I am almost done with my project, but I still have one small thing that needs to be done...I need to run the entire program for each file in the directory. There are about 200 files in total. Below is the main class of the program that needs to run. I'm thinking I will put the entire thing in a do-while loop and run it until there are no more .dat files in the directory, but I'm not sure if that will work. Obviously, I'd like to replace the hard-coded file names with variables...I'm just not sure how to do that, either. Please let me know if you need clarification. I've been working on this project for a while and I'm getting kind of brain-numb. Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit My test directory is on a Windows machine, but it will be uploaded to a linux machine at school.
int main() {
NearestNeighbor face;
//string path = "C:\Users\Documents\NetBeansProjects\CSCE350";
//string searchPattern = "*dat";
// string fullSearchPath = path + searchPattern;
fstream templateData;
double data = 0.0;
templateData.open("003_template.dat", std::ios::in);
//check that the file is opened
if (!templateData.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Template: Nooooooo!\n";
//fill the templateVector with the values from templateData
std::vector<std::vector<double> > templateVector;
std::string line;
while (getline(templateData, line, '\n'))
//testing the contents of the templateVector
// cout << "TemplateVector: ";
// for (unsigned i = 0u; i != templateVector.size(); ++i) {
// std::cout << "Index[" << i << "] ";
// for(double value : templateVector[i])
// std::cout << value << " ";
// std::cout << "\n";
// }
std::ifstream inFile("003_AU01_query.dat", std::ios::in);
std::vector<double> queryVector;
double pixel = 0.0;
// Check that the file opened
if (!inFile.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Query: Nooooooo!\n";
// fill the queryVector with the query data
while (inFile >> pixel) {
// testing the content of the query vector
// for (unsigned i =0u; i < pixels.size(); i++){
// std::cout << "Index["<< i << "] " << pixels[i];
// }
// std::cout << "\n";
vector<double> theList;
/*break out each of the vectors from the templateVector and compute the scalar product*/
for (auto& vec : templateVector) {
int i;
cout << "\nscalar_product: Index[" << i << "] " << face.scalar_product(vec, queryVector);
theList.push_back(face.scalar_product(vec, queryVector));//fill theList vector with the computations
std::cout << "\n";
//make sure that the sorted products are output with their original index numbers
vector<pair<int, double> > sorted;
for(size_t i = 0.00; i != theList.size(); i++){
sorted.push_back(make_pair(theList[i], i));
//sort the scalar products and print out the 10 closest neighbors
cout << "\nVector after sort:\n";
for(size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++){
cout << "idx: " << sorted[i].second << " " << "val: " << sorted[i].first << endl;
A solution in bash:
for file in `ls`
./program $file
Of course you'd have to modify your main function to take an argument to pass to the fstream constructor:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2)
// some error handling code
ifstream templateData(argv[1]);
if (!templateData)
// more error handling
// process the file
From your code it is windows.
This code will print all the *.dat file names in your folder:
Instead of printing do whatever you like.
first You'll need to include:
#include <windows.h>
Now to the code:
const wstring dir = L"C:\\Users\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\CSCE350";
const wstring ext = L"dat";
wstring findstr = dir;
findstr += L"\\*.";
findstr += ext;
HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(findstr.c_str(),&ffd);
if(!(ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)){
wstring path = dir;
path += L"\\";
path += ffd.cFileName;
wcout<< path<<endl;
} while (FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd) != 0);
On linux you can give your program a parameter path/to/dir/*.dat and you'll get the parameters trough argv, maybe its the better solution.
But if you insist to do it with code it is like this:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
Now the code:
const string dirname = "path/to/dir";
const string ext = ".dat";
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *de;
if((dir = opendir(dirname.c_str())) == NULL) {
//error... check errno and so on
while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
//you can use stat to check if is is file or dir...
string filename(de->d_name);
if(ext = filename.substr(filename.size()-ext.size())){
Good luck
I have 2 files: main.cpp and parser.hpp
I am returning vector<vector> from a member function in class in parser.hpp. However it seems I am not getting anything in my main.cpp from the return value because when I print its size I get 0.
This is my main.cpp:
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "parser.hpp"
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream file;
csv obj;
vector<vector<string>> parsed_csv_data = obj.parse(file);
cout << parsed_csv_data.();
cout << parsed_csv_data.size();
for (int i = 0; i < parsed_csv_data.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < parsed_csv_data[i].size(); j++)
cout << parsed_csv_data[i][j] << '\t';
cout << endl;
This is my parser.hpp
using namespace std;
class csv
vector<vector<string>> parse(ifstream &file)
string str;
vector<vector<string>> parsed_data;
while (getline(file, str))
vector<string> parsed_line;
while (!str.empty())
int delimiter_pos = str.find(',');
string word = str.substr(0, delimiter_pos);
// cout << word << " ";
if (delimiter_pos == -1)
str = str.substr(delimiter_pos + 1);
// cout << str << endl;
return parsed_data;
void print_parsed_csv(ifstream &file)
vector<vector<string>> parsed_csv_data = parse(file);
cout << parsed_csv_data.size();
for (int i = 0; i < parsed_csv_data.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < parsed_csv_data[i].size(); j++)
cout << parsed_csv_data[i][j] << '\t';
cout << endl;
I am getting correct cout output in parse() only. print_parsed_csv() in parser.hpp and the cout in main.cpp both are giving 0 as the variable's size.
How do I resolve this?
The first time you call obj.parse the stream object is read from until you get to the end of the file. You need to either reopen the file or reset file to point back to the beginning of the file after reading from it.
You pass the same file variable to each of the three functions below but only the first one works. The first call to obj.parse moves where file is pointing in the input file. When obj.parse exits the first time, file is pointing to the end of the file so when it's used in the subsequent 2 calls, there's nothing to read.
obj.parse(file); // <-- this works fine
obj.print_parsed_csv(file); // <-- this fails
vector<vector<string>> parsed_csv_data = obj.parse(file);fails
// ^^^^^^^^^- this fails
See this question for answers on how to reset the ifstream to the beginning of the file.
I am trying to parse Json files using JsonCpp library. but I am facing a problem Which I can not fix it. the code shown below is working perfectly when I am parsing one file but when I added the part which iterates over files in directory the program crashes.
The first function is used to search in a certain directory for Json files and save their names in vector of string (results).
In main function, the program starts by defining the extension required (.json) then calling search function. after that I tried to open each file to parse it.
Finally, Thanks and I really appreciate any kind of help.
#include "jsoncpp.cpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "json.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<string> results; // holds search results
// recursive search algorithm
void search(string curr_directory, string extension){
DIR* dir_point = opendir(curr_directory.c_str());
dirent* entry = readdir(dir_point);
while (entry){ // if !entry then end of directory
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR){ // if entry is a directory
string fname = entry->d_name;
if (fname != "." && fname != "..")
search(entry->d_name, extension); // search through it
else if (entry->d_type == DT_REG){ // if entry is a regular file
string fname = entry->d_name; // filename
// if filename's last characters are extension
if (fname.find(extension, (fname.length() - extension.length())) != string::npos)
results.push_back(fname); // add filename to results vector
entry = readdir(dir_point);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// read Files list
string extension; // type of file to search for
extension = "json";
// setup search parameters
string curr_directory = "/Users/ITSGC_Ready2Go/3dMap";
search(curr_directory, extension);
// loop over files
//if (results.size()){
//std::cout << results.size() << " files were found:" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int z = 0; z < results.size(); ++z){ // used unsigned to appease compiler warnings
// Opening the file using ifstream function from fstream library
cout <<results[z].c_str()<<endl;
Json::Value obj;
Json::Reader reader;
ifstream test(results[z].c_str());
//test.open (results[z].c_str(), std::fstream::in );
// Selection objects inside the file
//test >> obj;
// Parsing ID object and returning its value as integer
// cout << "id :" << stoi(obj["id"].asString()) <<endl;
// Parsing Line object with its internal objects
const Json::Value& lines = obj["lines"];
for (int i=0; i<lines.size();i++){
cout << "index : " << i << endl;
cout << "id:" << lines[i]["id"].asString() <<endl;
cout << "type:" << lines[i]["type"].asString() <<endl;
cout << "function:" << lines[i]["function"].asString() <<endl;
cout << "color:" << lines[i]["color"].asString() <<endl;
const Json::Value& poly = lines[i]["polyPoints"];
for (int j=0; j<poly.size();j++){
cout << "batch#"<<j<<endl;
cout << "latitude" << poly[j]["latitude"].asFloat()<<endl;
cout << "longitude" << poly[j]["longitude"].asFloat()<<endl;
cout << "altitude" << poly[j]["altitude"].asFloat()<<endl;
// Reading the OccupancyGrid object
// OccupancyGrid object is copied into constant to parse the arrays inside
const Json::Value& occupancyGrid = obj["occupancyGrid"];
cout << occupancyGrid.size() <<endl;
// The size of occupancyGrid is the used as number of iterations (#of rows)
for (int l=0; l<occupancyGrid.size();l++){
// Arrays inside occupancyGrid are copied into constant to parse the elements inside each array
const Json::Value& element = occupancyGrid[l];
// iterations over the size of the array in order to parse every element
cout << "row" << l << "--> ";
for (int k=0;k<element.size();k++){
cout << element[k].asFloat();
if(k<element.size()-1){ cout<< ",";}
cout << endl;
// Parsing roadSigns object as found in the file
// Need to understand the difference between format in the mail and the 1456 file
const Json::Value& roadsigns = obj["roadSigns"];
cout << "ArrayType: " << roadsigns["_ArrayType_"].asString()<<endl;
const Json::Value& ArraySize = roadsigns["_ArraySize_"];
for(int t=0;t<ArraySize.size();t++){
cout << ArraySize[t].asInt();
if (t<ArraySize.size()-1){ cout << " , ";}
cout<< endl;
if (roadsigns["_ArrayData_"].asString().empty()) {
cout << "ArrayData: "<<roadsigns["_ArrayData_"].asFloat(); }
else { cout << "ArrayData: empty "; }
cout <<endl;
cout << "Done" << endl;
cout << "...." << endl;
cout << "...." << endl;
// std::cout << "No files ending in '" << extension << "' were found." << std::endl;
Without access to the JSON library I can't help you too much, but the first obvious place for potential crashes would be if (fname.find(extension, (fname.length() - extension.length())) != string::npos). You need to make sure that your file name is longer than the size of your extension before making that call.
Also, for extremely deep directory trees you should put a limit on recursion, and all OSes I know of have some sort of character limit on directory and file names.
I created a vector of vector (10*10000) and try to access this vector through member function. but I got a segmentation fault. I don't know what's wrong here...
Here is Simple.h
class Simple
std::vector<double> data_row;
std::vector<std::vector<double> > data;
Simple():data_row(10000), data(10, data_row){};
/*initialize data vector*/
int getSampleCounts(std::istream &File);
/*return number of packet samples in this file*/
Result getModel(std::istream &File);
/*return average and variance of simple delta time*/
void splitData (std::istream &File, const int & sample_in_fold);
#endif /* SIMPLE_H */
here is Simple.cpp
void Simple::splitData(std::istream& File, const int & sample_in_fold) {
double value = 0.0;
bool isFailed = true;
int label = 0;
while (File >> value) {
// for each value, generate a label
label = rand() % 10; // generate label between 0 to 9
while (isFailed) {
// segmentation fault in the next line!
std::cout << "current data size is: " << this->data.size() <<endl;
std::vector<double>::size_type sz = this->data[label].size();
if (sz <= sample_in_fold) {
std::cout << "current size is " << sz << "< samples in fold: " << sample_in_fold << endl;
std::cout << "push_back succeed!" << endl;
isFailed = false;
} else {
std::cout << "label " << label << "if full. Next label. \n";
label = rand() % 10;
sz = this->data[label].size();
and I'm attaching the main file here.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib> // for system())
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <vector>
#include <limits.h> // for PATH_MAX
#include "Complex.h"
#include "Result.h"
#include "Simple.h"
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
struct dirent *pDirent;
DIR *pDir;
std::string line;
// check for args
if (argc == 1) {
printf("Usage: ./main + folder name. \n");
return 1;
pDir = opendir(argv[1]);
if (pDir == NULL) {
printf("Cannot open directory '%s' \n", argv[1]);
return 1;
// readdir returns a pointer to the next direcctory entry dirent structure
while ((pDirent = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) {
// get file name and absolute path
char *name = pDirent->d_name;
char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
realpath(name, buf);
// std::cout << "Current file is: " << (pDirent->d_name) << endl;
if (has_suffix(pDirent->d_name, ".txt")) {
printf("[%s]\n", pDirent->d_name);
//printf("absolute path is %s. \n", buf);
ifstream infile;
// open file with absolute path
infile.open(buf, ios::in);
if (!infile) {
cerr << "Can't open input file " << buf << endl;
//processing for simple pattern
if (has_suffix(name, "testfile.txt")) {
Simple* simple_obj;
int number = simple_obj->getSampleCounts(infile);
Result simplerst = simple_obj->getModel(infile);
std::cout << "Number of delta time is " << number << endl;
write_to_file(pDirent->d_name, simplerst);
// divide data into k = 10 folds, get number of data in each fold
int sample_in_fold = floor(number / 10);
std::cout << sample_in_fold << std::endl;
simple_obj->splitData(infile, sample_in_fold);
} else {
// printf("This is not a txt file. Continue\n");
return 0;
And here is a sample testfile.txt. I only copied part of the original file, for illustration.
Here is Result.h
#ifndef RESULT_H
#define RESULT_H
typedef struct Result {
double average;
double sigma;
and getModel function in Simple.cpp:
Result Simple::getModel(std::istream &File) {
double value = 0.0;
double average = 0.0;
double sum = 0.0;
double counter = 0.0;
double sumsqr = 0.0;
double var = 0.0;
double sigma = 0.0;
while (File >> value) {
sum += value;
sumsqr += value * value;
average = sum / counter;
var = sumsqr / counter - average * average; //E(x^2) - (E(x))^2
sigma = sqrt(var);
std::cout << "average is " << average << std::endl;
std::cout << "std deviation is " << sigma << std::endl;
Result result = {average, sigma};
return result;
One issue right away:
Simple* simple_obj;
int number = simple_obj->getSampleCounts(infile);
simple_obj is an uninitialized pointer, thus your program exhibits undefined behavior at this point.
Why use a pointer anyway? You could have simply done this to avoid the issue:
Simple simple_obj;
Also, this line may not be an issue, but I'll mention it anyway:
Result simplerst = simple_obj->getModel(infile);
We already know that in your original code, simple_obj is bogus, but that's not the issue here. If Result is an object, and that object does not have correct copy semantics, then that assignment will also cause undefined behavior.
You've got a couple of uses of endl without specifying std::endl (they're not the same thing - you always have to type the std:: ). Is endl silently referring to another variable somewhere else?
I've been looking at this for a while in the debugger while Googling around, but I think I've stumbled upon some C++ behavior that I'm not familiar with. I'm going to give a quick outline on what I'm doing and what/where the problem is. I'll put code block below.
The rough outline of what's happening is:
Created a custom class (LogReader) to handle a single log file.
LogReader contains a pointer to an ifstream (ifstream *log_file)
The ifstream is used with getline() in the constructor, this works fine.
The LogReader is placed in a vector.
The code below for main.cpp is using the LogReader directly (without the vector). The segfault occurs in both cases.
LogReader.advance() is called. getline() is used in this function. The segfault occurs here (commented in LogReader.cpp).
Thanks for any help on what C++ behaviors I'm missing that might be causing this!
