Qt GUI becomes unresponsive emitting signals too fast - c++

I've got a small chat client that stores all history in an sqlite database. When the user clicks on the history tab in my application my app fetches all the relevant history and displays it in a QWebView. Im fetching from a background thread dbThread below and then sending signals to update the QWebView accordingly.
This works fine, until the database grows. When the database gets larger the app starts to almost crashes. GUI is unresponsive for a few seconds until everything is loaded (4-6 secs) depending on the database size.
I've tried to add Qt::QueuedConnection on the signals and also like mentioned above I'm handling all database queries from a background thread.
I'm guessing that I'm emitting signals too fast. Any ideas how to solve this?
connect(dbtrad, SIGNAL(addAllHistoryMessage(QString, QString, QString, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(addAllHistoryMessage(QString, QString, QString, QString, QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(dbtrad, SIGNAL(addAllHistoryMessageInner(QString, QString, QString, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(addAllHistoryMessageInner(QString, QString, QString, QString, QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
Code that fetches history from the sqlite database:
// Loads all local history
void dbThread::loadAllHistory(QString agentID, QString agentName) {
bool ret = false;
bool retInner = false;
QString retVal = "";
QDateTime dateTime = dateTime.currentDateTime();
QString dateTimeForTodayCheck = dateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
if (db.isOpen()) {
QSqlQuery query(db);
QSqlQuery queryInner(db);
ret = query.exec(QString("SELECT channelID, sender, time, message from chatHistory WHERE sender != 'ServerMessage' AND channelID NOT LIKE '%Agent%' GROUP BY channelID order by time DESC;"));
if (ret) {
while (query.next()) {
QString channelID = query.value(0).toString();
QString sender = query.value(1).toString();
QString time = query.value(2).toString();
QString msg = query.value(3).toString();
QString timeStr;
QString fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";
QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromString(time, fmt);
QDateTime dtCompare = QDateTime::fromString(time, fmt);
if(dateTimeForTodayCheck == dtCompare.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")) { // If today
timeStr = "Today " + dt.toString("hh:mm");
} else {
timeStr = dt.toString("dd MMM yyyy");
if(sender == agentID) {
sender = agentName;
// Grab all the tags
QString tempTagsForChannelID = getHistoryTagsString(channelID);
emit addAllHistoryMessage(channelID, sender, timeStr, msg, tempTagsForChannelID);
// Load sub-history
retInner = queryInner.exec(QString("SELECT * from chatHistory WHERE sender != 'ServerMessage' AND channelID = '%1' and message != '%2' order by time DESC;").arg(channelID).arg(msg));
if (retInner) {
while (queryInner.next()) {
QString channelIDInner = queryInner.value(0).toString();
QString senderInner = queryInner.value(1).toString();
QString timeInner = queryInner.value(4).toString();
QString msgInner = queryInner.value(2).toString();
QString timeStr2;
QString fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";
QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromString(timeInner, fmt);
QDateTime dtCompare = QDateTime::fromString(timeInner, fmt);
if(dateTimeForTodayCheck == dtCompare.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")) { // If today
timeStr2 = "Today " + dt.toString("hh:mm");
} else {
timeStr2 = dt.toString("dd MMM yyyy");
if(senderInner == agentID) {
senderInner = agentName;
emit addAllHistoryMessageInner(channelIDInner, senderInner, timeStr2, msgInner, tempTagsForChannelID);
My code to update:
void MainWindow::addAllHistoryMessageInner(QString channelIDInner, QString senderInner, QString timeStr2, QString msgInner, QString tempTagsForChannelID) {
ui->webViewHistory->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("$('#history tbody').append('<tr id=\"" + channelIDInner+ "\" class=\"hiddenRow\"><td>" + senderInner + "</td><td align=\"center\">" + timeStr2 + "</td><td align=\"center\" style=\"word-wrap:break-word;\">" + msgInner.remove(QRegExp("<[^>]*>")) + "</td><td align=\"center\">" + tempTagsForChannelID + "</td></tr>');undefined");
void MainWindow::addAllHistoryMessage(QString channelID, QString sender, QString timeStr, QString msg, QString tempTagsForChannelID) {
ui->webViewHistory->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("$('#history tbody').append('<tr id=\"" + channelID + "\"><td>" + sender + "</td><td align=\"center\">" + timeStr + "</td><td align=\"center\" style=\"word-wrap:break-word;\">" + msg.remove(QRegExp("<[^>]*>")) + "</td><td align=\"center\" style=\"word-wrap:break-word;\">" + tempTagsForChannelID + "</td></tr>');undefined");
Edit: Implementation of dbThread
thread = new QThread(this);
dbtrad = new dbThread();
Edit 2: This is how I call loadAllHistory
I create a signal:
connect(this, SIGNAL(loadAllHistoryS(QString, QString)), dbtrad, SLOT(loadAllHistory(QString, QString)));
And call it like this:
emit loadAllHistoryS(agentID, agentName);

