cannot get correct syntax for pljson - amazon-web-services

I've installed pljson 1.05 in Oracle Xe 11g and written a PLSQL function to extract values from the return from Amazon AWS describe-instances.
Trying to obtain the values for top level items such as reservation ID work but i am unable to get values nested within lower levels of the json.
e.g. this example works (using the cutdown AWS JSON inline
reservations JSON_LIST;
l_tempobj JSON;
instance JSON;
L_id VARCHAR2(20);
obj:= json('{
"Reservations": [
"ReservationId": "r-5a33ea1a",
"Instances": [
"State": {
"Name": "stopped"
"InstanceId": "i-7e02503e"
"ReservationId": "r-e5930ea5",
"Instances": [
"State": {
"Name": "running"
"InstanceId": "i-77859692"
reservations := json_list(obj.get('Reservations'));
l_tempobj := json(reservations);
FOR i IN 1 .. l_tempobj.count
instance := json(l_tempobj.get(i));
l_id := json_ext.get_string(instance, 'ReservationId');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(i||'] Instance:'||l_id);
"ReservationId" : "r-5a33ea1a",
"Instances" : [{
"State" : {
"Name" : "stopped"
"InstanceId" : "i-7e02503e"
1] Instance:r-5a33ea1a
"ReservationId" : "r-e5930ea5",
"Instances" : [{
"State" : {
"Name" : "running"
"InstanceId" : "i-77859692"
2] Instance:r-e5930ea5
but this example to return the instance ID doesnt
l_clob CLOB;
obj JSON;
reservations JSON_LIST;
l_tempobj JSON;
instance JSON;
L_id VARCHAR2(20);
obj:= json('{
"Reservations": [
"ReservationId": "r-5a33ea1a",
"Instances": [
"State": {
"Name": "stopped"
"InstanceId": "i-7e02503e"
"ReservationId": "r-e5930ea5",
"Instances": [
"State": {
"Name": "running"
"InstanceId": "i-77859692"
reservations := json_list(obj.get('Reservations'));
l_tempobj := json(reservations);
FOR i IN 1 .. l_tempobj.count
instance := json(l_tempobj.get(i));
l_id := json_ext.get_string(instance, 'Instances.InstanceId');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(i||'] Instance:'||l_id);
"ReservationId" : "r-5a33ea1a",
"Instances" : [{
"State" : {
"Name" : "stopped"
"InstanceId" : "i-7e02503e"
1] Instance:
"ReservationId" : "r-e5930ea5",
"Instances" : [{
"State" : {
"Name" : "running"
"InstanceId" : "i-77859692"
2] Instance:
The only change from the first example to the second is replacing 'ReservationId' with 'Instances.InstanceId' but in the second example, although the function succeeds and the instance.print statement outputs the full json, this code doesnt populate the Instance ID into l_id so is not output on the DBMS_OUTPUT.
I also get the same result (i.e. no value in L_id) if I just use 'InstanceId'.
My assumption and from reading the examples suggested JSON PATH should allow me to select the values using either the dot notation for nested values but it doesnt seem to work. I also tried extracting 'Instances' into a temp variable if type JSON_LIST and then accessing it from there but also wasnt able to get a working example.
Any help appreciated. Many Thanks.

See ex8.sql. In particular, it says:
JSON Path for PL/JSON:
never raises an exception (null is returned instead)
arrays are 1-indexed
use dots to navigate through the json scopes.
the empty string as path returns the entire json object.
JSON Path only work with JSON as input.
7 get types are supported: string, number, bool, null, json, json_list and date!
spaces inside [ ] are not important, but is important otherwise
Thus, your path should be:
l_id := json_ext.get_string(instance, 'Instances[1].InstanceId');
Or, without directly using json_ext:
l_id := instance.path('Instances[1].InstanceId');


MongoDB query to find text in third level array of objects

I have a Mongo collection that contains data on saved searches in a Vue/Laravel app, and it contains records like the following:
"_id" : ObjectId("6202f3357a02e8740039f343"),
"q" : null,
"name" : "FCA last 3 years",
"frequency" : "Daily",
"scope" : "FederalContractAwardModel",
"filters" : {
"condition" : "AND",
"rules" : [
"id" : "awardDate",
"operator" : "between_relative_backward",
"value" : [
"id" : "subtypes.extentCompeted",
"operator" : "in",
"value" : [
"Full and Open Competition"
The problem is the value in the item in the rules array that has the decimal.
"value" : [
in particular the decimal. Because of a UI error, the user was allowed to enter a decimal value, and so this needs to be fixed to remove the decimal like so.
"value" : [
My problem is writing a Mongo query to identify these records (I'm a Mongo noob). What I need is to identify records in this collection that have an item in the filters.rules array with an item in the 'value` array that contains a decimal.
Piece of cake, right?
Here's as far as I've gotten.
myCollection.find({"filters.rules": })
but I'm not sure where to go from here.
UPDATE: After running the regex provided by #R2D2, I found that it also brings up records with a valid date string , e.g.
"rules" : [
"id" : "dueDate",
"operator" : "between",
"value" : [
so what I need to do is filter out cases where the period has a double 0 on either side (i.e. 00.00). If I read the regex correctly, this part
is excluding characters, so I would want something like
but running this query
db.collection.find( {
"filters.rules.value": { $regex: /\.[^00\.00]*/ }
} )
still returns the same records, even though it works as expected in a regex tester. What am I missing?
To find all documents containing at least one value string with (.) , try:
db.collection.find( {
"filters.rules.value": { $regex: /\.[^\.]*/ }
} )
Or you can filter only the fields that need fix via aggregation as follow:
[direct: mongos]> db.tes.aggregate([ {$unwind:"$filters.rules"}, {$unwind:"$filters.rules.value"}, {$match:{ "filters.rules.value": {$regex: /\.[^\.]*/ } }} ,{$project:{_id:1,oldValue:"$filters.rules.value"}} ])
{ _id: ObjectId("6202f3357a02e8740039f343"), oldValue: 'now-3.5y/d' }
[direct: mongos]>
Later to update those values:
"filters.rules.value": "now-3.5y/d"
$set: {
"filters.rules.$[x].value.$": "now-3,5y/d-CORRECTED"
arrayFilters: [
"x.value": "now-3.5y/d"

Appflow upsert error : ID does not exist in the destination connector

Creating a appflow from S3 bucket to salesforce through CDK with upsert option.
Using existing connection to From S3 to Salesforce -
new appflow.CfnConnectorProfile(this, 'Connector',{
"connectionMode": "Public",
Destination flow Code -
new appflow.CfnFlow(this, 'Flow', {
destinationFlowConfigList: [
"connectorProfileName": "connection_name",
"connectorType": "Salesforce",
"destinationConnectorProperties": {
"salesforce": {
"errorHandlingConfig": {
"bucketName": "bucket-name",
"bucketPrefix": "subfolder",
"idFieldNames": [
"object": "object_name",
"writeOperationType": "UPSERT"
..... other props ....
tasks: [
"sourceFields": [
"Some other fields",
"connectorOperator": {
"salesforce": "PROJECTION"
"sourceFields": [
"taskProperties": [
"destinationField": "ID",
"connectorOperator": {
.... some other mapping fields.....
But the problem is - "Invalid request provided: AWS::AppFlow::FlowCreate Flow request failed: [ID does not exist in the destination conne ctor]
According to the error, how to fix the problem with the existing connector which results in ID does not exist in the destination connector
PS: ID is defined in the flow code. But still it is saying ID is not found.
I think your last connector operator should be:
"connectorOperator": {
instead of:
"connectorOperator": {
since you are mapping the field ID into itself without any transformations whatsoever.