EDIT: Not placing the LogReader into a vector removes the segfault (failing elsewhere now, but not a problem). The change is commenting the following line out in main.cpp
I guess now the question is why using std::vector is causing this problem.
using namespace std;
class LogReader {
LogReader(){} // private default constructor
ifstream *log_file; // file the log is read from
vector<int> val_locations; // offsets in line for values
string next_line; // next line from the file
int current_time; // time for most recent reading
string current_line;
int next_time; // what is the next time in the file
vector<string> current_vals; // what the current vals are
LogReader(string log_loc, vector<int> offsets); // given a file to start on
bool advance(int new_time); // advance the log reader, return true if advanced
bool has_more(); // is there more in the log
// c++ imports
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// my imports
#include "LogReader.h"
#include "functions.h"
using namespace std;
LogReader::LogReader(string log_loc, vector<int> offsets){
// make the file reader
ifstream lf(log_loc);
log_file = &lf;
// pull out the first line
getline(*log_file, current_line);
cout << current_line << endl;
// get the set of current values
val_locations = offsets;
for(int i = 0; i < val_locations.size(); i++) {
// get the current time
current_time = stoi(get_line_part(current_line, 0));
// pull down the next line
getline(*log_file, next_line);
cout << next_line << endl;
// get the next time
next_time = stoi(get_line_part(next_line, 0));
bool LogReader::advance(int new_time){
if(new_time < next_time)
return false; // nothing to do, current still good
cout << "can check time" << endl;
// update the time and values
current_time = next_time;
current_line = next_line;
cout << "can do housekeeping" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < val_locations.size(); i++) {
cout << "can push in new values" << endl;
// move the line
if(!getline(*log_file, next_line)) { // **SEGFAULT**
// no more lines
cout << "no more lines" << endl;
next_time = -1;
return true;
cout << "got the line" << endl;
// update the time as well
next_time = stoi(get_line_part(next_line, 0));
return true;
bool LogReader::has_more(){
return next_time != -1;
// c imports
#include <time.h>
// c++ imports
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
// my imports
#include "LogReader.h"
#include "functions.h"
// custom shorter namespaces
namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
// used namespaces
using namespace std;
void update_line(int *current_time, string *current_line,
ifstream *current_file){
if(!getline(*current_file, *current_line)){
*current_time = -1;
try {
*current_time = stoi(get_line_part(*current_line, 0));
} catch (int e) {
cout << "update line, bad stoi on time" << endl;
cout << *current_line << endl;
throw e;
void update_vals(vector<float*> vals, string line) {
for(int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) {
// offset for fact that first two are time and sensor
try {
*(vals.at(i)) = stof(get_line_part(line, 2 + i));
} catch (int e) {
cout << "update_vals, bad stof for " << i << endl;
cout << line << endl;
throw e;
string get_correct_file(string name, vector<string> options) {
for(int i =0; i < options.size(); i++) {
string option = options.at(i);
if(boost::algorithm::contains(option, name)){
return option;
return string("");
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// open the base dir
bfs::path base_dir("log/");
if(!bfs::exists(base_dir) && !bfs::is_directory(base_dir)){
cout << "Bad base directory" << endl;
return 1;
// create a vector of the possible traces
vector<string> traces;
for(bfs::directory_iterator iter(base_dir);
iter != bfs::directory_iterator(); iter++) {
stringstream trace_path;
trace_path << iter->path().string();
int trace_index = user_choose_option(traces);
// load that directory
bfs::path trace_dir(traces.at(trace_index));
if(!bfs::exists(base_dir) && !bfs::is_directory(base_dir)){
cout << "Selected a bad trace directory" << endl;
return 1;
// get the image directory
cout << "loading image directory" << endl;
