Is adding 1 to a number repeatedly slower than adding everything at the same time in C++? [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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If I have a number a, would it be slower to add 1 to it b times rather than simply adding a + b?
a += b;
for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) {
a += 1;
I realize that the second example seems kind of silly, but I have a situation where coding would actually be easier that way, and I am wondering if that would impact performance.
EDIT: Thank you for all your answers. It looks like some posters would like to know what situation I have. I am trying to write a function to shift an inputted character a certain number of characters over (ie. a cipher) if it is a letter. So, I want to say that one char += the number of shifts, but I also need to account for the jumps between the lowercase characters and uppercase characters on the ascii table, and also wrapping from z back to A. So, while it is doable in another way, I thought it would be easiest to keep adding one until I get to the end of a block of letter characters, then jump to the next one and keep going.

If your loop is really that simple, I don't see any reason why a compiler couldn't optimize it. I have no idea if any actually would, though. If your compiler doesn't the single addition will be much faster than the loop.

The language C++ does not describe how long either of those operations take. Compilers are free to turn your first statement into the second, and that is a legal way to compile it.
In practice, many compilers would treat those two subexpressions as the same expression, assuming everything is of type int. The second, however, would be fragile in that seemingly innocuous changes would cause massive performance degradation. Small changes in type that 'should not matter', extra statements nearby, etc.
It would be extremely rare for the first to be slower than the second, but if the type of a was such that += b was a much slower operation than calling += 1 a bunch of times, it could be. For example;
struct A {
std::vector<int> v;
void operator+=( int x ) {
// optimize for common case:
if (x==1 && v.size()==v.capacity()) v.reserve( v.size()*2 );
// grow the buffer:
for (int i = 0; i < x; ++i)
v.reserve( v.size()+1 );
v.resize( v.size()+1 );
then A a; int b = 100000; a+=b; would take much longer than the loop construct.
But I had to work at it.

The overhead (CPU instructions) on having a variable being incremented in a loop is likely to be insignificant compared to the total number of instructions in that loop (unless the only thing you are doing in the loop is incrementing). Loop variables are likely to remain in the low levels of the CPU cache (if not in CPU registries) and is very fast to increment as in doesn't need to read from the RAM via the FSB. Anyway, if in doubt just make a quick profile and you'll know if it makes sense to sacrifice code readability for speed.

Yes, absolutely slower. The second example is beyond silly. I highly doubt you have a situation where it would make sense to do it that way.
Lets say 'b' is 500,000... most computers can add that in a single operation, why do 500,000 operations (not including the loop overhead).

If the processor has an increment instruction, the compiler will usually translate the "add one" operation into an increment instruction.
Some processors may have an optimized increment instructions to help speed up things like loops. Other processors can combine an increment operation with a load or store instruction.
There is a possibility that a small loop containing only an increment instruction could be replaced by a multiply and add. The compiler is allowed to do so, if and only if the functionality is the same.
This kind of operation, generally produces negligible results. However, for large data sets and performance critical applications, this kind of operation may be necessary and the time gained would be significant.
Edit 1:
For adding values other than 1, the compiler would emit processor instructions to use the best addition operations.
The add operation is optimized in hardware as a different animal than incrementing. Arithmetic Logic Units (ALU) have been around for a long time. The basic addition operation is very optimized and a lot faster than incrementing in a loop.


Performance impact of using 'break' inside 'for-loop'

