Manually rendering subfields of a MultiValueField - django

In my Django 1.7 app, I'm trying to take advantage of the MultiValueField class to implement a password/confirm password form element, i.e. two separate password fields asking the user to enter and then confirm a new password. I already got this working with two separate fields and a clean() method on my form, but the "single" MultiValueField seems a better way of upholding the DRY principle, especially since I'll need to duplicate this not only in my user registration form, but also when users want to change their passwords.
However, my front-end is pretty specific, and not the least bit like Django's default form output, so I'm manually rendering my form fields. This works great -- until I get to the MultiValueField. For each form field, my HTML looks like this:
<div class="row collapse">
<div class="small-2 columns">
<span class="prefix"><i class="fi-mail"></i></span>
<div class="small-10 columns {% if %}error{% endif %}">
{{ }}
{% if %}<small class="error">{{ }}</small>{% endif %}
I need to do similar formatting for each of the subfields of form.password, but nothing I've tried has given me a rendered subfield; the closest I've come is {{ form.fields.password.fields.0 }} in my template, which gives me output like <app.fields.PassField object at 0x7fb619821ef0>, however this obviously isn't a rendered form field.
Is there something simple and obvious that I'm missing, or is what I'm trying to do just not possible in Django?

The code in Render only one part of a MultiWidget in Django is appropriate for your problem, as farthVader suggests.

I had a similar problem and I ended up solving it this way:
<input type="text" id="{{ form.password.html_name }}_0" name="{{ form.password.html_name }}_0" value="{{ form.password.value.0|default_if_none:'' }}"/>
<input type="text" id="{{ form.password.html_name }}_1" name="{{ form.password.html_name }}_1" value="{{ form.password.value.1|default_if_none:'' }}"/>


How can I get custom form field value from within Django Admin's response_change?

I've added a custom functionality to a model by overriding change_form.html. Basically, I'm letting users change the objects of a model if these changes were approved by the admin. I added two buttons, named accept-suggestion and decline-suggestion and I intend to handle the custom functionality through response_change method:
def response_change(self, request, obj):
if "decline-suggestion" in request.POST:
# do stuff...
if "accept-suggestion" in request.POST:
# do stuff...
Both buttons will send an e-mail to the user saying if the suggestion was declined or approaved. So far so good. The problem is that I want to add the possibility to the admin write a brief justification explaining why the suggestion was declined. So I changed change_form.html again.
<div class="submit-row">
<div class="float-left">
<a class="decline-button-outlined accordion" type="button" href="#">DECLINE SUGGESTION</a>
<div class="float-right">
<input class="accept-button" type="submit" name="accept-suggestion" value="ACEITAR SUGESTÃO">
<div class="additional-infos">
<fieldset class="module aligned">
<div class="form-row">
<label for="decline-reasons">Reasons for rejection:</label>
placeholder="If you find necessary, provide information on the reasons that led to the rejection of the suggestion"
id="decline-reasons" class="vLargeTextField" rows="5"></textarea>
<div class="submit-row">
<div class="float-right">
<input class="decline-button" type="submit" name="decline-suggestion" value="DECLINE">
Is this the best approach? If so, how can I get the value of the <textarea> above from within response_change? If not, what would you suggest?
Thank you very much!
If you add a name to your <textarea> you will be able to retrieve the contents on the server side. Without a name, the data is not being sent to the server (Django).
So something like this:
placeholder="If you find necessary, provide information on the reasons that led to the rejection of the suggestion"
id="decline-reasons" name="decline-reasons" class="vLargeTextField" rows="5"></textarea>
Should allow you to retrieve the text on the Django side with request.POST["decline-reasons"].

customise django widget in template

I have standard model form in django with Imagefield and standard widget. It made me such output on the page:
Currently: qwe/Tulips.jpg <input id="image-clear_id" name="image-clear" type="checkbox" /> <label for="image-clear_id">Clear</label><br />
Change: <input id="id_image" name="image" type="file" />
I want to place outputs of this widget in different parts of page. How can I cut it in templates.
If there is a way to use part of the output in template like {{form.name_of_field.label}} or {{form.name_of_field.errors}}
I've tried different names but no use
There must be a way to use them apart.
And yet another one who needs form styling.
I would recommend to use Widget Tweaks
<form method='POST' action="/" enctype='multipart/form-data'>
{% load widget_tweaks %}
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.first_name |add_class:"customCSS1 customCSS2" }}
{{ form.second_name |add_class:"customCSS3 customCSS4" }}
{{ }}
with this plugin you can style the form as you wish. All Css classes work. You can put each form field wherever you want on the Page. Is that what you are looking for? Your question is a bit misleading.
Hope that helps if not leave a comment :)