string img_path_string = trace_dir.string();
stringstream img_path_stream;
img_path_stream << img_path_string << "/img/";
bfs::path img_dir(img_path_stream.str());
if(!bfs::exists(img_dir) && !bfs::is_directory(img_dir)){
cout << "no image directory" << endl;
return 1;
// get image list, ends up in sorted order from naming conventions
cout << "getting image paths" << endl;
vector<string> image_paths;
for(bfs::directory_iterator iter(img_dir);
iter != bfs::directory_iterator(); iter++) {
stringstream image_path;
image_path << iter->path().string();
// get the data traces
cout << "loading data traces" << endl;
vector<string> log_paths;
vector<string> label_paths;
string trace_path_string = trace_dir.string();
for(bfs::directory_iterator iter(trace_path_string);
iter != bfs::directory_iterator(); iter++) {
string cur_file = iter->path().string();
cout << cur_file << endl;
if(boost::algorithm::contains(cur_file, "label-")) {
} else if(boost::algorithm::contains(cur_file, "log-")) {
cout << endl;
// temp for reading in line parts
// istringstream temp;
cout << "getting log readers" << endl;
// choose the label file to use, get first line
int label_index = user_choose_option(label_paths);
vector<int> label_offsets;
LogReader label_reader(label_paths.at(label_index), label_offsets);
ifstream label_file(label_paths.at(label_index));
string label_line;
getline(label_file, label_line);
int label_time;
temp.str(get_line_part(label_line, 0));
temp >> label_time;
string label_current = get_line_part(label_line, 1);
// get the accel
string accel_path = get_correct_file("accel", log_paths);
vector<int> accel_offsets;
LogReader accel_reader(accel_path, accel_offsets);
vector<LogReader*> readers;
vector<bool> updated;
// readers.push_back(&accel_reader);
// updated.push_back(true);
int l_time = current_time_min(readers);
while(label_reader.has_more() ){ // || accel_reader.has_more()) {
// figure out what time to advance to
int n_time;
cout << label_reader.has_more() << endl;
if(same_current_time(readers)) {
n_time = next_time_min(readers);
} else {
n_time = current_time_nextmin(readers);
cout << n_time << endl;
cout << label_reader.current_line << endl;
// advance all the readers
for(int i = 0; i < readers.size(); i++) {
cout << "loop " << i << endl;
// keep track of which values updated
cout << "can get from vector" << endl;
bool advanced = readers.at(i)->advance(n_time);
cout << advanced << endl;
if(advanced) {
updated.at(i) = true;
} else {
updated.at(i) = false;
// sanity check printing
for(int i = 0; i < readers.size(); i++) {
cout << readers.at(i)->current_line << endl;
// deal with statistics here
ifstream accel_file(accel_path);
string accel_line;
getline(accel_file, accel_line);
int accel_time;
temp.str(get_line_part(accel_line, 0));
temp >> accel_time;
float accel_current_x = stof(get_line_part(accel_line, 2));
float accel_current_y = stof(get_line_part(accel_line, 3));
float accel_current_z = stof(get_line_part(accel_line, 4));
vector<float*> accel_vals;
// get the sprox
string sprox_path = get_correct_file("sprox", log_paths);
ifstream sprox_file(sprox_path);
string sprox_line;
getline(sprox_file, sprox_line);
int sprox_time;
temp.str(get_line_part(sprox_line, 0));
temp >> sprox_time;
float sprox_current = stof(get_line_part(sprox_line, 2));
vector<float*> sprox_vals;
// get the lprox
string lprox_path = get_correct_file("lprox", log_paths);
ifstream lprox_file(lprox_path);
string lprox_line;
getline(lprox_file, lprox_line);
int lprox_time;
temp.str(get_line_part(lprox_line, 0));
temp >> lprox_time;
float lprox_current = stof(get_line_part(lprox_line, 2));
vector<float*> lprox_vals;
// get the light
string light_path = get_correct_file("light", log_paths);
ifstream light_file(light_path);
string light_line;
getline(light_file, light_line);
int light_time;
temp.str(get_line_part(light_line, 0));
temp >> light_time;
float light_current = stof(get_line_part(light_line, 2));
vector<float*> light_vals;
// int time_current = min(label_time, min(sprox_time,
// min(lprox_time, min(accel_time,
// light_time))));
// variables for processing here
int total_time = 0;
map<string, int> label_counts;
