I am trying to rotate a mesh about its origin using a standard arcball rotation. Whenever I click on the 3D object, I cast a ray from the mouse to find the intersection point. I measure the distance of that intersection point from the 3D object origin to create a sphere that will be used as the "arcball" in that rotation (until the mouse is released). The reason I do this at the start of every rotation is because I want the clicked point to remain under the mouse. The object rotates correctly, its just that the magnitude of the rotation is smaller and as a result the clicked point does not remain under the mouse. The following example is trying to rotate a cube. I paint a black rectangle on the texture to keep track of the initially clicked point. Here is a video of the problem:
This is the function that gets the arcball vector based on the mouse position and the radius of the sphere (arcballRadius) calculated on click (I am worried that this function does not consider the location of the cube object, although it so happens that the cube object is located at (0,0,z):
* Get a normalized vector from the center of the virtual ball O to a
* point P on the virtual ball surface, such that P is aligned on
* screen's (X,Y) coordinates. If (X,Y) is too far away from the
* sphere, return the nearest point on the virtual ball surface.
glm::vec3 get_arcball_vector(double x, double y) {
glm::vec3 P = glm::vec3(x,y,0);
float OP_squared = P.x * P.x + P.y * P.y;
if (OP_squared <= arcballRadius*arcballRadius)
P.z = sqrt(arcballRadius*arcballRadius - OP_squared); // Pythagore
static int i;
std::cout << i++ << "Nearest point" << std::endl;
P = glm::normalize(P); // nearest point
return P;
Whenever the mouse is moved
//get two vectors, one for the previous point and one for the current point
glm::vec3 va = glm::normalize(get_arcball_vector(prevMousePos.x, prevMousePos.y)); //previous point
glm::vec3 vb = glm::normalize(get_arcball_vector(mousePos.x, mousePos.y)); //current point
float angle = acos(glm::dot(va, vb)); //angle between those two vectors based on dot product
//since these axes are in camera coordinates they must be converted before applied to the object
glm::vec3 axis_in_camera_coord = glm::cross(va, vb);
glm::mat3 camera2object = glm::inverse(glm::mat3(viewMatrix) * glm::mat3(cube.modelMatrix));
glm::vec3 axis_in_object_coord = camera2object * axis_in_camera_coord;
//apply rotation to cube's matrix
cube.modelMatrix = glm::rotate(cube.modelMatrix, angle, axis_in_object_coord);
How can I make the clicked point remain under the mouse?
Set the arcball radius to the distance between the point clicked and the center of the object. In other words the first point is a raycast on the cube and the subsequent points will be raycasts on an imaginary sphere centered on the object and with the above mentioned radius.
P.S.: Check out my arcball rotation code on codereview.SE. It doesn't mess with acos and axis-angle and only normalizes twice.
I have two objects one sphere and a cone. I want cone to always face the sphere as shown in the images.
we have constructed the cone in local coordinate system in such a way, that the tip of the cone points upward the y-axis and the center is at the origin (0,0,0).
The angle between two 3D vectors would be
float fAngle = std::acos(dot(sphereVector, coneVector) / magnitude(sphereVector * magnitude(coneVector)));
For cone to be always facing the sphere it need to be rotated in all three axis based on the position of the sphere but i am getting only one angle from the maths formula.
How do i calculate all the three angles for the cone that it is always perpendicular to the sphere.
First, you need the vector where the cone should point to:
direction = center_cone - center_sphere;
Then, we assume, that you've constructed your cone in the local coordinate system in such a way, that the tip of the cone points upward the y-axis and the center is at the origin (0,0,0).
The axises to rotate are:
x_axis(1, 0, 0);
y_axis(0, 1, 0);
z_axis(0, 0, 1);
Now, you simply have to project the axises to the direction vector to get the 3 angles.
float angle(vec a, vec b)
return acos(dot(a, b) / (magnitude(a) * magnitude(b)));
vec direction = normalize(center_cone - center_sphere);
float x_rot = angle(x_axis, direction);
float y_rot = angle(y_axis, direction);
float z_rot = angle(z_axis, direction);
I'm trying to implement a camera that follows a moving object. I've implemented these functions:
void Camera::espheric_yaw(float degrees, glm::vec3 center_point)
float lim_yaw = glm::radians(89.0f);
float radians = glm::radians(degrees);
absoluteYaw += radians;
... clamp absoluteYaw
float radius = 10.0f;
float camX = cos(absoluteYaw) * cos(absoluteRoll) * radius;
float camY = sin(absoluteRoll)* radius;
float camZ = sin(absoluteYaw) * cos(absoluteRoll) * radius;
eyes.x = camX;
eyes.y = camY;
eyes.z = camZ;
lookAt = center_point;
view = glm::normalize(lookAt - eyes);
up = glm::vec3(0, 1, 0);
right = glm::normalize(glm::cross(view, up));
I want to use this function (and the pitch version) for a camera that follows a moving 3d model. Right now, it works when the center_point is the (0,1,0). I think i'm getting the position right but the up vector is clearly not always (0,1,0).
