Amazon EC2 unexpected billing amount - amazon-web-services

I´m quite new with Amazon Web Services. Some months ago, I created a m3.medium instance on demand. According to AWS EC2 prices, this instance is 0.077$/hour. This means 55,44$/month (november). However, I got a billing of 74.76$ (91.12$ with taxes).
I guess I have some service that I´m missing and maybe they are charging me:
In example, I have an Elastic Load Balancer. Am I getting charged for that? Actually, I have realized I had two ELB. It looks like I created it another one for testing purposes and I forgot it there.
I also have an Elastic Block Store (EBS) with 8GB of size. Am I getting charged for that? Do I really need it?
When I check my billing status, I don´t see any reference to these both two services. So, I guess they are included in the EC2 billing, right?
I don´t know where I got the idea that when you start an EC2 instances, an ELB and EBS was included with no additional charges.
As you can see, I´m quite lost with these services.

Billing information is available from the account menu (in the top-right, next to the Region menu). It will display a simple breakdown of charges by service:
More detailed billing information is available by clicking the "Bill Details" link (in the top-right). It will show a breakdown of charges by service for any selected month:
EBS charges are included under "Elastic Compute Cloud":
To answer your questions:
Elastic Load Balancer pricing
Elastic Block Store (EBS) pricing: This is the disk storage for Amazon EC2. You will be charged for any volumes from the time they are created until they are deleted.
There is also a Free Usage Tier that includes 30GB of EBS storage each month in your first year (amongst other services). If you use services within this free tier, there will be no charge.


Do i have to stop my AWS lightsail instance?

I just recently discovered AWS new service lightsail. Apparently you're charged by the month which is good, unlike EC2 that is billed by the minute.
However, there seems to be some extra costs, but i'm not able to find what it could be, should i stop my AWS lightsail instances when i'm not using them ?
As this is actually a hypothetical, yes there are a number of additional costs you can end up paying:
Exceeding your Network allowance will result in an additional charge.
Exceeding 3 million DNS queries per month.
Creating a Lightsail Snapshot
Lightsail Load Balancers.
For a more comprehensive list of potential additional costs, you can take a look at the Billing and account management section of the Lightsail FAQ.
Make sure that every static IP Adress is connected to an lightsail instance. This happened to me.

AWS EC2 Charging on Free Tier

I have enabled EC2, RDS and S3 for my spring boot application hosted on AWS. As i have selected free tier plan for those and i am really shocked that they are charging. I verified payment and can see most of the charges is for EC2 instance. I am running single instance.
Why they are charging me? How to avoid charging for the first year?
The AWS Free Tier is a billing discount. It is not a "free plan".
Each month, a certain quantity of services are included in the Free Tier. If you stay within these limits, there will be no charge.
You did not provide any details, but it seems that your usage exceeded the amounts provided under the Free Tier.
Calm down!
You can see it's charging in the Billing Dashboard that's right.
However, that's just a Forecast of your spend and at the end of the month AWS will cut zero of your money (unless you used service out of your free-tier limits)
Conclusion: The Billing Dashboard estimation doesn't separate between your usage if it's from your free-tier or not, it just estimates your usage, I know it looks stupid but that's how AWS Billing Dashboard works.
Note: In order to use the free tier you have to use both a free tier AMI and free tier instance types.
Update: to avoid that's from happening again read this link Avoiding unexpected charges

What in the relationship between EC2 instances and website volume

This is as much as of a business question as anything else. I am trying to forecast my company's server costs (AWS EC2) into the future. However, I am stumped when forecasting the server costs. Is there some approximate relationship between website traffic volume and EC2 instances or directly with EC2 costs?
Any advice would be hugely appreciated, or if you could point me to another resource (and yes I asked AWS themselves!) that would be great.
I guess you are referring "website volume" to the amount of traffic received. If yes, then there is no relation between EC2 and the website volume.
A good place to start is to use the pricing calculators[1][2] and then try understanding the pricing option. There are 3 options. On-Demand, Reserved Instances, and Spot Instances.
Are you planning to run your instances 24/7? then a reserved instance with full upfront payment can give you 75% discount.
Pricing for m3.medium instance.
OnDemand - $586.920000 annually
Reserved(1Year Upfront) $350.400000 annually
Reserved(3Year Upfront) $227.760000 annually

Turn off Amazon EC2/RDS

I am in the process of learning more about Amazon AWS. I want to turn off my Amazon Elastic Beanstalk EC2/RDS services. I have selected the minimum service entries, but I am still racking up small service charges. How do I do this?
have selected the minimum service entries, but I am still racking up
small service charges.
It isn't clear what you are saying with that sentence. Do you mean to say that you are within the limits of the free tier and yet you are still getting charged?
If you want to just "turn off" your EC2 and RDS instances then delete/terminate them. Afterwards look at the EBS snapshots and volumes, and the RDS snapshots and delete any of those that are still there. That will most likely stop the charges.
If you want to know exactly what you are being charged for so that you can zero in on the culprit you can enable detailed billing.
AWS has pretty good documentation on setting up and terminating instances. Here's a page with instructions on how to terminate an environment using the AWS Management Console:

Amazon Web service RDS Instance

How do i terminate and delete a RDS Instance that is on Amazon Web services . I successfully deleted the rds instance ystd, however it is still incurring charges on me. is it possible that I deleted it wrongly?
If you see charges even after you deleted an RDS instance, make sure:
That you didn't reserved a particular instance type ( see here for more details )
That you are checking the right region. ( On the UI right top corner, click through them and check if you don't have instances in other regions ).
If something still not clear contact aws support. They are usually pretty good at responding and helping you troubleshoot issues.
One thing to remember is that AWS bills on a monthly basis.
Unless you purchased a reserved instance of some type upfront (which is possible for RDS) you will incur a charge at the end of the month for the actual usage of the instance over the monthly billing period, even if you used it for just a few minutes.