The problem is, that your main thread is interrupted for every single row in the innerQuery. This destroys the benefits of loading the data in separate thread. Probably the overhead of the signal/slot communication over thread boundaries is even higher than the costs of loading a single row from the database.
I would recommend to collect the rows in a QList instance the while loop. When done, push the complete result via one signal invocation to the main thread:
First declare a simple class for storing history items:
class HistoryItem {
QString channelID;
/* additonal fields omitted for brevity */
/* also, private fields with getters and setters would be better */
Then, create a list of such objects before the while loop:
QList<HistoryItem*> innerResult;
while (queryInner.next()) {
/* snip */
HistoryItem* item = new HistoryItem();
item.channelId = channelIDInner;
/* more lines ommited */
emit historyLoaded(innerResult);
Obviously, you also need a matching signal definition in your worker class:
Q_SIGNAL void historyLoaded(QList<HistoryItem*> result);
Also as noted in the comments, you have to start the background thread with QThread::start().

You may benefit from continuous loading:
You only load the elements that will be in view and only request the next set when they get scrolled into view (or just at a much lower pace in the background in general).
This can for example be done with Adding an object to the window object with the appropriate signal and letting the js trigger it when the end becomes visible.


How to get data for a custom widget using an async source

I'm new to QT and I would like some help. If any of you could help me I would really appreciate it.
I have an asynchronous class that makes an HTTP request and it's going to receive some data into a JSON format and from there I will extract the necessary information which should be passed to my custom widget. How can I do that? Because I don't know when the information will arrive.
My HTTP request and parsing JSON class:
WeatherAPI::WeatherAPI(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {
manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
QObject::connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply * )), this, SLOT(readData(QNetworkReply * )));
void WeatherAPI::readData(QNetworkReply *reply) {
if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
QString strReply = (QString) reply->readAll();
QJsonDocument jsonResponse = QJsonDocument::fromJson(strReply.toUtf8());
QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonResponse.object();
weatherObject.city = jsonObject["name"].toString();
weatherObject.temperature = QString::number(jsonObject["main"].toObject()["temp"].toDouble() - 273.15);
int ts = jsonObject["dt"].toInt();
weatherObject.time = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(ts).toString("hh:mm");
auto weatherData = jsonObject["weather"].toArray()[0].toObject()["main"].toString();
if (weatherData == "Clouds") {
weatherObject.icon = "Sun.png";
} else {
qDebug() << "ERROR";
void WeatherAPI::requestDataForCity(const QString &city) {
QString link = linkTemplate.arg(city, key);
QUrl url(link);
const WeatherObject &WeatherAPI::getWeatherObject() const {
return weatherObject;
Now here is my custom Widget:
void WeatherButton::initStyle(const QJsonValue &json) {
auto cities = json.toObject()["cities"].toArray();
api = new WeatherAPI(this);
for (auto c: cities) {
QString city = c.toString();
api->requestDataForCity(city); // HERE I'm making the http request
WeatherObject data = api->getWeatherObject();//HERE I'm getting the DATA
m_title = data.city;
m_time = data.time;
m_icon = data.icon;
m_temperature = data.temperature;
In that function from WeatherButton::initStyle I'm going to make an HTTP request and also I'm going to place the data into the necessary variable. Now my question is... How can I wait for that data to be received and just after that to place them into those variables?
So far the only solution I know so far is to use a QEventLoop, but at that moment I'm going to basically convert an async call into a sync one, which is not quite what I want. I want to be fully async.
WeatherObject data = api->getWeatherObject(); //HERE I'm getting the DATA
No, you do not get the data here. WeatherAPI::readData is where you get the data.
That is the point of the Signal - Slot mechanism. You do not wait for an event to happen, but react to it via callback, i.e. slot.
Having that in mind, you have to rethink and extend your code. Here is one way to do this:
In the WeatherAPI class define a dataReady(const WeatherObject &weatherObject) signal
Emit this signal in WeatherAPI::readData like this:
void WeatherAPI::readData(QNetworkReply *reply) {
if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
// the processing of the http response remains unchanged
// ...
emit dataReady(weatherObject);
} else {
qDebug() << "ERROR";
In the WeatherButton class define a onDataReady slot with the following implementation:
void WeatherButton::onDataReady(const WeatherObject &weatherObject) {
m_title = weatherObject.city;
m_time = weatherObject.time;
m_icon = weatherObject.icon;
m_temperature = weatherObject.temperature;
Connect the newly created signal and slot in WeatherButton::initStyle like this:
void WeatherButton::initStyle(const QJsonValue &json) {
auto cities = json.toObject()["cities"].toArray();
api = new WeatherAPI(this);
connect(api, &WeatherAPI::dataReady, this, &WeatherButton::onDataReady);
for (auto c: cities) {
QString city = c.toString();
api->requestDataForCity(city); // HERE I'm making the http request
As a sidenote I should say, that initStyle is probably not the best place to instantiate the WeatherAPI. api seems to be an attribute of WeatherButton, hence it should be initialized in the constructor of the class.