How can I get my up, view and right vector for the camera? And then, if I update the eyes position of the camera this way, how will my camera move when the other object (centered at center_position parameter) moves?
The idea is to update this each time I have mouse input with centered_value = center of the moving object. Then use gluLookAt with view, eyes and up values of my camera (and lookAt which will be eyes+view).
Following a moving object is matter of pointing the camera to that object. This is what typical lookAt function does. See the maths here and then use glm::lookAt().
The 'Arcball' technic is for rotating with the mouse. See some maths here.
The idea is to get two vectors (first, second) from positions on screen. For each vector, X,Y are taking depending on pixels "travelled" by mouse and the size of the window. Z is calculated by 'trackball' maths. With these two vectors (after normalizing them), its cross product gives the axis of rotation in camera coordinates, and its dot product gives the angle. Now, you can rotate the camera by glm::rotate()
If you go another route (e.g. calculating camera matrix on your own), then the "up" direction of the camera must be updated by yourself. Remember it's perpendicular to the other two axis of the camera.
I want to code a first person camera with its rotation stored in a quaternion. Unfortunately there is something wrong with the rotation.
The following function is responsible to rotate the camera. The parameters Mouse and Speed pass the mouse movement and rotation speed. Then the function fetches the rotation quaternion, rotates it and stores the result. By the way, I'm using Bullet Physics that is where the types and functions come from.
void Rotate(vec2 Mouse, float Speed)
btTransform transform = camera->getWorldTransform();
btQuaternion rotation = transform.getRotation();
Mouse = Mouse * Speed; // apply mouse sensitivity
btQuaternion change(Mouse.y, Mouse.x, 0); // create quaternion from angles
rotation = change * rotation; // rotate camera by that
To illustrate the resulting camera rotation when the mouse moves, I show you a hand drawing. On the left side the wrong rotation the camera actually performs is shown. On the right side the desired correct case is shown. The arrows indicate how the camera is rotate when moving the mouse up (in orange) and down (in blue).
As you can see, as long as the yaw is zero, the rotation is correct. But the more yaw it has, the smaller the circles in which the camera rotates become. In contrast, the circles should always run along the whole sphere like a longitude.
I am not very familiar with quaternions, so here I ask how to correctly rotate them.
I found out how to properly rotate a quaternion on my own. The key was to find vectors for the axis I want to rotate around. Those are used to create quaternions from axis and angle, when angle is the amount to rotate around the actual axis.
The following code shows what I ended up with. It also allows to roll the camera, which might be useful some time.
void Rotate(btVector3 Amount, float Sensitivity)
// fetch current rotation
btTransform transform = camera->getWorldTransform();
btQuaternion rotation = transform.getRotation();
// apply mouse sensitivity
Amount *= Sensitivity;
// create orientation vectors
btVector3 up(0, 1, 0);
btVector3 lookat = quatRotate(rotation, btVector3(0, 0, 1));
btVector3 forward = btVector3(lookat.getX(), 0, lookat.getZ()).normalize();
btVector3 side = btCross(up, forward);
// rotate camera with quaternions created from axis and angle
rotation = btQuaternion(up, Amount.getY()) * rotation;
rotation = btQuaternion(side, Amount.getX()) * rotation;
rotation = btQuaternion(forward, Amount.getZ()) * rotation;
// set new rotation
Since I rarely found information about quaternion rotation, I'll spend some time further explaining the code above.
Fetching and setting the rotation is specific to the physics engine and isn't related to this question so I won't elaborate on this. The next part, multiplying the amount by a mouse sensitivity should be really clear. Let's continue with the direction vectors.
The up vector depends on your own implementation. Most conveniently, the positive Y axis points up, therefore we end up with 0, 1, 0.
The lookat vector represents the direction the camera looks at. We simply rotate a unit vector pointing forward by the camera rotation quaternion. Again, the forward pointing vector depends on your conventions. If the Y axis is up, the positive Z axis might point forward, which is 0, 0, 1.
Do not mix that up with the next vector. It's named forward which references to the camera rotation. Therefore we just need to project the lookat vector to the ground. In this case, we simply take the lookat vector and ignore the up pointing component. For neatness we normalize that vector.
The side vector points leftwards from the camera orientation. Therefore it lies perpendicular to both the up and the forward vector and we can use the cross product to compute it.
Given those vectors, we can correctly rotate the camera quaternion around them. Which you start with, Z, Y or Z, depends on the Euler angle sequence which is, again, a convention varying from application to application. Since I want to rotations to be applied in Y X Z order, I do the following.
