Visual Studio 2013 Manual Testing using .testsettings - unit-testing

I see that only 3 test projects exist.
Coded UI Test Project
Unit Test Project
Web Performance and Load Test Project
I have setup a .testsettings file for my solution that enables Network Emulation (link)
In order to start up network emulation I have to run one of the test projects listed above, all of the above test projects are designed for automatic testing. I want to be able to debug and test my project(s) manually while Network Emulation is on, currently the only way to do that is to create a Unit Test, start it, and then just call the other projects Main method (that I want to manually), the problem with this is that sometimes the program's UI does not show (unit test debug mode it does not - I am unsure why). Unit testing was not designed for such a thing anyway.
So really, is there a way to enable Network Emulation while I debug normally, or manually enable/disable the network emulator in the background for when I need it?
For those that don't know, Network Emulator slows down traffic in/out of the machine to emulate real networked environments, it automatically starts up on the default network adapter when a test starts and closes when a test finishes

I decided to write my own small program that starts up the emulator without the need of visual studio testing/visual studio opened. For anyone that is interested it is based off this post:
Code is here:


Need ideas for automating on-chip testing on Cortex-M4 using gdb and semihosting

I'm working on safety-critical software that requires extensive testing. The target processor, a Cortex-M4, has rich resources for the application but the unit and integration tests, if aggregated, would be much larger than the on-board FLASH/RAM. They are designed to be run from gdb while using semi-hosting to off-load the test results. What's needed is a way to automate the testing so it can be run without per-test human intervention.
The test programs run fine from Eclipse using both OpenOCD and Segger debugger front-ends. These require per-test configurations and then manual starting of the tests. There will be 30-50 test programs so this isn't really viable for continuous integration or simple batch runs.
I've been looking around for possible ways to do this. There are a few tricky bits to consider. The first is supporting the semihosting of the output. That uses the breakpoint system to have the I/O from the host. In this use, a couple of files get opened on the host computer for logs. Another issue is ending the program being tested and loading the next. The programs can take a long time to run and drop into an infinite loop when the main() is exited. And the development platform is Windows 10.
The two basic ideas I've had are to use the gdb client library from cygwin to create a custom program or to use OpenOCD. Running through multiple tests could be done inside the application or from a Makefile.
Question: is the semihosting done in the gdb client or server?
So... Looking for some suggestions or experiences in creating what I picture as a custom gdb client in Win10.

UWP Unit Test App Blank

I've created a UWP Unit Test App in the past and remember it working fine.
I just tried to create a new one from scratch and hit F5 (no references, one empty test method) - out of box template.
I get a successful compile and launch, however the app window is empty and does not present the UWP testing UI.
Is this a known issue, or some basic prerequisite I've overlooked?
I'm running Visual Studio 15.5.5 on Windows 10 1709 (16299.192)
The Unit Test App should not be launched directly, instead it should run through the Test Explorer. In Test menu, choose Windows, and then choose Test Explorer. In the Unit Test Explorer window click Run all. This should execute all your tests. For more information follow the walkthrough here.

How to start program before login in windows in c++? [duplicate]

I've written a console program that "does stuff" - mainly using boost. How do I convert it to a Windows Service?
What should I know about Windows Services beforehand?
There's a good example on how to set up a minimal service on MSDN. See the parts about writing the main function, entry point and also the example code.
Once you've got a windows service built and running, you'll discover the next major gotcha: it's a pain to debug. There's no terminal (and hence no stdout/stderr) and as soon as you try to run the executable it actually launches the service then returns to you.
One trick I've found very useful is to add a -foreground option to your app so that if you run with that flag then it bypasses the service starter code and instead runs like a regular console app, which makes it vastly easier to debug. In VS.Net set up the debugging options to invoke with that flag.
There's a really good example on msdn here
It's a boiler plate C++ service project that has self install/uninstall functionality and logs service start and stop events to the windows event log. It can be stopped and started through the services app (snapin) like other services. You may want to initially give it LocalSystem rights to see it working , as on xp at least it doesn't have enough rights to start with the project provided rights of LocalService. The Visual Studio 2008 project otherwise runs out of the box despite the downloaded instructions implying otherwise.
A bit late but I hope this helps someone else.
You might be able to 'wrap it' using this tool from CodeProject:
Worth a look.
The simplest solution might be to create a new Windows Service project in Visual Studio and copy across your code to the new project.
If you refactor your code so that you've split the UI (in this case the console) from the logic you could create a library that does the work and then call that from both the Console project and the Service Project.
You can configure an application to run as a service by using the Srvany tool, which is a part of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools.
Srvany allows only one service at same time. So I write my srvany (sFany) to make nginx and php-cgi run as windows service together. Here is the source

