jssor Slider sliding behavior - slideshow

just playing around with the Jssor Slider http://www.jssor.com/ and so far it looks great!
The only concern that I have is that when you tab between for example tab 1 and tab 4, it slides through tab 2 and 3 also. The behavior that I would like is that it slides straight into which ever tab clicked. (ie. 1-4, but not 2-3 also)
Can anyone tell me if there is built in setting or a work around?


Swiper slider vertical split slider transition effect please

Hi there are a few pens which I will show to explain the transition.
Swiper link here https://swiperjs.com/get-started
I want the slide transition to be similar to this demo https://promo-theme.com/olvi/split-screen/ when you mouse scroll one side goes up and the other appears to go down.
I followed this https://codepen.io/dbridgman/pen/KZwGwL but it isn't quite right. It isn't smooth scrolling and in firefox gives a glitch when you add navigation.
I tried to add
transition: all 0.5s ease-in;
to each side but it still isn't quite right. Is there a better transition to use?

.tabViewStyle with animated swiping of tabs

Is it possible somehow to use the .tabViewStyle(.page) for animating swiping between tabs but with a look as the default style?
Basically I want the animated tab swiping but not the tiny centered tab icons that comes as a side effect of using .page instead of the default TabView.
The page feature seems more for swiping similar objects, not different tabs, but the swipe animation looks great, which is what I'm after.

Power BI Button Disappears when my mouse moves away

I have a button in Power BI.
Using the selection pane, I have this button set to be visible, however, once my mouse isn't touching it, it is no longer visible.
Any suggestions on why and how to fix it?
Edit #1:
Seems to be something with the box that I have the buttons are sitting on. One button, that is not filled, stays where it's supposed to be, but the other one that is filled, is what disappears.
When I remove the red box everything is sitting on, everything is fine. Perhaps there is some transparency option I need for the box.
Select the object that is disappearing.
Select "Format" on the ribbon at the top.
Select "Bring Forward" or "Bring to the top".
How you order things in the Selection Pane is VERY important.
This fixed my problem.
In your power bi desktop top layer tabs go view -> selection.
and from here you can select which visualization, images, buttons needs to come to forward.

How to add a scroll bar at the move list view? And user can only scroll specific area vertically

I am using MVC for my project. And I have few views in View. However, I want to know how to add a scrollbar to one view and only make that part can be scrolled vertically.
I have tried using CreateWindowW() for adding WM_VSCROLL parameter, but it does not work.
This is a TUI application, so I think the professor try to make us using a cell as bar, so you can scroll the cell up and down
In PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs), set cs.style |= WS_VSCROLL;.
You may have to respond to WM_VSCROLL to process scroll messages.
Sorry for the confusing. I am resisted to use TUI only. And I misunderstood what the professor needed. So he wanted us to move a color cell so you can scroll up and down for checking player's moves. I am making a Gomoku Game by using C++. So I figure it out, right now my move list view can move up and down for viewing full moves. Thanks for all the answers
enter image description here

Python tk scrollbar behavior (Windows to blame?)

I'm coding a GUI in Python/Tkinter that includes a listbox with a scrollbar. I've gotten the scrollbar operating as expected (i.e. you can click and it scrolls up/down through the listbox contents), but something's off with the way scrollbar itself behaves. The image below should help clarify.
The listbox is sized for 8 lines and contains only 12, so first off the slider should be a lot larger (2/3 of the scrollbar length). Second, whenever I scroll down (regardless of how I do it), the slider stays 'glued' to the top of the bar. This prevents me from ever using the upward fast-scroll method where you click above the slider but below the arrow -- so upward scrolling is limited to using the arrow and going one line at a time. A downward fast-scroll works fine, although as noted the slider still stays 'glued' to the top. I can click and drag the slider down, but then it pops right back up to the top. Clicking the arrows (either up or down) works normally.
I've tried using the alternative scrollbar in ttk, but it's not really any better:
In this case the slider fills the entire bar and you can't fast-scroll either direction, up or down. Grab-and-drag works (somehow), the listbox scrolls but you get no visual cue as to how close you are to the top or bottom. The arrows (again) work normally.
In short it's usable, but just very glitchy and weird. Is all this just a known limitation with using Python/Tkinter on Windows OS? (My machine has Windows XP (32-bit) with SP 3. It's Python version 2.7.3.)
It sounds like you aren't configuring your scrollbars correctly. You have to make a two way connection. You need to configure the listbox to know about the scrollbar (so that it updates the thumb) and you need to configure the scrollbar to know about the listbox (so that it scrolls the contents of tne listbox).
The behaviour you describe makes it sound like you forgot to do the former. Perhaps if you show us your cod we can confirm that. Are you doing something like the following?