First, rotate the camera around the up axis by the amount for the Y rotation. This is yaw.
Then rotate around the side axis, which points leftwards, by the X amount. It's pitch.
And lastly, rotate around the forward vector by the Z amount to apply roll.
To apply those rotations, we need to multiply the quaternions create by axis and angle with the current camera rotation. Lastly we apply the resulted quaternion to the body in the physics simulation.
Matrices and pitch/yaw/roll both having their limitations, I do not use them anymore but use instead quaternions. I rotate the view vector and recalculate first the camera vectors, then the view matrix in regard to the rotated view vector.
void Camera::rotateViewVector(glm::quat quat) {
glm::quat rotatedViewQuat;
quat = glm::normalize(quat);
m_viewVector = glm::normalize(m_viewVector);
glm::quat viewQuat(0.0f,
viewQuat = glm::normalize(viewQuat);
rotatedViewQuat = (quat * viewQuat) * glm::conjugate(quat);
rotatedViewQuat = glm::normalize(rotatedViewQuat);
m_viewVector = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(rotatedViewQuat.x, rotatedViewQuat.y, rotatedViewQuat.z));
m_rightVector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), m_viewVector));
m_upVector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(m_viewVector, m_rightVector));
I'm currently working on a game which renders a textured sphere (representing Earth) and cubes representing player models (which will be implemented later).
When a user clicks a point on the sphere, the cube is translated from the origin (0,0,0) (which is also the center of the sphere) to the point on the surface of the sphere.
The problem is that I want the cube to rotate so as to sit with it's base flat on the sphere's surface (as opposed to just translating the cube).
What the best way is to calculate the rotation matrices about each axis in order to achieve this effect?
This is the same calculation as you'd perform to make a "lookat" matrix.
In this form, you would use the normalised point on the sphere as one axis (often used as the 'Z' axis), and then make the other two as perpendicular vectors to that. Typically to do that you choose some arbitrary 'up' axis, which needs to not be parallel to your first axis, and then use two cross-products. First you cross 'Z' and 'Up' to make an 'X' axis, and then you cross the 'X' and 'Z' axes to make a 'Y' axis.
The X, Y, and Z axes (normalised) form a rotation matrix which will orient the cube to the surface normal of the sphere. Then just translate it to the surface point.
The basic idea in GL is this:
float x_axis[3];
float y_axis[3];
float z_axis[3]; // This is the point on sphere, normalised
x_axis = cross(z_axis, up);
y_axis = cross(z_axis, x_axis);
float mat[16] = {
(sphereRad + cubeSize) * z_axis[0], (sphereRad + cubeSize) * z_axis[1], (sphereRad + cubeSize) * z_axis[2], 1 };
Where z_axis[] is the normalised point on the sphere, x_axis[] is the normalised cross-product of that vector with the arbitrary 'up' vector, and y_axis[] is the normalised cross-product of the other two axes. sphereRad and cubeSize are the sizes of the sphere and cube - I'm assuming both shapes are centred on their local coordinate origin.
I'm having little trouble whit trying to compare rotated 2D Quads coordinates to rotated x and y coordinates. I'm trying to determine if mouse was clicked inside the quad.
1) the rot's are this classes objects: (note : the operator << is overloaded for the use of the rotate coords func)
class Vector{
std::vector <float> Vertices;
Vector(float, float);
float GetVertice(unsigned int);
void SetVertice(unsigned int, float);
std::vector<float> operator <<(double);
Vector::Vector(float X,float Y){
float Vector::GetVertice(unsigned int Index){
return Vertices.at(Index);
void Vector::SetVertice(unsigned int Index,float NewVertice){
Vertices.at(Index) = NewVertice;
//Return rotated coords:D
std::vector <float> Vector::operator <<(double Angle){
std::vector<float> Temp;
Temp.push_back(Vertices.at(0) * cos(Angle) - Vertices.at(1) * sin(Angle));
Temp.push_back(Vertices.at(0) * sin(Angle) + Vertices.at(1) * cos(Angle));
return Temp;
2) Comparasion and rotation of the coordinates THE NEW VERSION
Vector Rot1(x,y),Rot3(x,y);
double Angle;
std::vector <float> result1,result3;
Rot3.SetVertice(0,NewQuads.at(Index).GetXpos() + NewQuads.at(Index).GetWidth());
Rot3.SetVertice(1,NewQuads.at(Index).GetYpos() + NewQuads.at(Index).GetHeight());
Angle = NewQuads.at(Index).GetRotation();
result1 = Rot1 << Angle; // Rotate the mouse x and y
result3 = Rot3 << Angle; // Rotate the Quad x and y
//.at(0) = x and .at(1)=y
if(result1.at(0) >= result3.at(0) - NewQuads.at(Index).GetWidth() && result1.at(0) <= result3.at(0) ){
if(result1.at(1) >= result3.at(1) - NewQuads.at(Index).GetHeight() && result1.at(1) <= result3.at(1) ){
when i run this it works perfectly at 0 angle but when you rotate the quad, it fails.