Wait till request finished Qt

My program is getting data from mysql table via json format through php script, that generating json.
My function sends to server post request (with some params) and getting response. With that all okay. Works fine.
But, when I want to get specified cell (data from json array), it takes empty string (program works fast and taking data from a string before it sets up)
Here's the code with post request:
void dbase::requestor(QString option)
curr_js = ""; //nulling string
QString urla = host+"transfer.php";
// /////////
QNetworkAccessManager * manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
QUrl url(urla);
QNetworkRequest request(url);
request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
QUrlQuery params;
params.addQueryItem("api", key);
params.addQueryItem("option", option);
//QEventLoop loop;
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)),this, SLOT(replyFinished(QNetworkReply *)));
//loop.exec(); tryed eventloop, but bcuz of this my replyFinished is not accessible. error code under this one
manager->post(request, params.query().toUtf8());
If using eventloop
QObject::connect: No such slot QEventLoop::replyFinished(QNetworkReply *)
replyFinished function (setting up variable)
void dbase::replyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)
curr_js = reply->readAll();
Usage (where is problem)
QString req = "SOME REQUEST";
if (database.db_cell (0,0) == "")
qDebug()<<database.db_cell (0,0) << " - EMPTY - "<<database.curr_js;
So in this case I'm getting
"" - EMPTY - ""
But if I getting data from string (created button for test), it's there:
{"0":["1", "Admin","hashpwd"],"1":["2", "Albert","hashpwd"]}
db_cell function
QString dbase::db_cell (int indexrow, int indexcols)
QJsonDocument sd = QJsonDocument::fromJson(curr_js.toUtf8());
QJsonObject setobj = sd.object();
QJsonValue qqq = setobj.value(QString(QString::number(indexrow))).toArray()[indexcols];
return qqq.toString();
As I see, problem is that program need to wait before getting a data from json-string.

How to pass a parameter using QSignalMapper, incompatible sender/receiver arguments

void Test::addProcessToList(const QString &command, const QString &id, const BasicInfo &basicInfo) {
QProcess *console = new QProcess();
QSignalMapper* signalMapper = new QSignalMapper (this) ;
connect (console, SIGNAL(readyRead()), signalMapper, SLOT(map())) ;
connect (console, SIGNAL(finished(int)), signalMapper, SLOT(processFinished(int))) ;
signalMapper->setMapping (console, id) ;
connect (signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(pidOut(QString))) ;
void Test::registerProcess(QString id) {
QProcess *console = qobject_cast<QProcess*>(QObject::sender());
QByteArray processOutput = console->readAll();
int mainPID = parsePID(processOutput);
BasicInfo basicInfo;
qDebug() << "Registering id: " + id + " mainPID: " + mainPID;
if(mainPID != 0) {
Main::getInstance()->addProcessToList(mainPID, packageId, basicInfo);
} else {
qWarning() << "pidOut Error fetching mainPID";
void Test::processFinished(int exitCode) {
QProcess *console = qobject_cast<QProcess*>(QObject::sender());
QByteArray processOutput = console->readAll() + QString("Finished with code %1").arg(exitCode).toLatin1();
qDebug() << " processFinished: " + processOutput;
void addProcessToList(const QString &command, const QString &id, const BasicInfo &basicInfo);
private slots:
void registerProcess(QString);
void processFinished(int);
I get this errors when I call connect, which tells me I'm doing it wrong:
"QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments
QSignalMapper::mapped(int) --> Test::registerProcess(QString)"
I'm not understanding where I'm suppose to specify my parameter (QString id) so that registerProcess will receive it when it's called? I'm assuming I'm doing this part wrong, cut from above:
signalMapper->setMapping (console, id) ;
connect (signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(pidOut(QString))) ;
QSignalMapper can emit either mapped(const QString & text) or mapped(int i) signals. The type is defined by setMapping(QObject * sender, int id) or setMapping(QObject * sender, const QString & text).
That led to confusion probably by autocompletion in
connect (signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(pidOut(QString)));
The types of signal and slot must be the same for connection.
You set string mapping (QString &id), so the signal in the connection should be QString:
connect (signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), this, SLOT(pidOut(QString)));
After deeper review of the code flow I suspect that you wanted to connect mapper to registerProcess() slot instead of pidOut(). In that slot you can have as an argument QString id that was passed to signalMapper in setMapping() call. That is the purpose of using QSignalMapper.
However, beside that id it is not possible to extract console pointer, since in that case sender() is signalMapper object. If it is the case, QSignalMapper cannot help you here. You should use direct connection of console and this on readReady (of course with slot of this with void argument as readReady()). To get the string id in that slot it is possible to use simple QMap<QProces*, QString> map stored as a Test class member.
// addProcessToList(...):
map[console] = id;
QString id = map[console];
By the way, it is not needed to created a new instance of QSignalMapper for each map item.

