Why is new int[n] valid when int array[n] is not? - c++

For the following code:
foo(int n){
int array[n];
I understand that this is invalid syntax and that it is invalid because the c++ standard requires array size to be set at compile time (although some compilers support the following syntax).
However I also understand the the following is valid syntax:
bar(int n){
int *array = new int[n];
I don't understand why this is allowed, isn't it the same as creating an array where the size is determined at runtime? Is it good practice to do this or should I be using a vector if I need to do this instead?

That's because the former is allocated on the stack and the latter on the heap.
When you allocate something on the stack, knowing the size of the object is essential for correctly building it. C99 allows the size to be specified at run time, and this introduces some complications in building and dismantling the aforementioned stack, since you cannot calculate its size at compile time. Machine code must be emitted in order to perform said calculation during the execution of the program. This is probably the main reason why this feature wasn't included in the C++ standard.²
On the contrary, the heap has no fixed structure, as the name implies. Blocks of any size can be allocated with no particular order, as long as they do not overlap and you have enough (virtual) memory¹. In this case, knowing the size at compile time is not that relevant.
Also, remember that the stack has a limited size, mostly to detect infinite recursions before they consume all the available memory. Usually the limit is fixed around 1MB, and you rarely reach that. Unless you allocate large objects, which should be placed in the heap.
As of what you should use, probably a std::vector<int>. But it really depends on what you are trying to do.
Also note that C++11 has a std::array class, whose size must be known at compile time. C++14 should have introduced std::dynarray, but it was postponed because there is still much work to do concerning compile-time unknown size stack allocation.
¹ blocks are usually allocated sequentially for performance reasons, but that's not required.
² as pointed out, knowing the size at compile time is not a hard requirement, but it makes things simpler.

In the first case you are allocating the memory space statically to hold the integers. This is done when the program is compiled and so the amount of storage is inflexible.
In the latter case you are dynamically allocating a memory space to hold the integers. This is done when the program is run, and so the amount of storage required can be flexible.
The second call is actually a function that talks to the operating system to go and find a place in memory to use. That same process does not happen in the first case.

int array[n] allocates a fixed-length array on the call stack at compile-time, and thus n needs to be known at compile-time (unless a compiler-specific extension is used to allow the allocation at runtime, but the array is still on the stack).
int *array = new int[n] allocates a dynamic-length array on the heap at run-time, so n does not need to be known at compile-time.

The one and only valid answer to your question is, because the standard says so.
In contrast to C99, C++ never bothered to specify variable length arrays (VLAs), so the only way to get variably sized arrays is using dynamic allocation, with malloc, new or some other memory-manager.
In fairness to C++, having runtime-sized stack-allocations slightly complicates stack-unwinding, which would also make exception-handling for the functions using the feature consequently more bothersome.
Anyway, even if your compiler provides that C99-feature as an extension, it's a good idea to always keep a really tight rein on your stack-usage:
There is no way to recover from blowing the stack-limit, and the error-case is simply left Undefined Behavior for a reason.
The easiest way to simulate VLAs in C++, though without the performance-benefit of avoiding dynamic allocation (and the danger of blowing the limit):
unique_ptr<T[]> array{new T[n]};

In the expression
new int[n]
int[n] is not the type. C++ treats "new with arrays" and "new with non-arrays" differently. The N3337 standard draft has this to say about new:
When the allocated object is an array (that is, the noptr-new-declarator syntax is used or the new-type-id or type-id denotes an array type), the new-expression yields a pointer to the initial element (if any) of the array.
The noptr-new-declarator refers to this special case (evaluate n and create the array of this size), see:
    [ expression ] attribute-specifier-seqopt
    noptr-new-declarator [ constant-expression ] attribute-specifier-seqopt
However you can't use this in the "usual" declarations like
int array[n];
or in the typedef
typedef int variable_array[n];
This is different with C99 VLAs, where both are allowed.
Should I be using vectors instead?
Yes, you should. You should use vectors all the time, unless you have a very strong reason to do otherwise (there was one time during the last 7 years when I used new - when I was implementing vector for a school assignment).

No, the second is not declaring an array. It's using the array form of operator new, and that specifically permits the first dimension to be variable.

This is because the C++ language does not have the C feature introduced in C99 known as "variable length arrays" (VLA).
C++ is lagging in adopting this C feature because the std::vector type from its library fulfills most of the requirements.
Furthermore, the 2011 standard of C backpedaled and made VLA's an optional feature.
VLA's, in a nutshell, allow you to use a run-time value to determine the size of a local array that is allocated in automatic storage:
int func(int variable)
long array[variable]; // VLA feature
// loop over array
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof array / sizeof array[0]; i++) {
// the above sizeof is also a VLA feature: it yields the dynamic
// size of the array, and so is not a compile-time constant,
// unlike other uses of sizeof!
VLA's existed in the GNU C dialect long before C99. In dialects of C without VLA's, array dimensions in a declaration must be constant expressions.
Even in dialects of C with VLA's, only certain arrays can be VLA's. For instance static arrays cannot be, and neither can dynamic arrays (for instance arrays inside a structure, even if instances of that structure are allocated dynamically).
In any case, since you're coding in C++, this is moot!
Note that storage allocated with operator new are not the VLA feature. This is a special C++ syntax for dynamic allocation, which returns a pointer type, as you know:
int *p = new int[variable];
Unlike a VLA's, this object will persist until it is explicitly destroyed with delete [], and can be returned from the surrounding scope.

Because it has different semantics:
If n is a compile-time constant (unlike in your example):
int array[n]; //valid iff n is compile-time constant, space known at compile-time
But consider when n is a runtime value:
int array[n]; //Cannot have a static array with a runtime value in C++
int * array = new int[n]; //This works because it happens at run-time,
// not at compile-time! Different semantics, similar syntax.
In C99 you can have a runtime n for an array and space will be made in the stack at runtime.
There are some proposals for similar extensions in C++, but none of them is into the standard yet.

You can allocate memory statically on the stack or dynamically on the heap.
In your first case, your function contains a declaration of an array with a possible variable length, but this is not possible, since raw arrays must have fixed size at compile time, because they are allocated on the stack. For this reason their size must be specified as a constant, for example 5. You could have something like this:
int array[5]; // raw array with fixed size 5
Using pointers you can specify a variable size for the memory that will be pointed, since this memory will be allocated dynamically on the heap. In your second case, you are using the parameter n to specify the space of memory that will be allocated.
Concluding, we can say that pointers are not arrays: the memory allocated using a pointer is allocated on the heap, whereas the memory allocated for a raw array is allocated on the stack.
There are good alternatives to raw arrays, for example the standard container vector, which is basically a container with variable length size.
Make sure you understand well the difference between dynamic and static memory allocation, the difference between memory allocated on the stack and memory allocated on the heap.


Why is it impossible to allocate an array of an arbitrary size on the stack?

Why can't I write the following?
char acBuf[nSize];
Only to prevent the stack from overgrowing?
Or is there a possibility to do something similar, if I can ensure that I always take just a few hundred kilobytes?
As far as I know, the std::string uses the memory of its members to store the assigned strings, as long as they are 15 characters or less. Only if the strings are longer, it uses this memory to store the address of some heap-allocated memory, which then takes the data.
It seems like it has to be 100%ly determined, during compile-time, how the stack will be aligned during runtime. Is that true? Why is that?
It has nothing to do with preventing stack overflow, you can overflow the stack just fine with char a[SOME_LARGE_CONSTANT]. In C++ the array size has to be known at compile time, this is among other things needed to compute the size of structures containing arrays.
C on the other hand had Variable Length Arrays since C99, which adds an exception and allow runtime dependant size for arrays within function scope. As to why C++ does not have this? It was never adopted by a C++ standard.
Why can't I write the following?
char acBuf[nSize];
Those are called Variable Length Arrays (VLA's) and aren't supported by C++. The reason being that the stack is very fast but tiny compared to the free store (the heap in your words). Which means that at any moment that you add lots of elements to a VLA your stack might just overflow and you get a vague runtime exception. This can also happen with compile-time sized stack arrays but these are way easier to catch because the behaviour of the program doesn't influence their size. Which means that x doesn't have to happen after y to create a stack overflow, it's just there right off the bat. This covers it in more detail and rage.
Containers like std::vector use the free store which is way bigger and has a way to deal with over-allocation (throws bad_alloc).
Unlike C, C++ doesn't support variable length arrays. If you want them, you can use non-standard extensions such as alloca or GNU extensions (supported by clang and GCC). They have their caveats, so be sure to read the manual to make sure you use them safely.
The reason the stack layout is mostly determined statically is so that the generated code has to perform fewer computations (additions, multiplications, and pointer dereferencing) to figure out where the data is on the stack. The offsets can instead be hardcoded into the generated machine code.
My advice is to take a look at alloca.h
void *alloca(size_t size);
The alloca() function allocates size bytes of space in the stack
frame of the caller. This temporary space is automatically freed
when the function that called alloca() returns to its caller.
One possible problem I see with VLA in C++ is the type.
What is the type of acBuf in char acBuf[nSize] or even worse in char acBuf[nSize][nSize] ?
template <typename T> void foo(const T&);
void foo(int n)
char mat[n][n];
You cannot pass that array by reference to
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
void foo_on_array(const T (&a)[N]);
You should be happy that the C++ standard discourages a dangerous practice (variable-length arrays on the stack) and instead encourages a less dangerous practice (variable-length arrays and std::vector with heap allocation).
Variable-length arrays on the stack are more dangerous because:
The available stack space is typically 8 MB, much smaller than the 2 GB (or more) of available heap space.
When the stack space is exhausted, the program crashes with SIGSEGV, and it requires special software such as GNU libsigsegv to recover from such a situation.
In typical C++ programs, the programmer does not know whether the array length will definitely stay under a limit such as 4 MB.
Why can't I write the following?
char acBuf[nSize];
You can't do that because in C++ the lenght of the array has to be known at compile time, that's because the compiler reserves the specified memory for the array and it can not be modified during runtime. it's not about prevent a stack overflow, it's about memory layout.
If you want to make a dynamic array you should use the new operator so it will be stored in heap.
char *acBuf = new char[nsize];

why does c++11 std::array using template to initialize the max_size not constructor?

c++11 uses template to define the max_size of the array (eg. std::array<int, 5> a1;) but not constructor. (eg. std::array<int>(5) a1;)
Since template is going to generate code for the class, and if I have a lot of arrays just differs in sizes, there'll be a lot of code to be generated.
(1. It may cause increase in compile time.
2. It may cause the expension of the code part of the executable file.)
Because if it didn't, it wouldn't be able to be what it is.
std::array is an array. Not a dynamically-sized array. Not a runtime-sized array. It is an array, much like int arr[5].
C++ is a statically typed language, which means that C++ types must have a compile-time defined size. arr in the above example has a size; if you do sizeof(arr), you will get sizeof(int) * 5. sizeof(std::array<int, 5>) has a size as well, which is defined by the number of elements in it. Therefore, the size must be a compile-time defined quantity, since it factors into the compile-time defined size.
The differences between std::array and regular arrays are:
Arrays will decay into pointers implicitly. std::array does not; you need to explicitly call a function to do that.
Arrays are language arrays; std::array, to the language, is a struct which contains an array.
if I have a lot of arrays just differs in sizes, there'll be a lot of code to be generated.
Yes, you might. Then again... is this a serious concern? Have you really looked at a std::array implementation?
There's not much there. T operator[](int index) { return elems[index]; } I don't think getting a couple hundred instantiations of that function is going to be a problem. Same goes for begin, size, empty, etc. You're talking about code that will almost certainly be inlined.
std::array is meant as a thin wrapper over a fixed-sized array. For a dynamically-sized array, there is std::vector.
One benefit of std::array is that it allocates memory on the stack (unless you declare a global object) with minimal overhead.
If the array size was determined by a constructor parameter, allocation would have to be on the heap and in general the resulting object would be less efficient in terms of memory usage and performance.

what is the point of having static arrays

I don't have a background in C or C++, so static arrays puzzle me a little. What are they for? Why are they allocated on the stack?
I imagine there's a performance benefit. Stack allocation is faster and there's no need for garbage collection. But why does the length need to be known at compile time? Couldn't you create a fixed-size array at runtime and allocate it on the stack?
Dynamic arays or slices in D are represented by a struct that contains a pointer and a length property. Is the same true for static arrays? How are they represented?
If you pass them to a function, they are copied in their entirety (unless you use ref), what is the rationale behind that?
I realize that dynamic arrays and slices are much more imprtant in D than static arrays, that's why the documentation doesn't dwell on them very long, but I'd still like to have a bit more background. I guess the peculiarities of static arrays have to do with how stack allocation works.
static arrays hail from the C language where calls to (the slow) alloc were discouraged to the extreme because of memory leaks (when you forgot to free the allocated array), double freeing (as a result of...), dangling pointers (all dangers of manual memory management that can be avoided with GC)
this meant that constructs such as
int foo(char* inp){
char[80] buff;
strcpy(inp,buff);//don't do this this is a invite for a buffer overflow
return 1;
were common instead of the alloc/free calls where you need to be sure everything you allocated was freed exactly once over the course of the program
technically you CAN dynamically allocate on the stack (using assembly if you want to) however this can cause some issues with the code as the length will only be known at runtime and lessen possible optimization that the compiler may apply (unrolling an iteration over it for example)
static arrays are mostly used for buffers because of the fast allocation possible on the stack
ubyte[1024] buff=void;//assigning void avoids the initializer for each element cause we are writing to it first thing anyway
ubyte[] b;
they can implicitly convert to a slice of the array (or explicitly with the slice operator []) so you can use them near interchangeably with normal dynamic arrays
Static arrays are value types in D2. Without static arrays, there would be no simple way to have 100 elements in a struct that are actually stored in the struct.
Static arrays carry their size as part of their type. This allows you to e.g. declare: alias ubyte[16] IPv6Address;
Unlike in C, D2 static arrays are value types through and through. This means that they are passed by value to functions, like structs. Static arrays generally behave like structs with N members as far as memory allocation and copying goes.
By the way, you can use alloca to allocate a variable amount of memory on the stack. C also has variable-length arrays.

What is the "proper" way to allocate variable-sized buffers in C++?

This is very similar to this question, but the answers don't really answer this, so I thought I'd ask again:
Sometimes I interact with functions that return variable-length structures; for example, FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS in Windows returns a variably-sized RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER structure.
Using malloc/free is discouraged in C++, and so I was wondering:
What is the "proper" way to allocate variable-length buffers in standard C++ (i.e. no Boost, etc.)?
vector<char> is type-unsafe (and doesn't guarantee anything about alignment, if I understand correctly), new doesn't work with custom-sized allocations, and I can't think of a good substitute. Any ideas?
I would use std::vector<char> buffer(n). There's really no such thing as a variably sized structure in C++, so you have to fake it; throw type safety out the window.
If you like malloc()/free(), you can use
RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER* ptr=new char [...appropriate size...];
... do stuff ...
delete[] ptr;
Quotation from the standard regarding alignment (expr.new/10):
For arrays of char and unsigned char, the difference between the
result of the new-expression and the address returned by the
allocation function shall be an integral multiple of the strictest
fundamental alignment requirement (3.11) of any object type whose size
is no greater than the size of the array being created. [ Note:
Because allocation functions are assumed to return pointers to storage
that is appropriately aligned for objects of any type with fundamental
alignment, this constraint on array allocation overhead permits the
common idiom of allocating character arrays into which objects of
other types will later be placed. — end note ]
I don't see any reason why you can't use std::vector<char>:
std::vector<char> raii(memory_size);
char* memory = &raii[0];
//Now use `memory` wherever you want
//Maybe, you want to use placement new as:
A *pA = new (memory) A(/*...*/); //assume memory_size >= sizeof(A);
pA->~A(); //call the destructor, once done!
}//<--- just remember, memory is deallocated here, automatically!
Alright, I understand your alignment problem. It's not that complicated. You can do this:
A *pA = new (&memory[i]) A();
//choose `i` such that `&memory[i]` is multiple of four, or whatever alignment requires
//read the comments..
You may consider using a memory pool and, in the specific case of the RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER structure, allocate pool memory amounts in accordance with its definition:
sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)
ExtentCount * sizeof(Extents)
(I am sure you are more familiar with this data structure than I am -- the above is mostly for future readers of your question).
A memory pool boils down to "allocate a bunch of memory, then allocate that memory in small pieces using your own fast allocator".
You can build your own memory pool, but it may be worth looking at Boosts memory pool, which is a pure header (no DLLs!) library. Please note that I have not used the Boost memory pool library, but you did ask about Boost so I thought I'd mention it.
std::vector<char> is just fine. Typically you can call your low-level c-function with a zero-size argument, so you know how much is needed. Then you solve your alignment problem: just allocate more than you need, and offset the start pointer:
Say you want the buffer aligned to 4 bytes, allocate needed size + 4 and add 4 - ((&my_vect[0] - reinterpret_cast<char*>(0)) & 0x3).
Then call your c-function with the requested size and the offsetted pointer.
Ok, lets start from the beginning. Ideal way to return variable-length buffer would be:
MyStruct my_func(int a) { MyStruct s; /* magic here */ return s; }
Unfortunately, this does not work since sizeof(MyStruct) is calculated on compile-time. Anything variable-length just do not fit inside a buffer whose size is calculated on compile-time. The thing to notice that this happens with every variable or type supported by c++, since they all support sizeof. C++ has just one thing that can handle runtime sizes of buffers:
MyStruct *ptr = new MyStruct[count];
So anything that is going to solve this problem is necessarily going to use the array version of new. This includes std::vector and other solutions proposed earlier. Notice that tricks like the placement new to a char array has exactly the same problem with sizeof. Variable-length buffers just needs heap and arrays. There is no way around that restriction, if you want to stay within c++. Further it requires more than one object! This is important. You cannot make variable-length object with c++. It's just impossible.
The nearest one to variable-length object that the c++ provides is "jumping from type to type". Each and every object does not need to be of same type, and you can on runtime manipulate objects of different types. But each part and each complete object still supports sizeof and their sizes are determined on compile-time. Only thing left for programmer is to choose which type you use.
So what's our solution to the problem? How do you create variable-length objects? std::string provides the answer. It needs to have more than one character inside and use the array alternative for heap allocation. But this is all handled by the stdlib and programmer do not need to care. Then you'll have a class that manipulates those std::strings. std::string can do it because it's actually 2 separate memory areas. The sizeof(std::string) does return a memory block whose size can be calculated on compile-time. But the actual variable-length data is in separate memory block allocated by the array version of new.
The array version of new has some restrictions on it's own. sizeof(a[0])==sizeof(a[1]) etc. First allocating an array, and then doing placement new for several objects of different types will go around this limitation.

Why is zero-length array allowed only if it's heap allocated?

I notice that it's not allowed to create non-heap allocated arrays of zero length.
// error: cannot allocate an array of constant length zero
char a[0];
I also notice that it's allowed to create heap allocated arrays of zero length.
// this is okay though
char *pa = new char[0];
I guess they're both guaranteed by the Standard (I don't have a copy of the Standard at hand). If so, why are they so different? Why not just allow a zero-length array on stack (or vice versa)?
This is addressed in the following Sections of the C++ Standard.
[32. The intent is to have operator new() implementable by calling malloc() or calloc(), so the rules are substantially the same. C++ differs from C in requiring a zero request to return a non-null pointer.]
And also,
5.3.4, paragraph 7
When the value of the expression in a direct-new-declarator is zero, the allocation function is called to allocate an array with no elements.
An Array of size 0 is not allowed by the C++ standard:
"If the _constant-expression+ (5.19) is present, it shall be an integral constant expression and its value shall be greater than zero."
In my understanding the rationale behind this seems to be the fact that C++ standard requires that every object must have an unique address(this is the very reason even an empty class object has size of 1).In the case of a non heap zero sized array, no objects need to be created, and hence no address is required to be given to it and hence no need of allowing it in first place.
As far as c is concerned, zero length arrays are allowed by the c standard, typically they are used to implement structures having a variable size by placing the zero length array at the end of the structure. If my memory serves my correct it is popularly called as C struct Hack.
A 0 length array isn't very useful. When you're calculating the
dimension, it can occur, and it is useful to not have to treat the case
specially in your code. Outside of new, the dimension of the array
must be a constant, not a calculated value, and if you know that the
constant is 0, why define it?
At least, that's the rationale I've heard (from people who worked on
it). I'm not totally convinced: it's not unusual in code to have to
work with symbolic constants whose value isn't known (from a header
file, or even the command line). So it probably would make sense to
allows arrays of 0 elements. And at least one compiler in the past has
allowed them, although I've forgotten which.
One frequent trick in C++ is to use such an array in a compile time
assert, something like:
char dummyToTestSomeSpecificCondition[ condition ];
This will fail to compile if the condition is false, and will compile if
it isn't. Except for that one compiler (if it still exists); I'll use
something like:
char dummyToTestSomeSpecificCondition[ 2 * condition - 1 ];
, just in case.
I think that the main reason why they behave different is that the first one:
char a[0];
is an array of size 0, and this is forbidden because its size should be by definition 0*sizeof(char), and in C or C++ you cannot define types of size 0.
But the second one:
char *pa = new char[0];
is not a real array, it is just a chunk of 0 objects of type char put all together in memory. Since a sequence of 0 objects may be useful, this is allowed. It just return a pointer past the last item, and that is perfectly fine.
To add to my argument, consider the following examples:
new int[0][3]; //ok: create 0 arrays of 3 integers
new int[3][0]; //error: create 3 arrays of 0 integers
Although both lines would alloc the same memory (0 bytes), one is allowed and the other is not.
That depends on compiler implementation/flags. Visual C++ doesn't allow, GCC allows (don't know how to disable).
Using this approach, STATIC_ASSERT may be implemented in VC, but not in GCC:
#define STATIC_ASSERT(_cond) { char __dummy[_cond];}
Even intuitively this makes sense.
Since the heap allocated method creates a pointer on the stack, to a piece of memory allocated on the heap, it's still "creating something" of size: sizeof(void*). In the case of allocating a zero length array, the pointer that exists on the stack can point anywhere, but nowhere meaningful.
By contrast, if you allocate the array on the stack, what would a meaningful zero length array object look like? It doesn't really make sense.