Akka session actors in multiple nodes - akka

In this moment I have this actor session management implementation running in only one node:
1) I have a SessionManager actor that handles all sessions
2) The SessionManagerActor receives two messages: CreateSesion(id) and ValidateSesion(id)
3) When the SessionManagerActor receives CreateSesion(id) message, it creates a SessionActor using actorFor method like so:
context.actorOf(Props(new SesionActor(expirationTime)), id)
4) When the SessionManagerActor receives ValidateSesion(id) message it looks for an existing SessionActor and evaluates if exists using resolveOne method like so:
context.actorSelection("akka://system/user/sessionManager/" + id).resolveOne()
With that logic works nice but I need to implement the same behavior in multiple nodes (cluster)
My question is, which method is recommended to implement that session management behavior so that it works in one or mĂșltiple nodes?
I've read akka documentation and it provides akka-remote, akka-cluster, akka-cluster-sharding, akka-cluster-singleton, akka-distributed-publish-subscribe-cluster but I'm not sure about which one is the appropriate and the simplest way to do it. (Note that SessionActors are stateless and I need to locate them anywhere in the cluster.)

Since you have a protocol where you validate whether a session already exists or not and have a time-to-live on the session, this is technically not completely stateless. You probably would not, for example, want to lose existing sessions and spin them up again arbitrarily, and you probably don't want to have multiple sessions created per id.
Therefore, I would look at the cluster sharding mechanism, possibly in combination with akka-persistence to persist the expiration state of the session.
This will give you a fault tolerant set up with rebalancing when nodes go down or new nodes come up.
The activator template akka cluster sharding scala may be helpful for example code.


akka persistent actor testing events generated

By the definition of CQRS command can/should be validated and at the end even declined (if validation does not pass). As a part of my command validation I check if state transition is really needed. So let take a simple, dummy example: actor is in state A. A command is send to actor to transit to state B. The command gets validated and at the end event is generated StateBUpdated. Then the exact same command is send to transit to state B. Again command gets validated and during the validation it is decided that no event will be generated (since we are already in state B) and just respond back that command was processed and everything is ok. It is kind of idempotency thingy.
Nevertheless, I have hard time (unit) testing this. Usual unit test for persistent actor looks like sending a command to the actor and then restarting actor and check that state is persisted. I want to test if I send a command to the actor to check how many events were generated. How to do that?
We faced this problem while developing our internal CQRS framework based on akka persistence. Our solution was to use Persistence Query(https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5/scala/persistence-query.html). In case you haven't used it, it is a query interface that journal plugins can optionally implement, and can be used as the read side in a CQRS system.
For your testing purposes, the method would be eventsByPersistenceId, which will give you an akka streams Source with all the events persisted by an actor. The source can be folded into a list of events like:
public CompletableFuture<List<Message<?>>> getEventsForIdAsync(String id, FiniteDuration readTimeout) {
return ((EventsByPersistenceIdQuery)readJournal).eventsByPersistenceId(id, 0L, Long.MAX_VALUE)
.map(eventEnvelope -> (Message<?>)eventEnvelope.event())
new ArrayList<Message<?>>(),
(list, event) -> {
return list;
}, materializer)
Sorry if the above seems bloated, we use Java, so if you are used to Scala it is indeed ugly. Getting the readJournal is as easy as:
ReadJournal readJournal = PersistenceQuery.lookup().get(actorSystem)
.getReadJournalFor(InMemoryReadJournal.class, InMemoryReadJournal.Identifier())
You can see that we use the akka.persistence.inmemory plugin since it is the best for testing, but any plugin which implements the Persistence Query API would work.
We actually made a BDD-like test API inside our framework, so a typical test looks like this:
.given("ID1", event(new AccountCreated("ID1", "John Smith")))
.when(command(new AddAmount("ID1", 2.0)))
.then("ID1", eventApplied(new AmountAdded("ID1", 2.0)))
As you see, we also handle the case of setting up previous events in the given clause as well a potentially dealing with multiple persistenceIds(we use ClusterSharding).
From you description it sounds like you need either to mock your persistence, or at lest be able to access it's state easily. I was able to find two projects that will do that:
akka-persistence-mock which is designed for use in testing, but not actively developed.
which is very useful when testing persistent actors, persistent FSM and akka cluster.
I would recommend the latter, since it provides the possibility of retrieving all messages from the journal.

How to do queries on a collection of actors

I have an actor system that at the moment accepts commands/messages. The state of these actors is persisted Akka.Persistance. We now want to build the query system for this actor system. Basically our problem is that we want to have a way to get an aggregate/list of all the states of these particular actors. While I'm not strictly subscribing to the CQRS pattern I think that it might be a neat way to go about it.
My initial thoughts was to have an actor for querying that holds as part of its state an aggregation of the states of the other actors that are doing the "data writes". And to do this this actor will subscribe to the actors its interested to and these actors would just send the query actor their states when they undergo some sort of state change. Is this the way to go about this? is there a better way to do this?
My recommendation for implementing this type of pattern is to use a combination of pub-sub and push-and-pull messaging for your actors here.
For each "aggregate," this actor should be able to subscribe to events from the individual child actors you want to query. Whenever a child's state changes, a message is pushed into all subscribed aggregates and each aggregate's state is updated automatically.
When a new aggegrate comes online and needs to retrieve state it missed (from before it existed) it should be able to pull the current state from each child and use that to build its current state, using incremental updates from children going forward to keep its aggregated view of the children's state consistent.
This is the pattern I use for this sort of work and it works well locally out of the box. Over the network, you may have to ensure deliverability guarantees and that's generally easy to do. You can read a bit more on how to do that there: https://petabridge.com/blog/akkadotnet-at-least-once-message-delivery/
Some of Akka.Persistence backends (i.e. those working with SQL) also implement something known as Akka.Persistence.Query. It allows you to subscribe to a stream of events that are produced, and use this as a source for Akka.Streams semantics.
If you're using SQL-journals you'll need Akka.Persistence.Query.Sql and Akka.Streams packages. From there you can create a live (that means continuously updated) source of events for a particular actor and use it for any operations you like i.e print them:
using (var system = ActorSystem.Create("system"))
using (var materializer = system.Materializer())
var queries = Sys.ReadJournalFor<SqlReadJournal>(SqlReadJournal.Identifier)
queries.EventsByPersistenceId("<persistence-id>", 0, long.MaxValue)
.Select(envelope => envelope.Event)
.RunForEach(e => Console.WriteLine(e), materializer);

Django non-blocking save?

Is there's way to call save() on an model in django, without waiting for a response from the db?
You could consider this async, though I need less, as async calls usually gives you callback- which I dont need here.
So basically I want -
SomeModel.objects.bulk_create([list of objects ]) , every say 1000 objects,
Without this line blocking my code. I will have no use in these rows in my code.
I'm looking for something simple, package like celery seems to offer way more than this..
As of 2016, Django is a web framework working (for the moment, if we are ignoring channels) taking a HTTP request "as argument" and returns a HTTP response as soon as possible.
This architecture means there is no concept of asynchronous operation in the framework. If you want to delay saving and returns response to the user without waiting, you can:
either run another thread/async block (which can be tedious with database transactions...) ;
services like IronWorker that allows you to queue operations to run async a.s.a.p ;
celery, that may bring too much features for your case but will do a better than job than some homemade solution.
rq (Redis Queue) is another option for asynchronous operations (apart from those that Maxime Lorant mentions in his answer). It uses Redis as a broker (the middle man that holds the tasks) so if you are already using Redis or if you would like to add it to your project, you should consider it. It's a nice and simple solution, much simpler than celery. There is also django-rq a simple app that provides django integration for rq.
Summarizing comments
django_rq provides a management command (rqworker) that starts a worker process. Any job that is put in the queue will be executed by this process. You can either send one job to the queue for each object (a job would be a function with an object in its arguments and it will save the object in the database) or collect a list of objects and send a job with this list. In the second case you need to temporary store this list somewhere which might be tricky.
Using redis to temporary store the objects (Recommended)
I think that the most robust way to do it is to serialize objects to json and store them to a redis list. Then regularly check the length of it and when it has the desired length, you can send a job to the queue having this list in its arguments.
Using worker's memory to temporary store the objects
You could also use your worker's RAM as a temporary storage. This could be made since the worker process has its own memory. In this case the main process (the runserver) creates a job with an object. The job doesn't save the object, it just adds it to a list. You can keep appending objects to this list. Since the jobs are executed in the worker process, this list exists in the worker's memory. When it has the desirable length then you can save all objects.
But imagine the case in which you create more than one workers. In this case each job in the queue will be picked by the current free worker. So some objects will be appended in a list in the memory of worker_1, some other objects in the list of worker_2 etc. and you would have to deal with as many lists as workers.

