QTabWidget I'd like to hid sub-tabs - c++

I have a QTabwidget and 4 QWidget sub-tabs and I'd like to hide 3 sub tabs when I am not using them.
With a 'Enable' button, I want the hidden sub-tabs to appear again.
In order to hide them, I tried removeTab function as below
But then, I don't know how to reinsert the hidden tabs cuz I do not have the pointer to the hidden tabs.
Or is there any other good method to hide them other than removeTab? Please let me know. It'd be really appreciated. Thanks.

You need store "copy" of your tab somewhere and insert this tab again. For example:
QMap<int,QPair<QWidget*,QString> > map;
//store index, widget and title of tab
//restore data
I can't tell you that it is the best approach, but removeTab removes tab but not your widget. So when I used this code(with QTextEdit as widget inside tab for example) and type some words, my tab was successfully restored and I didn't lose my data. If you use QIcon than you need store this icon too.

Alternatively, if you don't mind the tabs being visible so long as they can't be interacted with, you could use the setTabEnabled function.
ui->tabWidget_2->setTabEnabled( 1, enabled );
ui->tabWidget_2->setTabEnabled( 2, enabled );
ui->tabWidget_2->setTabEnabled( 3, enabled );


QT QIcon properties for custom widget in designer

I have been working for a little while now on creating a QT custom designer widget for GUI menus. The idea being that you simply drag it into the designer, select the number of frames you'd like, how many buttons per frame, etc. and it generates and sizes everything for you.
The way the widget is structured there are properties to configure each button for the frame you are in. For example, you would use the button0Text field to enter text under Button0 while editing in frame 0, then use it again to edit Button0 which is in frame 1. Both buttons would retain the individual changes for each frame.
The Problem
Normally when I switch frames all of my properties are updated to reflect the status of the frame. The exception being QIcon. The correct icon is retained in the actual graphical representation and builds correctly, however the file path in the property list is always of the last edited for that property. I think this will be extremely confusing to an end user and I have found no way to fix it. So for example, if I set text and icons in frame 0 then switch to frame 1 the text in the property list will update to reflect the state of frame 1 but the icon path names will still show my last edit in frame 0 and not the actual icon in frame 1.
I have tried things as simple as:
setProperty("button0Icon", getButton0Icon());
That code works on properties like text, but not for the icon. I try executing it immediately after changing frames.
I have also tried:
#ifndef Q_WS_QWS
QDesignerFormWindowInterface *form = QDesignerFormWindowInterface::findFormWindow(this);
QDesignerFormEditorInterface *editor = form->core();
QExtensionManager *manager = editor->extensionManager();
QDesignerPropertySheetExtension *sheet;
sheet = qt_extension<QDesignerPropertySheetExtension*>(manager, this);
int propertyIndex = sheet->indexOf("button0Icon");
sheet->setChanged(propertyIndex, true);
sheet->setProperty(propertyIndex, getButton0Icon());
int propertyIndex = this->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("button0Icon");
QMetaProperty property = this->metaObject()->property(propertyIndex);
property.write(this, QIcon());
Nothing seems to update the property list in the designer.
I have all properties, including all QIcon properties properly declared in the header file with Q_PROPERTY and assigned getter and setter functions.
To be clear, the icon values are indeed retained through each frame when compiled. So it is functioning, just unclear for most users.
If anyone has any experience with this or any ideas please let me know. Thanks.
I have discovered that QIcon does not store file names/paths. The file names are only used for the creation of the QIcon. I think this is most likely the reason I do not get any feedback in the Property Browser for my QIcon properties.
Instead I have chosen to hide this property in the designer and add three new ones. Three QUrl properties, each of which is used to supply an image file. I use three because I want to construct a QIcon that contains Modes/States for normal, disabled, and pressed operations.
I take each of these QUrls and save them in QStringLists behind the scenes so their values are stored. I then construct my QIcon using the file names provided from the QUrls.
I would much prefer to be using the native QIcon in the designer for this, any thoughts or feedback are appreciated.