"type mismatch error, expected type LIST" for querying a one-to-many relationship in AppSync

The schema:
type User {
id: ID!
createdCurricula: [Curriculum]
type Curriculum {
id: ID!
title: String!
creator: User!
The resolver to query all curricula of a given user:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"query" : {
## Provide a query expression. **
"expression": "userId = :userId",
"expressionValues" : {
":userId" : {
"S" : "${}"
"index": "userIdIndex",
"limit": #if(${context.arguments.limit}) ${context.arguments.limit} #else 20 #end,
"nextToken": #if(${context.arguments.nextToken}) "${context.arguments.nextToken}" #else null #end
The response map:
"items": $util.toJson($context.result.items),
"nextToken": #if(${context.result.nextToken}) "${context.result.nextToken}" #else null #end
The query:
query {
getUser(id: "0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43") {
createdCurricula {
The error:
"data": {
"getUser": {
"id": "0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43",
"createdCurricula": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"locations": null,
"message": "Can't resolve value (/getUser/createdCurricula) : type mismatch error, expected type LIST"
The CurriculumTable has a global secondary index titled userIdIndex, which has userId as the partition key.
If I change the response map to this:
The output is the following:
"data": {
"getUser": {
"id": "0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43",
"createdCurricula": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"errorType": "MappingTemplate",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 5
"message": "Unable to convert \n{\n [{\"id\":\"87897987\",\"title\":\"Test Curriculum\",\"userId\":\"0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43\"}],\n} to class java.lang.Object."
If I take that string and run it through a console.log in my frontend app, I get:
That's clearly an object. How do I make it... not an object, so that AppSync properly reads it as a list?
My response map had a set of curly braces around it. I'm pretty sure that was placed there in the generator by Amazon. Removing them fixed it.
I think I'm not seeing the complete view of your schema, I was expecting something like:
schema {
query: Query
Where Query is RootQuery, in fact you didn't share us your Query definition. Assuming you have the right Query definition. The main problem is in your response template.
> "items": $util.toJson($context.result.items)
This means that you are passing a collection named: *"items"* to Graphql query engine. And you are referring this collection as "createdCurricula". So solve this issue your response-mapping-template is the right place to fix. How? just replace the above line with the following.
"createdCurricula": $util.toJson($context.result.items),
Please the main thing to note here is, the mapping template is a bridge between your datasources and qraphql, feel free to make any computation, or name mapping but don't forget that object names in that response json are the one should match in schema/query definition.
change to result type to $util.toJson($
The exception msg says that it expected a type list.
Looking at:
I don't see that createdCurricula is a LIST.
What is currently in DDB is:
"id": "0b6af629-6009-4f4d-a52f-67aef7b42f43",
"createdCurricula": null

Using Elastic Search Geo Functionality To Find Most Common Locations?

I have a geojson file containing a list of locations each with a longitude, latitude and timestamp. Note the longitudes and latitudes are multiplied by 10000000.
"locations" : [ {
"timestampMs" : "1461820561530",
"latitudeE7" : -378107308,
"longitudeE7" : 1449654070,
"accuracy" : 35,
"junk_i_want_to_save_but_ignore" : [ { .. } ]
}, {
"timestampMs" : "1461820455813",
"latitudeE7" : -378107279,
"longitudeE7" : 1449673809,
"accuracy" : 33
}, {
"timestampMs" : "1461820281089",
"latitudeE7" : -378105184,
"longitudeE7" : 1449254023,
"accuracy" : 35
}, {
"timestampMs" : "1461820155814",
"latitudeE7" : -378177434,
"longitudeE7" : 1429653949,
"accuracy" : 34
Many of these locations will be the same physical location (e.g. the user's home) but obviously the longitude and latitudes may not be exactly the same.
I would like to use Elastic Search and it's Geo functionality to produce a ranked list of most common locations where locations are deemed to be the same if they are within, say, 100m of each other?
For each common location I'd also like the list of all timestamps they were at that location if possible!
I'd very much appreciate a sample query to get me started!
Many thanks in advance.
In order to make it work you need to modify your mapping like this:
PUT /locations
"mappings": {
"location": {
"properties": {
"location": {
"type": "geo_point"
"timestampMs": {
"type": "long"
"accuracy": {
"type": "long"
Then, when you index your documents, you need to divide the latitude and longitude by 10000000, and index like this:
PUT /locations/location/1
"timestampMs": "1461820561530",
"location": {
"lat": -37.8103308,
"lon": 14.4967407
"accuracy": 35
Finally, your search query below...
POST /locations/location/_search
"aggregations": {
"zoomedInView": {
"filter": {
"geo_bounding_box": {
"location": {
"top_left": "-37, 14",
"bottom_right": "-38, 15"
"aggregations": {
"zoom1": {
"geohash_grid": {
"field": "location",
"precision": 6
"aggs": {
"ts": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "timestampMs",
"interval": "15m",
"format": "DDD yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
...will yield the following result:
"aggregations": {
"zoomedInView": {
"doc_count": 1,
"zoom1": {
"buckets": [
"key": "k362cu",
"doc_count": 1,
"ts": {
"buckets": [
"key_as_string": "Thu 2016-04-28 05:15",
"key": 1461820500000,
"doc_count": 1
According to our discussion, here is a solution that could work for you. Using Logstash, you can call your API and retrieve the big JSON document (using the http_poller input), extract/transform all locations and sink them to Elasticsearch (with the elasticsearch output) very easily.
Here is how it goes in order to format each event as depicted in my initial answer.
Using http_poller you can retrieve the JSON locations (note that I've set the polling interval to 1 day, but you can change that to some other value, or simply run Logstash manually each time you want to retrieve the locations)
Then we split the locations array into individual events
Then we divide the latitude/longitude fields by 10,000,000 to get proper coordinates
We also need to clean it up a bit by moving and removing some fields
Finally, we just send each event to Elasticsearch
Logstash configuration locations.conf:
input {
http_poller {
urls => {
get_locations => {
method => get
url => ""
headers => {
Accept => "application/json"
request_timeout => 60
interval => 86400000
codec => "json"
filter {
split {
field => "locations"
ruby {
code => "
event['location'] = {
'lat' => event['locations']['latitudeE7'] / 10000000.0,
'lon' => event['locations']['longitudeE7'] / 10000000.0
mutate {
add_field => {
"timestampMs" => "%{[locations][timestampMs]}"
"accuracy" => "%{[locations][accuracy]}"
"junk_i_want_to_save_but_ignore" => "%{[locations][junk_i_want_to_save_but_ignore]}"
remove_field => [
"locations", "#timestamp", "#version"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "locations"
document_type => "location"
You can then run with the following command:
bin/logstash -f locations.conf
When that has run, you can launch your search query and you should get what you expect.

wxJSONOBJECTARRAY - accessing the required key value pair

I have just started working with JSON objects with the help of wxJSON. It works fine when I try to work a single JSON object (example given below), it works fine.
"wxWidgets" : 1
"Version" :1
"Major" : 2,
"Languages" :
However, when there are an array of values in the JSON object, I fail to parse the JSON object and extract the required key value pair.
Example :
[ {
"wxWidgets" : 1
"Version" :1
"Major" : 2,
"Languages" :
"wxWidgets" : 2
"Version" :2
"Major" : 3
"Languages" :
when it is a single object, I access the elements like this:
wxJSONValue root; //this will have the json object created above.
wxString c = root[_T("wxWidgets")][_T("Version")].AsString(); // to get the version.
How do I do it in case there is an array of JSONOBJECTs as given in the second example?
Since you're working with an array,
Doesn't deference the first object of the array (index 0 in this case) in the JSON object. The code needs to reflect that you're using an array now, so: