GATE plugin creation - gate

I want to write my first plugin for GATE, but don't know how to start:
From this "tutorial" I copy & pasted the given source code, created a .jar-file and put it together with a .xml file in a new directory under the "plugins"-directory. The .xml-file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<JAR SCAN="true">cooccurrences.jar</JAR>
When I try to load it in GATE, I get this:
gate.util.GateException: couldn't open creole.xml
at gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl.registerDirectories(
at gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl.registerDirectories(
at gate.gui.creole.manager.AvailablePlugins.updateAvailablePlugins(
at gate.gui.creole.manager.PluginUpdateManager$
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class gate.cooccurrences.Cooccurrences
at java.lang.Class.asSubclass(
at gate.creole.ResourceData.getResourceClass(
at gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl.put(
at gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl.put(
at gate.creole.CreoleXmlHandler.endElement(
at org.jdom.output.SAXOutputter.endElement(
at org.jdom.output.SAXOutputter.element(
at org.jdom.output.SAXOutputter.elementContent(
at org.jdom.output.SAXOutputter.elementContent(
at org.jdom.output.SAXOutputter.element(
at org.jdom.output.SAXOutputter.output(
at gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl.processFullCreoleXmlTree(
at gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl.parseDirectory(
at gate.creole.CreoleRegisterImpl.registerDirectories(
Is there something I've missed? What else do I need besides the JAR and XML ?

From the error message, it seems that your class gate.cooccurrences.Cooccurrences is not a subclass of gate.Resource. This is mandatory, otherwise GATE could not handle your stuff...


opencv\modules\core\src\persistence.cpp:2697: error: (-27) NULL or empty buffer in function cvOpenFileStorage

I am trying to run a facedetection application and I get the following error:
Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file.
What() is:..\..\..\..\opencv\modules\core\src\persistence.cpp:2697: error: (-27)
NULL or empty buffer in function cvOpenFileStorage
If you're using haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml, check the xml file content.
The first 3 lines should be:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Stump-based 24x24 discrete(?) adaboost frontal face detector.
I inadvertently downloaded the html that linked to the haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml file instead of the xml itself and got the same error you did.
You should provide some code and information.Nevertheless the error indicates that it can not access the haarcascade file. I suggest you make sure you have the "xml" in the same folder as your code (e.g. "") and check permissions. additionally Assuming you are using Objective-c or swift:
1-check the file is in your Xcode project; and, if it is,
2-check it's included in the 'Copy Bundle Resources' phase underneath your selected Target (in the project tree view on the left in the normal Xcode window layout) and, if it is,
3-look inside the generated application bundle (find your product, right click, select 'Reveal in Finder', from Finder right click on the app and select 'Show Package Contents', then look for your file in there) to make sure that it's there.
I've got the same problem, and then I figure out what's the problem
Add file haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml to xcode project
make sure when you add the xml file with option below:
Destination: Copy items if need [check]
Added Folder: Create Folder References [check]
Add to targets: Your Project target [check]
in you file add this code to your obj-c function:
const NSString* cascadePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:#"haarcascade_frontalface_default" ofType:#"xml"];
or in case you wanna load the xml file, use this code:
cv::CascadeClassifier classifier;
const NSString* cascadePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:#"haarcascade_frontalface_default" ofType:#"xml"];
classifier.load([cascadePath UTF8String]);
this actually fixes my problem, anywaythis question has been questioned for a long time but I hope someone face this problem can come to this answer and help them solve their problem like mine, cheer.

Xerces, xpaths, and XML namespaces

I'm trying to use xerces-c in order to parse a rather massive XML document generated from StarUML in order to change some things, but I'm running into issues getting the xpath query to work because it keeps crashing.
To simplify things I split out part of the file into a smaller XML file for testing, which looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XPD:UNIT xmlns:XPD="" version="1">
<XPD:OBJ name="Attributes[3]" type="UMLAttribute" guid="onMjrHQ0rUaSkyFAWtLzKwAA">
<XPD:ATTR name="StereotypeName" type="string">ConditionInteraction</XPD:ATTR>
All I'm trying to do for this example is to find all of the XPD:OBJ elements, of which there is only one. The problem seems to stem from trying to query with the namespace. When I pass a very simple xpath query of XPD:OBJ it will crash, but if I pass just OBJ it won't crash but it won't find the XPD:OBJ element.
I assume there's some important property or setting that I'm missing during initialization that I need to set but I have no idea what it might be. I looked up all of the properties of the parser having to do with namespace and enabled the ones I could but it didn't help at all so I'm completely stuck. The initialization code looks something like this, with lots of things removed obviously:
const tXercesXMLCh tXMLManager::kDOMImplementationFeatures[] =
// Instantiate the DOM parser.
fImplementation = static_cast<tXercesDOMImplementationLS *>(tXercesDOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(kDOMImplementationFeatures));
if (fImplementation != nullptr)
fParser = fImplementation->createLSParser(tXercesDOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, nullptr);
fConfig = fParser->getDomConfig();
// Let the validation process do its datatype normalization that is defined in the used schema language.
//fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization, true);
// Ignore comments and whitespace so we don't get extra nodes to process that just waste time.
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMComments, false);
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMElementContentWhitespace, false);
// Setup some properties that look like they might be required to get namespaces to work but doesn't seem to help at all.
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgXercesUseCachedGrammarInParse, true);
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces, true);
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMNamespaceDeclarations, true);
// Install our custom error handler.
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, &fErrorHandler);
Then later on I parse the document, find the root node, and then run the xpath query to find the node I want. I'll leave out the bulk of that and just show you where I'm running the xpath query in case there's something obviously wrong there:
tXercesDOMDocument * doc; // Comes from parsing the file.
tXercesDOMNode * contextNode; // This is the root node retrieved from the document.
tXercesDOMXPathResult * xPathResult;
doc->evaluate("XPD:OBJ", contextNode, nullptr, tXercesDOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE), xPathResult);
The call to evaluate() is where it crashes somewhere deep inside xerces that I can't see very clearly, but from what I can see there are a lot of things that look deleted or uninitialized so I'm not sure what's causing the crash exactly.
So is there anything here that looks obviously wrong or missing that is required to make xerces work with XML namespaces?
The solution was right in front of my face the whole time. The problem was that you need to create and pass a resolver to the evaluate() call or else it will not be able to figure out any of the namespaces and will throw an exception. The crash seems to be a bug in xerces since it's crashing on trying to throw the exception when it can't resolve the namespace. I had to debug deep into the xerces code to find it, which gave me the solution.
So to fix the problem I changed the call to evaluate() slightly to create a resolver with the root node and now it works perfectly:
tXercesDOMDocument * doc; // Comes from parsing the file.
tXercesDOMNode * contextNode; // This is the root node retrieved from the document.
tXercesDOMXPathResult * xPathResult;
// Create the resolver with the root node, which contains the namespace definition.
tXercesDOMXPathNSResolver * resolver(doc->createNSResolver(contextNode));
doc->evaluate("XPD:OBJ", contextNode, resolver, tXercesDOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE), xPathResult);
// Make sure to release the resolver since anything created from a `create___()`
// function has to be manually released.

"Unexpected line" exception when using component load rules for RTC Jazz build engine

I have a component named MyComponent with the following folder structure in RTC:
And this is what I have in my loadrules.txt file::
I've specified the loadrules.txt file in my build definition for this component as the component load rule, but when the build runs, I'm getting the following exception when it tries to fetch the files: Unexpected line "versionableName=/MyProject/TestFile.txt" encountered in build load rules for component "MyComponent"
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've tried following the example here but I can't figure why it's not working for me. Regardless of what I put in the loadrules.txt file (nothing/empty string, random garbage text, etc.), I still get this exception for the first line of the file.
This is in RTC 3.0
This kind of error is likely to be an encoding issue.
One way to test that is to create the loadrules.txt through the scm command-line interface, as detailed in "Reference > Source control command line reference > scm > create"
scm create loadrules [options]
The OP holic87 confirms:
I just used Notepad++ to recreate the text file and it's working as expected now.

Post data on Web using C++ Script

I am using TestComplete 7. In this for configuration I have to post XML on web at specified IP and port address. I am using C++ Scripting language. How can I do this? or if there is other way to do same using interface and without scripting??
Looks like you need something like this:
XmlHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");"POST", "http://camera.ip/configuration_page", false);
XmlHttpRequest.send("<?xml version="1.0" ?> <Config> <Video_Input_Source>IP CAM 3</Video_Input_Source> </Config>");
This is JScript. This code will work in a C++Script TC project.
But there may be problems with the "new ActiveXObject" statement in a C++ application if you put the code there. So, you will need to modify the code to use a different way to create the same "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0" object in your C++ app. The idea remains the same.

Reading a file from Java Servlet

I wrote some code to read a file in my Java Servlet class. (I'm using Netbeans on Windows along with Tomcat server). However, my servlet cannot find the file!
After much digging, I found that I had to place the file I wanted to read in Tomcat/bin folder. That's very surprising. How can I get the path to my Webapps/ folder? Let's assume my website project is called "Web1".
Essentially what I'm doing is I'm trying to read my .xsl file for converting my DOM Document to be an HTML. At first I tried placing this .xsl file everywhere (at the same level as my index.jsp, in the same directory as my servlet class file, etc...but didnt work at all)
Also, when I finished transform(), my HTML file also goes into the Tomcat/bin folder~!
Can you use javax.servlet.ServletContext.getRealPath(String path)?
Returns a String containing the real path for a given virtual path. For example, the path "/index.html" returns the absolute file path on the server's filesystem would be served by a request for "http://host/contextPath/index.html", where contextPath is the context path of this ServletContext..
The real path returned will be in a form appropriate to the computer and operating system on which the servlet container is running, including the proper path separators. This method returns null if the servlet container cannot translate the virtual path to a real path for any reason (such as when the content is being made available from a .war archive).
Where are you consuming that XSL? If from your Java code place the file into src/java/resources so it will end up in the top of your classpath when the WAR is assembled /WEB-INF/classes/foo.xsl. Then you can use Class#getResource("foo.xsl") or even better if you are using DOM4J or equivalent there are ways of loading the file.
Now if it is you JavaScript that performs the transformation on the client that's a different story
Something like this might be more convenient for you: url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(file_name);
try {
InputStream is = url.openStream());
//Read the file and do stuff
} catch(IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: could not load the file");
This will allow you to get an InputStream for a file within the classpath (in your case, something in the webapps folder). As for writing results, I'm not sure.