and by failing I mean the activation area seem to just disappear.
am I doing the rotation of the coordinates correctly? or is it the comparison?
if it's the comparison how would you do it properly, I have tried changing the if's but whit out any luck...
the drawing of the quad(Happens before the testing):
void Quad::Render()
glTranslatef(Xpos ,Ypos ,0.f);
glRotatef(Rotation,0.f,0.f,1.f); // same rotation is used for the testing later...
if(State != NOT_ACTIVE)
basicly I'm trying to test if mouse was clicked inside this quad:
There is more than one way to achieve what you want, But from the image you posted I assume you want to draw to a surface the same size as your screen (or window) using only 2D graphics.
As you know in 3D graphics we talk about 3 coordinate references. The first is the coordinate reference of the object or model to be drawn, the second is the coordinate reference of the camera or view and the third is the coordinate reference of the screen.
In OpenGL the first two coordinate references are established through the MODELVIEW matrix and the third is achieved by the PROJECTION matrix and the viewport transformation.
In your case you want to rotate a quad and place it somewhere on the screen. Your quad has it's own model coordinates. Let's assume that for this specific 2D quad the origin is at the center of the quad and it has the dimensions of 5 by 5. Also let's assume that if we look to the center of the quad then the X axis points to the RIGHT, the Y axis points UP and the Z axis points towards the viewer.
The unrotated coordinates of the quad will be (from bottom left clockwise): (-2.5,-2.5,0), (-2.5,2.5,0), (2.5,2.5,0), (2.5,-2.5,0)
Now we want to have a camera and projection matrices and viewport so to simulate a 2D surface with known dimensions.
//Assume WinW contains the window width and WinH contains the windows height
glViewport(0,0,WinW,WinH);//Set the viewport to the whole window
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glLoadIdentity ();
glOrtho (0, WinW, WinH, 0, 0, 1);//Set the projection matrix to perform a 2D orthogonal projection
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
glLoadIdentity ();//Set the camera matrix to be the Identity matrix
You are now ready to draw your quad an this 2D surface with dimensions WinW, WinH. In this context if you just draw your quad using it's current vertices you will have the quad drawn with it's center at the bottom left of the window with each side measuring 5 pixels so you will actually see only quarter of a quad. If you want to rotate and move it you will do something like this:
//Prepare matrices as shown above
//Viewport coordinates range from bottom left (0,0) to top right (WinW,WinH)
float dX = CenterOfQuadInViewportCoordinatesX, dY = CenterOfQuadInViewportCoordinatesY;
float rotA = QuadRotationAngleAroundZAxisInDegrees;
float verticesX[4] = {-2.5,-2.5,2.5,2.5};
float verticesY[4] = {-2.5,2.5,2.5,-2.5};
//Remember that rotate is done first and translation second
glTranslatef(dX,dY,0);//Move the quad to the desired location in the viewport
glRotate(rotA, 0,0,1);//Rotate the quad around it's origin
glVertex2f(verticesX[0], veriticesY[0]);
glVertex2f(verticesX[1], veriticesY[1]);
glVertex2f(verticesX[2], veriticesY[2]);
glVertex2f(verticesX[3], veriticesY[3]);
Now you want to know whether the click of the mouse was within the rendered quad.
Whereas the viewport coordinates start from the bottom left the window coordinates start from the top left. So when you get the mouse coordinates you have to translate them to viewport coordinates in the following way:
float mouseViewportX = mouseX, mouseViewportY = WinH - mouseY - 1;
Once you have the mouse location in viewport coordinates you need to transform it to model coordinates in the following way (Please double check the calculations since I generally use my own matrix library for that and don't calculate it by hand):
//Translate the mouse location to model coordinates reference
mouseViewportX -= dX, mouseViewportY -= dY;
//Unrotate the mouse location
float invRotARad = -rotA*DEG_TO_RAD;
float sinRA = sin(invRotARad), cosRA = cos(invRotA);
float mouseInModelX = cosRA*mouseViewportX - sinRA*mouseViewportY;
float mouseInModelY = sinRA*mouseViewportX + cosRA*mouseViewportY;
And now you can finally check if the mouse falls within the quad - as you can see this is done in quad coordinates:
bool mouseInQuad = mouseInModelX > verticesX[0] && mouseInModelY < verticesX[1] &&
mouseInModelY > verticesY[0] && mouseInModelY < verticesY[1];
Hope I didn't make too many mistakes and this puts you on the right track. If you want to deal with more complex cases and 3D then you should have a look at gluUnproject (maybe you will want to implement your own) and for even more complex scenes you may need to use a stencil or depth buffers