Scrolling in C++ Builder RadioGroup - c++

I have RadioGroup with many buttons. Now when I add an item, they become smaller and smaller. How is it possible to make them scrollable?

TRadioGroup does not natively support scrolling. However, what you can do instead is the following:
place a TGroupBox on your UI.
place a TScrollBox onto the TGroupBox, set its Align property to alClient, and its BorderStyle property to bsNone.
place a TRadioGroup onto the TScrollBox, clear its Caption property, and set its Left property to -2 and its Top property to -15 (or whatever the TRadioGroup.Font is set to plus a few extra pixels). This positioning is needed because you cannot turn off the TRadioGroup's borders or the space reserved for its Caption.
Tweak the TScrollBox.HorzScrollBar.Range and TScrollBox.VertScrollBar.Range properties so they do not scroll far enough to see the TRadioGroup's right and bottom borders.
This way, the buttons appear as if they are part of the TGroupBox, but with the added scrollbar(s).

TRadioGroup component doesn't have an embedded scrollbar, but you can put the radio group on a TScrollBox for a similar effect.
You can use the Buttons collection to refer each button, e.g.
RadioGroup->Buttons[0]->Height = 5;
RadioGroup->Buttons[1]->Top = RadioGroup->Buttons[0]->Top + 10;
Anyway a TComboBox could also be a good choice.


gtkmm: stack together elements in the container widget (Box)

I want to create some kind of toolbar, consisting of buttons. I used ButtonBox, and put inside some toggle buttons, color button and one regular button.
I want to accomplish two things:
Make buttons stick together despite window width, without margin between them.
Have rightmost button on the right of the window, and other buttons on the left.
If I didn't wanted second thing, I could just use set_valign so that toolbar would shrink to the right.
I tried adding empty Gtk::Box after color button and allowing it to expand, and this keeps rightmost button on the right, but it still leaves margins between buttons, no matter what parameters for pack_start and pack_end I try - there is two optional boolean parameters, but neither of them seem to do anything.
Here is how it looks normally:
Here is how it looks with empty box:
So what should I do to remove margin between buttons, and is there a better way to keep some buttons on the right, and some on the left?
ButtonBox will always have space between buttons. If you want the buttons without space between, use a regular Box.
Otherwise you did the right thing. Use a Box to move the right button to the edge. Sometimes you can achieve the same affect by using pack_start and pack_end to different buttons, all within the same Box.

How to collapse Gtkmm notebook tabs?

So I am making a Gtkmm application using a Gtk::notebook and during run-time I'm adding new tabs to the notebook. But when I add more tabs than there is space on my screen it just keeps going moving out of the screen.
Now I know most Gtk widgets have a lot of properties that can be configured, so I'am wondering is there such a property for notebook that automatically collapses tabs or scales them in some way to make it fit inside the widget/screen.
If not it would be great if you could give me some pointers to how to implement this functionality myself.
set_scrollable() is your best bet. It will add scrolling arrows on the sides of the tab labels at the top when there isn't enough room to show them all.
Note that GtkNotebook will always ask for enough space to show the contents of all tabs, not just the one that's currently visible. If one of your tab pages is really big (say, contains a 10x10 grid of 100x100 buttons), you won't be able to resize the GtkNotebook smaller than that tab page (in that case, 1000x1000 + the height of the label area), even if the current tab page is just an empty container. All set_scrollable() will do is let you resize smaller than the width needed to show all tab labels at the top.
Put this in your .xml GUI file in the GtkNotebook object:
<property name="scrollable">True</property>
This causes the tabs that go out of screen to be horizontal scrollable by adding arrows beside the last tab at the right and the most left tab at the left.

Making an MFC CTabCtrl not use the full control width for drawing tabs

We have a somewhat involved request for a change in our application, which is to make one of our tab controls only have access to part of the width of the control for the purposes of drawing the tabs, so that we can stick some additional status text in the remaining area on the side.
A picture would probably help:
As you can see, the tab control extends all the way to the right of the dialog, but we want a reserved area for "Total Inventory Cost", and we want to make sure that additional tabs (which are common) don't encroach onto that area.
I'm open to pretty much any means of implementing this, short of completely rewriting the application. We can switch tab controls if there's one out there that works better, or otherwise change the implementation of the tab setup within reason.
I would have thought that one could separately set the client area and the tab drawing rectangle areas separately, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Any help appreciated!
If I understand correctly, what you've got is this
Main window's client area:
-> tab ctrl occupying the enttire area
-> some other controls on top of tab control
What you could do is this
Main window's client area:
-> Small tab control at the bottom
-> All othe controls in main window's client area