I have done my best and read a lot of Q&As on SO.SE, but I haven't found an answer to my particular question. Most for-loop and break related question refer to nested loops, while I am concerned with performance.
I want to know if using a break inside a for-loop has an impact on the performance of my C++ code (assuming the break gets almost never called). And if it has, I would also like to know tentatively how big the penalization is.
I am quite suspicions that it does indeed impact performance (although I do not know how much). So I wanted to ask you. My reasoning goes as follows:
Independently of the extra code for the conditional statements that
trigger the break (like an if), it necessarily ads additional
instructions to my loop.
Further, it probably also messes around when my compiler tries to
unfold the for-loop, as it no longer knows the number of iterations
that will run at compile time, effectively rendering it into a
Therefore, I suspect it does have a performance impact, which could be
considerable for very fast and tight loops.
So this takes me to a follow-up question. Is a for-loop & break performance-wise equal to a while-loop? Like in the following snippet, where we assume that checkCondition() evaluates 99.9% of the time as true. Do I loose the performance advantage of the for-loop?
int i = 100;
while( i-- && checkCondition())
// do stuff
for(int i=100; i; --i)
if(checkCondition()) {
// do stuff
} else {
I have tried it on my computer, but I get the same execution time. And being wary of the compiler and its optimization voodoo, I wanted to know the conceptual answer.
Note that I have measured the execution time of both versions in my complete code, without any real difference. Also, I do not trust compiling with -s (which I usually do) for this matter, as I am not interested in the particular result of my compiler. I am rather interested in the concept itself (in an academic sense) as I am not sure if I got this completely right :)
The principal answer is to avoid spending time on similar micro optimizations until you have verified that such condition evaluation is a bottleneck.
The real answer is that CPU have powerful branch prediction circuits which empirically work really well.
What will happen is that your CPU will choose if the branch is going to be taken or not and execute the code as if the if condition is not even present. Of course this relies on multiple assumptions, like not having side effects on the condition calculation (so that part of the body loop depends on it) and that that condition will always evaluate to false up to a certain point in which it will become true and stop the loop.
Some compilers also allow you to specify the likeliness of an evaluation as a hint the branch predictor.
If you want to see the semantic difference between the two code versions just compile them with -S and examinate the generated asm code, there's no other magic way to do it.
The only sensible answer to "what is the performance impact of ...", is "measure it". There are very few generic answers.
In the particular case you show, it would be rather surprising if an optimising compiler generated significantly different code for the two examples. On the other hand, I can believe that a loop like:
unsigned sum = 0;
unsigned stop = -1;
for (int i = 0; i<32; i++)
stop &= checkcondition(); // returns 0 or all-bits-set;
sum += (stop & x[i]);
might be faster than:
unsigned sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<32; i++)
if (!checkcondition())
sum += x[i];
for a particular compiler, for a particular platform, with the right optimization levels set, and for a particular pattern of "checkcondition" results.
... but the only way to tell would be to measure.

Is there significant performance difference between break and return in a loop at the end of a C function?

Consider the following (Obj-)C(++) code segment as an example:
// don't blame me for the 2-space indents. It's insane to type 12 spaces.
int whatever(int *foo) {
for (int k = 0; k < bar; k++) { // I know it's a boring loop
if (that(k))
break; // or return
A friend told me that using break is not only more logical (and using return causes troubles when someone wants to add something to the function afterwards), but also yields faster code. It's said that the processor gives better predictions in this case for jmp-ly instructions than for ret.
Or course I agree with him on the first point, but if there is actually some significant difference, why doesn't the compiler optimize it?
If it's insane to type 2 spaces, use a decent text editor with auto-indent. 4 space indentation is much more readable than 2 spaces.
Readability should be a cardinal value when you write C code.
Using break or return should be chosen based on context to make your code easier to follow and understand. If not to others, you will be doing a favor to yourself, when a few years from now you will be reading your own code, hunting for a spurious bug and trying to make sense of it.
No matter which option you choose, the compiler will optimize your code its own way and different compilers, versions or configurations will do it differently. No noticeable difference should arise from this choice, and even in the unlikely chance that it would, not a lasting one.
Focus on the choice of algorithm, data structures, memory allocation strategies, possibly memory layout cache implications... These are far more important for speed and overall efficiency than local micro-optimizations.
Any compiler is capable of optimizing jumps to jumps. In practice, though, there will probably be some cleanup to do before exiting anyway. When in doubt, profile. I don’t see how this could make any significant difference.
Stylistically, and especially in C where the compiler does not clean stuff up for me when it goes out of scope, I prefer to have a single point of return, although I don’t go so far as to goto one.