Get reference of an actor when using a router

I am trying to process an event stream which can be "sessionized" into sessions. The plan is to use a pool of actors, where a single actor from the pool would process all events from one session (the reason is I need to maintain some session state). It seems to me that in order for me to achieve this, I would have to keep the ActorRef around for a particular actor which got assigned to a particular session. However, if I am using an actor pool by using:
val randomActor = _system.actorOf(Props[SessionProcessorActor].withRouter(RandomPool(100)), name = "RandomPoolActor")
Then, in this case, the randomActor provides ActorRef to the whole pool, not to the individual actors in the pool. How could I then achieve what I mentioned above?
One way I can think of is to send back the reference after the actor from the pool has been initialized (would probably look something like RandomPoolActor$ab etc.). This method however has a few problems, one of which is I have to use an ask pattern instead of tell, so that I don't miss an event from the same session.
Any other way to achieve this? Any other pattern to adopt?
You could use a ConsistentHashingPool which does something similar to what you are looking for. A ConsistentHashingRouter ensures that every message ends in the same actor based on a hashKey. This key would be your sessionId in your scenario. There is no need to keep ActorRefs or other references to accomplish this.
There are multiple ways of defining your hashKey in your code. I would recommend creating a case class that extends ConsistentHashable. Once done you will be required to implement the method consistentHashKey. Example:
case class HashableEnvelope(yourMsgClass: YourMsgClass) extends ConsistentHashable {
override def consistentHashKey = yourMsgClass.sessionId
Then you can define your pool like this:
val pool = system.actorOf(Props[SessionProcessorActor].withRouter(ConsistentHashingPool(100)))
Another thing to mention is that the router will ensure that all messages with the same hashKey will end up in the same actor, however, it does not ensure that a particular actor receives only messages for a given hashKey. It can receive for multiple hashKeys. That should not be a problem, just your SessionProcessorActor should be able to process a few hashKeys instead of just one.
The consistent hashing algorithm will decide which message go to each actor. You can read on wikipedia how it works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing. To distribute messages in a more evenly manner you should increase the number of virtual nodes in the configuration (default is 10):
akka.actor.deployment.default.virtual-nodes-factor = 1000
Depending on how many sessionIds and actors you have, you will see that message are getting distributed more evenly.

CQRS, multiple write nodes for a single aggregate entry, while maintaining concurrency

Let's say I have a command to edit a single entry of an article, called ArticleEditCommand.
User 1 issues an ArticleEditCommand based on V1 of the article.
User 2 issues an ArticleEditCommand based on V1 of the same
If I can ensure that my nodes process the older ArticleEditCommand commands first, I can be sure that the command from User 2 will fail because User 1's command will have changed the version of the article to V2.
However, if I have two nodes process ArticleEditCommand messages concurrently, even though the commands will be taken of the queue in the correct order, I cannot guarantee that the nodes will actually process the first command before the second command, due to a spike in CPU or something similar. I could use a sql transaction to update an article where version = expectedVersion and make note of the number of records changed, but my rules are more complex, and can't live solely in SQL. I would like my entire logic of the command processing guaranteed to be concurrent between ArticleEditCommand messages that alter that same article.
I don't want to lock the queue while I process the command, because the point of having multiple command handlers is to handle commands concurrently for scalability. With that said, I don't mind these commands being processed consecutively, but only for a single instance/id of an article. I don't expect a high volume of ArticleEditCommand messages to be sent for a single article.
With the said, here is the question.
Is there a way to handle commands consecutively across multiple nodes for a single unique object (database record), but handle all other commands (distinct database records) concurrently?
Or, is this a problem I created myself because of a lack of understanding of CQRS and concurrency?
Is this a problem that message brokers typically have solved? Such as Windows Service Bus, MSMQ/NServiceBus, etc?
EDIT: I think I know how to handle this now. When User 2 issues the ArticleEditCommand, an exception should be throw to the user letting them know that there is a current pending operation on that article that must be completed before then can queue the ArticleEditCommand. That way, there is never two ArticleEditCommand messages in the queue that effect the same article.
First let me say, if you don't expect a high volume of ArticleEditCommand messages being sent, this sounds like premature optimization.
In other solutions, this problem is usually not solved by message brokers, but by optimistic locking enforced by the persistence implementation. I don't understand why a simple version field for optimistic locking that can be trivially handled by SQL contradicts complicated business logic/updates, maybe you could elaborate more?
It's actually quite simple and I did that. Basically, it looks like this ( pseudocode)
//message handler
var entity= _repo.Get(myId);
10); //retry 10 times until giving up
long? _version;
public MyObject Get(Guid id)
//query data and version
return data.ToMyObject();
public void Save(MyObject data)
//update row in db where version=_version.Value
if (rowsUpdated==0)
//things have changed since we've retrieved the object
throw new NewerVersionExistsException();
ModelTools.TryUpdateEntity and NewerVersionExistsException are part of my CavemanTools generic purpose library (available on Nuget).
The idea is to try doing things normally, then if the object version (rowversion/timestamp in sql) has changed we'll retry the whole operation again after waiting a couple of miliseconds. And that's exactly what the TryUpdateEntity() method does. And you can tweak how much to wait between tries or how many times it should retry the operation.
If you need to notify the user, then forget about retrying, just catch the exception directly and then tell the user to refresh or something.
Partition based solution
Achieve node stickiness by routing the incoming command based on the object's ID (eg. articleId modulo your-number-of-nodes) to make sure the commands of User1 and User2 ends up on the same node, then process the commands consecutively. You can choose to process all commands one by one or if you want to parallelize the execution, partition the commands on something like ID, odd/even, by country or similar.
Grid based solution
Use an in-memory grid (eg. Hazelcast or Coherence) and use a distributed Executor Service (http://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/2.0/manual/html/ch09.html#DistributedExecution) or similar to coordinate the command processing across the cluster.
Regardless - before adding this kind of complexity, you should of course ask yourself if it's really a problem if User2's command would be accepted and User1 got a concurrency error back. As long as User1's changes are not lost and can be re-applied after a refresh of the article it might be perfectly fine.