I'm currently using this REST service to retrieve list items:
_api/lists/getbytitle('List Title')/items?$oderby=DueDate
Is it possible to use some query parameter to filter the items newer/older than a specific date, using the standard Modified date field?
I found the answer myself: using the $filter parameter with OData expression
/items?$filter=Modified gt datetime'2014-11-27T12:00:00.000Z'
Is it possible to attach details from one sharepoint list to another like vlookup in excel? For example if I type unique index in one field, all details will be import from another sharepoint list. Any ideas how to do that? Can't find any solution.
You could use lookup column in the SharePoint list.
Reference: How to create a Lookup column in SharePoint
Sharepoint lists are not linkable like tables in relative databases. You could write a webpart or script or something else to 'connect' them.
You can use the APIs to get their contents and write a function which processes the contents. After processing you could use another API to write the results in another SharePoint List.
GET List_1 Data
GET List_2 Data
Process(List_1_data, List_2_data)
POST result to List_n
Using ColdFusion 2016, does anyone know if its possible to include a date when using cfindex, and then search within date ranges using cfsearch? So I could index documents, including their upload date to the collection, and then say search only documents uploaded in 2019?
I've managed to get a date into the collection, using a custom field of type date/_dt. Now how to search it ...
I need to get the item from a list that was created today.
Basically an item is created once a day in a list at any time. What I need is to be able to get that item using rest api.
http://server.domain.com/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('MyList')/items/?$filter=Created eq datetime('DD.MM.YYYY')
But this doesn't work ...
Any idea how I can get the today created item using rest?
The datetime function should be used like datetime'01.03.2013'
http://server.domain.com/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('MyList')/items/?$filter=Created eq datetime'01.03.2013'
I am trying to implement a feature in a list from WSS3.0.
Basically I have a list and I want to add items to the list but I want to check first if there is already any item with the same value in a specific column.
I have a column named "My Key Field" and I want the values in this field to be unique. So, for example, if I have a record in the list where "My Key Field=65 210" I should not be able to add a new item when a users inserts the same value for the "My Key Field".
Any ideas on how to do this? A simple solution would be great considering my lack of skills concerning to Sharepoint programming....but I am flexible and I can learn.
Thanks for your attention!
The SPServices library has a method for this, called SPRequireUnique. It relies on SharePoint Web services.
For the record, you get this feature out of the box in SP 2010.
I have a Sharepoint list and I need to get its items through the exposed webservice using the GetListItems method.
It worked fine until the number of items in the list reached 2005 (I discovered the problem at 2005, it might have happened a bit earlier, maybe at 2000 if we like round numbers)
The list I use has a default view "My items" which is supposed to filter items according to me, and I need some extra filtering on a column that contains a reference to a week.
Here a re the parameters I use:
listName: {E5FDF537-0A1F-47F7-BFEE-0922B5F6ED20}
viewName: null (gives exact same result with real view id).
query: <Where><Eq><FieldRef
Name="Week" /><Value
viewFields: null
rowLimit: null
queryOptions: <IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns><DateInUtc>TRUE</DateInUtc>
webId: null
The problem is that I get the items as if the filter on me was not present, and if I try do do it by myself (with <UserID Type=\"Integer\" />), I just get no items (no errors, just no items).