Compiler optimization for loops [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have frequently noticed the following pattern:
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(str); ++i) {
// do some operations on string
The complexity of above loop would be O(N²) because the complexity of strlen is N and that comparison is made during every iteration.
However, if we calculate strlen before the loop and use that constant, the complexity of the loop is reduced to O(N).
I am sure there are many other such optimizations.
Does the compiler carry out such optimizations or do programmers have to take precautions to prevent it?
While I don't have any solid evidence whatsoever, my guess would be this:
The compiler makes a data flow analysis of the variable str. If it's potentially modified inside the loop or marked as volatile, there is no guarantee that strlen(str) will remain constant between iterations and therefore cannot be cached. Otherwise, it should be safe to cache and would be optimized.
Yes, good optimizers are able to do this kind of transform if they can establish that the string remains unmodified in the loop body. They can pull out of loops expressions that remain constant.
Anyway, in a case where you would, say, turn all characters to uppercase, it would be hard for a compiler to infer that the string length won't change.
I personally favor a "defensive" approach, not relying on advanced compiler skills, and do the obvious optimizations myself. In case the code would be ported to a different environment, with a poorer compiler, or just in case of doubt.
Also think of the cases where optimization is off.
for (int i = 0; str[i]; ++i) {
// do some operations on string
As strlen is essentially doing this
The first step towards understanding what compilers do, can do, and can not do is to write your intentions into the code and see what happens:
const int len = strlen(str);
for (int i=0; i<len; ++I)
// do some operations which DO NOT CHANGE the length of str
Of course, it is your responsibility not to change the length of str inside the can lowercase, uppercase, swap or replace characters...something you may 'assert()' if you really care (in a debug version). In this case, you communicated your intentions to the compiler and if you are lucky and you are using a good compiler you are likely to get what you are after.
I really doubt that this optimisation would make any difference in your code: if you were doing heavy string manipulation you would (1) know whether you are working with long strings or short ones, (2) be using a library which (a) keeps explicit track of the length of strings, (b) makes (especially repeated) string concatenation cheaper as it is in C.

How do I force the compiler not to skip my function calls?

Let's say I want to benchmark two competing implementations of some function double a(double b, double c). I already have a large array <double, 1000000> vals from which I can take input values, so my benchmarking would look roughly like this:
//start timer here
double r;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i+=2) {
r = a(vals[i], vals[i+1]);
//stop timer here
Now, a clever compiler could realize that I can only ever use the result of the last iteration and simply kill the rest, leaving me with double r = a(vals[999998], vals[999999]). This of course defeats the purpose of benchmarking.
Is there a good way (bonus points if it works on multiple compilers) to prevent this kind of optimization while keeping all other optimizations in place?
(I have seen other threads about inserting empty asm blocks but I'm worried that might prevent inlining or reordering. I'm also not particularly fond of the idea of adding the results sum += r; during each iteration because that's extra work that should not be included in the resulting timings. For the purposes of this question, it would be great if we could focus on other alternative solutions, although for anyone interested in this there is a lively discussion in the comments where the consensus is that += is the most appropriate method in many cases. )
Put a in a separate compilation unit and do not use LTO (link-time optimizations). That way:
The loop is always identical (no difference due to optimizations based on a)
The overhead of the function call is always the same
To measure the pure overhead and to have a baseline to compare implementations, just benchmark an empty version of a
Note that the compiler can not assume that the call to a has no side-effect, so it can not optimize the loop away and replace it with just the last call.
A totally different approach could use RDTSC, which is a hardware register in the CPU core that measures the clock cycles. It's sometimes useful for micro-benchmarks, but it's not exactly trivial to understand the results correctly. For example, check out this and goggle/search SO for more information on RDTSCs.

Performance of comparisons in C++ ( foo >= 0 vs. foo != 0 )

I've been working on a piece of code recently where performance is very important, and essentially I have the following situation:
int len = some_very_big_number;
int counter = some_rather_small_number;
for( int i = len; i >= 0; --i ){
while( counter > 0 && costly other stuff here ){
/* do stuff */
/* do more stuff */
So here I have a loop that runs very often and for a certain number of runs the while block will be executed as well until the variable counter is reduced to zero and then the while loop will not be called because the first expression will be false.
The question is now, if there is a difference in performance between using
counter > 0 and counter != 0?
I suspect there would be, does anyone know specifics about this.
To measure is to know.
Do you think that what will solve your problem! :D
if(x >= 0)
00CA1011 cmp dword ptr [esp],0
00CA1015 jl main+2Ch (0CA102Ch) <----
if(x != 0)
00CA1026 cmp dword ptr [esp],0
00CA102A je main+3Bh (0CA103Bh) <----
In programming, the following statement is the sign designating the road to Hell:
I've been working on a piece of code recently where performance is very important
Write your code in the cleanest, most easy to understand way. Period.
Once that is done, you can measure its runtime. If it takes too long, measure the bottlenecks, and speed up the biggest ones. Keep doing that until it is fast enough.
The list of projects that failed or suffered catastrophic loss due to a misguided emphasis on blind optimization is large and tragic. Don't join them.
I think you're spending time optimizing the wrong thing. "costly other stuff here", "do stuff" and "do more stuff" are more important to look at. That is where you'll make the big performance improvements I bet.
There will be a huge difference if the counter starts with a negative number. Otherwise, on every platform I'm familiar with, there won't be a difference.
Is there a difference between counter > 0 and counter != 0? It depends on the platform.
A very common type of CPU are those from Intel we have in our PC's. Both comparisons will map to a single instruction on that CPU and I assume they will execute at the same speed. However, to be certain you will have to perform your own benchmark.
As Jim said, when in doubt see for yourself :
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace boost::posix_time;
using namespace std;
void main()
ptime Before = microsec_clock::universal_time(); // UTC NOW
// do stuff here
ptime After = microsec_clock::universal_time(); // UTC NOW
time_duration delta_t = After - Before; // How much time has passed?
cout << delta_t.total_seconds() << endl; // how much seconds total?
cout << delta_t.fractional_seconds() << endl; // how much microseconds total?
Here's a pretty nifty way of measuring time. Hope that helps.
OK, you can measure this, sure. However, these sorts of comparisons are so fast that you are probably going to see more variation based on processor swapping and scheduling then on this single line of code.
This smells of unnecessary, and premature, optimization. Right your program, optimize what you see. If you need more, profile, and then go from there.
I would add that the overwhelming performance aspects of this code on modern cpus will be dominated not by the comparison instruction but whether the comparison is well predicted since any mis-predict will waste many more cycles than any integral operation.
As such loop unrolling will probably be the biggest winner but measure, measure, measure.
Thinking that the type of comparison is going to make a difference, without knowing it, is the definition of guessing.
Don't guess.
In general, they should be equivalent (both are usually implemented in single-cycle instructions/micro-ops). Your compiler may do some strange special-case optimization that is difficult to reason about from the source level, which may make either one slightly faster. Also, equality testing is more energy-efficient than inequality testing (>), though the system-level effect is so small as to not merit discussion.
There may be no difference. You could try examining the assembly output for each.
That being said, the only way to tell if any difference is significant is to try it both ways and measure. I'd bet that the change makes no difference whatsoever with optimizations on.
Assuming you are developing for the x86 architecture, when you look at the assembly output it will come down to jns vs jne. jns will check the sign flag and jne will check the zero flag. Both operations, should as far as I know, be equally costly.
Clearly the solution is to use the correct data type.
Make counter an unsigned int. Then it can't be less than zero. Your compiler will obviously know this and be forced to choose the optimal solution.
Or you could just measure it.
You could also think about how it would be implemented...(here we go on a tangent)...
less than zero: the sign bit would be set, so need to check 1 bit
equal to zero : the whole value would be zero, so need to check all the bits
Of course, computers are funny things, and it may take longer to check a single bit than the whole value (however many bytes it is on your platform).
You could just measure it...
And you could find out that one it more optimal than another (under the conditions you measured it). But your program will still run like a dog because you spent all your time optimising the wrong part of your code.
The best solution is to use what many large software companies do - blame the hardware for not runnnig fast enough and encourage your customer to upgrade their equipment (which is clearly inferior since your product doesn't run fast enough).
< /rant>
I stumbled across this question just now, 3 years after it is asked, so I am not sure how useful the answer will still be... Still, I am surprised not to see clearly stated that answering your question requires to know two and only two things:
which processor you target
which compiler you work with
To the first point, each processor has different instructions for tests. On one given processor, two similar comparisons may turn up to take a different number of cycles. For example, you may have a 1-cycle instruction to do a gt (>), eq (==), or a le (<=), but no 1-cycle instruction for other comparisons like a ge (>=). Following a test, you may decide to execute conditional instructions, or, more often, as in your code example, take a jump. There again, cycles spent in jumps take a variable number of cycles on most high-end processors, depending whether the conditional jump is taken or not taken, predicted or not predicted. When you write code in assembly and your code is time critical, you can actually take quite a bit of time to figure out how to best arrange your code to minimize overall the cycle count and may end up in a solution that may have to be optimized based on the number of time a given comparison returns a true or false.
Which leads me to the second point: compilers, like human coders, try to arrange the code to take into account the instructions available and their latencies. Their job is harder because some assumptions an assembly code would know like "counter is small" is hard (not impossible) to know. For trivial cases like a loop counter, most modern compilers can at least recognize the counter will always be positive and that a != will be the same as a > and thus generate the best code accordingly. But that, as many mentioned in the posts, you will only know if you either run measurements, or inspect your assembly code and convince yourself this is the best you could do in assembly. And when you upgrade to a new compiler, you may then get a different answer.