QSqlDatbase is closed before the query finishes

I am trying to implement a database object for my application, but it became a nightmare when I started using multiple connections. Below, you can see my database C++ class code:
// here are the declarations
QString server_addr;
QString username;
QString password;
QString database_name;
QSqlDatabase connection;
QString error;
QString connectionName;
QSqlQuery m_query;
// and here are the definitions
database::database(QString connectionName) {
preferences p; p.read();
QString iConnectionName = (connectionName == "") ? default_connection_name : connectionName;
this->connectionName = iConnectionName;
if (QSqlDatabase::contains(iConnectionName))
this->connection = QSqlDatabase::database(iConnectionName);
else this->connection = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL", iConnectionName);
if (!connection.open())
this->error = this->connection.lastError().text();
else this->error = "";
QSqlQuery database::query(QString query_text) {
this->m_query = QSqlQuery(query_text, this->connection);
return m_query;
database::~database() {
if (!this->m_query.isActive()) QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(this->connectionName);
qDebug() << "database object destroyed\n";
The problem occurs in a another class (that uses the database):
databaseAdaptor::databaseAdaptor() {
this->db = database();
// other construction operations
void databaseAdaptor::fetch() {
QSqlQuery q = db.query("SELECT * FROM `activities`");
qDebug() << "Rows count: " << q.numRowsAffected();
It worked some versions in the past, but for some reason, now the output from qDebug() is
Rows count: -1 // and it should be 2 for my current version of database.
In the Qt Documentation, it is said that this class' members are thread-safe. Could this be the problem? I mean, could the thread end before the queries finish their execution?
If so, how can I keep the connection open until all the queries finished their execution?
(I know it's much to read, but I am sure that other might have this problem at some point, so please take your time and read it). Thank you!

Qt pass additional argument to slot AND keep emitted signal data

I have searched the web on this issue and I've repeatedly got answers referring to the use of QSignalMapper. But my problem is pretty clear, QSignalMapper automatically gets rid of whatever is originally emitted and replaces it with basically nothing, plus the new data that is set via setMapping().
The problem here is simple.
I have a QNetworkAccessManager that parses html and updates a vector containing text data:
void DataManager::startHttpRequest(QString url, int index)
QNetworkAccessManager *manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
//QSignalMapper* signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
//connect(manager,SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), signalMapper,SLOT(map()));
//signalMapper->setMapping(manager, index);
//connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(insertUpdate(int)));
qDebug() << index;
and here is what happens when the request is finished, the normal way:
void DataManager::finishHttpRequest(QNetworkReply *reply)
QString html = QString(reply->readAll()).simplified();
QString info;
int start = html.indexOf("<span id=\"SalePrice\" >");
if(start != -1)
QString price = html.mid(start + 23, 30);
int end = price.indexOf("</span>");
info = price.mid(0, end - 1);
qWarning() << price.mid(0, end - 1);
info = "NA";
// Do more stuff
Using the normal way of signals and slots, I would not be able to know the index of the vector I am updating,
If I am using QSignalMapper, I know the index, but not the data that comes with it.
How do I get BOTH working (index + data)?
(something like mySlot(QNetworkReply *reply, int *index), but we all know that won't work)
Many thanks in advance.
While it's probably not the best,
sender()->setObjectName(const QString & name) allows the sender to name itself.
The sender's name can be accessed from the receiving slot via sender()->ObjectName()
As documented on http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qobject.html#objectName-prop.