while(label_time != -1 || accel_time != -1 || sprox_time != -1
|| lprox_time != -1 || light_time != -1) {
if(label_time != -1 && time_current > label_time) {
update_line(&label_time, &label_line, &label_file);
if(label_line.size() > 0) // if last label, don't overwrite
label_current = get_line_part(label_line, 1);
if(accel_time != -1 && time_current > accel_time) {
update_line(&accel_time, &accel_line, &accel_file);
if(accel_line.size() > 0) // if last line, don't overwrite
update_vals(accel_vals, accel_line);
if(sprox_time != -1 && time_current > sprox_time) {
update_line(&sprox_time, &sprox_line, &sprox_file);
if(sprox_line.size() > 0) // if last line, don't overwrite
update_vals(sprox_vals, sprox_line);
if(lprox_time != -1 && time_current > lprox_time) {
update_line(&lprox_time, &lprox_line, &lprox_file);
if(lprox_line.size() > 0) // if last line, don't overwrite
update_vals(lprox_vals, lprox_line);
if(light_time != -1 && time_current > light_time) {
update_line(&light_time, &light_line, &light_file);
if(light_line.size() > 0) // if last line, don't overwrite
update_vals(light_vals, light_line);
// Processing happens here
if(label_counts.count(label_current) == 0)
// not in map
label_counts[label_current] = 0;
// post processing happens here
cout << "Labels Counts:" << endl;
for(map<string, int>::iterator it = label_counts.begin();
it != label_counts.end(); it++) {
cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << " -> ";
cout << 1.0 * it->second / total_time << endl;
Your program exhibits undefined behavior since you are using a pointer to an object that has been deleted.
ifstream lf(log_loc);
log_file = &lf;
if gets deleted when the constructor returns and you are still holding on to a pointer to the object.
Change log_file to an object instead of a pointer.
Hi I'm working on a program that reads in two files and i want to display the files content in their own columns for ex.
File1 File2
Time data Time data
I'm not quit sure how to create columns as such, I already have the code to read in the files and perform the functions needed its the output I'm stumped on. If anyone has any suggestions or help that would be awesome. Thanks! PS. This is NOT Homework Related.
I would do something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int readLines(const std::string& fileName1, const std::string& fileName2)
string line1;
string line2;
ifstream file1 (fileName1.c_str());
ifstream file2 (fileName2.c_str());
if (file1.is_open() && file2.is_open())
cout << setw(20) << left << "File1" << "File2" << endl;
bool done;
done = file1.eof() && file2.eof();
while (!done)
getline (file1, line1);
getline (file2, line2);
line1.erase(std::remove(line1.begin(), line1.end(), '\n'), line1.end());
line2.erase(std::remove(line2.begin(), line2.end(), '\n'), line2.end());
cout << setw(20) << left << (file1.eof() ? "" : line1) << (file2.eof() ? "" : line2) << endl;
done = file1.eof() && file2.eof();
cout << "Unable to open some file";
return 0;
int main ()
std::string fileName1("example1.txt");
std::string fileName2("example2.txt");
readLines(fileName1, fileName2);
return 0;
It really depends on what tools you are planning to use...
You can use some version of "curses" (a library with console manipulation functions such as "go to this position", "print text in green", etc), and then just walk around the screen as you like.
Or you could just read the files into separate variables and then print from each file in a loop. This requires no special codding. Just use an array or vector for the files themselves and the data you read from them.
Something like this:
const int nfiles = 2;
const char *filenames[nfiles] = { "file1.txt", "file2.txt" };
ifstream files[nfiles];
for(int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
if (!files[i].open(filenames[i]))
cerr << "Couldn't open file " << filenames[i] << endl;
bool done = false;
int errs = 0;
std::string data[nfiles];
for(int i = i < nfiles; i++)
if (!(files[i] >> data[i]))
data[i] = "No data";
if (errs == nfiles)
done = true;
for(int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
... display data here ...