Use a pointer to switch between two other pointers in Qt Creator Ui

i do have two Labels in my applications. They are both in each tab. Now i want to witch between those labels by using an pointer that switchs between those labels when tab was changed.
my ui_mainwindow.h defines:
ProLabel *imageLabel;
ProLabel *imageLabel_1;
ProLabel *imageLabel_2;
but only imageLabel_1 and imageLabel_2 are shown in the GUI. I added a third Label (imageLabel) to use it as a variable to switch between the Labels (1/2). So I wrote follwing code in a slot which proves tab changed. So if tab is changed, the other imageLabel_1/2 (pointer) should be used in the hole code, when it says: imageLabel.
my slot when tab changed:
if(tab == 0)
this->ui->imageLabel = this->ui->imageLabel_1;
this->ui->imageLabel = this->ui->imageLabel_2;
I also set the imageLabel_1 whe MainWindow is created. The Window disapear like normal. But if I try to load an image (than it should display the image in the imageLabel) it crashes.
Don't know if it was understandable. Does anybody has an idea if i can handle the pointers like that.. or how to do it different?
Thank you!
Two simpler ways: 1) Change the label contents, either the image or the text it contains, or 2) set the label to hidden with ui->label2->isVisible(false).

Is it possible to inherit QVBoxLayout and set it as layout in QWidget?

What I'm trying to accomplish:
Create 2 classes that inherit QVBoxLayout simply to set up each class with a series of different objects.
Class 1 (inherits QVBoxLayout), has QLabels to show an appointment and those labels set up with this->addWidget(labels);
Class 2 (inherits QVBoxLayout), has QLineEdits (and so on) to edit an appointment and those objects are also set up with this->addWidget(lineedits);
Is it possible to have a QWidget class then switch between these 2 layouts by calling this->setLayout(class1_object); and this->setLayout(class2_object);?
Or how would you suggest the swapping of the active objects on the widget (when clicking the edit button on the view-part or the save button on the edit-part)?
Simply use object->setShown(false);?
IMO, it's easier to use QTabWidget here.
Make a QTabWidget with 2 tabs. On Tab1, put your labels. On Tab2, put your edits. Call Tab2 something like "Edit the appointment". Now, use the currentChanged() slot for catching the tab switching.
If saving edits should be simple, all you will need to do is just to copy the edited data from edits to labels, and vice-versa.
If saving requires more than that, e.g. you want a confirmation dialog, you can permit the user to change back to Tab1 until some condition is met:
void MainWindow::on_tabWidget_currentChanged(int index)
//if the user is trying to go back to Tab1 (where the labels are)...
if(index == 0)
//...and if user didn't accept something, we just return him to the current tab
//It's probably a good idea to tell him what went wrong, too :P

Quick question about using the QTabWidget 'addTab' function

Hopefully a very quick question. In one of my functions I want to generate an 'x' number of tabs for a QTabWidget during run-time ('x' provided by user). I know I have to use the addTab function for the QTabWidget (correct me if I'm wrong), but I am unsure as to how I am supposed to use it. The qt documentation was unclear to me.
I have tried the following command to add only 1 tab as a test, but it caused the program to crash:
Since I am obviously wrong, can somebody help me use this function? I feel like I am just passing the wrong arguments to addTab.
Edit: checkBoxTabArea already has 1 tab when the program starts up (if this is any help).
If you take a look at the documentation, the addTab function says this :
int QTabWidget::addTab ( QWidget * page, const QString & label )
Adds a tab with the given page and label to the tab widget, and
returns the index of the tab in the tab bar.
So the argument you pass should not be the TabWidget you want to add the tab to, rather it should be the widget you want to add as the tab.
What you should do is something like :
QLabel *myLabel = new QLabel("Hello World", this);
ui->checkBoxTabArea->addTab(myLabel, "My Label Tab");
This will add a single tab to the tab widget, which contains myLabel.

How to set the line where a QToolBar is displayed?

I would like to ask if anyone knows how to display 2 QToolBars in two lines, one on top of the other? I found the class QStyleOptionToolBar, but I don't know how to use it...
It is easy to drag one toolbar with the mouse to be placed below the other, so I think there must be a way how this can be done from the source code as well...
Any hint would be appreciated!
Try calling QMainWindow::addToolBarBreak(Qt::ToolBarArea) in between adding the two tool bars.
I think that when you add the 2 toolbar's if you place them in the same area, they'll stack automatically:
QMainWindow *mainWin = get_main(); // however you get it
mainWin->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, new QToolBar);
mainWin->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, new QToolBar);
This should produce 2 toolbars, both at the top.
If you want toolbars to be in two lines you should do it in following manner:
firstToolbar = new QToolBar(this);
secondToolbar = new QToolBar(this);
addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, firstToolbar);
addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, secondToolbar);
addToolBarBreak accepts Qt::ToolBarArea so you can specify for which area you would like to add the break. By default it is Qt::TopToolBarArea.