How to make a standalone mac app using qtcreator - c++

I have build an app using C++ and Qt on QtCreator. The result is a .app file.
Now, when I am running it from the Qt Creator it is running fine.
But when I am running it on a different machine (with no Qt installed) it is not running.
I have figured out the reason is because my .app file is not deployed properly (as there is no framework folder added in the .app)
But I am now having trouble solving it. I am following this link but not getting anywhere as it for console purely.
Is there a way I can fix it using Qt Creator?

A Qt application relies upon Qt's libraries, which must be shipped with the application, inside the built application bundle. The steps for deploying a Qt application for OS X are detailed in the documentation.
If you're not using any other libraries, besides those of Qt, you just need to run the tool macdeployqt, which is part of the Qt installation, in the bin directory. You can set this up to run as a build step in Qt Creator, but I suggest only doing it before you actually deploy the final bundle to another machine.
Calling macdeployqt will copy the necessary Qt frameworks into the bundle and setup the paths to the frameworks so that the binary in the bundle knows where to find them.
If you use any other frameworks or libraries, you need to copy those yourself and set the references to them using install_name_tool


Qmake on Windows

I have a project written in Qt that I have no problems compiling and running on Linux. The command line is:
qmake ../trunk/
The process on Linux was really simple: install a few dependencies using apt and you are off.
My task is to recompile the same program on Windows using Visual Studio C++ compiler, but the problem is I don't know how to start. There is no such thing as qmake for Windows.
Can someone give me a few hints where to start. Please note that I don't know QT almost at all, my task is just to debug some issue unrelated to QT.
Are you using terminal exclusively on Windows? If so, maybe this image of example build steps straight from Qt Creater 4.14.2 may help you:
As you can see the image of the default Qt creator build steps list the file path where 'qmake.exe' can be located on a local installation of the toolchain.
If you can use a machine with a display I find using the Qt creator GUI is not all that bad.
Here is a link to the base get started page:
Here is a link to the installer download page:
You will need to make a Qt account, login to your account, and then download the open-source version of the API. The commercial version of the same source is acquired differently/seperately.
Otherwise, if you cannot use the GUI, can I request some clarification on why you cannot use Qt creator on your Windows installation?

No SSL access from Qt C++ application run outside of QtCreator but access running inside it?

I am running Linux Mint 18.3 and QtCreator (Qt version 5.15 installed from Qt installer download from Qt site, not repository binaries for the distrubution) and developing a C++ GUI application. Because of the openSSL mismatch between native Mint SSL version and that used by Qt5.12 onwards, I have installed the OpenSSL1.1.1d binaries via the Qt Maintenance Tool and have explicitly added these libraries to my application project.
Without this step nothing works. With this step, my application runs successfully when initiated WITHIN QtCreator, but not when I just run the binaries outside of it.
I know that I must be missing something simple here, but what is QtCreator doing that enables access to SSL? I have tried creating simlinks to these libraries ( and locally within the binary directory but this has no effect.
I would like to be able to run my application without having to do so inside of QtCreator but so far I can find no workaround to allow this. Can anyone suggest what I am missing?
I can confirm that the output of calls to my QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString() function are returning empty string and "OpenSSL 1.1.1d" respectively, so I am convinced this is a runtime linking problem.

What must be installed on client machine to run a QT Quick Application?

I am developing a desktop application using QT Quick. I have been searching and reading the QT documentation ( for creating an installer and how to use windeployqt.exe and binarycreator.exe to deploy on a windows machine. So far so good , but since I want to target this application for windows XP as well.
I want to know exactly what is required to be installed on the target machine to be able to run my application when using MinGW orMSVC2015 during building, so that I may include them in my installer or make the end user download them. Just like we download .Net Framework , Visual C++ Redistributable or DirectX when installing an application.
We use windeployqt to gather all the Qt official dependencis. Two parameters of windeployqt are quite useful:
--debug or --release: determine whether your app is in debug state or release state. windeployqt will put corresponding version of DLLs to your exe's directory;
--qml and put the directory of your QML files after it. windeployqt will search your given directory and put all the QML modules to your exe's directory.
2018-11-05 10:52:34:
It seems the second parameter --qml has been changed to --qmldir.

Creating set up for Qt Project

I have Qt application on Lnux. I want to create a executable/set up for this so as to distribute it on Windows and there is no need to install Qt. I have created the executable for this by including all the dlls
but to run it user needs to go inside the folder.
I want such user do not need to go inside any folder,he can directly click the icon can run it. Or such tha user downloads the set up, and install it.
What can be done for this?
You can use the Qt Installer Framework which could be downloaded here. The Qt Installer Framework provides a set of tools to create installers for Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X.
You can compile the Installer Framework on your own, but i think using a prebuilt one is more convenient. You can see the Qt Installer Framework Manual for a complete guide on how to make off-line and on-line installers. Creating installers is described here.
A tutorial for creating simple installers for small projects is available here.

qt / creator: dyld: Library not loaded [duplicate]

I developed one Qt application in Mac using Qt creator,Its working fine on my development machine.Then I copied the project output from my build directory to a new machine without Qt framework,but its not working in that machine, Do I need to install any frame work for running Qt application in Mac. How I can include qt framework in my application when deploying the project output?
Make sure to have read Developing Qt Applications for Mac OS X.
See Qt for macOS - Deployment specifically, and Qt for macOS generally.
The binary will be in your Debug or Release folder and it will be as .app
(.app extension may be hidden )
make sure you copy that and it should work fine as the binary has all its dependencies packed together