Positioning QPushButtons via qss in QT

I have a set of five buttons that I am trying to position in a qss file. The default position that I have set up in the ui file works for one of the layouts I need. However, I want to group the buttons differently in the other theme.
I am new to qss files and have been experimenting, but cannot figure out if some things are possible. The "left" property is defined here: but nothing happens when I try to use it.
margin-left actually moves the button, but only relationally. So, if the buttons are positioned in the ui file with a gap of 100 between them, a margin-left for the second button in the list is offset by 100.
What am I doing wrong? Could it be some setting in the ui file that is preventing it from moving? I already "broke layout" and it doesn't seem to matter. Is there a good resource you'd suggest?
Here is a sample of my qss file. The left has no effect.
min-width: 50;
max-width: 50;
min-height: 50;
max-height: 50;
subcontrol-origin: border;
I've figured out that I can change the position of the button by deriving a class from QPushButton and making a "GeomX" qproperty. This seems to work, but I am running into an odd issue now. When I first load my app, it draws the buttons as they are positioned on the ui file. When I use the "change theme" option that I've coded, and select the currently loaded theme, it moves the buttons as I'd expect. However, resizing the app dumps them back to the ui positions and restarting also places them back in their ui positions. Is there a setting in the ui file that I could alter to get it to stop moving them? Is there a load-order issue that I need to address? Is it possible to even address this? What is going on?
Generally speaking, style sheets in Qt are used to alter the way a widget is drawn, not where it is positioned (except to add padding/margin). As the documentation you've referenced mentions, the "left" property is specific to sub-controls (that is, components within a widget and not the widget itself).
What it sounds like you're trying to accomplish (change the layout depending on the theme) would likely require a different approach. A couple of options would be to react to when the theme changes by:
Moving around your spacers in your layout to move the buttons to the desired position
Using a stacked widget, one page in the stack for each layout you desire, and change which page in the stack you're showing depending on what theme you're using.

Change resize behavior in Qt layouts

I want my custom widgets to gain extra space when the dialog is resized. This was working when I only had a handful of widgets, but after adding several more columns of these same widgets and putting them in a QGridLayout, the extra space merely goes in as padding between the widgets.
I've had trouble with this in the past and here are some of the things I've found:
First make sure all the widgets you want to expand have sizePolicy set to "Expanding".
Make sure the widgets that make up your custom widgets are in a layout that allows for expanding. You can check this by just adding one of your custom widgets to the window and seeing that it expands as expected.
Make sure any widgets on the form that you do not want to expand have a fixed (minimum=maximum) size in the dimension you want them to stay static.
Sometimes the grid layout causes some weird spacing issues because rows are resized based on the largest widget in the entire row and similarly for columns. For some layouts, it is better to use a vertical layout that contains horizontal layouts or vica versa to create a grid-like effect. Only this way, each sub-layout is spaced independently of the other rows or columns.
Controlling grid expansion programatically
I've found that you can easily control which columns/rows expand and which columns/rows stay fixed in width by using QGridLayout::setColumnStretch() and QGridLayout::setRowStretch(). You'll need to provide weights to the specific columns (0 for no stretch).
For example, if you want column 0 to not take up any room and column 1 to take the rest of the window's room, do this:
QGridLayout* layout ;
// Set up the layout
layout->setColumnStretch( 0, 0 ) ; // Give column 0 no stretch ability
layout->setColumnStretch( 1, 1 ) ; // Give column 1 stretch ability of ratio 1
Controlling grid expansion using Qt Designer
You can do what I described above if you're using Designer. Just look for the widget properties layoutRowStretch and layoutColumnStretch. It'll contain a comma-separated list of integers.
Another option is inside of QT Creator, to specify in the top level layout widget of the section you want fixed size a layoutSizeConstraint of "SetFixedSize". You must also remove all spacers from beneath that widget. In my case, I had a dialog with a TreeWidget, a Table, and some color selection stuff. I wanted the color selection controls to remain the same size horizontally, so they were in a VerticalLayout. I imagine you can do the same with a HorizontalLayout too if you want things to stay the same height. IF you really need spacers inside the layout, you can probably use blank labels with fixed size.