value in child array of json file.In below sample code i want to apply the like function to get the json value like(t1,t2) in below sample file.
Sample code:
Sample Json file:
"_id" :0"),
"temp" : {
"text" : {
"t1" : {
"value" : "960"
"t2" : {
"value" : "959"
"t3" : {
"value" : "961"
"t4" : {
"value" : "962"
"t5" : {
"value" : "6.0"
MongoDB doesn't have a way to filter field names directly other than projection, which is exact match only.
However, using aggregation you can use $objectToArray, which would convert the object {"t1" : {"value" : "960"}} to [{"k":"t1","v":{"value":"960"}}]. You can then filter based on the value of k, and use $arrayToObject to convert the entries left back into an object.

Elasticsearch regexp query finds no results

I've a problem to build the correct query. I have an index with a field "ids" with the following mapping:
"ids" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256
A sample content could look like this:
It's a list of ids. Now I want to make a query with multiple possible ids and I want to make a disjunction (OR) so I decided to use a regexp:
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"query_string" : {
"query" : "Test"
"regexp" : {
"ids" : {
"value" : "10031|20|10038",
"boost" : 1
"size" : 10,
"from" : 0
The query is executed successfully but with no results. I expected to find 3 results.
If you want to get 10031 or 20 or 10038, you need to add parenthesis.
Change "10031|20|10038" => "(10031|20|10038)"

Ordering a term aggregation with a multi-bucket sub-aggregation

Given a term aggregation (label), I would like to sort the bucket by a string field (energy).
The problem is that we cannot use a multi-bucket value in the order clause.
For a given label, I'm sure that there is only one energy. What I would like to do is to use the first (and only) result of my energy sub aggregation.
I'm using the AWS elasticsearch service which is in a 1.5 version, and scripts are disabled, so I did not find a way to sort the bucket by another term :(
Any idea ?
"aggs" : {
"label" : {
"terms" : { "field" : "label" },
"order" : { "energy[0]" : "desc" } // cannot do this
"aggs" : {
"energy" : {
"terms" : {
"field" : "energy",
"size" : 1

How do I replace a field in logstash

I'm doing an insert from Logstash into ElasticSearch. My problem is that I used a template in ES to lay out the data types, and I am sometimes getting values from Logstash that are null values (or dashes) when I've declared in ES that they should be doubles.
So sometimes, ES is getting a '-' instead of something like "2342", and it is rejecting it and causing an error. Now, if I can replace the '-' with the word 'null', ES works fine.
How do I do this? I assume it works with the ruby filter. I need to be able to replace the '-' fields with null when appropriate.
I was asked for sample configs.
So, for example, say the below config is logstash, which will then send data to ES:
filter {
if [type] == "transaction" {
match => ["message", "%{BASE16FLOAT:ts}\t%{IP:orig_ip}\t%{NOTSPACE:orig_port}" ]
Now my ES template is saying:
"transaction" : {
"properties" :
"ts" : {
"format" : "dateOptionalTime",
"type" : "date"
"orig_ip" : {
"type" : "ip"
"orig_port" : {
"type" : "long"
So if I throw a data set like either of these, it passes:
{"ts" : "123456789.123234", "orig_ip" : "", "orig_port" : "2342" }
{"ts" : "123456789.123234", "orig_ip" : "", "orig_port" : null }
I get a success. But, the following [obviously] fails:
{"ts" : "123456789.123234", "orig_ip" : "", "orig_port" : "-" }
How can I ensure that the "-" (with quotes) gets changed to a null?
If you amend your template by specifying "ignore_malformed": true in your orig_port long field, it should work.
"transaction" : {
"properties" :
"ts" : {
"format" : "dateOptionalTime",
"type" : "date"
"orig_ip" : {
"type" : "ip"
"orig_port" : {
"type" : "long"
"ignore_malformed": true <---- add this line

combining regex and embedded objects in mongodb queries

I am trying to combine regex and embedded object queries and failing miserably. I am either hitting a limitation of mongodb or just getting something slightly wrong maybe someone out ther has encountered this. The documentation certainly does'nt cover this case.
data being queried:
"_id" : ObjectId("4f94fe633004c1ef4d892314"),
"productname" : "lightbulb",
"availability" : [
"country" : "USA",
"storeCode" : "abc-1234"
"country" : "USA",
"storeCode" : "xzy-6784"
"country" : "USA",
"storeCode" : "abc-3454"
"country" : "CANADA",
"storeCode" : "abc-6845"
assume the collection contains only one record
This query returns 1:
db.testCol.find({"availability":{"country" : "USA","storeCode":"xzy-6784"}}).count();
This query returns 1:
But, this query returns 0:
db.testCol.find({"availability":{"country" : "USA","storeCode":/.*/}}).count();
Does anyone understand why? Is this a bug?
You are referencing the embedded storecode incorrectly - you are referencing it as an embedded object when in fact what you have is an array of objects. Compare these results:
Using your sample doc above, the first one will not return, because the first storeCode does not have an x in it ("abc-1234"), the second will return the document. That's fine for the case where you are looking at a single element of the array and pass in the position. In order to search all of the objcts in the array, you want $elemMatch
As an example, I added this second example doc:
"_id" : ObjectId("4f94fe633004c1ef4d892315"),
"productname" : "hammer",
"availability" : [
"country" : "USA",
"storeCode" : "abc-1234"
Now, have a look at the results of these queries:
PRIMARY> db.testCol.find({"availability" : {$elemMatch : {"storeCode":/a/}}}).count();
PRIMARY> db.testCol.find({"availability" : {$elemMatch : {"storeCode":/x/}}}).count();