Is it possible reverse the scroll position in a scrollview so it scrolls from the bottom up? -

Is it possible reverse the scroll position in a scrollview so it scrolls from the bottom up?
It would be helpful to do this because it would allow me to lay the scrollview flat and stand the surfaces up and still have the first surfaces at the front.It's a bit hard to explain so I have this image Basically I am trying to scroll through these surfaces like a filing system. Is there perhaps a better way to simulate this?


Changing Order For First Responders in SwiftUI TextFields

I am working on a crossword app.
I have a SquareView that contains a Text and TextField, to show the number and letter for a particular square.
A 2D array of those SquareViews forms the grid of the puzzle.
I can navigate back and forth horizontally through the TextFields using the tab key, and all the highlighting works (current square yellow, adjacent answer squares blue, all others white or black).
My problem arises when I want to toggle navigation, to move vertically. I thought that the order in which TextFields were navigated depended on the order in which they were added, so I toggled between a VStack of HStacks (across clues, running horizontally) and HStack of VStacks (for down clues, running vertically). Nope. SwiftUI always moves from left-to-right, top-to-bottom. How can I change this? I learned from this forum about Introspect, so I can access each TextField's underlying UITextField and change ... it's color 😀, but that's not what I need. I need to be able to change order in which first responders are chosen.
Any assistance would be most welcome!

SwiftUI fullscreen horizontal swipe with dot indicator

Many apps have an intro view that has fullscreen pages with a dot indicator at the bottom. Sometimes it is used to gather same basic information, sometimes to introduce the app features.
How can I realize that?
I tried the ScrollView with a horizontal setting. The issue is to set up the content to fit the screen and have the edges snap on scroll. Second issue is the have a dotted indicator that highlights the current page.
you need to wrap UIPageControl with UIViewControllerRepresentable.

How to add a scroll bar at the move list view? And user can only scroll specific area vertically

I am using MVC for my project. And I have few views in View. However, I want to know how to add a scrollbar to one view and only make that part can be scrolled vertically.
I have tried using CreateWindowW() for adding WM_VSCROLL parameter, but it does not work.
This is a TUI application, so I think the professor try to make us using a cell as bar, so you can scroll the cell up and down
In PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs), set |= WS_VSCROLL;.
You may have to respond to WM_VSCROLL to process scroll messages.
Sorry for the confusing. I am resisted to use TUI only. And I misunderstood what the professor needed. So he wanted us to move a color cell so you can scroll up and down for checking player's moves. I am making a Gomoku Game by using C++. So I figure it out, right now my move list view can move up and down for viewing full moves. Thanks for all the answers
enter image description here

Stop Qt QGraphicsView from scrolling on re-size

I have two QGraphicsView that are of equal width, one ontop the other in a Vertical Layout.
When I re-size my application window, the QGraphicsView on the bottom does what I expect, it remains at the exact position it started at, however the top view begins to move the scene to the right exposing coordinates that are below x=0(essentially blank padding on the left edge of the View), which I do not want, I need both to behave the same because they correspond to each other.
I must have missed something, because should these views behave exactly the same? I need them to align, as the top view has hidden scroll bars and scrolls horizontally by however much the bottom view is scrolled.
Make sure your resizeAnchor is set to NoAnchor and alignment is Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop. You may need to try some other combination to work with your situation.

CGrigCtrl horizontal scrolling

How to enable horizontal scrollbar smooth scrolling for CGridCtrl. Now it jumps by fields when I scroll it from left to right.
I assume you're talking about CGridCtrl published in this CodeProject article.
If so, then you're going to have to completely override the drawing methods to offset the columns by the current scroll position (instead of calculating the first column to display from the scroll position).
To get you started, you should begin by looking at GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ) to use as an offset to begin drawing.