Using url_for_security inside a macro in Flask-Security

I'm trying to re-use my flask-security login form in a couple of different places, so I defined it as a macro like this:
{% macro loginForm(inForm) %}
<form class="form-signin" action="{{ url_for_security('login') }}" method="POST" name="loginForm">
{{ inForm.hidden_tag() }}
{{ renderFieldWithErrors(, class="form-control top", placeholder="Login ID", required=True, autofocus=True) }}
{{ renderFieldWithErrors(inForm.password, class="form-control bottom", placeholder="Password", required=True) }}
<div class="checkbox">
{{ inForm.remember() }} Remember me
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" type="submit">Sign in</button>
<p style="margin-top: 1em;">Trouble Logging In?</p>
{% endmacro %}
Unfortunately, url_for_security is undefined in this context. If I change it to url_for, it works fine, but then it says hidden_tag doesn't exist. It seems the macro doesn't have the same set of things defined as the calling context. Can this be corrected? Thanks.
Macros by default are imported with context in Jinja. From the documentation:
By default, included templates are passed the current context and imported templates are not. The reason for this is that imports, unlike includes, are cached; as imports are often used just as a module that holds macros.
This behavior can be changed explicitly: by adding with context or without context to the import/include directive, the current context can be passed to the template and caching is disabled automatically.
I encountered this problem myself, and solved it by changing the way the macros were imported in my pages:
{% import "security/_components.html" as components with context %}
Keep in mind that this will disable the caching mechanism, so depending on what the macros are doing you might experience a performance hit (although I don't have enough experience to extend on this point).
If you want to retain the caching, then the solution #stamaimer provided in his comment works without problems: url_for("security.login") instead of url_for_security("login") inside the macro.

How to individually call a form to a html in django?

First time creating a webapp in django. please bear with me.
So I have this code in my html:
<h1><font color="Orange" face="Borda">{{ template_title }}</h1>
<form method='POST' action=''>{% csrf_token %}
<font color="Orange" face="Borda" style="background-color: transparent;">{{ form }}</font>>
<input type='submit' value='SUBMIT'>
now inside {{ form }} is all the views and forms. now what I want to do is to specifically call it individually (with style).
for example if I have:
and I wanted to call them in my html as:
<label class="sr-only" for="r-form-first-name">**EMAIL/USERNAME**</label>
<input type="text" name="r-form-first-name" placeholder="First name..." class="r-form-first-name form-control" id="r-form-first-name">
How do I do that? I already have a bootstrap template prepared for my login but other documentation suggest I use crispy forms, which I dont want to. Please tell me how if there is other ways of calling it.
Since it's your first time building a django app, i suggest you take your time building it, try reading relative doc pages for the parts you're working with.
Here's an example from the docs (tailored for your case):
<div class="fieldWrapper">
{{ form.username.errors }}
<label for="{{ form.username.id_for_label }}">Your message:</label>
{{ form.username }}

Producing the right HTML semantics with Django

I usually keep it simple and use the following form syntax in my templates:
The problem with this approach is the bad semantic in the html output.
<div><input id="id_form-title" type="text" maxlength="30" name="form-title"></div>
Correct should be:
<label for="id_form-title">Title</label>
<input id="id_form-title" type="text" maxlength="30" name="form-title">
Is there a django build-in tag to do this automatically for me, or do I have to do it manually myself like this?
<label for="id_form-title">{{form.title.label}}</label>
It is indeed annoying that outputting fields one by one doesn't give you automatic access to a properly-constructed label element - doing form.as_p will correctly produce the fields plus labels, but you give up all control over the form layout.
You can build up the label tag using the field information fairly easily though:
<label for="{{ field.auto_id }}">{{ field.label }}</label>
{{ field }}
You can put this in a template tag for easier reuse.
Don't forget to also add {{ field.errors }} to display the errors associated with each field.
using label_tag should give you properly constructed label tag. So instead of just {{form.title.label}} you should use {{form.title.label_tag}} and it will result in the desired html