How to run C++ test on visual studio online

I have test cases that are executable (*.exe files). There is no user interface involved.
How do I use Team center /visual studio online to run these test cases on server.
For now, either on demand running or scheduled running will work for me.
(Currently I have no test case that runs on server. So you may mention the basic setup. )
I have written some test cases (they are exe files). I can run them locally line any other exe file.
My code is in C++.
My test cases are in C++.
You could run them as part of your build. Just configure a build in VSO for your solution, and then modify the msbuild project file to call your tests and send the output to the build folder so it gets uploaded as part of the drop. If you are using VS, you would get a better experience using the VS unit testing support (i.e., get results in VS):

Windows 8 App in Visual Studio 2012 - NUnit Test Adapter sees unit tests but does not run them

I have a Windows 8 Store App with two projects within the solution - one project exclusively for tests. I have added NUnit and NUnit Test Adapter ( for this through nuget.
My tests are detected - but I cannot run or debug them. Looking at the test output window, I get the following error:
Could not find test executor with URI 'executor://nunittestexecutor/'. Make sure that the test executor is installed and supports .net runtime version 4.0.30319.34003.
I am not using resharper and I am using Visual Studio Professional 2012 Update 3 on Windows 8.1. References for the test project are as follows:
Based on my comments above, below is a workaround. Unfortunately at this stage, Windows 8.1 store Unit Test project types, using NUnit extension wouldn't work due to the different .NET targets. I tried with different Test Unit Adapters including an NUnitTestAdapterWithFramework.
It seems that the issue you haveing was occurring with standard .NET libraries targeting NUnit test adapter but the above NUnitTestAdapterWithFramework must have fixed those issue. See the Q & A section of the NUnitTestExtension
But unfortunatly it seems that this still of an issue that hasn't been fixed for Win8 Store App type Unit Testing. Pretty sure xUnit.NET also not compatible yet with different .NET target types (i,e WinRT)
So what are the options?
a. For your group, you can change them to use MSTest framework. Outcome - Problem Solved no issues.
b. Workaround "linked project". Outcome - Can't *guarantee** but this should also work.
With option 'b'
In your comment you mentioned.
but I'm still not sure what it does or how to implement a 'linked
project', do you have any more information on this? Also, as this is
for a group university project, I was hoping i wouldn't have to force
too many workarounds
When you think about it, it is not really hard work around. It is simple and I'm sure your group would be able to apply this workaround easily.
Please follow the below steps.
Create a separate class library in your solution (you can target .NET framework 4).
Then add NUnit assemblies and the NUnit test adapter as usual.
Right click on this project and select 'Add' then 'Existing Item'
Select the Win8 Store Unit Test project and locate the Unit Test file you want to add. When you add the file, make sure you select 'Add As a Link' button. Please see below.
Now rebuild the solution, close and re-open the UnitTest explorer and you should be able to run those tests.
*The reason I said can't guaranteed. I haven't really written Unit tests against Win8 App. So if your SUT (System Under Test) require special configuration it might cause issues. But I'm not sure.
Finally creating a link files are not that hard if everything works you can continue to do this until NUnit has the support for Win8 Unit Testing. Or the other option is simply change all your Unit Tests to use MSTest framework if possible.