Convert SpriteKit Particle Emitter to plist - cocos2d-iphone

I want to use SpriteKit's particle Emitter to generate particles for my Cocos2D video game. The particle is exported into an .sks file, and I need it to be in a .plist file format for this to work on my Cocos2D game any ideas?

technically it already is a plist file. sks is actually just a binary plist file.
you can convert it back to an xml plist using plutil. eg. plutil -convert xml1 some.sks
it needs to be conveyed back into binary format before you can use Xcode to edit the sks again though.
I doubt highly that the resulting plist file would be even the slightest bit like the plist cocos2d would be looking for though. I have no cocos experience so I don't know what it needs.


Render 360 videos in Direct2D

I'm looking to import 360 videos into my video sequencer with the ability to change the view port at runtime.
For sample, I downloaded this vimeo video:
As far as I understand technically, this is a common H264/H265 format which reads as such in my application already:
So as I get it, it's all a point of which area to render and how to transform it.
Is there a Source Reader interface that can handle the transform ? All I could find is the MediaPlayer UWP example ( which does not render manually.
If not, is there some protocol that explains the methods of rendering of such videos? I found this OpenGL-based ( which I could try to understand if there isn't something easier.
Is there a hint in the MP4 file that it should be rendered as 3D ?
I also found How to make 360 video output in opengl which has a shader that I can port to Direct2D.
I know the question is a big vague perhaps, but couldn't find any usable C++ code so far.

Convert CocosBuilder CCB to PNG

I have a bunch of CCB files that consist of CCSprite and 4-5 layers - no animations.
I need a way to convert these CCBs to flat PNG images.
Creating Smart Sprite Sheets is not good, as it saves each layer as different sprite on the sheet and I need those merged. How would I do this?
I'm not sure why you would want to do this....but if you really want a png file of a ccb file, why don't you take a screenshot of your file's layout in spritebuilder/cocosbuilder and save it as a png?
I have to agree with everyone that this sounds like a strange request. But, if you really need to save the result of loading CCB into PNG image you can try to use CCRenderTexture.

C++ library/file format for exporting 3D skeletal animations?

I'm writing an application for creating 3D skeletal animations. I'm currently using Blender for modeling/rigging, export, then load and render the model with OGRE. But I'm stuck when it comes to exporting.
I'd like to be able to export the finished animated model/scene to some known file format, so that it can be imported back into Blender for rendering. So what's the best way to get the animated skeleton/armature back into Blender?
I think COLLADA is the way to go when it comes to file formats. I'm unsure about the library. FCOLLADA is dead, I'm not sure how up-to-date it is. The latest version of Assimp had COLLADA export functionality added to it, but unfortunately not for animation yet. There's OpenCOLLADA, which doesn't seem to be well documented, but there's two plug-ins which are probably better examples than any tutorial. Lastly there's COLLADA DOM.
Have you heard about FBX? It is widely used as an exchange format for geometry and animation. It support bones/joints which should fit for your skeletal animation.
Autodesk Page:

Loading meshes from .obj (or any other) File into DirectX9/C++ project

Currently I have a 3D Cube that I drew by writing coordinates, that can rotate and move on a black screen.
Now I have a Model that I created in "3Ds Max"(It's a little backyard with high stonewalls, so I'm trying to use it as my world object.) and I want to load this model into my DirectX9/C++ project.
As far as I see in DirectX SDK examples this code is for loading .X model (which needs a plugin for "3Ds Max" to export that kind of extension. I'm not sure of this.)
Code for loading .X files into DX9/C++:
D3DXLoadMeshFromX( "Tiger.x", D3DXMESH_SYSTEMMEM,
g_pd3dDevice, NULL, &pD3DXMtrlBuffer, NULL,
&g_dwNumMaterials, &g_pMesh )
Is there a function like "D3DXLoadMeshFromOBJ(.....)" to load an Object? How do I load and render .OBJ files? 8(
Another question of mine is what is the difference between an .X file and an .OBJ file and which of them should I use?
AFAIK, DirectX does not support wavefront object files out of the box. You will need an external mesh loader for that purpose.
I can remember, that in the DX 10 SDK is a sample of how to load an .obj file, I think the sample is called MeshFromOBJ10. I don't know if it is of any use in DirectX 9.
As far as I know, the standard .x just supports basic meshes with no enhancements such as animation. If you want to try out graphical programming it is not bad, but if you are aiming for higher concepts you can later switch. I guess you can look up the advantages of the .obj files here.
It is always a good idea to create an abstraction for the input data you are using. For example, you could create a class AbstractMesh and an implementation XMesh deriving from it. Later on, you can than add other implementations like OBJMesh or anything similar.
I hope I could help you a bit :) Happy Coding!
Animation is full supported in x file format, and furthermore, it support fx files when you want to use shaders. A exporter plugin and samples you can download from this page:

Using Blender/SketchUp Models in OpenGL

I'm making a renderer using OpenGL. I have textured models in Blender / Sketchup (I can exchange between the two easily), and I'd like to be able to export those files into my renderer. My initial idea was to simply export the raw faces and render those triangles, but I'd like to easily slice my texture files into texture coordinates as well.
By that, I mean that my model faces get carved into triangles. You can see in this image (reproduced below) that my curve becomes 24 triangles. I would like to know what texture coordinates to use for each triangle.
Would a DAE file be the easiest way to do that? I've been reading the specs for the format and it looks easy enough. I think I could parse the XML and faithfully recreate the models in OpenGL. I'm wondering if there is an easier way (i.e. one that doesn't reinvent the wheel).
If you're comfortable with parsing the .dae-format, sure use it. However, if you're only interested in exporting textured triangle meshes I would consider using the .obj format which is much more simple to parse. From what I can tell both Sketchup and Blender can export this format.
If binary formats don't scare you, I'd suggest writing a Blender & Sketchup plug-in and exporting the geometry pre-baked into packed vertex arrays.
The beautiful thing about this method is that there's no parsing or type conversion in your app. Everything is ready to be sent to the GPU in simple contiguous memory copies. Great for static geometry.
A stripped down blender exporter looks something like this:
import bpy, struct
from Blender import *
self.fh = open("MyFileName", "w")
m =["MyMeshName"]
faces = m.faces
for face in faces:
for (vertex, uv) in zip(face.verts, face.uv):
self.fh.write(struct.pack('<fff', * # coords
self.fh.write(struct.pack('<fff', * # normals
self.fh.write(struct.pack('<ff', uv.x, uv.y)) # uvs
If you wish to parse .dae files, i would suggest to look into Collada parsers.
.dae is actually the extension for Collada files, the latest effort from the Khronos group (maintainers of OpenGL) to have a single unified file format for 3D data exchange.
As for the existing parsers, here is what I've come across:
collada-dom, the reference implementation. As the name suggests, it is just an abstraction of the XML tree.
FCollada, a nicer abstraction. However, this project has been dead for almost two years, and, from what I've gathered, it is unlikely that we'll see any update in the future.
OpenCollada, a recent new effort. Haven't tried it, but there is an active community behind it.
That being said, if your only goal is loading a simple piece of geometry with vertices, normals and texture coordinates, going with the .obj file format might be a quicker way.
Any decent file format used by modeling programs (such as Blender or Sketchup) will include all information necessary to recreate the geometry you see. This should include the geometry type (e.g. triangle strips, individual triangles, etc), the vertices and normals for the geometry, the material properties used, and also the textures used along with the appropriate texture coordinates. If anything is lacking from a potential file format, choose another one.
If you think that parsing XML is simple, then I hope you're planning on using existing libraries to do this, such as expat, Xerces, or some other language specific implementation.
When considering import/export, first try to find an open source library that can handle the import for you and make the data available to your program in a reasonable format. If that's not available, and you must write your own importer, then try to find a simple ASCII (not XML-based) or binary format that fits your needs. PLY might be suitable. Only as a a last resort, would I recommend trying to implement an importer for an XML-based format.
There's also:
Lib3DS -
LibOBJ (won't let me post link)
You should take a look at:
The sketchup team provides a C++ COM server for free. Using this, you can get access to lots of information about a .skp file.
You should be able to use this COM server to write a .skp importer for your application.
You should try to get the .tlb file if you can. This will give you access to smart pointers, which will simplify your importer (COM client)
I used the version 6 SDK (which included the tlb file). The current version of the SDK does not appear to include this file.
Someone posted a solution (for the missing tlb file) on the developer forums: